With Mehedi

By Greg Stevens

Published on Jan 8, 2020


With Mehedi

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

With Mehedi -- Chapter 1

"Pete please come to my office" I heard the voice come over the intercom on the product floor. "What the fuck now?" I thought to myself as I worked my way through the banks of machines humming along like a choir. I entered Mr. Walter's office and stood in front of the desk. "You wanted to see me Jack" I asked trying not to sound irritated.

"Thanks for coming up so quickly Pete. I have a special project for you." Jack's eyes rolled a bit as if to say this was not my idea. "Yeah what is it this time?" I asked. I had been working at Consolidated Machine for 20 years and worked my way up from the shop floor to supervisor. It wasn't the blue-collar job I started with but wasn't completely the white-collar I strived for.

"Send him in" Jack said pressing the button on the phone. A moment later a young man walked through the door. "Pete this is Mehedi, he is a new employee and Wilkins asked that you work to get him trained up and productive." Wilkins was one of the co-owners of the company. A request from him was serious business. I turned to Mehedi and extended my hand. "Um nice to meet you" I said trying to sound enthusiastic about the new task.

"Thank you, Pete" Mehedi replied with a heavy accent. A sad look crossed his face as if to say please be nice to me, I do not want to be here either. Jack handed me Mehedi's employment info and we headed out to my office on the first floor. "Have a seat" I offered pointing to the chair in front of my desk. I pulled out the papers and started to read over his info then I started to talk to him about the company and the work.

Mehedi paid close attention to everything I was saying without question. As I talked, I couldn't help noticing that he just seemed like a really lost guy. Like he was scared shitless. A part of me felt bad for him. "Look Mehedi, I am sure this is all new for you, I will work with you and make sure you understand all the work. It's really not that hard" I said trying to comfort him. A small forced smile crossed his face and a look that silently said "thanks" came over him.

Over the next couple weeks, I worked with Mehedi. He was very willing and eager to get the job done and worked hard at every station till he had it down perfectly. Mehedi did not talk much and during lunch he normally ate alone. At the end of the week he was the last to pack up and head out while the regulars were out the door before the whistle blew.

"Hey Mehedi" I called out entering the locker room to change before heading out. "Hi Pete" Mehedi said pulling on his tennis shoe. "Big plans this weekend?" I asked heading to my locker. "No, I am going to work on our apartment, my wife has been on me to make some fixing" he said, his English not perfect. "Wife?" I said curiously. I did not know you were married.

Again, a distant look crossed his face. "Yes, we were married when I was 18 and she was 17. In my country marriages are arranged. I had never even met her before the wedding." He said looking down at his feet. A feeling of shock came over me trying to imagine marrying someone that your parents picked out and only being 18 years old. That's not even old enough to drink.

I took a seat on the bench next to him to start changing out of my shoes. "When did you come to the US?" I asked trying to make conversation. "We moved here about 4 months ago. My wife's parents are residence and we were able to come over from Jordan. "This must be all very new for you?" I asked. "Yes Pete, everything is different." Mehedi said and a sadness seemed to creep back into his voice.

"It's a long weekend, do you have any plans?" I asked trying to change the subject. "No, my wife and her parents left for a wedding in Jordan. I could not go since starting a new job here." he said softly. "Want to grab something for dinner with me?", I asked before I had time to even think about it?" Mehedi's face lit up and before I could change my mind. "That would be very nice" he said.

I finished getting changed and we headed down to the pub for something to eat. "Want a beer?" I asked when the server came to the table. "I never drank beer before" Mehedi said looking at me as if asking permission. "We'll have 2 IPA's" I told the server. "Do you have ID?" she said turning to Mehedi. He provided his driver's license for verification and a few minutes later the frothy mugs were delivered to the table. Mehedi lifted the mug to his face and sniffed the liquid. Carefully he brought his lips to the edge of the mug and took the smallest sip. I watched as his facial expression relaxed.

