With Mehedi

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 13, 2020


With Mehedi

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

With Mehedi -- Chapter 5

I do not recall much of what happened after Mehedi's huge eruption. We both fell asleep laying next to each other still coated in cum. I awoke to Mehedi getting out of bed. I turned to look as he sat with his back to me on the end of the bed.

"Are you ok" I asked looking at him quietly sitting. "I am good Pete. I am sorry for doing that to you last night" Mehedi said softly. Part of me felt sorry for him and another part felt a bit angry. "I never wanted any of this and yet I had done things I never imagined I'd and now he was sorry for doing it to me?" I thought to myself.

"Mehedi, you did not force me to do anything. I am not sure I would have ever done those things with a man, but you did not force me." I said softly. "I am married Pete. What we did is wrong for me too, not just you." I heard his words and I understood where he was coming from but I did not agree with a loveless marriage.

"Why don't you take a shower and we can get something to eat. We can discuss this later." I offered. "Thank you, Pete," Mehedi said rising off the bed. I quietly studied his strong muscular body as he walked to the bathroom. Mehedi's back tapered down his ass which was made up of perfect mounds of muscle. The cheeks were coated in the same soft, dark fur that the rest of his body was covered in.

I got out of bed realizing there was drying cum all over my chest. I walked the dresser and handed Mehedi some fresh underwear. "Here you go" I said turning to him before he got into the bathroom. Mehedi scanned my body looking at the large amount of cum he deposited on me. A smile formed on his face, but he said nothing.

After we showered and dressed, we headed out to get breakfast. Both of us were starving form our sexual workout. Once we polished off a good meal we sat and drank coffee and just talked. The day turned cold and gloomy, so I suggested going home and watching some TV.

Something was different about Mehedi. It felt more awkward, he was quieter than before. "What are you thinking about?" I asked as we drove. Mehedi stared out the window. "I should not have done that to you Pete" Mehedi said so softly I barely heard him.

"I am a grown man. You did not force me to do something I did not want." I said my voice raising in defiance. "Sure, I never did it before and maybe I would never have done it, but when it was happening, I didn't really stop it either." I said. "I'm sorry Pete" Mehedi said again turning his gaze back to the window.

"Don't be" I said placing my hand on his. Mehedi did not remove my hand and I left it there while we drove. Once we got home, I grabbed some sweats for Mehedi and me to throw on. The day was cold and rainy and hanging out in front of the TV would be good for both of us. Once we changed, we settled on the sofa and found a movie we both agreed to.

"Can I tell you something Pete?" Mehedi asked and I paused the movie. "Sure" I said simply. "You are the first man I have kissed." He said shyly. "Really? I thought you had been with a man in Jordan" I replied confused. "Yes, but he does not kiss, he just lets me do things to his penis and that is all" He replied.

"Did you like it?" I asked. "Like doing things to him was good" Mehedi replied. "No, I mean did you like kissing me?" I asked curiously. "It was amazing Pete. I never felt so" Mehedi stopped trying to find a word. "Connected?" I offered. "Yes Pete. I have never felt so connected to a person like when we kissed like that." He said excited. "Me too" I said softly after several quiet minutes of reflection.

There was a silent electricity in the room. I could feel my dick getting hard thinking about what had happened with Mehedi. I placed my hands over my bulge trying to conceal it. Mehedi looked down at the growing mound. I caught his glance and a smile crossed his face.

Mehedi slid closer to me on the sofa and placed his hand on my chest. "I like your body" He said as he softly moved his hand over my chest. "Thanks" I said awkwardly thinking my body was nothing compared to his.

Mehedi's warm hand caressed my chest, his fingers slid over my left nipple and gave it a tender squeeze. It sent electric energy through my body. I had played with my nipples when I jerked off because it felt so good, unfortunately my wife never touched them. Mehedi on the other hand seemed to know exactly how to stimulate me.

I moaned as he applied more pressure to my nipple causing my dick to jump in my pants. "Do you like?" Mehedi asked. I shook my head but said no words. Mehedi lifted my shirt exposing my chest then bent forward and placed his lips on my nipple. At first, he softly kissed it, then he started to swirl his tongue over it and then he applied some pressure with this lips.

I placed my hand behind his head and pulled him deeper into my nipple. "Suck it." I hissed and Mehedi applied greater pressure. Mehedi reached up with his hand and started to play with the right nipple. Now I was going crazy as he manipulated both at the same time. "Fuck" I moaned as waves of energy flooded my body.

Mehedi's mouth and hand were driving me crazy but I wanted his mouth on mine. I reached under his head and pulled him off my nipple. I drove my mouth towards his and forced my tongue roughly into his mouth. Mehedi did not hesitate, he opened his mouth allowing me to enter. I wanted him and I felt like I could not get close enough to him.

