With Help

By Scott Patrick

Published on Oct 21, 2011



The characters are completely fictional. If you are not here to read about homosexual sex between teens then leave now. If you are not of legal age or it is illegal to read this material in your country leave now! Email me at: Cieldark@live.com with any compliments, comments, or ideas

With Help

I got home after Tommy fucked me. My butt was really sore. I didn't want to make it obvious to my parents that I was gay and had gay sex. My parents were strict about hating gay people and how they would burn in hell. They hadn't talked to me much lately because of football and friends. I had dinner with them that night. We didn't talk much.

"Son, we noticed you were walking funny. Everything alright?" My Dad asked.

"Yeah. Just a little sore from football practice."

"Oh." My Dad replied.

Thursday came and I texted Tommy telling him that I couldn't see him today. I wanted to. I wanted him inside me again. We were basically in love with each other. We always texted on how it hurts both of us to be away from each other. I told him that Zane was coming over to my house after school. I needed to show some normalcy during all this so nobody would suspect anything between me and Tommy. The school day went fine and we had final walk throughs during practice. I drove Zane home. We both bolted through the door and upstairs in my bedroom where I shut the door. I noticed he took a seat at my computer. Zane was always nosy. I guess that was his way not to be left out. He always wanted to know what I was up to since we were in the first grade. I forgot I bookmarked a gay porn site. He pulled it up.

"Whoa, dude. Have you been looking up gay porn?" He asked as he quickly exited the site.

"No. It was Tommy. He must have saved the site when he came over to tutor French."

"Oh I see. He hasn't tried anything, has he?"

"No, but I heard gay guys give the best head." I replied.

"Yeah. I heard that too. Have you ever given a guy head before?"

"No! I'm not gay!" He responded.

"You don't have to be gay to fool around."

"I would have to be very drunk and, then, it would probably be you that I would go down on. I don't trust anyone else." Zane replied. I was shocked to hear this. I had to get him drunk. I wanted to know what his mouth felt like. I wondered what he tasted like too. This caused a stir in my groin.

"Okay enough of this gay shit." He said.

"Alright. What do you want to do?" I asked him.

"We could play NCAA 2012. It's a fun game."

We played the game what seemed like all night. All I could think about was getting him drunk. Has he tried it with anyone else? Was he gay too? I knew he was single at the moment after breaking up with Tracie Meddle. That girl was always crazy. She tried to get him to show his boner in public many times, even in class. What I wouldn't do to see that boner now. He left after 11:00 pm.

Friday came. It was game day. I got texts from Tommy. He wanted me to see him before the game. Lily wanted to see me too. My life was in chaos. I was intimate with Lily, Taylor, and Tommy, but I really wanted to get intimate with Zane. My mouth was busy. I could at least tell you that. Taylor sent me a text telling me that he would be home tomorrow. I really wanted to see him. I had so much to tell. I figured I made my brother proud.

I was on my way to practice and I got grabbed. It shocked me. You just feel hands jerk you away from the direction you're walking. I saw it was Tommy. I immediately kiss him. We ended up in a bathroom again. That's what Tommy and I are, bathroom lovers. Not in like glory holing, but more like kiss and suck. He thinks I'm great at both. I'm just a jock that likes cock. He kissed me. We didn't get too intimate there. I wanted to, but it seemed he was more into talking.

"I've been thinking, Sawyer."

When you hear somebody say those words, you know something is up, but not ever in a good way. Sometimes, it might seem like a good way, but it normally ends up biting you in the ass. I wondered what he was thinking. Was he going to out me? Was he going to fuck me again? I'm still getting used to my butt being a piece of meat.

"What?" I respond with a quizzical look.

"I think I would like to play football."

"Why would you want to do that? You know the school does allow openly gay players on the team. You know how this town is. They are bigots and always will be. To the people in this tow, Jesus didn't die for sinners. He just watched them burn even more."

"That way I can get closer to you Silly Sawyer. That's your new nickname, Silly Sawyer. No, I'm going to have my friend Michelle Getz, you know her, to let me kiss her in front of the whole school to show that I wasn't as gay as everyone thought I was." "You are gay, right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You bet I am, but it will give me some space from these bigots and I get to see you naked in the shower. Maybe, we could 69 if nobody was watching."

