With Help

By Scott Patrick

Published on Oct 18, 2011



The characters are completely fictional. If you are not here to read about homosexual sex between teens then leave now. If you are not of legal age or it is illegal to read this material in your country leave now!

With Help

I didn't see Tommy for the rest of the day. It made me nervous if he actually did tell someone. The nervousness I went through was unbearable. My classes flew by fast. I made it to the locker room to get ready to lift weights. Mondays were always weightlifting and walk throughs. I started looking at the guys as they changed. I was totally into cock now. I didn't care from whom, but I wanted another cock in my mouth. Ever since my older brother brainwashed me, that was all I could think about.

After practice, I made it out to my truck. I waved to my teammates as they left. I drove home and went straight to my room. I had my permit, but I didn't care about the rules. Mom and Dad weren't home yet from work. I stripped down naked and started looking up gay porn. I stroked my cock as this one dude was servicing more than one guy, a cum slut. I thought that was hot. I pretended that was me. I then heard the doorbell ring. I knew it couldn't be my parents. I got dressed and turned off my computer. I then went to the door and opened it. I saw Zane and Lily there.

"Are you ready?" Zane asked me

I forgot what I was ready for. If he was going to ask, are you ready to blow me, I would have said yes. I was checking out every guy now. I definitely still had the bulge in my mesh shorts. Lily licked her lips.

"Oh... yeah. I'm ready." I replied.

I forgot we were going to The Burger Hole.

"Zane, go wait in the car. I need a moment with Sawyer."

Zane smirked and went out to the car. Lily then shut the door. She kissed me and I kissed her back. She pushed me to the couch and pulled down my boxer briefs and shorts with one pull. Lily then dropped to her knees and blew me. It felt great. I almost forgot what it felt like. She was great at it. It didn't take long for me to cum in her mouth. Some girls hated cum in her mouth, but Lily seemed to enjoy it. I know I did.

We went to The Burger Hole and came back. My parents left a note they went out. So it was just me and my hand. I checked my phone and got normal texts from the normal people. I then got one from Tommy. He wanted to meet up at his house. I couldn't really drive over to his house because then everyone in town would know that I was at his house. I lied to him telling him that I was with my parents.

Tuesday came around. It was just another boring day. Classes went by fast. It was really boring. I got ready for football. I got taped up and ready to go. All I was lacking was my shoulder pads and helmet. I needed to pee, but noticed that all the toilets were being used. So I left the locker room to the one person bathroom that mostly teachers used. I opened the door and Tommy was in there. He didn't lock it. He smiled at me and pulled me in. Luckily, nobody was around at the moment.

"Do you like me Sawyer?" He asked me.

I nodded with a grin.


Tommy leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I returned the kiss and added my tongue. There was something about Tommy and I was completely falling for him. He pulled down his pants. I saw that nice hard cock of his. For some reason, the only time I could service him was at school. I was scared to do it out of school. You would think it would be the opposite. I got on my knees and went down on him. I knew I had to hurry. I jacked him off hard as I sucked fast.

"Mmmm... keep going Sawyer."

I kept going sucking him and driving him to the edge until he released his load in my mouth. I was getting good at swallowing at what he gave me. I got back up and looked at him smiling.

"I really enjoy sucking your cock." I told him.

"I can tell and if you want more, you have my number." I gave him a long kiss and was out the door. That wasn't the last time I was going to see him today. Practice went by smoothly. All I could think of was Tommy and his great cock. I even got hard in my jock. I left practice wondering when I would see him again. I went to my truck after getting dressed. I saw someone hiding in my truck. He got inside. I never locked the doors. So I figured it was him and I was right. I played it cool as I waved bye to the other guys. I got in and he gave a nice blowjob on the way home.

"You're lucky you didn't get caught." I told him with a chuckle.

"I know."

"I'm falling for you. I can't explain it. I think about you all the time."

"That's sweet Sawyer. You're gay and you're accepting it. Have you ever been fucked?"

"No. I have fucked girls, but never had it with a guy."

"How would you like me to fuck you?"

"Does it hurt?"

"Only for a little bit, but I promise to take it easy on you. You have condoms right?"

I nodded. I was nervous as I got home. My parents weren't home yet. My phone was going crazy with texts. I snuck Tommy in and we immediately started in after I shut the door. We kissed each other passionately. We ran up to my room and closed the door. We both stripped and he pushed me on the bed. I was ready for it, but I heard the doorbell ring.

"Stay here." I said to Tommy.

I kissed him and then got dressed in just a pair of mesh shorts. I stormed downstairs and saw it was Lily. This was definitely going to be something. I had Tommy upstairs and Lily was downstairs. She looked at me and smiled. Only if she knew what I was doing, she would have the biggest heart attack ever. I think everybody would.

"What's going on?" She asked me curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"You seem distracted as of late. You don't answer my texts right away and you don't really call me. Are you seeing someone else? That's what it seems like." She said as her smile faded.

"No. I'm just busy is all."

"Too busy for your girlfriend?"

She pushed her way in and went upstairs to my bedroom. I thought this was going to be the end of me. I just knew it was. I walked up the stairs slowly. I didn't hear anything at first, but as I walked in, I saw my room was clear except for a pair of men's bikini briefs which belonged to Tommy on the floor. There was no sign of him. Was he hiding?

