With All My Heart

By Shawn Edwards

Published on Jul 12, 2012


I entered the lecture room. it was already half full. I looked at my place and saw he wasnt there. I was disappointed at the least, not that i blamed him. I had acted strange and i think it realy upset him. he wanted to love me and i was making it hard for him. after looking around i saw him sitting next to joe. i inored the feelings i was getting and just sat down. the proffesor entered and the lecture began. i was at the least distracted and i couldnt wait for it to end. i switched from lecture to lecture in a blur and finaly it all ended. i went straight to my room and sat on the bed. he hadnt said even a word to me. i had tried to wait up for him when classes ended but he just passed me by talking to joe. what better way to get me feeling guilty.

Joe entered my room and sat next to me. this just stirred up so many thoughts. what had he told him? had they been discussing me?

'Sup yo.' joe started.

'Sup bro whats poppin?' i said trying to sound cool.

'Nothin much. whats the deal with you?' joe asked.

If he had dog ears he could have heard my heart pound. 'What do you mean?'

'Well you havnt been yourself lately. i jus wanted to know if you good.'

'Im gud. i jus have something in my mind. dont worry.' i said.

'Cool so lets go out tonight.' joe suggested.

I liked joe. we had grown real close in that short time. i now took him as a friend. all those feelings were gone. they were now on that spanish guy. its him i needed to go out with. its him i loved now and i wasnt prepared to lose him again.

'I'd love to but another time. i really have to work on something. hope you will understand.' i said hoping i hadnt upset him by refusing his offer.

'Thats okay. see ya soon.' he played cool and patted my shoulder then left.

I had just realised how much i loved him. i would go and get my man.

I didnt have his number nor his name. neither did i have his room number. i knew deep in my heart i had to see him tonight and though it seemed impossible i knew i would. if our love was meant to be then if i went to the balcony and stood there i would see him as i had done before. i forced myself off my bed and rushed to the balcony. it was getting dark but i could still see. there was nobody in that beautiful quad. then suddenly out of the blue a guy walked into the quad. i shot into the lounge and out through the main door without thinking. i didnt know if it was him or not but i didnt care. i wasnt taking any chances. i took the stairs two at a time as i ran down. i came to a sudden stop as i entered the quad. i began walking slow and hesitant as i approached him. i silently prayed it was him. i knew what i was doing was bizzare but because i was doing it for love i didnt give a fuck. i could see through the darkness he was facing the same direction as me. i could see his back view and now that i was closer i tried to make out if that was him or not. if it wasnt then what would be my excuse for creeping up on a stranger. he must have heard footsteps for he turned and i froze in the moment of truth.

It had been de javu. i had been standing at the balacony looking at him again. this time i had changed the course of events however. besides ducking into my room to hide, i had come to meet him. i couldnt help but smile at him. this time he smiled back, his watery brown eyes shinning in the moonlight. and his teeth shiny as the moon itself. i wanted nothing more than him and he needed to know that.

'I love you with all my heart and more than anything else in this world. i want to know you. if you could give me the chance and forget the past we could start over.' i said then looked deep into his eyes.

As i stood waiting for his response it occured to me that i had just stood before him and asked him to love me. it also occured that i didnt care about anything else other than him. He still smiled but said nothing. then he began filling the space between me and him. i was to frozen and nervous to meet him halfway so i just stood there as he walked to me with a broad smile on his face. he stood before me body to body. i was just an inch above him but it was no big difference. we were chest to chest, crotch to crotch but above all, lip to lip. we breathed in each other's faces as we looked deep into each other's love filled eyes.

'I love you more with all my might. nothing and nobody will seperate me from you.' he whispered. I just wanted to kiss him and get more of that dentyne gum flavour in my mouth. this was just the most romantic thing. kissing under the moonlight in the beautiful garden. we were adam and steve in the garden of eden. college life was now rocking. a magnetic force pulled our lips together and they locked in a dew kiss that sucked all the power from my joints. my dick sprung to attention that instant and i moaned as our tongues wrestled and explored each other's mouth. he was the best kisser alive. as i felt powerless in my jaws i wanted to fall to his feet but he wasnt letting that happen. he held me strong and tight and wouldnt let me fall.

