Wishing Confusion

By William Steps

Published on Nov 19, 2009



It all started with a heated argument with my twin sister Linda. We had never got along as children, and while we were forced to live together for a spell while we were in our twenties, she ended an argument with the phrase...

"I wish you knew what it was like to be me, you jackass." She muttered. Suddenly I heard a loud buzzing, vibrating noise. Linda looked down at her hand, the ring she had found was humming, and it began to glow like it was red hot. She didn't seem to be in pain though. Then felt my stomach turn. I felt dizzy and reeled backwards. I almost fell over as I felt my body shake and swirl. I thought I was going to throw up for a moment, then I began to regain some control, though I felt off balance and nauseous. When I felt all right again I straightened up, feeling my weight shift in a weird way. I felt as though something was pulling the front of my body forward. "What was that?" I snapped.

I clamped a hand to my throat; the voice that had just come out of me wasn't mine. In fact it sounded like Linda. Linda was just staring at me, mouth agape. I looked at her, confused. "You look like me!" She said. "You are a copy of me!" I didn't believe it until I looked down at myself. I saw that the weight I felt was from the large breasts hanging off my chest. I could see the ample cleavage under my chin, and I was wearing the same shirt she was. There was a mirror on the other side of the room, and I teetered over to look at myself. It was true; I had become my sisters twin. Every detail was the same; physically there was no way to tell us apart.

"The ring," I stuttered in her voice. "The ring did this. Where did you get it?" She looked at the ring on her hand. "I found in in the street just the other day..." I turned to look at her urgently. "Quick wish me back to normal." Linda was recovering from some of her shock, and she started to smile. "What's the rush?" She said. "I wanted you to know what it was like to be me, now you will." I glared at her. "Don't mess about, I don't want to end up stuck like this." I said. She thought a moment. "I have a plan then." She said, and I didn't like the sound of it. Before I could ask she made another wish, and one that I couldn't believe.

"I wish that while you are me you want to fuck Rich as much as I do, and only after you sleep with him will you change back. In the meantime you'll think just like me." I gaped at her. Rich was my best friend, and I had always known she had a thing for him, but I did not approve. "Hey don't mess around, we don't know how many wishes you get!" I shouted in my sister's voice. "As long as that one works then you have nothing to worry about, we'll switch back as soon as you've had your way with Rich." She said, grinning lasciviously. "I am not going to -" It was too late though, the wish had worked. I thought of Rich and I was filled with desire. "Damn you!" I spat. "Give me the ring so I can wish myself back to normal." I demanded. "Are you sure you want to do that, you wont get to sleep with him if you do that. Conflicting thoughts battled in my brain. I felt my skin tingle at the thought of having Rich inside me. I tried to tell my body that I was a man, that I had no desires for my friend at all. It was of little use, I wanted him as much as she did.

"What if he doesn't want me?" I asked. Linda laughed, realising she had succeeded. "Trust me, you may not be a magazine cover girl but you have a cute face and huge tits, just look into his eyes and rub your breasts over him and he'll give in pretty quick." She chuckled. "But he said he wouldn't fuck his best friend's sister." I said. "He will if his best friend says it's ok." She replied. "I wish I knew what it was like to be my brother, Peter." She said, winking. I watched her teeter and reel, feeling the same sickness and dizziness I did. I saw her body go liquid, then mould and shape again. In a matter of seconds she looked exactly like me.

I also knew she was right, she was in my body and if 'I' told Rich that it was ok... I couldn't wait to get his clothes off. Part of me knew I was going to hate Linda after this happened, but I didn't care at the time. We were brother and sister again, only now it was reversed. "This is gonna be fun." Linda said, sounding like me. "Maybe afterwards I'll let you use the ring yourself. In the meantime I guess I should arrange to hang out with Rich..."

I was left standing in the living room feeling confused and lost. I had become my sister, she had become me. She had embedded in me all of her desires towards my best friend and was on her way to invite him over. I could have stopped her, forced her to give me the ring, talked her into undoing what she had done - but I didn't. The reason was simple; thanks to her I waned to bed Rich more than anything, and I wanted her to get him into the house. I tried to be angry with her, but instead I felt gratitude that she as going to facilitate giving me my ultimate desire. I felt frustratingly happy.

I walked across to the nearest mirror and looked at myself, seeing my sister's twenty-two-year-old body from a new perspective. I was the one with long brown hair, green eyes and full lips. Even more shockingly, I was the one with a big rack and a curvy body. Linda had always thought herself chubby, and I didn't refrain from teasing her on this topic either. The truth is she wasn't, she may have been ten pounds over the celebrity status quo but her curvy and strong looking legs were impressive. And the small curve of her baby-fat belly did nothing that her large, firm breasts didn't more than make up for. She had a attractive face, though it did have just a touch of 'girl next door.' Nonetheless, I had to admit that she was an attractive girl. This meant I was attractive girl now.