"I will be keeping a close eye on you Sawyer." Lily said.

"See you just panic for no reason."

I pushed her on the bed and fucked her brains out just to make her happy. I knew I wasn't happy anymore with her. Tommy did leave. He left a note to see him tomorrow after school at the bathroom outside the locker room. I was tired of hiding in bathrooms to see Tommy. I hid the note though. She left and I called Tommy.



"It's Sawyer. Sorry for what happened. It's not easy sneaking around."

"I know. I wish you could come out of the closet and tell people that you're gay."

"I wish it were that easy Tommy."

"You're in French class, right?"

"Yeah Tommy... I am."

"You can say that I am tutoring you in French."

"Yeah... French kissing." I replied with a laugh that made him laugh.

"You're silly."

"This might work. I know your Moms' probably won't like me."

"I will work it over Sawyer."

We then said our byes. I was definitely falling in love with Tommy. I had butterflies in my stomach when I thought of him and when I saw him. Tomorrow was going to be the day I was going to lose my cherry to Tommy. He would be the first and probably only guy I would want in my ass except for my brother, who would probably want my ass too. I texted Lily and Zane. I told them that Tommy was tutoring me in French tomorrow. They were cool about it.

Tomorrow came and flew by. I was anxious and nervous about having Tommy Lowry in my butt. I knew I wanted it and I knew he wanted my butt too. He texted me pics of guys being penetrated all day. Luckily, nobody else saw them when I viewed them. I thought it was funny that I was becoming gay and the only two people who knew about it in the world were Tommy and my brother. Football practice was over and I was a little sore, but I was looking forward to being penetrated by Tommy's nice cock. He got in my truck and I drove over to his house. We went inside. His moms' were standing there. He had two moms' because they were lesbians. His dad died at a young age.

"Hi. I'm Sawyer... Sawyer Smith."

"We know who you are." Nancy said in a hateful tone.

"He's not like that anymore, Mommy Nancy. He's my boyfriend." Tommy said as he reached for my hand. We were holding hands.

"Your boyfriend?" Mother Jane asked.

"Does anybody know around town that Sawyer Smith is your boyfriend?" Mother Nancy asked.

"No. He has to keep a secret to protect himself from the town." Tommy replied.

"Are you really gay, Sawyer? Or, are you trying to hurt our Tommy like everyone else does?" Mother Jane asked.

"Yes, Ma'am. I'm gay and I love Tommy." I said as I looked over smiling at Tommy.

"We told everyone he is being tutored for his French class." Tommy said with a smile.

"What are you making in French?" Mother Nancy asked.

"An A, but this will get me time to see Tommy. I love him, but since the whole town is homophobic, it's hard."

"I agree with you there." Mother Jane replied.

"You boys go upstairs and have some fun." Mother Nancy added.

"We will." Tommy replied.

Tommy took my hand and we went upstairs. We wasted no time. We got undressed and he kissed up and down my body. We were both hard in nothing flat. He pushed me backwards on the bed. I wanted this so bad. He got a tube of lube from his drawer. It was cherry flavored. I thought that was a convenient kind. He lubed up his fingers. He began kissing me and I felt him stick one finger in my hole. It shocked me at first, but I started liking it. I kissed him back as I felt another finger go in. I was moaning deeply from the pleasure of being fingered. He then went in with a third finger. I felt him stretch me, but he was gentle about it though. He eased each finger in without much total force.

After he was done fingering me, it was time for the moment of truth. He grabbed a condom and put it on. I bit my lip with a grin waiting for the anal sex to begin. He lubed up the condom and aimed his cock at my hole. He then pushed it against it. "Ahhh..." I screamed.

"I will go easy on you." He said.

I gripped the sheets tightly and grimaced as he was invading my butt with his cock. He finally got his head in. He went deeper. I thought my butt was ripping apart from this intrusion. He kept going until he was all the way in. He waited there for me to get used to it. My legs were over his shoulders and I was on my back. He kissed me to get me to relax. I began relaxing and he then did small thrusts at first. The pain started to go down and pleasure was taking over.

"Harder!" I grunted.

He went harder and faster which each thrust. I moaned and groaned so loudly, I thought I could break glass with just my moaning. He went harder and faster. I felt him hit my prostate. I was in pure ecstasy. He kept going for a few minutes.

"I'm about to cum!" He shouted.

"Me too!" I moaned loudly.

I felt his cock get tighter and then he released his load in the condom. He kept going for a little bit adding thrust after thrust until, he pulled his cock out. I then pulled him down on top of me and attacked his mouth with my tongue. My butt was so sore. I knew I probably wouldn't be able to walk right for awhile. After we kissed for awhile, he looked at me.

"Do you really love me, Sawyer?"

"I do and I do want to be your boyfriend. It's just that we can't tell anyone though."

"I'm fine with that. I just wanted to hear you say it."

"I said it and I mean it with all my heart and soul. I might pretend to love Lily, but know my heart is for you." I said

He kissed me and I got dressed. Our lesson in French went really well for the day, I thought. He is definitely very fluent. I knew I had to come back for more lessons.

Next: Chapter 4

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