Wishful Things

By Paul R Consalvo

Published on Jan 26, 2009


This story revolves around gay teenage boys. This story may not be legal where you live of it may be offensive to you, in either case you should leave now.

Wishful Things

The story starts with a very naive young man named Cole Walker, because of the time of year when he was born he is a young freshman at 13, he is about 5 foot 3 inches tall, has blonde almost white shoulder length hair, neatly combed, his eyes are a haunting blue/gray and he is somewhat the sportsman type. He is the starting second baseman for the high school freshman team, he is gay and is also a virgin. His neighbor Cody Walker, no relation, is also a freshman at the same school,he is 14, he is 5 foot 7 inches tall, has jet black hair that is cut neatly into what would be called a boys haircut, he has sparkling blue eyes and likes sports but not enough to play, he has been out on several dates but has not been to first base with the girl he likes, he has had his hand in her blouse which seemed to cause his great discomfort in the groin area, it caused even more when she put her hand there. He jumped and she frozen and minutes later she was telling him she wanted to go home. He felt uncomfortable on the way home feeling sticky in the groin area and when he got home he looked and saw that he had orgasm when she touched him there.

Cody was a really kind and polite boy and would not say shit if he had a mouth full. He was used to seeing Cole getting undressed as their windows were across from each others. Cody did not know what to do he like watching Cole and even seeing him naked sometimes, but he also liked seeing the pictures of naked girls. Cody and Cole had become friends several years ago. they would sleep over at each others houses during the summer, and occasionally on the weekends, Cole would wait till Cody fell asleep and then would sneak up and pull back the covers to look and touch cody's dick. The best part was when he did this and Cody was hard. He would touch the head and it would respond by jumping in his boxers. Cole was and had been for some time thinking about Cody and would have dreams of him exploding while he watched. Each day that passed found Cole becoming more and more obsessed with Cody.

The week was quickly coming to an end and Cole had not been able to see or talk to Cody for several days, When he saw him walking home he ran to catch up. Hey Cody what's up.

Cody said not much, Haven't see much of you lately but the coach is running us ragged at practice and then the homework thing, I was thinking maybe I could stay at your place this weekend, We could hang out and play some video games .

Cole said I was just going to ask you about that, I would love to have you stay over.

Cody said that he was hoping that he could talk to Cole this weekend anyway. This weekend was the time that Cody was going to tell Cole he was gay. He was very fond of Cole and wanted him to know before Cole caught him staring at him while he was sleeping.

Cole said no problem we will have all weekend.

They each went home and did their homework, they ate dinner and were watching TV. Cole's mom came in and sat down beside him and said That she had talk to Cody's mom just a little while ago and asked if it would be OK for you to stay there tonight and until Tuesday. Aunt Polly was in the hospital and was going to need some looking after. She asked Cole to go take a shower and pack some cloths and be ready to go to Cody's in about 45 minutes because she had to leave.

Cole headed to his room and was getting ready to get into the shower and was thinking about how much fun they were going to have this weekend and noticed that his dick was getting hard thinking about Cody. He was just getting into the shower when Cody called and asked if he had heard the news.

Cole said that his mom had just told him and he was getting ready to take a shower. I will see you in a few and hung up. He looked down and was harder than before. He thought that he had better do something so that Cody would not see him hard. He got in the shower and started to wash and when he got to his groin and started to wash his dick it turned into a quick jack off session and as he was getting ready to explode he started think about Cody and pictured him naked as well. He cleaned up the mess and dried off and got dressed and was ready to go in 30 minutes and was walking over to Cody's and he started to get hard again. He was starting to wonder what was wrong and then just thought it was hormones. He got to Cody's and knocked on the door and Cody opened the door and was standing there in a pair of jean cutoffs and Cole felt his dick twitch.

Cody Said come on in and go upstairs, I will meet you there in a minute.

Cole headed upstairs and was glad because he was hoping that his dick would go soft before Cody came up.

Cody came in the room and said I am so glad you can stay I was so happy when I found out. Well I guess that we should figure out where we are going to sleep. He said that if he wanted that since it was a queen size bed they could sleep together in the bed, ( Cole started to get hard again ) or you can sleep in the bed I will sleep on the floor or I will sleep in the bed you can sleep on the floor.

Cole said I don't care.

Cody said OK. Then he sat down on the bed and asked Cole if he would mind sitting for a moment, that he had something he wanted to say.

Cole sat down and said I am all yours and started to blush and Cody started to smile

Cody said I know that we have been friends for a few years and that we have hung out and slept over and all that but I have to tell you something that I hope will not freak you out. He took a deep breath and said Cole I am gay.

Cole sat there for a minute and stared at Cody, then he got up and started to back away for him. Cole backed into the door and was just standing there with a shocked look on his face. He was at a loss for words he tried to talk but nothing came out.

Cody looked very sad and said I will go downstairs and leave you to think.

Cole stepped aside and Cody left the room and went downstairs while he was thinking he was trying to comprehend what he was just told by one of his best friends. He sat for hours trying to figure out if he was mad, happy, sad, disappointed or thrilled at what he was told. He looked at the clock and realized that it had been four hours since Cody went downstairs. He opened the door and saw that everything was dark and was thinking where is Cody. He quietly went downstairs and went into the family room. He saw Cody on the couch and heard him crying. He walked over and knelt down next to the couch and put his hand on Cody's shoulder and said please stop crying, you have nothing to cry about. You are my best friend and you should be able to tell me anything and I should be able to accept you for who you are.

Cody rolled over and said do you mean that, you don't hate me, you still want to be my friend, you don't care if I am gay. then the next part just slipped out, You don't care that I love you.