When I heard Rich arrive I stayed in my room. I knew that 'I' had to let him know that fucking me was all right. If I tried to jump him now he would resist, thinking he'd be betraying 'me'. I let their conversation go on downstairs as I sat in my room feeling nervous. I started to think about the possibilities that might be coming up, and the thought turned me on. I started rubbing my breasts absent mindedly as I sat by myself. When I realised what I was doing I didn't stop, but instead I fondled myself harder.

Squeezing my breasts and playing with my nipples, even though me shirt, felt great. It sent little tingles all through me. I felt myself getting very horny, heat and moisture were building up between my legs. I kept massaging my tits with one hand while I let the other slide down between my thighs. I started rubbing my crotch, feeling the wetness seep though the fabric a little. I was amazed at just how good rubbing my clit felt, it made me whimper and moan into my hand. I started pushing my hips into my fingers as I pleasured myself, finding new and wonderful ways to make this body feel great.

Suddenly I heard my old voice calling me. "Hey, Linda!" It said. "We're watching a movie, you wanna join us?" I very much did. I walked downstairs and went into the living room. I said hello to Rich, trying to disguise my plans for him. I sat on the couch across from them as my sister/myself went to put a movie on. 'He' said he couldn't find the one he wanted, and that he was going to look for it in his room. I could tell this was just pretence to leave me and Rich alone together. I had a suspicion he would take his sweet time finding that disk...

I was right, and a good five minutes passed with Rich and I talking casually. I moved over to sit next to him, edging a little closer than was appropriate. We talked some more about inconsequential things, my hands creeping a little nearer to him each moment that went by. Soon I was playing with his hair and he was doing nothing to stop me. I took a hold of his head and drew it towards me, opening my mouth. I kissed him full on, pressing my body close to him. I took Linda's advice of rubbing my breasts across his arm. He was unresponsive at first, but then his hand came up to tease my back.

I started rubbing his groin through his jeans, feeling his member getting hard. We broke our kiss. He made a few feeble "Should we's" that I rebuffed. I stripped off my shirt, my bra pushing my tits up at him. We resumed out making out. I helped him out of his shirt between kissed, running my hands over his chest. He unclasped my bra and freed my boobs. He began fondling my rack adamantly. I sighed, it felt even better when someone else was doing it. After a few moments I started to unbutton and unzip his pants. He took the hint and squirmed out of his trousers, kicking them off. I reached down and started to stroke his hard dick as he took one of my nipples into his mouth.

I couldn't believe how excited I was. This was what I wanted more that anything else in the world and now I had it. My body was alive in a way I had never known before, and I was a slave to desire. I told him that I wanted him badly, that I had always wanted him. He returned the compliment. His rod was rock hard now, and I was still jacking him off firmly. I wanted to do more than that though, I had many more plans for him.

I slid down his body, letting his cock rub between my huge tits. I squeezed my breasts together around his pole and rubbed against him, tit fucking him for a few moments. I giggled, thinking that having big boobs was fun. I licked the tip of Rich's dick as it poked out of my cleavage, teasing him. He sighed and arched into my ministrations. Releasing my chest, I went all the way down so that my face was on front of his erect manhood. I opened my mouth and engulfed his member, swallowing nearly all of it. I slowly started going down on him, feeling his organ twitch as he moaned quietly.

I was soon bobbing my head up and down, using my lips and tongue to pleasure him. I was evidently doing a good job, and he started running his hands through my hair and cradling my head. I whimpered into his dick as he scraped his nails over my back. I increased my pace, getting a little rougher with his cock. I could tell he was really excited now, and so was I. I felt my crotch get soaking wet, staining my flimsy panties. I knew Rich would cum before too long if I kept going, and I wanted him inside of me first.

I let his tool slurp out of my mouth as I sat up. I slipped off my panties from under my skirt and tossed them aside. I then climbed up on top of him, hiking the fabric of my skirt up to my waist. I positioned my hairless slit over his slick spear. I was so wet that there was no resistance as I lowered myself down. I gasp as I felt him slide deep into me on one smooth motion. It was so different from what I had experienced before, and I felt electric all over. When I was all the way down I started grinding my hips, rubbing out pelvis areas together. He pulled back and thrust up with each of my grinding motions, sliding his cock in and out of me as his body rubbed my clit.

It felt amazing. I felt my tits bounce and jiggle on my chest as we fucked, and I moaned when he sat up and took one of my nipples into his mouth. I was wonton and lustful as I rode him. I grinned and moaned and whimpered as he pushed him as deep into me as I could. He held me tight and kissed me passionately as we coupled, my tits mashing into his muscular chest. I kissed him back even harder, forcing my tongue into his mouth. I leaned back a little and concentrated on myself, grinding into him in the way that felt the best.

