Winter Wonderland

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Dec 2, 2014


Winter Wonderland 3

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The dress rehearsal was a success. The show opened to a good crowd. Critics gave it favorable reviews and word of mouth insured big box offices returns. The reviews said it was a kiddie show and was fun for adults. The dancing lumberjacks and bears were singled out for praise. They were graceful, energetic and unexpected.

Being a hit in a theme park is one thing. Our Broadway visitors, Roland and Maury, loved it. Of course, the show was silly and superficial, but Broadway was always looking for something new. The dancing bears were new. The men danced like the Rockettes with an extra hundred pounds per dancer. They did the routines with Busby Berkley like precision.

The overall effect was comic, but you soon felt an admiration for the skill and grace of the beefy men. Ronnie was wonderful as Santa, and Maury saw him in a new light.

The schedule was nightmarish for the actors and dancers. It was a seasonal show, so it had a short, but intense run. Monday and Tuesday were off, but there was a nightly performance with matinees on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There were four matinees on the weeks before and after Christmas.

At the hotel we moved into what I called our pamper mode. Everyone was working hard; we wanted the crew and cast to feel appreciated. We staffed the exercise area and provided dinner at 10:00 when they got back from the performance. The food was quite extravagant. The park made bundles of money, and the show's success increased the take significantly. Shrimp, lobster and prime ribs were a small price to pay the keep the crew happy. The park provided free tickets for the hotel staff and their families and friends. That was a great success.

A good portion of the bears was gay and by now they knew each other well. We did not exactly have a gay ghetto in the hotel, but several floors were mostly gay or gay friendly. The schedule made meeting people outside of the hotel difficult. Many of the men were from New York City and did not have cars. Most of the female actors were on the lower floors of the hotel. We had renovated these floors into mini-suites and they were more posh. The top floors were typical hotel rooms.

The actors did some rearranging. The sex-crazed types relocated to the seventh floor. Those who wanted to sleep went to the sixth level. The seventh floor was not exactly a party floor, but the guests were free and easy.

From my point of view, sex was not a problem. For most men a roll in the hay followed by an orgasm was a good way to end the night. An orgasm is a natural sleeping pill for most men.

Our temporary health cub director was a local celebrity, Butch Mason. He was retired college football coach. Butch was a handsome, beefy and notably fit bear. He knew what the men were like and understood their physical problems. After he retired from his successful college career, he was a fitness trainer for a ballet school so he knew about the problems of the elves and fairies too. He was good with dancers' physical problems. Butch was friendly, helpful and sensible. He had two masseurs, Rudolph and Raoul, working for him. They were Mason's old friends and they were open-minded men. Our female guests went to a day spa a block away, so the gym was all-male.

Mason and his men came in for morning exercise at nine, went home at noon and then returned for post-performance stress relief. Mason was a good physical therapist and he helped with any injuries or sprains.

It was a Christmas show, so none of the actors or staff could do much other than put on the show. The family and friends events helped some, but the show was hard work. We had shopping areas in the park, but they were family and children oriented. It wasn't Fifth Avenue.

The pay was good, and after the good reviews the there was a nice raise. For Christmas week itself, the crew got time and a half. That was a huge financial windfall for most of the crew and it helped with potential attitude problems and burnout. The park made money during the summer season. The holiday shows were pure gravy from a profit point of view.

I reclaimed my suite after the Broadway people left. I adjusted my schedule, sleeping in the afternoon and early evening so that I could be on duty from ten to two or three in the morning. I saw Ronnie quite a bit. We got along well, especially after we had a conversation clarifying our relationship.

"You do know that I will be back in New York after the show is done. I didn't want you to get the wrong idea about our relationship," Ronnie said. "You are a friend and that is great. That you are a friend with benefits is even better, but that is about as far as it can go. "

"I understand that," I said. "I have a good job here. I could not do better in New York. I don't have any connections there. I was afraid you might want more. I have had some fun with others here. I'm afraid I am turning a little slutty."

Ronnie laughed. "From time to time in my life I have been more than a little slutty. You are a good man. It's relaxing to be with you and it's even better to fuck you. Some men are high pressure, driven people who cannot relax. Sex with you is just plain old fun. You open wide and invite me in," he said. "This may sound strange, but it's fun to cum in you. An orgasm without stress is a joy. Buck told me he felt the same way when he was in you. It was a pure orgasm without stress."

"Now I do feel slutty," I said. "You compared notes?"

"We sure did and both of us agreed you are a wonder," Ronnie said. "Are you into threesomes?"

"I'm afraid I am," I replied after a pause.

"Would it bother you if I told you that I like sloppy seconds and Buck said he would be glad to help me out?" Ronnie asked.

"I hate to say it, but I doubt it would bother me at all," I replied. "Actually it sounds exciting."

