Witches Shapeshifters and Sex

By Sky Tanek

Published on Oct 19, 1999


WARNING: This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual acts between men with men and is not meant for minors. If you are offended by touchy subjects such as homosexuality, witchcraft etc please do not read it. Do not distribute. A single copy has been sent to the Nifty Archives. Please do not post to newsgroups or websites. You may E-mail this story to anyone you choose, so long as you retain this warning and the author's E-mail.

This is a work of fiction and does not reflect the real life activities of the author. All characters are purely fictional, and any resemblance to any person or persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any opinions/beliefs expressed in this article are included for enhancing the story-line and has no bearing on the author's personal belief and faith. This article is not intended to poke fun, insult, harm or damage anything, living or dead.

Any mentions of witchcraft or shapeshifting or any occult art is purely from imagination. They are not real. The author does not bear any responsibilities for any misinterpretation on the reader's part and subsequent misuse of any fictitious spell/incantations etc included in this article.

Any misuse of herbal concoctions, or related materials on alternative medicines are purely the responsibilities of the reader. Any reader wishing to make use of information provided here to carry out their own experiments with herbal treatment should seek help from a herbalist and even with guided instructions should realize that they are taking a risk.

The author is not a witch, does not have a witch and a shape-shifter for parents and is not a qualified herbalist or aroma therapist.

Title: Witches, Shapeshifters and Sex --------------------------------------

Chapter Two ============

A. Herbs And Our Life

Many people are either misinformed or ignorant about witches - they usually associate us with the long-nosed woman waving her scepter covered with black raven feathers over a cauldron. For one thing, Duvre (Dad) and I are both men (happily gay) and we do not use a scepter (except Jeremy (Papa) who uses it during his S&M sessions sometimes).

As witches we believe in making use of the vast gifts provided by Mother Nature for healing and therapeutic purposes. We think of it as Earth magick. (The 'k' is there to distinguish it from the type of magic that is performed in Las Vegas) Herbs, if used in the right amounts and combinations can achieve the following: cleaning the body of impurities, fortification of the immune system and strengthening the constitution of an organ. The keyword is 'right' just like cooking, a delicious dish not only needs to be made of the correct amount of ingredients, the ingredients must also appeal to the person who is eating it. Some herbs work for others relatively well and for some they may not work or the effects take a longer time to show.

With our strong beliefs in the advantages of using herbs as a supplement to our daily activities, it is inevitable that experimenting with herbs becomes an intricate part of our life. We use herbs in our cooking, fill pouches with dried herbs and hang these around the house, decorate our table centerpieces so that they not only look beautiful but smell wonderful. Durve even make pleasure balms using ginseng root, diluted juniper oil and a dash of crushed jasmine flowers. He claims these salves enhance the strength of the spells that he would occasionally cast to improve his love life with Jeremy.

"I dunno magic or no magick. When applied these things are damn hot and sears like burning charcoal but they give me such a helluva rush that I keep my stiffy for hours." was Jeremy's response when I decided to ask him about Duvre's claim.

That was probably 2 to 3 years ago.

During this time I have become quite skilful in making use of the properties of different herbs for physical therapy. So one day, sometime during my university years, I felt it was a perfect time to put my new-found knowledge to good use. This turned out to be a huge mistake.

I was invited to a male friend's party during Christmas as his parents were out of the country on a business trip to Australia. There were a bunch of guys at his place, some I knew from school others I could only remember nodding a fleeting greeting. Most of them were from the varsity volleyball team as my friend Peter was the vice-captain while the rest were either from dance, choir or some cultural groups that I couldn't quite recall at that moment. Peter was an avid clubbing creature himself, so it was no surprise that he knew some varsity dancers.

The bungalow was situated some distance away from the prime Central Business District(CBD) area. It is a fact that most of the houses in Singapore are packed close to each other due to scarcity of land. Luckily Peter's parents, who owned several factories in neighboring Indonesia and Australia, were able to afford a house with a few acres of surrounding land - enough to accommodate a garage, a sizable rectangular garden and a stretch of green soft lawn that was ideal for holding afternoon tea sessions. Another plus point was his neighbors weren't the nosy type which meant we had sufficient freedom to jam to our hearts' delight.