That was the longest kiss we shared and it would have lasted till infinity had the sprinklers not come on.

'Lets go to my room.' he said. then grabbed my hand as we ducked out of the quad giggling.

Our rooms were pretty much the same. we went straight to his bedroom and sat on his bed still laughing.

'Where is your roommate?' i asked, fearing getting caught as i had something dirty on my mind.

'Out.' he said.

'Good.' i giggled.

My giggle was sinister he could tell i had something wicked.

'Hmmmm, why is that good?' he asked.

'Because i had something dirty in mind and it involved lots of screaming and moaning.' i said in a seductive voice then winked. i stood up and did a sexy walk to his bathroom door. then stood facing him. he smiled and watched me as i slowly undressed till i was naked. he almost drooled as he saw my 8in cock erect and facing him. 'Those sprinklers put me in the mood for a shower.' i said then turned my back on him. he could now see my smooth tight ass. i turned my head to look at him with a sexy corner of the eye then signaled him with my index finger to come. 'Care to join me?' i asked, though already knowing the answer to that.

He stood up and i turned to face him. then put my palm on his broad chest to stop him.

'Uh uh uh, the rules of the game are to get naked first.' i said in a sexy tone.

He smiled then quickly undressed eager to start the party. as he pulled down his boxers his massive member bounced up, already standing at attention and seeking only nothing but pleasure. his heavy balls were hung pretty low. he was just like joe when it came to his endowment and tonight i would do with him in the shower what i couldnt with joe.

I grabbed his hot throbbing cock and led him to the shower with it feeling so big in my hand. i closed the shower curtain and turned on the water. it was cold at first then the temperature rose and pretty soon the shower was hot and steamy.

'This will be a shower like you ain't seen before.' i said then pulled him closer to me our cocks rubbing as we began to kiss passionately and hungrily. i loved the feel of our wet bodies together and the warm water. i pushed him away gently, breaking the kiss. i had so much planned and so little time. 'There is much to do.'

He simply smiled. i took the soap from the soap stand and rubbed it in my hand until it foamed. i ran my soapy hands in his raven black mane then on his face all the way down to his chest and abs. i ran them ever so gently and he moaned in response. i soaped them again for the grand finale. i turned his back on me then soaped his back all the way to the curve that gave rose to his firm muscular but. i soaped his butt then opened his cheeks and ran my fingers on that gorgeous valley.

'Oh yes! right there baby.' he moaned. 'Right there.' he moaned again as i deeped my fingers in his tight hole. By the time i was almost done the running water had rinsed him. i soaped my hands for the last time then held his dick in both hands. he moaned. i gave it a gentle squeeze and he moaned again. i began jerking him off with the soap as lube then soaped his balls as well.

'You are the best baby. the fucking best.' he said.

This encouraged me to give it my all. i rinsed his dick then stoeped to worship it once more. i began blowing him slow at fist.

'Thats my baby. go on make daddy proud. go fast and hard baby.'

I did so, increasing my pace and going halfway down his rod which was thick it felt like having a wrist being shoved down your throat. he began to grind and moan. it didnt affect my breathing so i went at it a little while longer before i decided it was enough.

I got up on my feet. 'Im all yours.' i said, surrendering myself to him.

I gave him my ass then bent down. he wasted no time as i soon felt him penetrate me. i felt my hole stretch to the limit but with no pain. i was officialy nolonger a virgin. he began fucking, taking his time at first with soft thrusts.

'Give it to me strong.' i begged.

He increased his pace and was now thrusting faster and harder his hips and my cheeks were now slappin

His breathing became heavy and i could tell it wouldnt be long before he came. i was also closer to my goal without even touching or stroking my dick. he began groaning like a beast. this turned me on and i couldnt help but join him. i began to moan and scream, not giving a fuck who was hearing. in the noise of that wild passion we both came. i shot my cum and saw it land on the walls, at the same time i felt warm up my ass and knew he was spent. i stood up straight and turned to face him. we kissed passionately.

Next: Chapter 8

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