With All My Heart

By Shawn Edwards

Published on Jun 15, 2012


I threw myself on my bed in misery. I couldnt sink it all in. I was in denial. For a moment i had Joe in my crosshairs and nearly had a fling with him. We had flirted. Now he was straight and he had a girlfriend? I wasnt ready to accept that. Hell i knew he had a thing for me. If he didnt why had we bathed. Its either he was gay and his girlfriend was just a toy to hide his sexuality or he was bisexual and he loved his girlfriend dearly and was willing to love me dearly too. I didnt care about his girlfriend. I would settle for second best so long as i had him. Joe was to die for. He was so damn attractive it was a sin if i didnt have him. Its either i would eliminate his girl the competition or share him with her. I would device a plan. When it came to love i had a side nobody had ever seen before. The plan was simple. Take him to the bar, get wasted, try to seduce him then blame it on the liquor. I was damn rich, my parents actualy and i had all i ever wanted. I would spoil him and even though he fell inlove with my cash instead of me. I would be in love with him and he would do anything just to remain with me.

My door opened and i saw Joe with his drying towel still wrapped around him. I sat up and looked at him with eyes full of lust. His own were filled with a longing i had never seen in anybodys eyes. I couldnt believe what i was about to. I tried to hold myself back but i couldnt. I stood up and went straight to him. He smiled at me as i walked up to him. I stood facing him and looked up to him. He was taller. I leaned in for a kiss and his head also drew closer to mine. I could feel his warm fresh breath on me. I was loving this. I couldnt believe myself. I couldnt believe it was happening. For a moment i thought i had lost him but he was back to me. I felt his breath warmer and closer then a soft slight touch of our lips..

"Dude wake up, you cant sleep already. Come on its first day of college," I woke up as my shoulder was patted heavily it almost felt numb. Shit! It was a dream. I swear it was so real and divine. I was wide awake and saw Joe clearly he was fully dressed. I sat up embarassed not knowing how i had slept. "What time is it?" i asked. "Almost 8pm," he replied. Damn i had slept that long. It cleared my head though and i felt refreshed. I felt the events of the afternoon hadnt happened. It was a fresh start. I had to execute my plan. I sat up and Joe came to sit on the edge of my bed. In all that time we hadnt realy got to know each other. I told Joe about myself, how i was a native of Corpus Christi and that my family was one of the first families to settle there and that we have been there ever since. I also told him of my childhood and my family and friends and how badly i wanted to be an attorney. When it was his turn he told me he was a California native from Scotts Valley. He was also 19 and four monthns older than me. He was born in January. I learnt of his likes and interests and how his family was middle class. We had nothing in common. Then he told me about his girlfriend. Damn that was some salt to the wound and i tried hard to block it all out and not pay close attention so i heard the obvious, that was how he loved her. He wanted to be an attorney aswell. I had to cut the crap about the love of his life. It was getting to me. I looked at the time and it was half 9. We had talked for long.

I hesitated to pop the question but i had to. I asked Joe if he wanted to hit the club. He was hesitant at first but when i told him it was guys only he became eager. Whats more gay than that? I could feel my luck rising.

We got ready and went down to the garage. He insisted we ride in his toyota vitz but i told him we could go in my mazda6. He was okay with it. "You got a nice car bro, i love this baby," Joe said.

Pretty soon you will love its owner i thought. "Thanks. You can drive it if you want," i said.

Joes face beamed with joy. Like a kid who had found some candy. I was scoring points already and the more my luck rose my chances of getting laid did already. I smiled. My plan wasnt even halfway but it was working like a charm. I sat on the passenger side and we drove to the bar which i directed him. The party had already started and the boys were already wasted and dancing the night away. We wouldnt dance. We would sit at the bar and get drunk quick then leave. We wormed our way through the people and finaly sat at the bar. We were the only ones seated. I got myself some vodka and he was reluctant to order. Probably doubting my wallet. I showed it to him and all the money then told him it had to be spent, all of it by just the two of us. It was then that he got comfortable. He got vodka then ran it down like water. After that he had countless shots of tequila. I could see it was working. He could hardly keep his eyes open and his head up. I got more vodka for him and he drank two glasses of it. It was the last two shots of tequila he couldnt finish. I was half drunk. I knew what i was doing. After hours of drinking we left or rather i took him home. Dragging and supporting him. I lay him on the back seat and drove back to campus.

I worked our way upstairs and lay him on his bed. His eyes were half open and his speech was muffled. He was realy strung out. Pretty soon he would be out cold. I stroked his cheek and he laughed. I began greasing his broad chest and started unbuttoning his shirt.

It was now time for the kill and he would remember none of it. I started unbuttoning his shirt and i felt his strong grip on my hand.

"Dude stop," he said in a weak voice.

"Dont worry. Im not gon hurt you," i said in a soft tone and i tried to continue. He stopped me. "I may be drunk but i aint a fag. Dont try anything with me or i swear to God.... Get out" he said. I stopped and stood a few inches away from his bed. Even after so many beers he was straight. This was blowing up in my face. I prayed he wouldnt remember this in the morning. I had to leave his room. I left for my room and slid between my blankets and drowned in my thoughts. Of two things i was sure of. Joe was straight as a comp and i would never get him. Secondly i would never try seducing him. I was done. I had to accept it and live with it if i wanted to be his friend and roomate. It would be difficult and i knew it. I thought of the shower and my dream and how close i was to having him. My dick got hard that instant and i ignored it. Then the thoughts of what could have happened hit me. I could have rode that black dick and enjoyed those lips and that hot beefcake. Above all i could have given him my virginity. I knew it wouldnt happen but part of me told me not to give up. I had no ideas left but i knew love would give me some. If i couldnt have him then nobody would. That guy was meant for me not her. I could feel my dick throbbing. There was no way i could ignore it. I had to take care of it. I pulled down my boxers and took my cum towel and laid it on my flat abdomen where the cum would fall. I spread my legs and began slowly but surely stroking my 8in cock, retracting the foreskin back and forth. I wanted this to last and i used the images from the shower and reminisced how his hands felt on my back and how deep those brown eyes were. I went faster and faster till i felt myself closer to eruption.

I felt my cum rise and with it rose my orgasm as well. I hadnt came in a long time and i knew it would be so damn intense. I closed my eyes and drew my head back. I bit my lip and opened my mouth at regular intervals. My legs stretched and my butt grew firmer and my whole body grew tense. My hand worked its magic and finaly i erupted and this sent an outburst of pleasure all through my body. Every jet that i shot released its own burst of pleasure and the pleasure felt like tsunami waves hitting the shore of my body and unleashing their wrath which was good. I shot about twelve jets then the pleasure subsided. The tsunami that was devastating my body had now ended and the waves were now calm water. It had taken all my strength. If wanking felt this good then how would fucking feel? I knew that was a question that wasnt yet to be answered. I felt myself sliping into dream land slowly. I had to wipe the cum and pull my pants up but everything went dark and started to blur then...........

Next: Chapter 3

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