They say lust blinds the mind and I totally agree. Hours before the party, I was all psyched up and excited to try out my new perfume made with stimulants. You don't get invited to an all-male party with straight hunks everyday, it would be a waste not to see some real action. I have not yet told any of my friends about my preferred sexuality, largely due to fear of being ostracized and a small part because I don't think it's necessary as none of them appeals to me. But still a guy gets horny and at that time it seemed right since all the guys were probably going to suffer from was a slight headache and I could blame it on the beer. Besides the potion wasn't exactly potent and I thought the worst thing that all these guys were going to do was probably crack dirty jokes at each other. I have all but completely forgotten most of my teachings and beliefs, twisting one of the sacred motto of being a witch, "An' it harm none, Do as ye will", to mean something else for my own selfish purposes.

So there I was wearing a black silk shirt with matching black pants and a gray tie with silver linings. The only accessory I had was the metal, pentagram-shaped ring on my right hand. Nervously touching my short, fine black hair that had a thin layer of gel applied, I could feel my heart pumping in ecstasy. The potion was contained in a small clear vial that I hid in one of my pant pockets. There was loud music and a continuous flow of beer. Very soon everyone was semi-drunk and making lewd remarks. I had shrewdly opted for juice and water instead as I needed a sober mind to implement my devious plan.

Stealthily, I retrieved the vial and approached two muscular meat slouching on the couch watching the English variety show on television. I recognized both of them to be on the Varsity volleyball team, James and Patrick. James was the cute one; sleek muscular arms that were tanned from the long hours practicing under the afternoon sun, short cropped, midnight- black hair that smell of perfumed soap, boyish good looks where a dimple would appear on his face when he puts on his childish smile and a gently sloped chin, clean and well-shaven. Patrick had more of a big bad boy look; Long, unruly brown hair that looked like they had not been brushed before, eyes the color of liquid ink, pitch black and bottomless, near the corner of the left eye, a brass ring was caught dangling from the eyebrow and there was an old tattoo of a dragon spanning half of his arm. Yet there was a strong, almost masculine smell of sweat mixed with Old Spice cologne permeating the space about him and where his white singlet stretched and tightened, hard, protruding chests were revealed and taut nipples strained against the flimsy white material now dampened by small pools of sweat.

I uncorked the vial quietly, brought the swirling red liquid beneath Patrick's nose. After taking a deep sniff, he let out a rough grunt. I did the same to James and his eyes merely closed while a dreamy smile of indescribable lust spread across his baby-smooth skin. Before I could even contemplate on who my next victim should be, both these straight guys started to hug each other and their hands began to explore each other's body violently and desperately. James was vigorously licking Patrick's chest, his tongue leaving wet stains on the already wet singlet. Patrick on the other hand was busy with pinching James tight butt and working towards undoing the faded, blue denim jeans.

I was shocked momentarily and then furious with myself.

I had left my camera at home@#!

By now, some of the other guys noticed the little commotion and began to gather around, some of them stunned but most them appeared to be enjoying the show. There were even infrequent shouts of encouragement from the crowd, although they were often slurred and distasteful. I tried to wiggle my way out of the mess, bending low and pushing unsuccessfully, when suddenly I heard the crash of shattering glass followed by noisy sounds of slurping and kissing, as the people blocking my way began to fall away. I stood up and stared at the chaos in the house and the broken vial on the floor.

There were couples stripping near the big mahogany front door, three-somes in front of the stereo and television set and some more couples strewn along the staircase who were either struggling with each other's fly or furiously nudging their head against each other's loins. A guy whom I think was the captain of the volleyball team was naked and backed against the wall by some dancers and a small but well-built figure was pulling at the captain's cock and forcefully jerking him off. Somewhere in an isolated spot blocked by some plants, a solitary man was masturbating. The voices of celebrities narrating about what was going on at the local festivities and the upbeat, disco music were drowned by screams and groans of pleasure. I didn't dare to conceive what the consequences would had been if a policeman decided to walk in. Oddly enough, I didn't feel the effects of the potion. I attributed that to the lack of alcohol content in my system.

The only thought on my mind was, " I need to get my ass out of here pronto!"

Just then, I felt someone's hand on my shoulders and swerved around in trepidation. It was Peter. And he looked real drunk and high. He was naked from the waist down and his dick was pointing like a gun towards my crotch.

"Cuummm on baaaby, suuck my coock," Peter teased, his head touching mine and his lips warm against my cheeks.

