Wishful Things

By Paul R Consalvo

Published on Jan 29, 2009


This story will contain sexual contact between teenage boys. This story may not be legal where you live of may be offensive to you, if this is the case then please leave now. If this is the kind of story you were looking for then please enjoy.

Wishful things

Cody woke very early early and laid there watching Cole sleep in his arms, He was also feeling very relaxed, and much to his surprise he was feeling Cole's hard dick against his side. He slowly reached down and rubbed it gently, and heard a very pleasing and soft sigh coming from Cole. He realized that Cole had more than likely never had an orgasm and was eagerly waiting when he would be able to help his friend through his first sexual experience. He was holding Cole's dick and felt a drop on precum drip on to his hand. He smiled and moved his hand up to his lips and tasted Cole. He closed his eyes and savored the taste and was thinking about when he would be able to take it all in his mouth. The more he thought the harder he got. he moved his hand down to his own rock hard dick and was gently rubbing and could feel the build up coming from deep inside, he knew that he would soon have his first orgasm with Cole in the same bed and was eagerly waiting for it. Cole moved closer and put his hand right on his dick, it twitched his body went rigid and Cole took a deep breath and patted it several times and it sent Cody over the edge. His sperm was gushing out and all over him and Cole's hand. he had jerked off before but it never felt this good.

Cole started to stir and Cody was laying there with his I close and did not want Cole to know he was awake. Cole looked up at Cody and then felt his hand and where it was and could feel the stick mess. he rolled out of bed stood there for a moment and looked at his hand. Then he said God what have I done. I can't believe that I did that. He ran into the bathroom and washed his hands several times thinking that if he washed that many times he would forget what he had done. He was beside himself. He ran into the bedroom quickly dressed himself went to Cody's side of the bed kissed him on the cheek, said I am so sorry and ran out of the room, down the stairs and out the door. He was feeling terrible about what had happened. He had nowhere to go and ran out behind the garage, slid down the wall into a ball and started to cry. He could not forgive himself for what he had done to Cody. He felt ashamed and dirty. He sat there all morning while Cole was worried sick about where he had gone. Cody decided to sneak back into the house and take his belongings and leave. he felt that he had betrayed his friend and could not stand to look him in the eyes. He went into the house and quietly went upstairs and was putting his stuff in his back pack when Cole walked in.

Cole asked where he had been all morning?

Cody said I have to leave. I did something awful to you and I am so sorry. I feel that I have betrayed your and your friendship. I can't even look at you. I feel so ashamed.

Cole walked over took him by the arm turned him around and asked what did you do. What was so bad that I am not aware of it happening

Cody said I took advantage of you while you were sleeping and made you cum. I deserve to be thrown out and have you never speak to me again. I took advantage of our friendship and forced myself on you and did a terrible thing that was only a pleasure for me and hurt you.

Cole took Cody and set on the side of the bed with him and said Cody I know deep down inside of me that you would never hurt me, I hope that you know that I would never hurt you either. You did nothing wrong. The orgasm I had was because I had not shot in several days and It was me that did it and you must have just snuggled up close and put your hand there. There is nothing to be ashamed about. please don't go I love you and want you to stay. He reached down and started to rub him and Cody closed his eyes and started to quiver a little and said please stop I will wet myself. Cole said Cody I know that you are scared and I want to help, Do you trust me, can I prove how much I love you.

Cody said yes of course I trust you.

Cole got up and walked over and closed the door. He turned and said then I want you to listen and do exactly what I tell you. He walked over and took Cody by the shoulders and stood him up. He reached and started to undo his pants. Cody just stood there shaking when his pants fell to the floor Cole took him in his arms, hugged him and said remember you trust me, he stepped back and pulled his underwear down and saw Cody's semi hard dick. He took it in his hand and and Cody said OH MY GOD, Cole said lay down on the bed. Cody laid down and was shaking like a leaf. Cole took him in his and and started to slowly rub up and down. Cody was now

saying that maybe you should stop I feel very funny and I think I have to pee. Cole said please relax and let me finish. He looked up at Cody and saw tears coming from his eyes and asked am I hurting you? Cody said I am really scared I never felt like this before. Cole said please wait a few minutes and then you will feel much better I promise. He started up again and Cody's body was beginning to get rigid and his dick started to swell even more and Cole knew that it was almost over and that he would begin to feel better soon. Cody started to breath very fast and his body went stiff and he was about to have his first orgasm. Cole slowed down a little make sure that Cody would savor every second.

Cody yelled I have to pee real bad. He started to wiggle and squirm and Cole could hardly keep him on the bed. and seconds later Cody was shooting his first load straight up in the air and repeating OH God Oh God as shot after shot was being released form his now throbbing and very sensitive dick. Cole let go and watched as Cody just laid there bucking every once in a while and starting to catch his breath.

Cole sat and watched as Cole's face went to several different shade of red. He looked up at the very pleased look on Cody's face and said well do you still have to pee or are you feeling much better.

Cody looked at Cole and said I never felt anything like that before. I feel so so so alive.

Cole asked did you ever do that to yourself before.

Cody look at Cole and said that his parents told him that that was evil and that I should never touch myself there and never did. I really wish now that I had. Is that how I made you feel this morning.

Cole said you did not do anything to me this morning and if you did you should not worry about it.

Cody looked at cole and said do you do that all the time.

Cole said I did do it to myself all the time but I think that now we may be able to share that with each other. I would also like you to experience something else, so just lay there and enjoy what I am about to show you. Cole wet his finger and picked up one of Cody's legs and started to rub around Cole anus. Cody was just laying there cooing and wiggling and said please I can't take any more of that, Cole looked and saw that Cody was hard as a rock.

Cody said will you do that to me again.

Cole said that it would be his pleasure knowing that what Cody was about to experience would be more of a pleasurable time for him. Cole bent down and took Cody in his mouth and started to suck him, Cody was bouncing all over the bed, squirming and bucking and squealing and moaning and was about to reach his second orgasm of the day with in about 15 minutes, his dick swelled in Cole mouth and Cole was rewarded with the sweet nectar from him boyfriend and swallowed every drop. He look up and asked how about one more time.

Cody said no please I could not take it again.

Cole laid down beside Cody and they snuggled against each other and Cody could feel the bulge in Cole's pants and said do you want me to do that to you again. Cody said I love you and I will have enough time to share myself with you later, right now I want you to enjoy the feeling you just had and not worry about me. I think that we should go eat lunch and then maybe play some basketball in the drive.

They played basketball all afternoon and by the time mom and dad got home Cole was timed, Cody was completely exhausted. They ate dinner and watched TV with mom and dad and at about 10:00 mom said boys I think we should call it a day. The boys went up to their room and closed the door, Cody said he was going to the bathroom when he returned Cole went. Cole came back in and turned off the light got in bed and said how about we have some fun. Cole looked at Cody and he was should asleep, he cuddled up next to his , kissed him on the cheek and said sweet dreams, He put him arm on his chest and nodded off to sleep.

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