"You are too complicated, Tommy. You make my head spin 180 degrees."

Tommy laughed as he looked at me. Our chat interrupted short as Stocker Charles entered the bathroom. He was a big guy. His head was shaved and total redneck. He was deep fried and Southern like no other. He had Skoal like most people eat chocolate. He is 6'5 265. He is a starting defensive lineman. He is getting recruited to Florida State and he is a senior by the way.

"Oh Sawyer, you have crossed over to faggotdom. Wait 'til the guys hear about this."

"I'm not crossing over. I was just here in the bathroom and Tommy was in here. He has been helping me with my French." I responded sorta hastily.

"Yeah, right. I bet you were going to blow him, Sawyer. If I took my cock out right now, I bet you would be on your knees taking it in your mouth."

"No, I would not!"

Stocker was making me mad. I wouldn't mind blowing him, but he was one of those jerks you just didn't want even picture your mouth on his cock. There were other guys like Ethan Vance or Nick Corson. Ethan was the quarterback. I would go on my knees in a heartbeat for him.

"Just kidding, dude. Chill." Stocker replied with a big chuckle.

What an asshole. He blew a kiss at Tommy and walked out. If there was somebody who could win award for being a total douche bag, Stocker would be it.

We kissed and said our byes. I guess that was all Tommy wanted. I didn't know what to expect. As I headed for football, Zane came up to me looking all cute with that big grin on his face. A grin you know that something was up. I wanted to bend this runt over a barrel and show him the fifty states. That somewhat might have been from Horrible Bosses, but that was a great movie.

"What's up?" I asked him

"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?" I responded quizzical like always

"Tommy kissed Michelle Getz."

In my head, I was thinking that Tommy must have been pulling my chain, but he wasn't. He was dead on serious. I never knew that he wanted to be a jock. I know it was to be getting closer to me, but Tommy was going through all links to get to me. He is quite a guy though, a guy that I love with all of my heart.

"Wow! Does that mean he was actually gay?" I asked Zane.

"I don't know, but he wants to join the football team. I'm glad he isn't on the wrestling team. If that was a fluke, and we wrestle, I don't want him getting a boner and ramming it in my asshole. I would like to keep my asshole guy free."

We both laughed. Zane was always pretty vulgar, but the guy knew how to make you laugh. I have dreamed that I could get inside that bubble butt of his and go to town on it. I really needed to get him drunk so I could see what I could get him to do.

"I'll see ya later man. Lily wants me to drive her home." Zane said.

I nodded and watched him leave. I thought he was spending more time with Lily than me. I wondered if they had been together before. They possibly have. I could see it. They were perfect for each other.

The day went on and so did the game. We lost badly. I only had 50 yards on 20 carries. After the game, I saw my brother, Taylor. He looked all cute as hell. Yeah, my brother is cute and I will always mean it. He gave me a look that was worth a thousand words. I walked over to him.

"How have you been doing, bro?" He asked me.

"Alright. I have a lot to tell you."


"I have a boyfriend. I sucked his cock and let him fuck me."

"That's a good brother. I'm going to give you a treat. My cock is ready for your mouth or ass. I will let you choose. I bet your boyfriend wore a condom, but I won't. I will give you my Taylor juice to fill you up."

I smiled because that was hot. My brother was going to breed me. I really wanted that. We made it home. Our parents were at home, but I wanted him so bad. I was blushing to the max. I might have been tired from the game, but my hormones were racing.

We made it home. I didn't see Mom or Dad so we kissed all the way upstairs. We went into my room and stripped naked while kissing. I dropped to my knees taking my brother's cock immediately into my mouth bobbing my head on it while I sucked it. Little to my surprise, there was a knock on the door. We were both moaning, but I didn't think it was that loud. Who was on the other side of the door while I was lubing my brother's cock with my mouth?

Thank you all for your compliments. I will continue writing.

Next: Chapter 5

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