"I REALLY don't think you want to do this Peter," I stated, pushing him away, which only made him pressed even closer still.

"Yoooouu haaave the mooost yuuummmy ears and lliips"

Peter was chewing on my ear lobes, sending shivers of delight down my spine and I had to swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. The tangy smell of his expensive cologne was starting to drug my senses. He grabbed my hands and placed them over his balls, snuggled warmly within a light coat of darkish brown fur. Instinctively, I gripped his hard shaft and he prodded me on to move my hand. The only sensation travelling up my fingers was the tender feel of Peter's pliable manhood as I gave him a hand-job, leisurely at first and stepping up the pace as I pushed him closer to the edge.

"WOooo...WOOOOooo" Peter groaned, as my hands jerk fervently, pulling and extending his cock, now stiff as a long, warm sausage.

Drops of pre-cum were gathering at the tip and I could feel his hot breath blowing down my back as he held onto me. His facial muscles pulled tighter as desire coursed through his veins like a bushfire.


"Giveee iit too meee, god, ooohhhh god"


"YESss, OHHHHH YESSS" Peter yelled as a spurt of cum gushed onto my hand.

Shuddering again and again, Peter emptied himself, slithering onto the floor only when he finished and falling into an exhausted slumber. I flung away the cum and hastily went to wash my hands in the bathroom on the second level, kicking away entangled bodies lying on the floor.

At that time I felt like a whore.

Not only had I masturbated my friend but I had messed up his party. Peter had a steady girlfriend Selena and I didn't think I could look her right in the eye after what happened tonight. Then there were the other guests and if any of them remembered what happened, I think things would be extremely awkward for everyone. I hailed a cab, went home and locked myself in my room. That night I could hardly sleep, overwhelmed with guilt and I couldn't stop berating myself. All the time, my mind was reciting the law of the Three-Fold return, where for every action there is a reaction, multiplied by three.

Fortunately, nobody seemed to recall what transpired during last night's bash. Perhaps they were just too drunk to notice or ashamed to acknowledge the fact that they could be attracted to men. The only one to mention anything remotely indicative of that night was the volleyball team captain, who said he felt tired and especially sore in his buttocks. I wondered if any of the dancers raped him that night. Peter was still on friendly terms with me but for a few weeks I was too ashamed to talk to Selena, hurriedly finding an excuse to go away the moment I saw her approaching.

Neither of my parents made any explicit comments but I think they knew what happened because two days after that faithful night, Duvre compelled me to perform rituals to the God and Goddess, asking for forgiveness and their kind protection, every night for a full month. After that Jeremy would spank me with his cane until I could not sit without yelping. Of course, Jeremy had a whale of a time punishing me because I could see him fondling himself as I howled in pain.

B. Scented Baths

We have a total of 3 bathrooms in the house. The largest is located just next to my parents' master bedroom. It has a shower place with an enormous oval-shaped bathtub made of emerald marble - the type that has white veins crisscrossing the dark green stone. A pair of ornate, gliding glass doors that are trimmed with gold-plated strips separates it from the toilet-bowl. Several steps from the toilet-bowl spans the washing sink that is crafted from brownish-colored mosaic. On both sides of the sink are two Greek columns and lanky, twirling vines can be seen climbing up the white plaster in a circular motion. The rest of the place is done up using shades of gray and green, from the tiles all the way to the ceiling. The walls are covered with wallpapers that depict wild beasts like eagles and panthers roaming the jungle. My parents have an affinity for Nature and enjoy displaying it in their bathroom decor.

Once a month or depending on the occasion, my family would decide to have scented baths using flowers and all sorts of essential oils. Sometimes, Duvre would buy so much fruits (He has a thing about 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away') and decides the best way to use them before they rot would be to use them in our baths. I would usually take my bath alone because my parents is particular about not having their 'freedom' violated. I imagine they could only mean I would distract them from having sex in the shower.

