Wishful Thinking Series

By Dark fire

Published on Jul 3, 2011



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This story does contain sexual romance and intimacy between consenting teenage boys. If this offends you, or if this type of material is illegal in your area, then please leave.

This story is copyright ©2011.

It is therefore illegal to copy or use any part of this story on any other web site without my written permission.

Authors Note:

Hey Guys,

I apologize for leaving the story like that, but I had issues that needed to be dealt with. Please keep emailing me your support. This is my very first story and I suck at time management. I hope you enjoy this chapter, as you did the last. And a huge thanks to Pete for being my editor J

Previously on Wishful Thinking:

"I'll meet you outside in a little bit and I'll take you home," he said. I was stunned, speechless. I really just wanted to jump him right now, but listening to his words, I just nodded and headed outside, waiting for him to get decent. After about five minutes, he walked out, fully dressed in black from head to toe.

"Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded again and he took my hand and led me outside. So I wondered; had all my wishing finally worked? Or is this just some cruel joke that life is playing on me?

----------------------------Chapter 2----------------------------------------

He led me to where his car was parked and opened up the passenger door. He gestured for me to get in. He got in the car and started it, then proceeded to drive us out of the parking lot. After a couple minutes of silence he said, "You hungry?" I shook my head no. "We need to talk..."

I sat there in utter disbelief, why am I getting so nervous? He just wanted to talk... right?

"Listen," he started, as he pulled into a local Starbucks. "I think I might kind of... sort of... like you."

Him, the sexiest guy I have every met thinks he "might kind of sort of like" me? This is crazy!

"And I was wondering if you were busy Saturday night?"

SAY NO GOD DAMMIT! SPEAK! ARGGHH! No matter how hard I tried, I had no control over my vocal cords, and all I could do was shake my head no.

"So this means you're free to go see a movie with me?"

I nodded. Troy smiled at my response and handed me his GPS.

"Punch in your address." I did what I was told and off we went to my house.

The car ride was somewhat uncomfortable, sitting in the silence, with me wishing for a sign that this relationship was going in the right direction. Troy turned on the radio and, lo and behold, Bad Romance by Lady Gaga comes on... my favourite song... or maybe fate is hinting that a bad romance is growing...

The entire ride went like that, just me sitting there, him driving, and music playing in the background, with the occasional voice from the GPS telling him where to go. Other than that, no words were exchanged. The car finally pulled into the driveway and Troy asked in a kind of serious tone after he turned off the engine, "Can we talk in your house, away from prying eyes?" I nodded my head and got out of the car, walking anxiously to the door. Troy followed right behind me as I unlocked the door and went inside.

"Well this is it," I simply stated. I led him to the living room and he sat down on the leather couch. "Do you want anything to drink?" I offered. He shook his head as I headed into the kitchen. I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked in and headed to the fridge. I reached in and pulled out a can of Root Beer, my absolute favourite drink in my life! When I closed the fridge door, I noticed a new note stuck to it.

"Retard, went out with friends won't be home till after 6. Theo."

You see, my sister and I love each other, but we also call each other names on a daily basis. Mom could care less what we do... as long as we don't kill each other. I crumpled the note up and chucked it away while walking back to the living room.

When I got there, Troy was looking at some pictures on the mantle. He looked sort of lost in his own little world so I cleared my throat as loud as I could and he turned around, nearly dropping a picture. "Holy hell, you scared the crap out of me!" he said as he put the picture down. "I didn't know you were blonde. Why'd you dye your hair?" he asked quizzically.

"I wanted change, I guess." I shrugged as I sat down. Troy came and sat right next to me. "So what did you want to talk to me about exactly?"

"Well, since you kind of told me you were, well, gay, I feel like I should tell you this before all the romantic, flirty stuff goes on," he started. I could already feel my palms getting a little sweaty. I just want to tell him to speed it up because I seriously can't stand this torture. He took a deep breath and was about to say something, but, just my luck, the door bell rang.

"Shit. I should probably get that," I said. I got up and headed to the door. When I opened it, to my surprise, Ryan was standing in the door way. Ryan was a real cutie. He stood at 5'10, blond hair, blue eyes and, you know, the works. He's just a year older than me and has been living across the street for as long as I could remember.

"Hey man," he said with a grin.

Oh my God, could he be any more gorgeous?

"I was wondering if you wanted to go for a movie or something tonight."

Wait a second... was he asking me out? This can't be happening...

"What happened to texting or calling?" I asked with a slightly suspicious smile on my face.

"Here's the thing, my phone died half way through school, and on the way home I dropped it crossing the street without even realizing it, and then a car ran right over it, crushing it completely. And my mom was on the phone... for the past hour," he explained. I stood there flabbergasted at his luck.

"So what do you say, Jake?" he asked again.

"Sure what time?" I asked.