That night after the show, I had a chance to find out how exciting it could be. It was around 11:00 when Ronnie knocked on my door and asked me if I wanted to come over. It had been a quiet day and I was not tired so I went over. Buck was there with one of the elves, Woody. Woody was almost a dwarf at five feet zero. He was remarkably macho and was both heavily muscled and bearded. He had a deep bass voice and tended to associate with the bears and lumberjacks more than the other elves.

Woody and Buck were already naked. I did a double take when I saw Woody's equipment. He possessed an impressive donkey dong. The cock looked doubly impressive on the short man. I had a strong feeling that I was going to be triple teamed, not just double teamed. I should have said I was tired and gone back to my room. That idea did not occur to me until late the next day.

I stripped and as soon as I was naked, the trio of hairy men enveloped me. I sucked Ronnie. Buck sucked me and Woody rimmed my ass. Ronnie was already excited and oozing precum. That always turned me on. Buck was a first rate cocksucker, and Woody was enthusiastic too.

Woody's face seemed to have a permanent scowl on it and he looked a bit scary. This was just the way his face was made. He was friendly and energetic. He was also the first of them to get up my ass. We had traded positions. I was sucking Buck as Ronnie took care of my cock. Woody slipped it in my ass and went deep in a second or two. By the time I knew he was fucking me, he was fully lodged and my prostate was on the way to the moon.

"Shit, my cock just fell in love!" Woody exclaimed. His cock was thick, but it tapered as connected to his body; my sphincter gripped the narrower part of the organ holding him in. The thickest part of his organ rubbed my prostate.

"Who's next in line? I don't want to pop now. I want this to last," Woody said after five or six minutes of vigorous fucking. He pulled out and Ronnie took his place. He was the biggest man in the group, but Woody must have oozed a lot. He had lubricated my rectum well. Ten minutes later Buck took his place.

The three men traded places from time to time, and on the second round of penetrations, Ronnie was the first to unload in me. I was fucking Woody at the time. Woody had a full sized rectum and clearly enjoyed the bottom. Ronnie got over excited and rear loaded me as I rear loaded Woody. I relaxed on the bed afterwards. Then, Woody fucked me for a long time as Buck and Ronnie watched. He shot off too. Buck was the last to make a deposit.

Eventually, the three men had each fucked me twice. The second round of orgasms was good. They had all shot off once and were now more relaxed. I was wide open and while I offered no resistance, I could still grip their cocks in my cum-lubricated ass. It was lovely. I did not expect that.

The party broke up. I went back to my suite. I was happy and tired. I knew sex was good, but I had not realized it could last as long as it did. It had been an hour and a half of constant sexual stimulation. It seemed that all four of us were excited and the excitement built as we shared our bodies. It had not been a series of orgasms as much as it was a continuous sexual romp. While each man had his own techniques, it seemed to form a single sexual experience.

It was not over when I went to my room. Woody visited me. I said that I was tired. He said he wanted to fuck me to sleep. He joined me in bed. I remembered his first climax, his third of the night. I slept well. When I woke the next morning, he had just finished his fifth and was rimming my ass. I think I should have felt used, but I was refreshed and relaxed.

A good night's sleep was good for me. The crews' odd hours tended to make for 24-hour days of work. Deliveries and housekeeping occupied the days and then there was a lull when the crew put on a show. A burst of activity followed after ten at night. Housekeeping was busy in the afternoon and into the early evening.

My staff was good, but everyday problems popped up. I had to deal with them and then start over after ten. Butch Mason noticed that I was wearing thin. He invited me to get a massage from Rudolph, his best masseur. I said I did not need it, but he insisted.

"Rudolph is a master of stress reduction," he explained. I am no fool, and I knew that stress reduction often involved sexual release. I told Mason this.

"Give Rudolph a try," Mason said. "It's not the same as a blow and go." I gave in.

Rudolph was a big and impressive man with a Walrus type mustache and a cheerful look. He was almost blind and could only see blurred movements in a dim and dark word. He was cheerful and talkative.

"Normally I do what a client wants. Butch told me what he wants me to do, so you just need to relax and let me do the work," he said.

"I'm not sure about that," I murmured.

"Butch knows his stuff," Rudolph said. "You can trust his judgment." Rudolph had a firm, daddy-knows-best way about him. I did whatever he asked.

Rudolph was very good. He was relaxing with no sudden movements. I discovered he was a stealth fucker. It was so gentle, slow and easy, I was surprised he was in me. It was sex without anxiety or stress. It was pure sexual pleasure. He asked me how I was doing. He knew the answer, but he was just being polite.

"Usually I do this to relax your sphincter and rectum. You have turned me on and I would love to shoot. Would you mind if I unload in your ass?" he asked.