Our baths are mostly prepared on an individual basis, depending on each person's mood for that day. However, it is not uncommon that we would all opt for a cool icy bath with lots of lemon on a hot and humid day. Instead of using citrus-type essential oils, we would squeeze lots of fresh lemon juice which we then pour into the bath. Alternatively, if we are feeling less extravagant, cutting thick slices of lemon and then scrubbing our bodies with it would do the trick just as well. It is important to note that when choosing essential oils or flowers to add to the bath, one should always feel comfortable about what he/she is going to use. Some oils may smell too strong and make you feel irritated instead of refreshed while some flowers such as red hibiscus may look like drops of blood in the water, which I think wouldn't be quite pleasing to the eye. For a lazy bath when I am feeling lethargic, I would usually mix in a little honey, fresh mint leaves, lavender and kiwi extracts plus an abundance of chrysanthemum flowers. For a quick dip on days when I would feel happy or excited, my choice would veer more towards having lime oil diluted with lots of water, thin cucumber slices for the face and after the bath, if the weather is really hot, a fast spray of baby talcum powder.

Now I especially love those hot Sunday mornings where after a jog around the estate, you find yourself perspiring profusely and needing a shower badly. On those days I would crave for a nice cool, tropical-style bath. Dumping large packets of ice packed into bags of cloth plus a few stalks of orchids if I can get my hands on some, I partially submerge myself into the water and think of relaxing images such as sleeping on a white fluffy cloud or floating on a calm sea. There should not be too much ice, just enough to cool down the water to a comfortable temperature.

The ice bags have another purpose though.

After some time when I feel my muscles start to loosen, I slowly touch my precious club pulling it tenderly inch by inch with my fingers, massaging the nuts with my other free hand, loving the inferno-like friction between the foreskin and the flesh beneath. All the time my mind would play through the grinning faces of mouth-watering celebrities that I hanker after, fantasizing them to be in all sorts of compromising positions.

His cute virgin arse facing me, the inviting hole well-lubricated, waiting for me to penetrate. The passsage is cramped and just the mere thought of the way the cheeks close in on my bold length of meat usually makes me moan.

Or my avaricious tongue chewing and licking on his clean cock, his pubic hair brushing against my nose and face, leaving behind a wonderful trail of masculine sweat.

The best part is the salty taste of his cum on my tongue, viscous like a high-grade gel as I try to take in everything. Above me, I could hear him curse my name sweetly.

But each time I would settle on a single man because it is way too intense to handle more than one delectable cock in any session, you simply cannot focus! Some of my favourite celebrities, include Brian Litterell from Backstreet Boys, Dylan Mcdermott (yes, he is married but so what?!) from The Practice, David Duchovny from X-files (I like him best when he is unkempt, a faint growth of beard at the chin) and Dean Cain from Superman (he is forever seen in his red speedo, Superman costume)

After ejaculating, I would then gather a few packs of ice and put them around my limp cock, allowing the nerves to feel the sudden blast of frostiness, forcing myself to wake from my reverie. Sometimes if I feel energetic after the first blast, I would stick the ice pack into my butthole and rub myself until another hot, fresh stream of cum escapes from my manhood.

The final step is drying myself and having a quick rub down, massaging my arms and legs with camphor oil to relieve any bruises or aches. The oil has a delightful scent that makes you feel cozy and a little like an infant being wrapped entirely in a strong pair of arms.


This is my first time writing erotic fiction. Any comments, please send to sky_tanek@yahoo.com

I have tried to include some elements of truth when spinning the above tale, so as to add that extra touch of reality to make the story believable.

Nonetheless, I stress NOT to try out some of the stuff I mentioned unless you have sought professional help or feel you are extremely confident and knowledgeable. A well informed decision is less risky than a poorly informed one.

Below are some of the fantastic websites put up by different people which have helped me in my research. If any of these web-masters/web-mistresses feel very strongly about having their links mentioned in association with erotica, please drop me an email to have them removed.

Herbs =====

1.Henriette's Herbal Homepage


Deals mostly with FAQ files about herbs. Cool plant pictures.

Discusses both medicinal and culinary herbs. There is a wealth of

information regarding history of herbal therapies, chinese medicine etc.

2.Herbs and Aromas


Easy read, without too much jargon.

Defines various herbal preparation methods. Good list of herbs as well.

Some additional info about perfumes and aromas and links to aromatherapy.

3.Hena's Herb Garden


A good place for the beginner, with a sound research study on herbs.

Detailed discussions of some commonly used herbs make it a good read

for starters.

Wicca, Witchcraft =================

1.Scott Moira's Website


Features an in-depth discussion of Witches/Wicca as well as

a good collection of links. Perfect site for the beginner and intermediate

who feels they have a calling for Wicca.