"7pm sharp, my place, don't be late... or will I have to climb through your window again to get you?" he smiled. I smiled and just shook my head in disbelief. He can always make me smile. I don't know why, but he just does.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just go home already. I'll be locking my window this time, so good luck trying." As he turned to leave, I just stood there and smiled and shut the door. Now back to the boy in my living room. Returning to Troy, I saw him staring at the same picture he was looking at earlier.

As soon as I walked in he said, "You really should have kept your hair's natural colour; it looks good." He turned to me and flashed me a brilliant smile. "Seriously, you should; it looks really good." I gave him the old up and down. He took a seat back down on the couch and signalled for me to sit next to him. I did as he gestured and he started.

"Like I was saying before we were interrupted... you're gay and so you obviously like boys, but you see, I'm not."

My heart dropped instantly, now knowing that this perfect specimen of the male gender is now and forever unattainable. I sank into the couch and looked away from him as fast as I humanly could.

"I'm sorry Jake. I just didn't want you to start flirting and then me ending up hurting another one."

"Another one? You mean to say..."

"Yeah, this has happened a few times, once back home in Australia, and twice in New York. I just didn't want you to suffer through what they did. I may act somewhat gay, or even dress better than most guys, but I'm straight. But you seem amazing and I, no doubt, want to keep you as a friend."

I sat there and nodded, but still made no eye contact or even bothered looking up. I fully understood where he was coming from; he was saving me from a lot of pain, regret and heartache.

"Hey, look at me." He gently lifted my face so we met eye to eye. I stared into those emerald green eyes. He then leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I just sat there, completely confused by the situation.

"What the... you said... then you..." I stuttered. He smiled at me.

"I only did that because I know you're falling for me hard and, well, I thought I would give you something to remember." He gave me a cheeky grin.

Shaking my head I stood up, stretched and told him, "Well, it's getting late and there's still stuff left for me to do. You better get going, Troy."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" He gave me a wink and walked out. With a sigh I headed upstairs to my room. You see, I love the fact that my mom decided that I needed privacy, so I technically, have two bedrooms. One was located in the basement, while the other one was upstairs. Man, was my sister jealous. I walked into my room. It was fairly plain upstairs because it's also used as a guest room at times when we have family visiting, so I dare not keep anything valuable in here. Just a queen-sized bed, a desktop computer, dresser, closet... your basic bedroom needs. I grabbed a few items I had lying around from last night and brought them downstairs to what I consider my "real" bedroom.

The basement was a teenage paradise. There was a bar filled with chips, pop, juice, and candy (instead of alcohol). On one side, installed on the ceiling was a projector. Opposite that, mounted on the wall, was a 62" Flat Screen T.V, paired with surround sound. Just in front of the TV, mounted on the ceiling, was a projector screen. There were six theatre seats installed a few feet away from the TV, with a couch, recliner, and other comfy seating scattered around the area. In front of the bar rests a pool table, which sees lots of use when there are people over. My room is just down a small hallway to the left of the bar; it is the only room in that hallway, other than a bathroom that is fully functional with a urinal, toilet and bathtub. I walked straight into my room and dropped my backpack, clothes and a book on the floor and flopped onto the bed. As I lay there, I thought about what happened between Troy and I. Did he really do that to not hurt me? Was that his real reason?

Before I forgot, I grabbed my iPhone and went straight to the calendar app. `Best not forget to add Ryan into my schedule,' I reminded myself.

I dropped the phone onto the bed and got up, and stripped right down till I was in my birthday suit. Then I slipped across the hallway to the bathroom. I decided to relax a bit, so I filled the tub up and added some soap to the water. `God, it's been ages since I had a bubble bath,' I thought to myself. Bubble baths are my weakness. They just calm me right down to the core. I stepped into the water and laid there. I closed my eyes and just cleared my head of everything, until everything went quiet.

"Jake?" I heard a voice booming through the house. I strained to open my eyes. "Jacob? Where the hell are you?" the voice yelled again. I looked at the clock sitting on the counter, what the hell? It's 6:05? Did I seriously fall asleep? I checked my fingers... yup, I'm a fucking prune. Great... I drained the tub, turned on the shower and rinsed myself off. I stepped out, dried off, and wrapped the towel around my waist. Exiting the bathroom, I guessed that the voice was coming from upstairs.

I trudged my way up the stairs, yelling. "What do you want?" in the most annoyed voice I could muster. Truth be told, I'm glad I was woken up, who knows how long I would've kept sleeping for? I opened the door to the hallway.

"In here!" the voice called out. I sighed and moved toward the living room, passing the kitchen to grab a muffin. I cautiously stepped toward the door leading to the living room and opened it. I stood there in complete shock. As my muffin plummeted to the floor, jaw slack, as my brain tried to figure out what was going on.

"Miss me?"

Who could it be who would leave Jake in such a state of shock? Let me know your thoughts! I'm sorry for the cliff hanger, but I do happen to enjoy those very much. The next chapter will be out soon! Though it's summer, I am still extremely busy. I also apologize for the way it is formatted, copying and pasting sucks.

Thanks for reading and please email me dark-fire@live.ca ~XOXO~


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