With Mehedi

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 8, 2020


With Mehedi

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

With Mehedi -- Chapter 3

I left the shower still shaking from the intense orgasm. I pulled on some clean underwear and got into bed. It was a long confusing day. I looked over and the clock read 11:17pm. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

A loud alarm shook me out of a sound sleep. I opened my eyes and jumped out of bed. It was the house alarm. "What the fuck?" I said as I ran out of the room and down the stairs. The noise was so loud I could not think straight. When I got to the front door Mehedi was in the doorway shaking.

I punched in the 5-digit code to disarm the alarm. "What the fuck?" I barked at him without thinking. Mehedi was dressed and standing confused and scared. "I am sorry Pete; I was leaving and did not know about alarm." He said on the verge of tears. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I was going to leave. I do not want to be a burden to you anymore." He said and the boyish vulnerability exuded from the look in his eyes. "You aren't a burden." I said trying to calm down. I looked at Mehedi and tears started to well in his eyes. "It's ok man. No harm done." Mehedi once again started to softly sob. Without thinking I gave him a hug to try to comfort him.

Mehedi leaned into me seeking the comfort I was providing. The warmth of his body felt good against my mostly naked body. Mehedi continued to sob as I held him. Then I felt it, a boner growing between us. Did I send the wrong message again? But then I realized it was me that was getting hard, not Mehedi.

Mehedi must have felt it too, because he pulled me even tighter to him. Soon I could feel him growing and pushing against my cock. Mehedi ran his hand down my back and cupped my ass pulling me deeper to him. His lips moved to my neck and my body broke out in goosebumps. "Mehedi no" I said softly trying to pull away, but he held me in place.

"Please, I need you. I need to feel close to someone. Please." He pleaded. My mind was racing as I tried to pull away, but my dick had other ideas. "I can't Mehedi, I'm not gay" I said as I felt him grind his dick against mine.

Mehedi continued running his lips down my neck to my shoulder. I realized I could have easily pulled away but something other than his arms kept me locked in place. A part of me wanted this. I wanted to feel him next to me. Finally, with a tug I pulled back breaking the embrace, causing myself to back into the wall. Mehedi looked down my nearly naked body. My briefs could not hide my hard dick, which was pointing straight up, the head poking over the top of the elastic band.

Mehedi stepped closer. I could feel the heat coming off his body. I could see the large dick snaking down the leg of his pants. The boyish look was almost gone from his face, replaced with desire and lust. Mehedi stared down at my bulge then he placed his hand on it.

His fingers gently grasped the shaft through the cotton material causing precum to form at the tip. With his free hand he traced over the slit sliding the precum around on the head, then brought his finger up to his lips. My eyes locked on his fingers as he went. Mehedi then stuck out his tongue and licked the precum from his fingers.

"Fuck" I thought to myself not able to move. Mehedi hooked his thumbs into the waistband and gently pulled the briefs down my body, sinking to his knees as he went. He took my cock in hand and pulled it down to his lips, then with one big gulp took me deep into his mouth.

My mind went crazy as my dick buried deeper into his mouth. I had never felt anything like it. It was warm and tight like a pussy but so much more intense. I looked down at Mehedi, his dark hair, his bearded face and my dick deep in his mouth.

I wanted to fight it and I didn't want to fight it all at the same time. I placed my hands on his shoulders and closed my eyes. Mehedi brought his hands up my legs and started to suck my dick. I had gotten blowjobs from women since I was in my teens, some were really bad, some pretty good, but nothing ever felt like this. If I had a word it would be incredible.

Mehedi knew exactly how to work my dick. How to pace his movements, increase and decrease pressure and how to use his tongue and lips in perfect orchestration. My dick was going crazy. I was going crazy as Mehedi continued to suck me.

"Mehedi, please stop" I heard myself try to say through deep moans. Mehedi did not listen he just kept doing what he was doing, and I secretly didn't want to stop him. Without thinking about it I started to run my hand up to his head. My fingers ran through the dark hair. It was soft and silky and it felt good as my fingers ran through it.

I could feel myself getting close. Mehedi was playing with my dick and each time I felt like I would unload he managed to stop somehow. Frustration overtook embarrassment and I was overcome with a desire to orgasm. I placed my hand on the back of his head and I started to fuck his mouth. Mehedi used his lips and tongue to try to control me but I was too far gone.

"You want this. You want my load" I grunted not recognizing the sounds coming from me as I used his mouth. I started pumping wildly into him, but he did not resist, he took whatever I gave him. This only enticed me to go faster, harder and deeper. "Take my dick. Take my load." I said almost yelling. "You asked for it now take it!" And with that I could feel my dick start to unload.

Cum shot into Mehedi's mouth so hard and furious I was sure he would drown. Mehedi did not hesitate, he just swallowed every single drop. Then as my orgasm subsided, he continued draining the remaining drops from me until I was completely spent.

When it was over, I leaned against the wall. My hand still on the back of his head, holding it much more gently now as my dick starting to slowly soften in his mouth. Mehedi took my dick in his hand and released it from his mouth. I looked down to see if he was angry. Instead he kissed the head of my cock gently then looked up at me awaiting praise for a job well done.

I wanted to be mad at him. I wanted to push him away, but there was something in his expression. Something I could not explain. His expression softened my attitude about what happened. As if it were somehow ok. Mehedi got up off his knees and stood in front of me. "Thank you, Pete," He said softly as if I did him a favor. He then moved in and wrapped his muscular frame around me and pulled me to him. I did not pull away. I did not resist. His body enveloped mine and I relaxed into him.

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Next: Chapter 4

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