WARNING: This story contains vivid descriptions of sexual acts between men with men and is not meant for minors. If you are offended by touchy subjects such as homosexuality, witchcraft etc please do not read it. Do not distribute. A single copy has been sent to the Nifty Archives. Please do not post to newsgroups or websites. You may E-mail this story to anyone you choose, so long as you retain this warning and the author's E-mail.

This is a work of fiction and does not reflect the real life activities of the author. All characters are purely fictional, and any resemblance to any person or persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any opinions/beliefs expressed in this article are included for enhancing the story-line and has no bearing on the author's personal belief and faith. This article is not intended to poke fun, insult, harm or damage anything, living or dead.

Any mentions of witchcraft or shapeshifting or any occult art is purely from imagination. They are not real. The author does not bear any responsibilities for any misinterpretation on the reader's part and subsequent misuse of any fictitious spell/incantations etc included in this article.

Any misuse of herbal concoctions, or related materials on alternative medicines are purely the responsibilities of the reader. Any reader wishing to make use of information provided here to carry out their own experiments with herbal treatment should seek help from a herbalist and even with guided instructions should realize that they are taking a risk.

The author is not a witch, does not have a witch and a shape-shifter for parents and is not a qualified herbalist or aroma therapist.

Title: Witches, Shapeshifters and Sex --------------------------------------

Chapter Two ============

A. Herbs And Our Life

Many people are either misinformed or ignorant about witches - they usually associate us with the long-nosed woman waving her scepter covered with black raven feathers over a cauldron. For one thing, Duvre (Dad) and I are both men (happily gay) and we do not use a scepter (except Jeremy (Papa) who uses it during his S&M sessions sometimes).

As witches we believe in making use of the vast gifts provided by Mother Nature for healing and therapeutic purposes. We think of it as Earth magick. (The 'k' is there to distinguish it from the type of magic that is performed in Las Vegas) Herbs, if used in the right amounts and combinations can achieve the following: cleaning the body of impurities, fortification of the immune system and strengthening the constitution of an organ. The keyword is 'right' just like cooking, a delicious dish not only needs to be made of the correct amount of ingredients, the ingredients must also appeal to the person who is eating it. Some herbs work for others relatively well and for some they may not work or the effects take a longer time to show.

With our strong beliefs in the advantages of using herbs as a supplement to our daily activities, it is inevitable that experimenting with herbs becomes an intricate part of our life. We use herbs in our cooking, fill pouches with dried herbs and hang these around the house, decorate our table centerpieces so that they not only look beautiful but smell wonderful. Durve even make pleasure balms using ginseng root, diluted juniper oil and a dash of crushed jasmine flowers. He claims these salves enhance the strength of the spells that he would occasionally cast to improve his love life with Jeremy.

"I dunno magic or no magick. When applied these things are damn hot and sears like burning charcoal but they give me such a helluva rush that I keep my stiffy for hours." was Jeremy's response when I decided to ask him about Duvre's claim.

That was probably 2 to 3 years ago.

During this time I have become quite skilful in making use of the properties of different herbs for physical therapy. So one day, sometime during my university years, I felt it was a perfect time to put my new-found knowledge to good use. This turned out to be a huge mistake.

I was invited to a male friend's party during Christmas as his parents were out of the country on a business trip to Australia. There were a bunch of guys at his place, some I knew from school others I could only remember nodding a fleeting greeting. Most of them were from the varsity volleyball team as my friend Peter was the vice-captain while the rest were either from dance, choir or some cultural groups that I couldn't quite recall at that moment. Peter was an avid clubbing creature himself, so it was no surprise that he knew some varsity dancers.

The bungalow was situated some distance away from the prime Central Business District(CBD) area. It is a fact that most of the houses in Singapore are packed close to each other due to scarcity of land. Luckily Peter's parents, who owned several factories in neighboring Indonesia and Australia, were able to afford a house with a few acres of surrounding land - enough to accommodate a garage, a sizable rectangular garden and a stretch of green soft lawn that was ideal for holding afternoon tea sessions. Another plus point was his neighbors weren't the nosy type which meant we had sufficient freedom to jam to our hearts' delight.

