With Help

By Scott Patrick

Published on Oct 19, 2012



The characters are completely fictional. If you are not here to read about homosexual sex between teens then leave now. If you are not of legal age or it is illegal to read this material in your country leave now! Email me at: Cieldark@live.com with any compliments, comments, or ideas.

With Help 8

While I was at Ryan Greer's house, Zane was on his own expedition. I thought it was at the girls' party. He wasn't though. He called my brother, Taylor, soon after we split apart. He wanted to meet up with him and talk to him.

An hour later, Taylor drove by in his car to pick up Zane. Zane got in.

"What's going on Zane?"

"I needed to talk to you."


"I uhh... gave your brother a blowjob."

"You did? I wish I was there to see it."

Zane looked over at Taylor.

"Fancy giving me one Zane?"

Taylor reached into his jeans while driving and pulled his cock out. He held his cock with one hand hoping that Zane would do the same thing he did to his brother. Zane didn't expect this. He hadn't sucked anyone and then he was expected to suck his third person. He was sort of glad that Sawyer was his first.

"I don't know." Zane replied unsure of it.

"C'mon. You know you want it."

"Pull over."

Taylor did as directed. They were in the middle of nowhere. The chances of getting caught were slim to none. Zane unbuckled his seatbelt. He then rose up the center console and moved over to Taylor's lap. He put his lips on Taylor's cock. He then opened his mouth and took it in. He bobbed his head up and down sucking hard.

"That's it! Mmmmm..." Taylor moaned.

Zane licked the head of Taylor's cock up to the slit. He teased effortlessly. This caused Taylor moan louder. It was like instant heaven for him. Zane was like a sucking god right now. He bobbed his head up and down on the cock.

"You're so good."

Zane took his mouth off.

"Why did you do take your mouth off?"

"I'm not really good at it and my mouth got tired." Zane replied.

"Come here and take the load into your mouth." Taylor said as he was stroking his cock feverishly.

Zane moved his mouth over Taylor's cock. He had a boner in his own jeans. He was about to cream his pants. Taylor kept stroking harder and faster.

"Here it comes!"

Zane put his mouth on the cock just when Taylor released his load in Zane's waiting mouth. It made his mouth full of cum. He swallowed it. This was really the first time he swallowed so much. He bobbed his mouth up and down taking as much he could. He then finished.

"How was that?" Zane asked as he wiped the cum off his lips.

"Fantastic. Have you ever been fucked?"

"No. I don't plan to. I will stick with the occasional bj."

"You would be a good fuck especially tied up in a submissive role." Taylor said with a smile.

"You think so?" Zane asked

"I know so."

"I gotta get to a party." Zane added.

"I can drop you off."

I, on the other hand, was still in between two guys that were snuggling up to me. I wondered what will happen. I was starting to get bored. I sat up and they groaned a little bit.

"I need to go to the party." I stated.

"We will miss you." Ryan said as he played with my hair.

"How about if I come over tomorrow and give you guys some blowjobs?" I asked with a smile.

"I can't come over." Trent said with a sigh. "You can have him to yourself Ryan." Trent sounded down. For some reason, I was liking these guys though they were going to blackmail me. They kept me interested in them. I liked Ryan the most though.

"How about I give you a bj at school in the old bathroom outside the locker room?" I asked.

"Sounds like a good deal to me." Trent responded.

"How's the butt Sawyer?" Ryan wondered with a smirk.

"Still a little sore. I think I stopped leaking your jizz."

"It looks good coming from your hole." Ryan added.

I blushed. I got up from the bed and headed downstairs. I didn't feel anymore leak out, but I was sore though. I knew I had to see Ryan a little more. I was starting to like the idea of people knowing that I'm gay. I just figured that no other girl than Lily could be in my life.

Zane arrived at the party and I did too not too long after. I saw just about everyone was there. All the popular girls and guys were there too. Stocker was acting strange around me. Did he know what was going on with me? He made weird looks at me.

"Dude! You made it!" Zane shouted to me.

Jenni came over and got close to me. She flirted strongly at me. She definitely was drunk. It seemed most of everyone else was too. Tommy was there flirting with the rest of the football team. I looked at Jenni.

"It looks like you drank a lot."

"No I didn't."

She went over to a couch and passed out.

"Enough said." I shrugged and laughed while others laughed as well.

The party went on and most people stayed the night and were asleep. I,on the other hand, was not. I didn't want to drink and neither did Zane. It wouldn't be smart to get smashed and reveal what was going on with me.

"Let's go to an empty room." Zane said to me.

"And do what?"

He lightly grabbed my crotch with a grin on his face.

"Dude. We will get caught." I whispered to him.

"Look around."

