With Mehedi

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 8, 2020


With Mehedi

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

With Mehedi -- Chapter 2

A weird disgusted feeling came over me as I climbed out of bed to clean up the mess I made. I hadn't had a wet dream since I was a teenager and never had one thinking about sucking another guys dick. What the hell was wrong with me?? I walked to the bathroom and flicked on the light. It took a moment to adjust to the brightness. I found a hand towel and removed my cum soaked underwear.

A huge pool of cum soaked my pubes and the inside of my briefs. I could not believe the amount of cum inside my shorts. I started wiping at the matted pubes trying to soak up as much of the viscous, creamy cum as I could. I finally dropped the hand down on the counter and grabbed a washcloth, wet it slightly and cleaned up the remaining mess.

I returned to my room and slipped on a fresh pair of briefs. I could not help thinking about what caused this sudden wet dream. Sure, it had been a while since I divorced and even before the divorce things weren't terribly sexual. Over the past year, I hadn't felt much like dating. I did check out some porn but found the women to be enough to help me get off but ultimately be too artificial.

In the morning I got up early and brushed my teeth and pulled on some cloths. When I came downstairs Mehedi was still sleeping. He had a long night and I did not want to wake him. I looked down at him and there was something innocent and vulnerable about him. He really seemed like a nice guy and from what he told me it seemed as if he was in a really screwed up situation having to get married to someone he didn't know and did't love and then expected to have kids with that person. I could not imagine a life like that.

A feeling came over me as I studied Mehedi while he slept. I could not describe it fully; It was warm and somehow comforting. I tried to understand the emotion I was having. I supposed it was that for a long time, I lived alone, ate alone. Now with Mehedi here was something nice about having the company.

Mehedi's eyes fluttered open as I stood over him watching him. "Good Morning Pete" Mehedi said softly. "Morning Mehedi. Did you sleep well?" I asked feeling awkward about watching him. "Yes, Pete thank you for your kindness to me." He said closing his eyes tight.

"Why don't you get up and get showered and we can grab some breakfast" I offered without much thought. "Oh, you do not have to trouble for me" Mehedi said again with some poor English. "I do not want to trouble you" he added. "Here is a towel. The bathroom is upstairs first door on the left" I said not waiting for a response.

Mehedi rolled off the sofa and stood up. My eyes inadvertently moved to his crotch. Through the cotton material I could make out the large imprint of his dick. Unlike last night, it was soft, but the outline was still impressive. A lump formed in my throat as the images of sucking his dick caused the wet dream.

Once Mehedi left the room, I busied myself cleaning up the sheets from where he slept then sat down on the sofa to watch the news. All of a sudden, I broke out in a cold sweat as I remembered that I left the cum soaked hand towel and briefs sitting on the counter in the bathroom. I could feel my face flush red and hot. Normally no one uses my bathroom but me and I did not think to put the towel away before coming down.

"He probably won't even notice" I thought trying to convince myself. I started to pace the room worried about what he might say when he came down. "Hey, it's my house, if I want to jerk off I can. You are an uninvited guest" I reasoned in my head. I tried to settle down and took a seat when I heard Mehedi coming down the steps trying to look casual. He was wearing the same boxers and the t-shirt I handed him last night. It was stretched tight over his muscular body and looked much better on him then on me.

Mehedi had a strange sad look on his face. I could not read the expression. Was he going to ask about the mess I left? "Everything ok Mehedi?" I asked cautiously preparing for his question. "I am sorry Pete" he said bowing his head. "Sorry for what?" I asked confused. Mehedi sat on the edge of the sofa his head still bowed and a soft sound came from him. Was he crying?

"What's wrong Mehedi?" I asked now feeling concerned. "I lied to you, to my wife and my family" he said softly. "I am sure it's ok Mehedi. You can talk to me if you want." I offered genuinely concerned. "No, it's not good or right. I am disappointment to everyone." He said sadly. "I doubt that Mehedi. You are a hard worker and you seem like a very nice person" I replied trying to calm him.

"What are you so upset about?" I asked the curiosity getting to me. Mehedi just shook his still bowed head as if to say no I cannot tell you. "Everyone will hate me" he said softly. I moved closer to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Mehedi, just tell me so I can help you get beyond this. You need to talk about it." I offered trying to support him.

"I never want to marry my wife. I do not know her. She is very nice though. I was never with a woman before I marry, and she was first." He said softly. "The first person you had sex with?" I asked confused. "No first woman I have sex with" He replied. "I have sex before my wife, but not with woman" he added. "You had sex with a man?" I asked suddenly understanding.

"Yes, with friend in Jordan. He was older and kind and..." he stopped without continuing. "Do you prefer to be with men? Is that what the issue is?" Mehedi did not answer he just softly shook his head "yes" "In my country, in my religion this is wrong, and I would bring shame to my wife and my family." He said and I could feel the pain in his voice.