They say lust blinds the mind and I totally agree. Hours before the party, I was all psyched up and excited to try out my new perfume made with stimulants. You don't get invited to an all-male party with straight hunks everyday, it would be a waste not to see some real action. I have not yet told any of my friends about my preferred sexuality, largely due to fear of being ostracized and a small part because I don't think it's necessary as none of them appeals to me. But still a guy gets horny and at that time it seemed right since all the guys were probably going to suffer from was a slight headache and I could blame it on the beer. Besides the potion wasn't exactly potent and I thought the worst thing that all these guys were going to do was probably crack dirty jokes at each other. I have all but completely forgotten most of my teachings and beliefs, twisting one of the sacred motto of being a witch, "An' it harm none, Do as ye will", to mean something else for my own selfish purposes.

So there I was wearing a black silk shirt with matching black pants and a gray tie with silver linings. The only accessory I had was the metal, pentagram-shaped ring on my right hand. Nervously touching my short, fine black hair that had a thin layer of gel applied, I could feel my heart pumping in ecstasy. The potion was contained in a small clear vial that I hid in one of my pant pockets. There was loud music and a continuous flow of beer. Very soon everyone was semi-drunk and making lewd remarks. I had shrewdly opted for juice and water instead as I needed a sober mind to implement my devious plan.

Stealthily, I retrieved the vial and approached two muscular meat slouching on the couch watching the English variety show on television. I recognized both of them to be on the Varsity volleyball team, James and Patrick. James was the cute one; sleek muscular arms that were tanned from the long hours practicing under the afternoon sun, short cropped, midnight- black hair that smell of perfumed soap, boyish good looks where a dimple would appear on his face when he puts on his childish smile and a gently sloped chin, clean and well-shaven. Patrick had more of a big bad boy look; Long, unruly brown hair that looked like they had not been brushed before, eyes the color of liquid ink, pitch black and bottomless, near the corner of the left eye, a brass ring was caught dangling from the eyebrow and there was an old tattoo of a dragon spanning half of his arm. Yet there was a strong, almost masculine smell of sweat mixed with Old Spice cologne permeating the space about him and where his white singlet stretched and tightened, hard, protruding chests were revealed and taut nipples strained against the flimsy white material now dampened by small pools of sweat.

I uncorked the vial quietly, brought the swirling red liquid beneath Patrick's nose. After taking a deep sniff, he let out a rough grunt. I did the same to James and his eyes merely closed while a dreamy smile of indescribable lust spread across his baby-smooth skin. Before I could even contemplate on who my next victim should be, both these straight guys started to hug each other and their hands began to explore each other's body violently and desperately. James was vigorously licking Patrick's chest, his tongue leaving wet stains on the already wet singlet. Patrick on the other hand was busy with pinching James tight butt and working towards undoing the faded, blue denim jeans.

I was shocked momentarily and then furious with myself.

I had left my camera at home@#!

By now, some of the other guys noticed the little commotion and began to gather around, some of them stunned but most them appeared to be enjoying the show. There were even infrequent shouts of encouragement from the crowd, although they were often slurred and distasteful. I tried to wiggle my way out of the mess, bending low and pushing unsuccessfully, when suddenly I heard the crash of shattering glass followed by noisy sounds of slurping and kissing, as the people blocking my way began to fall away. I stood up and stared at the chaos in the house and the broken vial on the floor.

There were couples stripping near the big mahogany front door, three-somes in front of the stereo and television set and some more couples strewn along the staircase who were either struggling with each other's fly or furiously nudging their head against each other's loins. A guy whom I think was the captain of the volleyball team was naked and backed against the wall by some dancers and a small but well-built figure was pulling at the captain's cock and forcefully jerking him off. Somewhere in an isolated spot blocked by some plants, a solitary man was masturbating. The voices of celebrities narrating about what was going on at the local festivities and the upbeat, disco music were drowned by screams and groans of pleasure. I didn't dare to conceive what the consequences would had been if a policeman decided to walk in. Oddly enough, I didn't feel the effects of the potion. I attributed that to the lack of alcohol content in my system.

The only thought on my mind was, " I need to get my ass out of here pronto!"

Just then, I felt someone's hand on my shoulders and swerved around in trepidation. It was Peter. And he looked real drunk and high. He was naked from the waist down and his dick was pointing like a gun towards my crotch.

"Cuummm on baaaby, suuck my coock," Peter teased, his head touching mine and his lips warm against my cheeks.