Cole looked and said what did you just say? did you just ay you loved me.

Cody looked very sad again and said Yes I did.

Cole stood up and said well I guess that I can get used to that after all if your best friend can't love you who can. He told Cody that it was very odd that this conversation took place today and proceeded to tell Cody what happened at his house before he came over. He said you know I think I love you to. But I would like to wait for a while before we do the sex thing OK.

They looked at each other and started to laugh. They seemed to come together in a different way, There was a feeling that were some how more complete now then they had both of them realized the feelings that they had for each other and all the times that neither one could figure out why that felt about the other was now beginning to make sense. They both realized that they were gay and that they had this feeling for each other for quite some time.

Cody said well I don't know about you but I am really tired and we do have to go to school tomorrow, what do you say we go up and go to bed.

Cole said ok but we still have not figured out who is going to sleep where.

Cody looked at Cole and said well with all that has happened tonight I guess that I will sleep in the bed, as long as you don't mind, he paused, sleeping in there as well.

Cole you mean that I can sleep in the bed with you.

Cody said yeah that is exactly what I mean, he extended this hand and when Cole took it he pulled him up and said You know I really feel good about this.

They both headed up stairs and got into bed, Cole on one side and Cody on the other, they went to sleep that but woke in each other arms. They both were very hard in they morning but would not admit to each that the other was the cause or the reason, they blamed it on the morning wood fairy. The got out of bed and each took turned taking a shower and getting dressed, they went down stairs and had breakfast and then headed for the school. They had a three mile walk but today it seemed much shorter and it also seemed that it went fast. both boys said see you after school and Cole notice that he all of a sudden felt a little said as he watched Cody walk away.

They bump into each other several times during the school day and when the bell rang, Cody headed for the baseball diamond to watch Cole practice. He was amazed at how good Cole really was. He was impressed by the way he glided of the ground and made the hard plays seem so easy. He was jealous because he was not capable of such talent in sports. he sat and watched every bit of the practice and when it was over he went and waited outside the gym for Cole.

They met up and started the walk home, when Cody asked Cole if he would mind if he took him out to eat, it was nothing speciat just a burger and fries and a shake. Cody was pleased to be able to just sit and look at the person he considered his boyfriend although nothing of that nature had ever been discussed, It was something that Cody was wanting but afraid to ask at this point since this was somethiong new to the both of them, he was not in the mood to try and push the issue with Cole.

They finished eating and they once again started for home. they were walking slow and talking about the craziest things, such as when they would be ready to try and do something with sex. It they would they ever be able to tell anyone how they felt about each other. They were just about home when Cody asked do you think we are or that we could be boyfriends. Cole never answered. They got inside and headed upstairs to the bedroom and Cole said maybe we should do our homework now because that way it will be done and we will be free for the rest of the weekend.

Cole said Cody come here and sit please, About your question about being boyfriends, I think that we could be, however, I think that we should wait until we can or will want to be sexually active with each other. I don't plan on seeing anyone And I am quite sure you don't either. So why don't we just say that we are boy- friends.

Cody said I understand but Cole copuld see the disappointment in his eyes, and the look on his face said it all.

Cole said Cody, You know I love you and whether we are boyfriends or not it is something that we can not tell anyone just yet.

Cody said I know you are right, I know that you love me, but I can't help it I want the whole world to know that you are very special to me, that you are my Boyfriend, But I can wait as long as I know you are mine.

Cole said I think we should go and have dinner and spend some time with your mom and dad. I have been getting hard now almost every time I see you or even get close, Ane he took Cody's hand and placed it of his dick and it was ready to burst out of his pants.

Cody said I have never done anything with anyone else But I will take care of that if you want.

Cole looked down at the floor and said I have never done anything.

Cody said you mean with anyone else?

Cole said no never anything never anyone.

Cody said I would be very gentle.

Cole stood and walked to the door and said don't you understand that I am scared.

Cody said Cole you never have to be afraid of me.

Cole said can we just go eat please I don't want to talk about this anymore.

Cody said sure and I am sorry.

The boys went down and ate dinner and sat in the family room with Mr and Mrs Walker. and had a great time talk and cracking jokes with each other and then Mom said I think you boys better get to bed. Dad and I have a surprise for you tomorrow and you want to be well rested. The boys looked at each other wiggled their eyebrows and said good night and headed up stairs and inti the bedroom. Cody closed the door and Cole began to look worried. Cody took of his cloths and got into bed. Cole just stood there looking at Cody. Cody got out of bed and walked over and pulled Cole into a hug and felt him shaking almost uncontrolably. Cody reached down and started to undo Cole's pants and said you have nothing to be scared off. He pulled down his pants and and Cole went almost rigid Cody said you have to get undressed if you are going to bed. He looked up and saw tears in his eyes. Cody stood up and picked Cole up and walked over to the side of the bed and put him on the matress. he then pulled of Cole's pants and shirt and laid him down and covered him. Cody turned out the light and got in bed and he couls still feel Cole shaking. Cody move over and pulled Cole to him Put his head on his chest and started rubbing his back and said Cole please relax nothing will happen till you are ready. He could feel the tears hitting his chest and said Cole I will go and sleep down stairs and he sat up very quickly and said no please don't I want you here. Cody climbed back in bed and felt Cole starting to calm down and kissed him on the top of the head and said good night Cole I love you. Cole said I love you to good night and Cody fell asleep with Cole's head on his chest and his arm around his shoulders

Well that's it for now Please let me know what you think so far email me at spiderwick1@hotmail.com with you comments aand feedback. I will answer all emails as soon as I can. Thanks for reading my stories,

Next: Chapter 2

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