Winter Wonderland

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Oct 11, 2014


Winter Wonderland

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Beginning the day after Halloween, the American Garden Amusement Park converted itself into the Winter Wonderland Garden. The day after Thanksgiving, it opened as with a combination of rides, bazaars and, of course, Santa's Wonderland. A trip on Santa's Magic Railroad, and events at the Children's theater enhanced the visit to Santa. The entrance fee was quite reasonable, but unusual and imaginative gifts filled the bazaars and they made a bundle.

It was a difficult task to convert the place from the Halloween House of Horror to the Christmas themed event. The park had three levels of staff. There was a permanent staff of administrators, maintenance workers and designers. The second group was made up people hired to do the temporary labor that staffed the rides, restaurants and booths, and the creative people who put on the shows. The third group was made up of summer people were hired for six months. The also park hired people for two or three months for the special shows at Halloween and Christmas depending on the rehearsal requirements.

A neighboring hotel was in bankruptcy and the Park bought it for a song. It provided housing to accommodate these temporary people. I am Bill Mason and I was in charge of the hotel and its staff. It was less expensive for the park to provide free rooms and food, than to pay higher salaries. While we hired many locals, we produced Broadway quality work and that required Broadway level actors, set builders and costumers. I was in charge of the hotel.

While the park screened all of its staff for criminal and sexual problems, run of the mill homosexuality was not a problem as long as it did not involve minors or violence. Life in the hotel could be free and easy. No one ever stated it, but it was preferable for the actors to play among themselves, than to find locals or patrons.

We also accommodated the Santas, Elves and Santa helpers. Santas had to have real beards, and look the part convincingly. The real Santa was Ronnie. He had a nearly identical back up, Howard. Ronnie was a fine actor who specialized in Shakespearian plays. He played Polonius and Falstaff type roles.

This year one of the major shows involved happy lumberjacks, forest rangers and frolicking bears, as well as miscellaneous smaller animals. Earlier shows had featured elves, fairies and Leprechauns. I would guess that this year's show featured men who were 150 pounds heavier than previous shows.

I thought that all of the shows had pretty improbable plots, but high production values and talented actors made it work. The men were hearty and cheerful; the persons playing the little animals were stunningly cute. The plot involved lost reindeer and their recovery in time to pull Santa's sleigh.

When I met the Lumberjacks and Bears, I realized they must have recruited them from a Bear Bar near Broadway. They were talented, but they were also gay and into the bear scene. That was okay, since our main worry was with men who like boys and girls. Unless the children had a beard the size of a muskrat, these men were not interested. That was a plus.

I am gay, but had been on the inactive list for several years. I am almost fifty and bars were no longer much of an option. Bars began to lose their appeal years before, and spending a night waiting to get lucky was a bore.

When the hotel promoted men to be manager, work took most of my free time. When the Park bought the hotel, I was part of the package. The Park tends pays very well. They discovered I was good about handling artistic types and could handle emergencies well. My salary became downright generous. If a group of central European acrobats showed up unexpectedly or three days early, I could handle it.

When I was younger, I would enjoy an interlude with a guest regularly. It was not a weekly thing, but it was enough to keep me happy. That stopped happening when the Park took over. If an actor is going to go to bed with someone, it will be someone who can help his career, not the hotel manager.

The park also gave me an apartment in the hotel. The hotel was almost empty periodically. I was an informal security guard. I had one of former presidential suites. The hotel was twenty years old and the Park now put big wigs up in one of their nearby golf resorts. The Presidential, Executive and Bridal Suites were empty. Sometimes the show's director would get one of the other suites.

Most of the actors were too self-absorbed to notice a mere manager. I also dealt with noise, discipline and vandalism problems. That did not make me popular.

For this Christmas show, Santa was in the suite next to me. The lumberjacks and bears were generally a mellow group. They were older and bigger. They were bit loud, but they were basses and baritones. The noise didn't carry as far as tenors. The show involved singing and dancing. The singing part was easy if you like deep voices. The dancing part was demanding for older men. They were tired and the end of the day.