"I REALLY don't think you want to do this Peter," I stated, pushing him away, which only made him pressed even closer still.

"Yoooouu haaave the mooost yuuummmy ears and lliips"

Peter was chewing on my ear lobes, sending shivers of delight down my spine and I had to swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. The tangy smell of his expensive cologne was starting to drug my senses. He grabbed my hands and placed them over his balls, snuggled warmly within a light coat of darkish brown fur. Instinctively, I gripped his hard shaft and he prodded me on to move my hand. The only sensation travelling up my fingers was the tender feel of Peter's pliable manhood as I gave him a hand-job, leisurely at first and stepping up the pace as I pushed him closer to the edge.

"WOooo...WOOOOooo" Peter groaned, as my hands jerk fervently, pulling and extending his cock, now stiff as a long, warm sausage.

Drops of pre-cum were gathering at the tip and I could feel his hot breath blowing down my back as he held onto me. His facial muscles pulled tighter as desire coursed through his veins like a bushfire.


"Giveee iit too meee, god, ooohhhh god"


"YESss, OHHHHH YESSS" Peter yelled as a spurt of cum gushed onto my hand.

Shuddering again and again, Peter emptied himself, slithering onto the floor only when he finished and falling into an exhausted slumber. I flung away the cum and hastily went to wash my hands in the bathroom on the second level, kicking away entangled bodies lying on the floor.

At that time I felt like a whore.

Not only had I masturbated my friend but I had messed up his party. Peter had a steady girlfriend Selena and I didn't think I could look her right in the eye after what happened tonight. Then there were the other guests and if any of them remembered what happened, I think things would be extremely awkward for everyone. I hailed a cab, went home and locked myself in my room. That night I could hardly sleep, overwhelmed with guilt and I couldn't stop berating myself. All the time, my mind was reciting the law of the Three-Fold return, where for every action there is a reaction, multiplied by three.

Fortunately, nobody seemed to recall what transpired during last night's bash. Perhaps they were just too drunk to notice or ashamed to acknowledge the fact that they could be attracted to men. The only one to mention anything remotely indicative of that night was the volleyball team captain, who said he felt tired and especially sore in his buttocks. I wondered if any of the dancers raped him that night. Peter was still on friendly terms with me but for a few weeks I was too ashamed to talk to Selena, hurriedly finding an excuse to go away the moment I saw her approaching.

Neither of my parents made any explicit comments but I think they knew what happened because two days after that faithful night, Duvre compelled me to perform rituals to the God and Goddess, asking for forgiveness and their kind protection, every night for a full month. After that Jeremy would spank me with his cane until I could not sit without yelping. Of course, Jeremy had a whale of a time punishing me because I could see him fondling himself as I howled in pain.

B. Scented Baths

We have a total of 3 bathrooms in the house. The largest is located just next to my parents' master bedroom. It has a shower place with an enormous oval-shaped bathtub made of emerald marble - the type that has white veins crisscrossing the dark green stone. A pair of ornate, gliding glass doors that are trimmed with gold-plated strips separates it from the toilet-bowl. Several steps from the toilet-bowl spans the washing sink that is crafted from brownish-colored mosaic. On both sides of the sink are two Greek columns and lanky, twirling vines can be seen climbing up the white plaster in a circular motion. The rest of the place is done up using shades of gray and green, from the tiles all the way to the ceiling. The walls are covered with wallpapers that depict wild beasts like eagles and panthers roaming the jungle. My parents have an affinity for Nature and enjoy displaying it in their bathroom decor.

Once a month or depending on the occasion, my family would decide to have scented baths using flowers and all sorts of essential oils. Sometimes, Duvre would buy so much fruits (He has a thing about 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away') and decides the best way to use them before they rot would be to use them in our baths. I would usually take my bath alone because my parents is particular about not having their 'freedom' violated. I imagine they could only mean I would distract them from having sex in the shower.

