With Mehedi

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 13, 2020


With Mehedi

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

With Mehedi -- Chapter 4

Mehedi's lips again found my neck sending gentle waves of sensations through my body. The kisses were gentle, occasionally his tongue would dart out touching my skin. Mehedi made only the smallest movements testing as he went. I did not fight him or try to untangle myself from his muscular embrace.

As he held me and kissed my neck and shoulder, I could feel his large dick pulse and throb, his jeans not enough to contain the thick cock. Mehedi's embrace became more intense, his dick began to grind into me with more intensity. Suddenly I started to feel very uncomfortable. This was not right. Not what I wanted.

"Mehedi stop" I said softly placing my hands against his chest trying to push him away. Mehedi did not stop, he held tight. "Mehedi, No." I said with more voice still pushing against his massive chest. Mehedi's lips came off my neck and looked at me. His eyes had a mixture of lust and disappointment. He looked like a boy who was reprimanded for something he didn't realize he had done.

"Mehedi, I can't" I said finally untangling myself from his embrace. I bent down and pulled up my briefs and started to walk away. "I am sorry Pete" Mehedi said so softly that I could barely hear it. I turned to see him looking sad. A feeling of horrible guilt came over me as I watched him.

Mehedi turned to leave again. "Mehedi come here" I said not wanting him to go out into the cold night alone and sad. "I should leave Pete" Mehedi said with his back to me. I walked over to him and took him by the hand. "Come with me." I repeated. I led Mehedi through the foyer but instead of going to the living room, I headed up to my bedroom. Mehedi followed like a lost puppy.

"Take off your cloths" I said to Mehedi and watched as a confused look crossed his face. "It's ok" I said then waited for him to undress. Mehedi pulled off his shirt, then his shoes and pants. "That's enough" I said as he hooked his fingers into his boxers to remove his underwear.

I got into bed and slid over. "Come here Mehedi" I said, patting the bed for him to lay down. Mehedi awkwardly slide his large muscled torso into the bed next to me. I reached over and flicked off the light and we laid quietly in bed for a moment. Neither of us made any movement or sound.

I reached out and placed my hand on his body making contact with his abs. Mehedi's body reacted to my touch. "I do not understand Pete" Mehedi said softly. I could not help but wonder what I was doing either, so it was no surprise that he was confused.

"I don't know" I said softly realizing I had no clue what was happening. Something drew me to Mehedi; was it his innocence, his strong body, his good looks or just his vulnerability and loneliness? And maybe my own loneliness. Mehedi placed his hand on top of mine and just sighed.

"Pete, you are very good handsome man" Mehedi said softly and I could feel myself blush. "Thanks" I said awkwardly. I had never heard those words from a man. "I've never done that with a guy before" I said breaking the silence. "Did you like it what I do to you?" Mehedi asked forcing me to think about it. My dick jumped a bit as I thought about the blowjob, he had just given me.

"Yes, it was really good" I said shyly. It was hard admitting that I did like it. I could feel Mehedi's chest swell as he took a breath and held it. "I could do again anytime you want" Mehedi offered and I stifled a bit of a chuckle at his eagerness.

"This is the first time I am with a man since I left Jordan, Pete" Mehedi said. I felt so bad for him for his situation, for his circumstances by which he was forced to live his life. I knew in my marriage I felt trapped near the end, but I had the option to leave, to say it wasn't working and get a divorce. Mehedi did not feel like he had those options.

Instinctively I moved closer to him. My hand draped over his body as my face came in contact with his soft shoulder. I moved my lips to his shoulder. His skin was soft and warm as I pressed my lips to his body. I was surprised to feel how soft and familiar his body felt. I guess I had an expectation that a man's body would feel different than a women's with some obvious exceptions.

Mehedi rolled over to face me. Now his face was close to mine. Without thinking about what I was doing, I moved forward and placed my lips on Mehedi's, I placed my hand on his head. Mehedi's lips were warm and thick, and the beard pressed against my face. Mehedi received my kiss and moved forward applying equal pressure to my lips.

Things swirled in my head faster than I could process them. I never imagined kissing a man and now that I was doing it, I had to admit it felt strange, but at the same time good. As we started to kiss, Mehedi moved even closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my body and drew me to him.

Mehedi parted his lips slightly and I could feel his tongue move forward. The strange sensation on my lips caused me to shiver. He did not force it in, he just gently probed. Reluctantly I parted my lips just enough to allow the tip of his tongue to enter. The thick tongue was warm and wet, and he slid it slowly between my open lips. I closed my eyes and allowed his tongue to enter my mouth. I had never felt anything like this before. I could not believe how fast my heart was racing.

I reached out and wrapped my arms around Mehedi pulling him closer to me. My passion started to rise as I sucked his tongue deeper into my mouth. I started using my tongue as we continued the passionate embrace. Mehedi moaned and writhed on the bed, rubbing his bulge into me, grinding it into my growing bulge.

Mehedi moved his hand between us not breaking the kiss. I could feel him releasing his dick from his briefs freeing the large member from the tight constraints of cotton. His large penis was pressed between us and I could feel the warmth of the shaft and head riding up over my abs. Mehedi moved closer pressing his dick against my abs as we made out.

I could feel a warm wetness against my abs. Mehedi's precum was being spread over my abs with each movement he made. I slid my hand between us and wrapped my fingers around the shaft. Mehedi moaned deeply into my mouth and his tongue darted against mine.

Mehedi's dick felt huge in my hand. The only dick I had ever touched before this in my 40 years was my own. With my hand wrapped around Mehedi cock he started to pump my hand as if he were fucking. The big dick drove between my fingers and up against my body. As he moved his kiss became more passionate, more intense.

Mehedi placed his hands behind me and pulled me even harder into him as his cock rode between us. Faster and faster he pumped. I kept my hand wrapped tight around his cock as he drove it harder and harder. Precum was now sliding between our bodies.

Mehedi moaned deeply into my mouth, his hands moved all over my body as his pistoning cock went to work. Faster and faster he went pushing his dick into me like a wild animal. The smell of his musk mixed with the smell of precum as sweat started to form between us.

Mehedi moved his lips from mine, leaving my mouth feeling empty. Mehedi moved his head near my ear and moaned as he thrashed around. His body tensed and the muscles rippled and flexed under me. Mehedi's hand continued to feel my body, rubbing up and down as he pumped his dick into my hand.

"OH Pete, I am going to cum" he said grunting the words. Before I could respond he gave one huge thrust and warm wet cum shot up between our bodies. Mehedi began pumping once more as the cum was now acting as lube in my hand and his dick slide more freely. "Don't stop Pete" Mehedi said loud as he pumped. Another huge blast shot from his dick.

Mehedi's body slowly relaxed as he laid next to me with his eyes closed. I looked at him studying his face covered in sweat. I moved in and placed my lips on his. I wanted to kiss him, there was something about him that made me want to take care of him and make him feel good.

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Next: Chapter 5

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