The park paid well, so this was a big deal for many of the men. Being in the show itself was important. They were not the type needed for the typical New York. Being hired was an achievement for many of them.

They did eat a lot, but the people playing the woodland animals ate almost nothing, so it evened out. It was a good group.

Ronnie liked to eat; his suite had a full kitchen. He did not like to eat alone, and he asked me over often. I wasn't an actor and he could avoid shoptalk with me. He was a good cook and a great conversationalist. He had been everywhere and was interested in many things. He was also good about including me in the conversations.

At the rehearsals, he dressed a bit like a 1930's actor with a jacket and an ascot. He played a role in the lumberjack thing, but he was also engaged in training the elves and leprechauns. He played Santa many times before and had seen it all. He was a good judge of character and could weed out the problematic elves. No one with bad attitude could get by his radar.

He was sex feet five but was good with the dwarfs. Like the lumberjacks, this was a good employment opportunity for dwarf actors. He was a friendly man who was helpful. He understood small people and their problems.

When Ronnie was in his suite, he gave up on the jacket and ascot and wore an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and baggy shorts. He went barefoot. As a card carrying gay man, I noticed wen went commando. The Shakespearian actor needed the ascot; in the privacy of his own suite, he was a beach bum. Ronnie was huge and seemed even bigger in his informal attire. He was a beach bum who was a good cook and like fine wine.

I assumed that big beefy men possessed small equipment. I had noticed that at the gym where I exercised. I didn't know if the cock was enveloped in the extra weight or if it was actually small. Ronnie's clothes left little to the imagination, and his shorts were baggy so his balls and part of the cock appeared once and a while. This periodic peak-a-boo turned me on. I wasn't a size queen, but I was curious.

The second time he invited me to dinner, we had more wine than I should have and I forgot to pretend I wasn't looking at his equipment. Ronnie forgot to pretend he was trying to keep is cock covered by his shorts.

"Well Bill, I assume you have guessed my cock isn't hanging out by accident. I'm an older guy, but it's still in full working order," he said. "Are you interested in having some fun?"

I was interested, but he was not my type at all. While he wasn't my type, he was right in front of me. I am not a size queen, but he seemed to be fully equipped. I figured what the hell; sex is sex.

"Sure," I replied. "I'm always up for sex."

"Well, let's get naked and go at it!" Ronnie said. It was clear that Ronnie was not the shy and retiring type. He was naked in a second or two. He was a polar bear with a thick coat of curly white hair. He was in better shape than I expected. He was growing his beard long so it could be trimmed and curled into a Santa beard.

I stripped. He stroked my chest hair. He seemed to approve.

I use to shave my body to be stylishly smooth. I stopped in my later thirties. It was a pain and the hair seemed to be spreading. I seemed to be five o'clock shadow after a week and it was itchy. I wasn't hairy like Ronnie but I had a hairy chest and treasure trail to my pubes.

I am never sure how to get the ball rolling, but Ronnie took care of that. He dropped his knees and swallowed my cock completely. He was good, but my balls loved being cushioned on his beard. I looked down and saw a Christmas card version of Santa sucking my cock.

Unexpectedly, that was a huge turn on. I was excited. Ronnie noticed that immediately. We went to the bedroom and sixty-nined. I did not expect the rush of emotion was I took his cock into my mouth. It was a mouthful, even semi-hard. It was already drooling sweet ball juices a little. At one time, these juices bothered me. Now I knew it was a sign that my playmates was excited. It had been a long time since I had sucked an excited cock.

Ronnie was a responsive partner. Every lick of my tongue caused a twitch, shiver or a burst of precum from his cock. He was sensitive to my reactions to him. He repeated any action that caused me to react. He also knew when I was ready to pop, and he slowed down. He kept me near the edge.

We broke apart so he could catch his breath.

"Did I mention that I am a top?" he asked. I looked at his cock.

"It is big," I said. That was not exactly a no.

"I'm pretty sure I can make it fit," Ronnie said.

"You seem to be a fast mover? I said.