"Do you like it?" I asked watching him with some amusement. "Yes, it is very cold and good for me" He said. I watched Mehedi drink his first beer. A part of me felt like a father taking his son to his first bar. I noticed that most of the time Mehedi had a very serious look on his face, but once he relaxed, he looked much younger and much more innocent for lack of a better word.

Mehedi had dark hair and dark brown eyes that were somehow piercing as if they saw into you. There was a mixture of purity and pain in his eyes and occasionally I could see something else, but I was not sure what it was. Mehedi had a close-cropped beard and mustache that framed his face but in spite of it he still looked very young.

"Are you married Pete?" Mehedi asked as he quickly polished off his first beer. "I was married, but we decided to go in separate directions and got divorced about a year ago." I told him. "Do you have any children" he asked looking up at me. "No, we never had any. How about you?" I asked. "We are expected to have children" he said. "Expected to? Do you want kids?" I asked a bit confused. "In my culture we are expected to have children as soon as possible." He said bowing his head and looking torn.

"You don't seem to want kids?" I asked. "My wife does, and I just can't" he said not really explaining. I did not want to pry. After all he was only 25 and married a woman, no, a girl he did not even know. Now he was expected to have children in a new country. Crazy.

"What do you like to do for fun?" I asked trying to change the subject. "I like to go to the gym and work out. It gives me strength and helps me relax." He said. It was obvious that he worked out a lot, as his body seemed big and strong the flannel shirt not concealing much.

"Did you love your wife" Mehedi asked abruptly. A few more beers in his belly. "I guess I did at first, but then time changed both of us, I guess." What about you? Do you love your wife?" I asked. Mehedi stopped and his eyes got very wet as if he were going to cry. There was a pained, helpless look in his eyes. "Love is not something we discuss. We are married because our parents wanted it, and was expected for us" he said very softly, then he finished another beer. "I'm sorry" I said not knowing what else to say.

We sat in silence for a short while then I got the check. "I do not think you are in any shape to drive." I said looking at him staggering a bit. "Let me get you home safely." I got Mehedi to the car and we drove towards his apartment. "Oh no" Mehedi said as we drove. "What's wrong? Are you going to be sick?" I asked concerned. "No, my keys are in the locker at work" he replied. It was Friday after 11pm, the office was locked up and there was no way to get in before Tuesday morning. Monday was a holiday.

"Do you know someone with a key to your place?" I asked. "No just my wife and she is with her parents till Sunday." He replied. "What about the landlord?" I asked. "My wife's parents will have his info, but they are gone too" he said sadly. "Ok you can crash at my place and we can figure it out tomorrow" I replied driving back towards my townhouse.

I helped Mehedi out of the car and watched as he staggered up the steps. "I am sorry Pete." He said bashfully. "No worries Mehedi. It happens" I replied trying to be positive and not embarrass him. Let me go get some sheets and blankets for the bed" I said as I went to the upper level of the townhouse. While I was in my room, I grabbed a clean t-shirt and some shorts for him as well.

"Here are some sheets and pillows and stuff. I also brought a change of clothes for you" I said handing him the stuff. "Thank you" he replied sitting on the edge of the sofa then started to remove his flannel shirt, playing with the buttons as if he just discovered them. "I think you had a bit too much to drink" I said watching him fumble.

"Yes Pete, beer is good" he replied with a chuckle then tossed his flannel shirt on the ground. Mehedi's body was solid. His pecs and abs looked as if they were carved onto his body. A soft wisp of dark hair almost the texture of fur crossed over his chest then down his abdomen to the top of his jeans. His shoulders were rounded, and his arms were large and defined.

Mehedi stood up quickly and I saw him rock and totter before gaining his balance. He kicked of his shoes and dropped his jeans leaving him in just his boxers. I did not want to watch him undress but I could not help but notice that Mehedi seemed to have a huge boner in his boxers. The dick jutted straight out tenting the soft cotton material.