Mehedi reached for the bulge in my sweats and started to rub as I continued to kiss him. My back arched from the combination of sensations. I had never experienced lust like this. Lust was taking over and I was not fully in control.

Mehedi managed to pull my pants down and expose my dick. It was rock hard, and his rough hand felt warm and good on it. "Suck it" I said pulling my mouth off his. Mehedi dropped my dick and stood up. I looked up at him dazed and confused. Then he reached down to take my hand. Without a word he led me upstairs.

Once we were in the bedroom Mehedi turned to me and smiled. He reached for my shirt and pulled it up over my head. I reached for his to do the same, but he stopped me. Then Mehedi pulled my sweatpants and briefs down. Now I was completely naked in front of him. Mehedi got down on his knees and swallowed my dick in one gulp. My body quivered from the sensation.

I placed my hands on his shoulders as he began to suck my dick just as he had before. "Oh, fuck Mehedi, that feels incredible" I moaned as Mehedi worked my hard cock. I grasped Mehedi's shoulders and started to move my hips forward and back driving my cock into his mouth. Mehedi did not stop me he just held on taking my dick no matter how hard I fucked his mouth.

I could feel my orgasm getting close and I knew I would flood Mehedi's mouth shortly. Mehedi must have realized this too as he abruptly pulled his mouth off my cock. I looked down at him lust in my eyes, confused and a bit annoyed that he stopped.

"Lay on the bed" Mehedi said rising to his feet. I did as I was told and laid down moving over to allow him room. Slowly Mehedi removed his shirt as I watched. I liked the look of his strong muscular torso with the soft dark hair that trailed down his midsection to the top of the sweatpants. Mehedi then hooked his fingers into the elastic band removing the rest of his cloths.

As the elastic band passed over his cock the thick hard dick snapped back against his belly. Mehedi looked at me proud of himself as I waited for him to get into bed next to me. Instead Mehedi climbed on top of me, straddling my body on each side.

Mehedi now towered over me as I looked up over his body. I slide my hands up his hairy legs to his inner thighs and reached for his large hard cock. Mehedi moved my hand away with a smile. "I want you in me Pete" Mehedi said and I thought he meant he was going to suck my dick again.

Mehedi had a very different idea. Mehedi moved forward and reached under him to take hold of my cock. He raised his body up and then positioning the head of my cock as he lowered his ass down onto it. Mehedi moved slowly sliding my dick deeper and deeper inside him.

After a few minutes he came to rest on my legs and my dick was deeply implanted in him. A look of pain and pleasure was on his face as he breathed deeply. "Are you ok?" I asked worried he was in pain. Mehedi did not answer he just bent down bringing his lips to mine. I placed my hand behind his head and kissed him back.

After a few minutes Mehedi pulled away and sat upright. A new expression on his face. It was sexy and dirty and a bit boyish. Mehedi placed his hands on my chest, finding my nipples and slowly playing with them. Then almost at the same time he started to lift his body up so that my dick slid out of his ass, but before exiting he slid back down.

My eyes bulged at the combined sensations; Mehedi continued the process rising back up then back down again and repeated this slow methodical movement several more times at the same pace. Soon his pace increased, and my dick was sliding in and out of his tight hole.

Mehedi's dick was hard like a lead pipe and purple from trapped blood. I reached for it while he drove his ass up and down on my cock. Mehedi stopped me. Again, I reached for it and this time he took my hands and pinned them to the bed, an evil grin on his face.

Mehedi continued fucking himself with my dick faster and faster. I watched as waves of pleasure crossed his face with each pass. I could feel my dick swell and grow inside him. Mehedi moaned loudly as he continued driving my cock into his ass. Panting and sweating as he went.

Mehedi's face and body turned beet red as intense waves ran through his body, then still holding my hands he bent down and placed his mouth on mine. My tongue slipped inside his mouth and as it did something warm and wet shot between us hitting my body and up to my chin. Mehedi was cumming. Huge hot wet blasts shot between our bodies.

When Mehedi started to cum, his ass tightened on my dick and that added pressure, pushing me past my control. The sensation on my dick, his lips on mine and the cum flowing across my body was more than I could handle. With a great thrust my cock swelled inside him and cum blasted his ass.

The mixture of sensations was so incredible that I pulled my mouth from his and sucked in a breath. For a moment the only movement was the flow of my cum. Finally, my breath returned as waves of pleasure hit every nerve in my body. When it was over, I lay trembling on the bed. Mehedi propped himself up and looked down at me. A great satisfied smile on his face.

Beads of sweat formed on his face and body as I watched his muscles heave from heavy breathing. Slowly he bent forward and placed his lips on my chin. He sucked on my chin then moved his mouth to mine. My tongue encountered a salty slick substance, and, in a moment, I realized it was cum that had hit me from his great blast. I greedily sucked the cum off his tongue.

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