"Not really, I am usually slow and deliberate," he said. "I don't get turned on very often, but you have done it. I would love to get in you."

"Are you a good top?"

"I take my time than then I fuck you to the moon and back," he said.

'If I go to the moon, where will you be?"

"I expect to be there with you," he said.

"I like it bare," I remarked. That was definitely not a no. Ronnie smiled. He had some lubricant on the side table. He lubricated my ass and his cock.

"Can you get on your back and put your legs on my shoulders?" he asked. "I like to be in charge. You can trust me." Oddly I did.

It was a challenge, but he slowly worked it in me. Ronnie pulled out and added lubricant several times. It all changed for the better when his oversized knob met my prostate. When he pushed deeper I was afraid the sensations would diminish, but his shaft was thick too. The continual pressure on my prostate worked its magic. At some point, my sphincter gave up and I opened wide.

I had bottomed some before, but usually it was more to be polite than out of desire. I soon realized that no one had ever really fucked me until Ronnie. Several times, we merged. I could not tell what was me and what was Ronnie. I went a sexual trance a few times, but Ronnie liked to change the rhythm and angle of his thrusts. It was beautiful.

He flopped me on my back, and then on my side. Each penetration was easier and more pleasurable. Each new position brought new pleasures. On was on my back again when he climaxed. I felt him squirting and that was enough to pull my trigger. I had never had a joint orgasm before. It was wonderful.

He had to be at rehearsal early the next day, so I returned to my suite. I slept well, without dreams. I was up early and went to deal with the disasters of the day. Early morning is when staff call in sick, plumbing goes bad or something breaks in the kitchen.

This was a good day and I had breakfast and coffee in peace. Ronnie was finishing breakfast and had been sitting with several of the lumberjacks and one of the dancing bears. He waved at me when he left.

The Dancing bear came over to me. "Can I join you," he asked. I said sure. "Santa said you hit it off last night," he remarked. "Ronnie is an old pal of mine. It was nice to see being downright enthusiastic about a guy. His partner died a year ago. It has been a bad time for him."

"I was good,' I said. "How long have you known him?"

"Since we were in Hamlet in 85. He was Polonius and I was a guard on the wall," he said. "I'm Buck, by the way. We were friends with benefits, but that ended when he met Edward. We remained friends." We chatted for a while. He tended to be one of the members of the gang I westerns. Buck said he was born to be a spear-carrier.

"You don't think you will become a star?" I asked.

"I am not one of the chosen ones. My size and bulk make being a leading man impossible. I am versatile and can play a wide range of roles. I am also dependable and take direction well," he said. Buck told me he wasn't needed at rehearsal until 10:30. I usually did an inspection of the hotel at that time. Somehow, I ended up naked in his room.

Buck was a classic overweight man, except all of the weight was muscle. He was furry and tanned, and looked a bit like an old time boxer or strong man.

"I'm not looking for love; I like plain, old fashioned sex. I that okay for you?" he asked. I nodded. He had dropped his pants by then and his tool was fully exposed. It was bigger than Ronnie's was.

"This may sound stupid. Most guys take my cock on a dare. It is big and they want to say that they were able to take it. Most just grit their teeth and take it. Ronnie said you liked his," Buck said. "I am just hoping to find someone who enjoys it. Does that sound dumb to you?"

"Well, it isn't the slickest pick up like I have ever heard, but I'm willing to give it a try," I said. Buck definitely was not handsome, but he wasn't quite ugly either. We got on the bed and sucked each other. I could barely get his cock in my mouth. I did manage to peel his foreskin back. He as soon as my tongue touched his slit, he began to ooze.

Buck was an enthusiastic man and he seemed to enjoy me greatly. I was an old man to the twinks, but young compared to the bears. It was nice to be considered a catch for a change. Being young is nice, but it is not as if you have any choice about being young. Getting older is not an option either.

I was oddly comfortable with Buck. Ronnie had turned me on. Buck seemed to be a cheerful and happy man who wanted to get his cock in my ass. He was after simple sexual sensations. Before my experience with Ronnie, I would have rejected Buck's advances. He was too old and unattractive.