"I am sorry Pete. I know you hate me. I should not have told you this" He said breaking the silence. "I don't hate you at all. I don't really care if your gay or straight Mehedi. You should have the right to love who you want to love" I said trying to comfort him. Mehedi started to sob a bit more then leaned into me. I felt very strange being this close to another guy but Mehedi was so distressed I didn't know what else to do.

I held Mehedi as he softly sobbed. It felt odd seeing this hulking muscular guy break down like this. It seemed like all the pent-up feelings were coming out of him and he couldn't hold it back any longer. As he cried, he moved in even closer. I did not know what to say or do so I just tried to provide comfort. Soon his soft sobbing stopped, and we just sat in silence.

"Thank you, Pete." Mehedi said softly, then he placed his hand on my knee. I did not think much about it until he started moving it up my leg. My body froze as his hand rose up closer to my crotch. I stood up quickly moving away from him. "What are you doing?" I asked trying not to sound angry.

Mehedi turned his eyes up to me, there was a sadness, a pleading as if to ask to understand. "I am sorry Pete, I thought..." he broke off the sentence. "It's ok Mehedi. I think you were just lonely and confused." I said letting him off the hook. "Will you tell everyone?" he asked lowering his head again. "No. No of course not. I would never say anything" I said sternly. Mehedi looked up at me again and a sad smile crossed his face.

"Come on buddy let's get some breakfast I offered trying to change the subject. Mehedi stood up still wearing just the boxers and t-shirt. I couldn't help but notice that he was semi-hard and poking out a bit. I must have stared a bit too long because he caught me looking. I quickly turned and went to grab my keys. A few minutes later we were headed to the diner.

"I will try to call my wife's family to get the landlord info soon, Pete." Mehedi said as we drove. "No worries. I do not have any other plans today so there isn't any rush." I said, the truth was that it was nice to have someone to hang out with. Mehedi was an unlikely friend as he was an employee, and I didn't mix work with homelife. I did not really mind though as he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

After breakfast Mehedi called his in-laws in Jordan. "They will not answer." Mehedi said putting the phone down. "You can drop me back at my car Pete. I can wait till they call back" Mehedi said sounding frustrated. "It's not necessary Mehedi, you are welcome to hang out with me. I got nothing planned for the day anyway." I offered. Mehedi immediately lit up.

I had some errands to run so we headed into town, then later we grabbed some lunch and finally headed back to the house. I handed Mehedi the TV remote and started putting some stuff away. At about 7pm Mehedi's phone hadn't rung so I started working on dinner.

"You are welcome to stay here again tonight Mehedi" I offered cutting him off before he could say anything. A smile crossed his face. I could not help looking at the expression in his eyes. I stopped for a moment to study him. He was a very good-looking guy with a great body, handsome rugged, masculine but still somewhat boyish. I could not help but think that he deserved to find someone that he actually loved.

"Pete are you ok?" I finally heard Mehedi's voice, snapping me out of my daydream. "Um yeah sorry, just daydreaming I guess" I replied trying to shake off thoughts. We cleaned up and watched TV for a while. As I was getting ready for bed, I realized that Mehedi did not have any clean cloths since yesterday. "Let me get you some fresh cloths to wear" I left the room and returned a moment later with some clean boxers and a t-shirt. "Thank you, Pete, I don't know how I would pay you back" he said as I turned to walk away.

I started to walk towards the steps then turned back to say good night was caught off guard; Mehedi had stripped naked and was getting ready to change. I could not believe what he looked like completely naked. He was fully naked, and I could see every curve, every sinewy muscle all tapering down his body to a dark patch of pubic hair and that thick dick that hung down over heavy balls.

Mehedi stopped what he was doing as I just stood there and stared. My eyes slowly moved back up his body, over his abs, up the patch of hair on his chest and to his eyes. I quickly turned back to the steps and started going upstairs. "Good night Mehedi" I called out awkwardly heading to my room. Images of Mehedi's body, his face and his dick flashed in my mind.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I thought to myself as I closed the door behind me. Why is this happening to me? I walked to the bed trembling and started to pace back and forth as I got undressed. Without thinking I found myself fully naked standing in front of the bed, my dick rock hard. How did that happen? Why?

I decided I needed a shower to try to relax, I turned on the water and stepped under the flow. I brought the bar of soap down over my torso, then over my pubes and to my dick. My body tingled as my hand made contact with my still hard cock. I closed my eyes as my soaped-up hand slid up the hard shaft.

I tried to focus on some of the porn I watched, to get an image of some of the women. I imagined a naked body connecting with mine, but as hard as I tried the images kept flashing on Mehedi, the way his lips felt on my neck when he held me in his drunken embrace. How his beard felt running along my neck.

I gasped and my eyes opened wide just as my dick started to flood the shower floor. My knees weakened from the intensity and I grasped the door handle with my free hand to support myself. My hand stopped stroking my dick but cum continued to ooze from the tip as the throws of orgasm passed. I slumped against the shower wall, satisfied and confused all at the same time.

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Next: Chapter 3

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