I felt a overwhelming pleasure build up inside me, one that dwarfed all the ecstasy I was already feeling. My body tingled and reverberated as I realised that I was about to have an orgasm. When it his I screamed out, biting my lip in an attempt to quiet myself. "Oh god, oh god..." I muttered. "Keep going just like that." I demanded. I erupted, my whole being exploding in bliss. "Yesss!, Yesss!' I screamed, followed by some incomprehensible whimpered. It seemed like I would never stop cumming, the orgasm must have lasted four times as long as any I had ever had as a man.

When I began to come down from my high I opened my eyes and smiled at Rich, who was grinning lustfully back at me. "I tried to catch my breath as the sweat dripped down my bosom. Rich seemed satisfied that I was satisfied, so he sat up and rolled me over into a position that was more beneficial to him. I found myself on my back, my breasts sliding back and forth on my chest as I threw my legs around his waist. I dug my heels into his hips as he fucked me. He gradually began ramming into me harder and harder, and the rolling of my breasts was beginning to get uncomfortable. I reached up and cradled my tits as he pounded me, my moans timed with each thrust as I jerked up to meet his advances.

I started to cum again, not as strongly as before but enough to make my cry out and clutch Rich to me as I shuddered and trembled. We were both panting and sweating now, and I had two orgasms under my belt. My skirt was damp and plastered to my waist as we kept fucking, my brain reeling in the alien pleasures. Rich wasn't quite done yet, and he grabbed my arm and spun me around so I was face down. I felt cold and empty as his cock slipped out of me. I got on my knees, my tits squashed into the couch cushions, as he repositioned himself behind me. He ravenously pushed back, desperate to get him back into my pussy.

He slams back into me and picked up where he left off. He started sliding his dck in and out of my cunt from behind while my I twisted my head away form the couch to watch him shag me. I lifted myself off the couch, feeling my chest dangle down in front of me. I looked down to see my jugs swaying and rippling as he slammed into me. I wanted to see his dick going into my wet snatch but my bosom was just too big for me too see past in this position. I looked back over my shoulder to see my ass jolting as he took me. He was getting a little rougher, and I was starting to really enjoy it.

He reached around to rub my clit it one hand, kneading my tit with the other. I whimpered and writhed as he did so. Then, after a few minutes, he went back to grabbing my hips and fucking me hard. He pulled me to him as he slapped into my backside. His breathing was ragged now, and I heard the abandon in his grunts. I knew what was coming and I smiled in anticipation. I wanted to feel him explode inside me. He clenched up and jerked as he pounded me, and I heard him stifle a moan as he came. His seed shot into my pussy in jet after jet. Each pulse filling me up further. When the final spurt was done he collapsed forward, squishing me onto the couch.

I tried to catch my breath, my pleasures ebbing and leaving only a warm glow. I felt his cum leaking out of my slit as he withdrew and flopped down next to me. "That was incredible." He managed to pant. I told his I agreed. Then, all of a sudden, I didn't agree. My glow faded away and I started to feel dirty and sullied. I was gradually more repulsed with myself. I realised I was getting my own mind back. Guilt, revulsion and anger came back to me. I was sickened by the leaking train off jizz that was oozing from my body. I hid my disgust and got up, saying I had to clean myself up. If things worked out properly I would turn back into myself soon, and I didn't want him to see that.

I grabbed my clothes and rushed to the bathroom just as I felt my body reel and stumble. I locked myself in as my body started changing again. In a matter of seconds I was myself again, and the clothes I was holding were my own and not Linda's. The semen was gone from my crotch and m own dick was back. If it wasn't for the vivid memories it would have been like nothing had happened. But I remembered everything. I remembered wanting what Linda wanted, remembered seeking pleasure in her body. She was probably still upstairs, walking around in a duplicate of my body. I pulled my clothes on and went to find her.

I stormed into my room and found her, still looking like me. "Enjoy yourself?" she asked, grinning. "Fuck you. How could you make me do that?" I demanded. "Technically I didn't make you; I just made you want to." She said, dismissively. "Now you know what it's like to be me, at least a little bit." She added. "Fine." I spat. "I've been educated, why are you still me?" She stood up. "Fine," she said. "I wish I was myself again." In a few moments she was my sister once more. I nodded. "I guess I can go see if Rich want seconds." She added, giggling. I nodded, waiting for her to get up and walk past me.

I then grabbed her harshly and grasped the ring on her finger. "I wish -" She began, but it was too late and I had the ring off. I pushed her away from me and looked at the piece of jewellery in my hand. I slipped it on, wondering what I was going to wish in order to be avenged.

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