"I am sorry Pete" he said trying to conceal the huge boner. "No worries, it happens" I said trying to shrug it off. Mehedi slumped back down on the sofa his dick still hard and pointing straight up. I had seen dicks before at the gym or the locker rooms but never one this hard or this large. I tried to not look but somehow, I could not stop looking.

"Here is a shirt for you" I said handing it to Mehedi and trying to draw my gaze from his hardness. Mehedi took the shirt and just held it. "I hurt her" he said to me tears welling in his eyes. "Who did you hurt?" I asked. "My wife. I do not want children and I do not want her." He said and tears cascaded down. "We tried but every time we try to make baby, I hurt her." He continued. My qadib is too big for her" he said taking a breath. "What is a qadib?" I asked confused.

Mehedi looked down at his dick. "This is qadib" he said grabbing it through the boxers. "She does not like it and I do not like putting it in her" he said a bit of anger in his voice. "Mehedi, I am sure this will all be better in the morning. You just need some sleep" I said trying to comfort this half naked giant. "Pete you are nicest man to me" he said still holding his cock. "Thanks buddy" I said trying to get him ready for bed. "Let's get you into bed" I said helping him to his feet.

As Mehedi stood up his body slumped on to mine, his big dick poking right into my mid-section. Mehedi wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight forcing his big dick into my body even more. "You are nice to me Pete" Mehedi said then I felt his lips on my neck. At first, I thought it was an accident but then I could feel his lips, tongue and beard running up my neck. A cold chill ran over me.

"Ok buddy, you need to sleep this off" I said trying to untangle myself from him and getting him onto the sofa. He held me even tighter. "Stay with me" he said in a sleepy voice running his hands down my back. "You need some sleep" I replied trying to brush off whatever was going on.

I positioned him onto the sofa then he finally laid on his back, his dick still poking straight up. I pulled the covers over him but that did not seem to affect his hard cock. "Get some sleep Mehedi" I said pulling my eyes from the large tent in front of me before flicking off the light and going to my bedroom.

I sat on the edge of the bed and removed my shoes, then my cloths. I walked into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror examining myself. At 40 years old I was in great shape. Not Mehedi shape but definitely where I wanted to be. My body was tight with just the right amount muscle. I ran my hand down my chest and over my abs watching myself in the mirror.

Images of Mehedi's dick tenting his boxers flashed in my mind. How big was that thing? It looked like something you would see in an adult video. Did it hurt stuffing that thing in his pants? I shook my head to try to get the image out of my mind. I washed up, brushed my teeth and got in bed. I lay on my back trying not to think about it. Trying to get my mind off that huge bulge in his boxers but no matter what I did, I could not get my mind off of it. Finally, I drifted off to sleep.

It felt like a few minutes passed and I heard something in the room. The door opened and a shadow walked into the room and stood next to the bed. I turned and it was Mehedi. He was completely naked, and his dick was pointing straight at me. I pulled the blankets back and sat on the edge of the bed and looked up into his face. It was sad but at the same time I could see desire.

I reached out for his dick and I could barely close my had around the base. I moved my head towards his cock and parted my lips and slowly took it into my mouth. "Thanks Pete" I heard Mehedi say and I reached between my legs to start to stroke my hard cock.

I could feel his warm hands on my shoulders as I continued to try to fit the large cock in my mouth. As I stroked my cock, I kept thinking that this was wrong. I shouldn't be doing this, but my dick felt so hard and my hand felt so good. Mehedi started to move his hips back and forth into my mouth. The thick tube of meat slide easily between my lips. "I want to cum Pete" Mehedi whispered and I could feel my own orgasm building. I raised my eyes trailed up and over his hard-muscled body and as my eyes met his and I could feel my dick start to unload.

Warm cum flooded over my hand as my body shook from the strong orgasm. When I opened my eyes, the room was dark, and I was alone. Mehedi was not in the room at all. I was confused as the images faded. I was still laying on the bed in the dark, under the covers. My hand was in my shorts and I realized that I just had a wet dream thinking about Mehedi.

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Next: Chapter 2

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