"Do whatever feels best for you," I said. "Do you provide this service for all of your customers?"

"I depends on my mood and the receptiveness of my client," Rudolph said. "I go three or four days without being inspired. Butch is an old friend. He is always available. He does not top, but he has good taste in men. He seems to know who needs me." He gently pumped as he talked. While Rudolph was well endowed, I was not over stretched. It was intensely sexually stimulating, but I felt he was massaging me, not fucking me.

"You are good at this," I said. "I take it you have had a lot of practice?"

"I started young. My eyesight was bad since I was a child. I was in a country school system and they thought I was slow. Kids picked on me and a few teachers treated me badly. One man seemed to like me. He was the school detention officer. It turned out he had other plans for me. I liked some things he did, but others hurt," Rudolph said. "I took the bad with the good."

"He was a child molester?"

"He killed himself when he was exposed for doing it with another guy," Rudolph said. "I was sorry when he died. It was good to be with someone who was good to me even once and a while. That was more than I got from anyone else. I met another man, later. He was the remedial English teacher. Mr. Donne discovered I was going blind. I was 15 and almost fully-grown by then. He was nice."

"Was he after your body?"

"He may have been, but I didn't know it and he didn't do anything to me," Rudolph said. "I would have been willing, but he never made a move. I was way behind in school by then and my folks didn't have the money to send me to a school for the blind. I became a masseur. I am really good at that and things have been good for me."

"Did they teach you how to achieve a happy ending at school?" I asked.

"I didn't learn that at school, but after school Donnie, one of the teachers, gave lessons in his apartment for those who were interested," Rudolph said. "Donnie had the best gaydar of any man I met. He just knew who was interested. He emphasized the client's pleasure. He said if the client was happy we would be happy too."

"Donnie was more than experienced. He was skilled at manual, oral and rectal massage with fingers or cock and sometimes his tongue. He knew how to read a client and know how far the client wanted to go. I had problems with that since I am blind. He knew how to turn that into an advantage."

"How was that done?" I asked.

"I am good for shy or deeply closeted men. They felt more comfortable with a blind man who could not identify them. Their bodies embarrassed most of them, but they didn't need to worry about that with me. They liked me. Of course, I could feel their bodies, so I knew all their weaknesses, but they felt better with me. I also could not see if they became erect during the massage. I knew when they were excited; there are other ways to know that."

"Donnie taught us the slow entry approach to anal sex. It is a careful balance between massage and fucking. If you slip over the edge, Donnie told us to warn the client and let him decide," Rudolph explained. "The clients like that."

"What did they decide?" I asked.

"At first, I would say they wanted me to pull out 70% or 80% of the time," he answered. "Most come back and they are much more interested in my semen the second or third time. I ejaculate forcefully, and they tended to enjoy the sensation." Rudolph rolled me over, put my legs on his shoulders and reentered from the other direction.

"Your anus is completely relaxed and accepting now. You may not know this, but the sexual experience can be very good after all the tenseness vanishes," he said.

Butch entered the room. He was naked and erect. He straddled my face and fed me his cock. It was mostly a huge cock head. His slit was unusually wide. "Work your tongue into it. Tongue fuck my dick!" he ordered.

"Rudolph and I are really close, but we are both tops," he continued, "He needs a warm ass to get him going. I don't want to hurt your feelings but you are performing the role of a marital aid." My tongue was in his cum-tube and his juices were flowing. I tried to push my tongue deeper into the tube.

"If you could save some of my sperm after I shoot off, Randolph would like to taste it," Butch added. The two men made out as Randolph fucked me and I worked Butch's cock. Randolph was most forceful yet gentle. Butch's precum was thick and it excited me even more. I could sense him reaching a climax. Randolph began to shoot a second or so before Butch let loose.

Butch pulled away and Randolph leaned over and kissed my cum-filled mouth. He continued to ejaculate as we kissed. I thought he had finished but the taste of his lover's sperm encouraged additional ejaculations.

When he pulled out, Butch entered me. He was still erect and thirty seconds later, he shot off a second time. My cum-filled ass had the same effect on him as my cum-fill mouth had on Rudolph. I felt enveloped in their love. They were both deeply satisfied and I was pleased and almost honored to have been a part of it.

"I hope you aren't insulted by tricking you into a massage," Butch said. "We did this once before with another guy. It was good, but nowhere as good as it was with you."

"I'm fine, it was good for me too," I said. "Actually, I was much more than good."

"The taste of Butch's sperm intoxicated me. It was still warm. I've taken it many times, but never during a full scale orgasm," Rudolph said. "I didn't offend you taking some?"

"There was more than enough," I said.

"We live nearby. Do you think we could get together again?" Butch asked. I said yes and I went back to work.

Next: Chapter 4

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