I looked around as it was about 3 am. Nobody that I saw was awake. He nodded and I followed to an empty room. He closed the door behind me and locked the door. He unbuttoned his jeans and took off his shirt afterwards. I went over and kissed him on the lips. Our tongues battled as we were both becoming hard. Our hands roamed over each other's bodies. He seemed into it.

After making out for a while, he began stripping me. He kissed my neck and pushed me on the bed. We continued to makeout as he joined me on the bed.

"Fuck me, Sawyer" He whispered in my ear.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

He nodded. I found some lotion in the room and rubbed on my fingers. We were both naked by this time. I was on top of him. I put one finger up to his tight hole and poked at it. He moaned and I inserted it and he groaned loudly. I'm surprised nobody heard it. I inserted another finger and another. I was about to make this guy mine.

"You ready?"

Zane nodded.

I lubed up my cock and moved it to his body. He looked nervous. I went to his hole and pressed my cock against it. He cried out in pain. I went slower into him as he was loud as his butt was adapting to my cock. I waited for a moment.

"It hurts... Sawyer." He cried.

"You want me to take it out?"

"No. just let me get used to it."

I did as he commanded. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. I pushed in more and more until I was all the way in. I thrusted slowly. He made loud sounds.

"Ohhhh... mmmmm... ohhh." He moaned and groaned.

"Mmmm..." I moaned.

I thrusted harder and looked like he wanted it. I kept going harder and faster. The bed rocked with what I was giving him. I felt his legs wrapped around me as I was doing my best friend. This was what I always wanted.

"Give it to me, Sawyer!" He screamed out.

I knew if anybody heard that then we both would be ruined. I didn't let him down. I thrusted hard like a fierce animal. I felt that I was building up to flood him with my jizz. He was moaning louder and louder. I was doing the same. I noticed he came over the both of us. I was about to shoot my load up this sexy guy's ass. I was getting closer and closer.

"I'm about to cum, Zane!"

"Do it, Sawyer! Fill me with your seed!"

I was so close. I kept thrusting and I let it loose in him. It felt like a river exiting my cock into his butt. I kept thrusting still until I felt that I had nothing left. I took my cock out and collapsed on the bed.

"Thank you, Sawyer." He said panting.

"No problem." I said panting. I kissed him and he kissed back.

We went to sleep naked together. I didn't know what this would mean for our future, but I hoped that I could be Zane's boyfriend. I felt someone tapping me. I woke up slowly and saw it was Jenni. Zane wasn't on the bed, but there was cum stains on the spread.

"Hey, Jenni."

"You need to get dressed. My parents are home and they are pissed. You're the only one here. Zane left."

I nodded and got up. I had morning wood, but Jenni helped with that quickly. She gave me a quick blowjob and blasted my cum down her throat. She wiped her mouth and smiled. I got dressed and left.

Monday rolled around and Zane made it to wrestling practice. He was ready for the match today versus BTW. I hoped to see him afterwards and let him fuck me in return. Ryan and Trent texted me, but I ignored their texts. I only wanted Zane. I felt that he wanted the same.

The match was here and I sat first roll and watched him run out with the team. He looked hot in his wrestling lycra. I watched Brandon Ivory, Dillon Berg, and Marshall Rein wrestle first. Now, it was Zane's turn. I watched as he shook the guy's hand that was a little taller. The other guy positioned himself on the floor first. Zane wrapped his arms around him.

The match was underway. I watched as Zane grinded his body against the other guy and was trying to get him into submission. He tried to do his signature hold. I saw the other guy developed a boner. It was quite big and caused a stir in my pants. Zane ended up winning, but noticed for the first time he had a boner. He never had a boner before while wrestling, but it was big as ever. It looked like it wanted to break out for everyone to see.

I watched as Zane tried to get rid of it, but there was no way that was going to happen. I wondered if anybody else noticed that Zane was about to erupt inside his wrestling uni. I watched as he ran to the locker room. I went around the other side and snuck in. I saw him stroking his cock. He looked startled to see who entered and saw it was me. He smiled and kept stroking it.

"That's the first time that happened, Sawyer."

"I know. That other guy got a boner too wrestling with you."

"I saw it." Zane said laughing.

"You want me to help you with that?" I asked

"Sure, but hurry. I don't want anyone seeing us doing stuff."

I dropped in front of him. I look his cock into my hands. I moved my face forward and wrapped my lips around it. I stroked him hard and fast as I was blowing him. He moaned and quickly shot four loads of cum into my mouth and throat.

What we didn't realize was that Marshall and Dillon walked in. They were laughing, but they stopped when they saw us. I took my mouth off Zane's cock as I swallowed. We both had a scared look on our faces.

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