I was under the misunderstanding that for me good sex required good-looking men. Ronnie was okay looking if you like Santa. His cock was a magic wand that filled my ass with almost mystical sensations. I had a suspicion that Buck's cock might do the same.

There was nothing mystical about Buck's cock. I was a joystick that seemed to rearrange my internal organs to provide more intense pleasure.

He entered me from the rear. He took his time at first and then made a hard thrust and went deep. I knew he was touching places that had never been touched before. I was winded and dazed. It took five or ten minutes to get used to it.

Buck let me squirm and wiggle, until I adjusted to his cock. He made a few mini-thrusts but he let me do the work. I began to squeeze my buns and wiggle my hips. Buck liked that.

"Let me get on my back and you can sit on it," he suggested. "I'm real excited and I'll last longer if you are in charge. He pulled out and I took up position.

"Take your time. I'm not in a rush," he said as I lowered myself onto his pole. His cock felt like a different organ from his position. It curved and doggy style it rubbed me on way. As I faced him, it rubbed me a different way. My prostate loved it.

He didn't have a handsome face, but he looked so peaceful as I impaled myself, affection joined the intense sexual sensations I was feeling.

"If you don't want an old man's spunk filling your ass, you had better get off my pole. I can't control it much longer," he said. "I shoot a huge load. Guys say it's too messy."

I lifted up a little, but sat back again. It felt too good to get off it. I tried a second time, and lifted two or three inches above him when I sat back. I wanted to feel it longer. Technically, I was trying to get off. In reality, I was squeezing my ass and was actually massaging Buck's tool. On my third try, he lost the battle and flooded my rectum with buckets of sperm. Of course, it was not buckets, but it certainly felt that way.

He had to get to his rehearsal. We cleaned up and went our different way. Both of us felt good.

At noon, we had some new guests. Edouard de Ville and big time Broadway Choreographer appeared with two "assistants" in tow. If the phrase flaming faggot didn't exist, they would have needed to invent it for Edouard. He was short, thin, muscular and elegant in every move he made. He had had the third executive suite on the top floor.

Edouard had very specific dietary requirements and lunch was a challenge for our chef. He couldn't find most of the ingredients. The dining room was almost empty since all the crew was at work. He apologized to Edouard, explained his problem and then served him a salad of freshly harvested lettuce and vegetables and a sautéed fish that he had personally caught that morning. Lunch was a success.

I realized that as long as you catered to Edouard and made special efforts to please him he was fine. The director brought him in to correct some of the dance numbers. The routines worked for the elves and fairies, but not for the lumberjacks and bears. They had non-standard dancers' bodies. The director had lunch with him and explained the problem. They went off to the rehearsal hall.

At three, we had a call. There was going to be a special night rehearsal and they needed food. That through the kitchen into a tizzy. The prep for dinner was well underway. I knew that the big guys in the cast would not appreciate a stripped down meal. We produce a cocktail party like meal with assorted hors d'oeuvres, small sandwiches, shrimp and meatballs. The put on their wedding reception livery and we turned the utilitarian meal into an event.

Edouard complimented the chef. He was a demanding man and the event changed the atmosphere for the better. When the cast a crew returned to the hotel that night they were happy campers. Edouard had found a way to work with the Lumberjack contingent that made then look good. Everyone was pleased.

I was exhausted and went to my room. I walk a different hall every night to see of all is well. The staff knows I do this but they never know which floor I will check. That keeps everyone on his or her toes. I was on the eighth floor. One of the guestroom doors was open. I looked in and saw two naked bears. One of them noticed me.

"Come on in. Were just relaxing before bed," he asked. "Have a drink or maybe more." I went in. I was tired and did not think. There were three men in the room. All were erect or semi erect. Somehow, a minute later, I was naked and sucking one of him as another man sucked me. A minute or two later the third man was in my ass.

It was obvious that they were skilled sexually. They seemed oddly business like, but they knew what they were doing.

Next: Chapter 2

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