Our baths are mostly prepared on an individual basis, depending on each person's mood for that day. However, it is not uncommon that we would all opt for a cool icy bath with lots of lemon on a hot and humid day. Instead of using citrus-type essential oils, we would squeeze lots of fresh lemon juice which we then pour into the bath. Alternatively, if we are feeling less extravagant, cutting thick slices of lemon and then scrubbing our bodies with it would do the trick just as well. It is important to note that when choosing essential oils or flowers to add to the bath, one should always feel comfortable about what he/she is going to use. Some oils may smell too strong and make you feel irritated instead of refreshed while some flowers such as red hibiscus may look like drops of blood in the water, which I think wouldn't be quite pleasing to the eye. For a lazy bath when I am feeling lethargic, I would usually mix in a little honey, fresh mint leaves, lavender and kiwi extracts plus an abundance of chrysanthemum flowers. For a quick dip on days when I would feel happy or excited, my choice would veer more towards having lime oil diluted with lots of water, thin cucumber slices for the face and after the bath, if the weather is really hot, a fast spray of baby talcum powder.

Now I especially love those hot Sunday mornings where after a jog around the estate, you find yourself perspiring profusely and needing a shower badly. On those days I would crave for a nice cool, tropical-style bath. Dumping large packets of ice packed into bags of cloth plus a few stalks of orchids if I can get my hands on some, I partially submerge myself into the water and think of relaxing images such as sleeping on a white fluffy cloud or floating on a calm sea. There should not be too much ice, just enough to cool down the water to a comfortable temperature.

The ice bags have another purpose though.

After some time when I feel my muscles start to loosen, I slowly touch my precious club pulling it tenderly inch by inch with my fingers, massaging the nuts with my other free hand, loving the inferno-like friction between the foreskin and the flesh beneath. All the time my mind would play through the grinning faces of mouth-watering celebrities that I hanker after, fantasizing them to be in all sorts of compromising positions.

His cute virgin arse facing me, the inviting hole well-lubricated, waiting for me to penetrate. The passsage is cramped and just the mere thought of the way the cheeks close in on my bold length of meat usually makes me moan.

Or my avaricious tongue chewing and licking on his clean cock, his pubic hair brushing against my nose and face, leaving behind a wonderful trail of masculine sweat.

The best part is the salty taste of his cum on my tongue, viscous like a high-grade gel as I try to take in everything. Above me, I could hear him curse my name sweetly.

But each time I would settle on a single man because it is way too intense to handle more than one delectable cock in any session, you simply cannot focus! Some of my favourite celebrities, include Brian Litterell from Backstreet Boys, Dylan Mcdermott (yes, he is married but so what?!) from The Practice, David Duchovny from X-files (I like him best when he is unkempt, a faint growth of beard at the chin) and Dean Cain from Superman (he is forever seen in his red speedo, Superman costume)

After ejaculating, I would then gather a few packs of ice and put them around my limp cock, allowing the nerves to feel the sudden blast of frostiness, forcing myself to wake from my reverie. Sometimes if I feel energetic after the first blast, I would stick the ice pack into my butthole and rub myself until another hot, fresh stream of cum escapes from my manhood.

The final step is drying myself and having a quick rub down, massaging my arms and legs with camphor oil to relieve any bruises or aches. The oil has a delightful scent that makes you feel cozy and a little like an infant being wrapped entirely in a strong pair of arms.


This is my first time writing erotic fiction. Any comments, please send to sky_tanek@yahoo.com

I have tried to include some elements of truth when spinning the above tale, so as to add that extra touch of reality to make the story believable.

Nonetheless, I stress NOT to try out some of the stuff I mentioned unless you have sought professional help or feel you are extremely confident and knowledgeable. A well informed decision is less risky than a poorly informed one.

Below are some of the fantastic websites put up by different people which have helped me in my research. If any of these web-masters/web-mistresses feel very strongly about having their links mentioned in association with erotica, please drop me an email to have them removed.

Herbs =====

1.Henriette's Herbal Homepage


Deals mostly with FAQ files about herbs. Cool plant pictures.

Discusses both medicinal and culinary herbs. There is a wealth of

information regarding history of herbal therapies, chinese medicine etc.

2.Herbs and Aromas


Easy read, without too much jargon.

Defines various herbal preparation methods. Good list of herbs as well.

Some additional info about perfumes and aromas and links to aromatherapy.

3.Hena's Herb Garden


A good place for the beginner, with a sound research study on herbs.

Detailed discussions of some commonly used herbs make it a good read

for starters.

Wicca, Witchcraft =================

1.Scott Moira's Website


Features an in-depth discussion of Witches/Wicca as well as

a good collection of links. Perfect site for the beginner and intermediate

who feels they have a calling for Wicca.

Next: Chapter 3

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