With All My Heart

By Shawn Edwards

Published on Sep 24, 2012


As i stormed out of Enrique's room it occured to me that there was a possibility i could have Joe. He was bisexual and trying to hide it by living a lie so there was a chance he could be attracted to me. Why else would he shower with me and sleep in the same bed with me. I didnt care however. I was mad at both of them and i felt so betrayed and used. I didn't know how to face Joe. If i wanted to tell him i would out of my own free will. How could Enrique go behind my back and talk to Joe without my knowledge. I was at the least pissed at both of them. I didn't know if i loved Enrique or not. With how pissed i was he could as well go to hell. I just wanted to sleep and wake up the next morning forgetting it ever happened.

I opened the door and found Joe sitting on the couch. I closed it and stood still not knowing what to do. Should i ask him about his sexuality or just ignore it and go to sleep? Lord knows i wanted to aak him about it but i coldn't. Something held me back and i didn't know what. I stood there and watched as Joe switched off the tv. He rose and began walking slowly towards me. He wore devil eyes like he was telling me to come and get it. I froze as he approached me.

He came and was now face to face with me breathing his warm moist fresh breath in my face. I took a step back and stopped only when the door pressed hard on my face. I had reached a dead end. All that was left was to see what he would do next. I kew his intentions weren't good at all, i could tell from the way he breathed and the way his devil eyes pierced me. In the heat of the moment i got excited and felt my cock twitching. I didn't care that i was mad at him. I was ready to take anything he threw my way.

He brushed his lips across my face to my ear and began whispering in my ear.

"I know that you want me, because i do. It was you who tried to seduce me the other day. I'm here now to give you a piece of my flesh. I want you to feel me."

"Don't flatter yourself." i said. "I get what i want from your best friend. H's man enough to tell the truth. Are you?"

Joe laughed to intimidate me though i knew the last part had got to him. He breathed in my ear and i felt a wave of electricity surge through me. I knew he had torn down my wall of defense. It's like he knew my pressure points. I wouldn't be able ro resist him if he came on to me. He was too strong a force to ignore.

Hs breathing grew strong and so did my erection. I was now in the mood to get down with him. I had thrown all my anger out. I would deal with it afterwards.

Joe began kissing my neck and my blood got hotter as it began to overflow. I wanted to burst with pleasure. I sill had a part of me with morals. A part that still reasoned against my actions so i tried to stop him for Enrique's sake. Though i was mad at him i wasn't prepared to cheat on him.

"Joe...... Stop. This is not right..... Enrique w............" i didn't finish as he had locked my lips with his thick juicy ones. My bad side took over and i began to respond. I wrestled our tongues together and i was rock hard at that instant. Joe lifted me up and pressed me hard against the wall all the while kissing me. I crossed my legs on his back as he held me in that strong grip. He would never let me fall and he had the strength to keep me up. He began squezzing my ass with his strong hands as he held me up and i couldn't help but moan in that kiss. He was hard core, real hard core, never giving me the space to breath.

He took me from the door and went with me to my room all the while carrying and kissing me. He must have kiked the door open. I just found myself lying under his weight with my legs spread still crossed on his back. I had lost myself in the moment. For a long time i had fantsies about Joe and i found it too much to take that he was kissing me and about to fuck me. I would soon have that ten inch cock down my throat and up my ass. Joe tore my t-shirt and this brought me to reality. He broke the kiss and went down my neck all the way to my lower abdomen. I moaned with pleasure. Not that i intended to but i just let it out. Why couldn't i when i had just come alive. He undid my belt and and my zipper and ran my jeans down my legs till he removed them then went for my boxers which he didn't take long to remove. I was now fully naked yet he still had his clothes on. He was really in controll.

"Now i want to drive you crazy." he said.

I moaned in response and waited for the ride. Within seconds i felt my hole wet and warm then from there his tongue worked like a tornado till my muscles relaxed and i was close to coming. When he stopped i closed my mouth and opened my eyes then felt two fingers up my ass which was now elastic it did not hurt anymore.

He removed his fingers and ordered me to get up and kneel before him to worship his cock, i did so and was before him in less than a second. He just pointed at his crotch and i knew he wanted me to unzip him. I undid his belt and zipped him down then pulled his pants down aswell. I did the same to his underwear and he walked out of them. I looked at the cock i had missed for so long. It was still as beautiful as ever and i wanted it more than anything else in the world. He removed his t'shirt the same time i took his dick into my warm wetness and threw it down on the floor.

I had trouble adjusting to his cock at first due to its massive size but as soon as i adjusted i began working it like a pro jerking my head foward and backwards slow but sure at first then fast and hard when i got used to it. I started with just three inches then increased to seven out of ten inches. I was now deep throating him and putting my back into it. I coulld tell he was close to coming so i stopped since i wanted him to last long.

He must have gotten the message for when i stopped he bent me over and pushed all ten inches of his being in me without stopping. It didn't hurt. i had become accustomed. Enrique had nine inches and it was no different from Joe. I pushed Enrique's thoughts away and focused on what was happening at that moment. I didn't neec any distractions. Maybe i would not get such an oppotunity again. I had to fully utilise it.

Joe got busy right away and picked up his pace. That blowjob got him wanting his orgasm for he didn't last long. I was disappointed but not for long. Something he said made me happy.

"Don't worry baby, i have the whole night with you."

I smilled. Joe was now my guilth pleasure. I hd a lot to consider.

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