Winter Storm

Published on Oct 26, 2011



It was a casual place. After all we three were in college and college kids, especially males, are not known for formalities.

The apartment building was small 3 floors of two bedroom units. Of the six apartments, at least half were occupied by kids like us.

Some were in our University, others in local college or business schools in the area. Late nights lights in almost every window revealed late studying. Weekdays were mostly quiet. After all we all had classes and part time jobs.

Saturdays were busy with kids coming and going, school scarves and banners, sports victory celebrations. Sundays were loud with cheering TV viewers.

In the spring, the windows were open and the sounds of our youth were clearly heard. And late nights what one could see in those same windows would make old ladies blush with anger and old men smile with their own memories.

Winter, however, became the best time for us. The old building used a radiator, which is steam heat. So it got hotter then a steam bath.

And when the New England winters came, the heat was turned up. Our unit being on the 3d floor not only got our own heat but the heat that rose from the two floors below.

Even if we turned off our radiators we sweat.

It was one of those winter storms that iced the windows, left snow piles on parked cars, disabled the buss lines and cancelled classes.

It was the heat that built up over night that kept us shirtless and in our underwear. Of course, being young guys, we usually hung out in our home that way all year around. But that winter, we suffered, having no energy to contemplate dressing and going out..Not even for the usual snow ball fights, snow drift wrestling or trudging to the pizza and beer places that welcomed ravenous college students.

Taylorstood looking out the window when I emerged from the bedroom we shared. His jockey shorts sagged from their own dirt or his bodies sweat. The hole in one asscheeks added to their apparent age. The rest of him was as bare as always.

"Shit, we're not going anywhere today" he said apparently knowing I was standing behind him.

I was nearly naked too, wearing only my brother's boxer shorts. It was a thing I liked to wear his boxers. He had his own of course, issued by the Marines. So when I left home, I took a bunch of his, you know to kind of think of him. Anyway, they were a bit big on me and rode so low my patch of pubic hair was above the waist band and my asscheeks were holding them up.

"Fuck, it's fucking hot in here" I stated the obvious as I folded the boxer cloth under my balls to absorb the sweat.

"So?" Taylor turned "Breakfast?" He went to the frig and pulled out a beer bottle flipping off the cap with his thumb, one of his talents we admired.

"Me too" I said catching the beet bottle that was already in flight towards me.

Remember we were college students away from home for two years by that time. This was our first year sharing an apartment. My second year, I stayed in the dorms as a RA. (Resident assistant). That was fine, but I realized it was a job that I couldn't do while studying and holding a part time job at a nearby Insurance firm processing claims at night.

"You guys started already?" Chace appeared naked. He liked to shock us now and then running around naked often with his erection in hand. That morning he didn't seem to be showing off, like us he had just awakened. He slept naked.

I remember when Mike the guy who shared his bedroom revealed that fact the morning after the first night we all collapsed after moving in.

"Shit good thing we sleep naked" he said "hadn't any energy to look for clothes. We laughed at the big news not because of his words but because behind him, Chace stood naked holding his morning erection and walked to where Mike was sitting. He put his cock on the guys shoulder and treated it like a puppet.

"Hi boys and girls" Ok it wasn't that funny but then to us, everything was funny.

I also remember the days that followed seeing Chace and Mike naked as they painted their room. I thought it weird even though the sight was nice to see.

"Hey this way we don't get paint on our clothes" Chace explained as if he needed an excuse to show off his body...which was, by the way, nice.

Taylor and I decided they were right, stripping down when we painted our room and the bathroom. Chace and Mike's chore was to paint the hallway and all four of us did the living room and kitchen.

"HEY an orgy already" Sebastian, a neighbor popped in during that time and saw all four of us hard at work. Sebastian lived in the same dorm as I did when we were freshmen. I believed that he was one of those who took the usual 3 am showers.

Let me explain. When you're 18 or 19, maybe even 17, being away from home is like a big shock. Everything you thought about, fantasized about or even feared was suddenly possible. Guys jacked off like they did at home. I suspect they jacked more often in fact.

But as the demanding crunch of the first year class work load affected each one, the need for release demanded more self manipulation then the hormonal driven demands at their homes.

So it wasn't unusual to hear stories of guys doing things that might define them negatively on campus. We quickly established a sense of privacy to our dorm rooms and floor, not revealing to outsiders what we did or needed to do often. Even the most blazon admittedly gay guys, drug or booze addicted guys or other habit obsessed guys were protected by our silence.

And when the lights of late night cramming shut off, the sounds of stereos subsided and the blue hallway lights turned on. Silent silhouettes moved here and there like apparitions we didn't acknowledge. Doors opened and closed quietly as visitors shared illegal substances and questionable activities.

And the sounds of the showers were like white noise from a radio that moved like a fog through the floor.

It was a sound we all recognized in time. And it was a signal that some of us, probably all residents, were beckoned for the never talked or even whispered about activities that went on there.

The bathroom was dark. No lights whatsoever were on. I thought that interesting as usually the notorious blue night lights remained on for the many that needed release of urine or crap at night.

There were silhouettes. Nobody talked. Hands touched bodies. Bodies found others in need. And in the hot spray or nearby, hands, mouths and even anal orifices did what they would never admit to.

That's when I knew I was gay. It was more then just a different kind of release for me, and I suspect others. I went there often, sometimes being the one that turned off the night lights and turned on the signaling noise of the showers themselves.

I'm not sure how many of my fellow dorm mates I serviced or got serviced by. I tried to see if I recognized the techniques or flesh. And I think I did now and then. Sebastian was one of those I recognized. My assumption confirmed one night as I left seeing his towel enclosed body ahead of me having just left as well. We never spoke of it.

Sebastian stood watching us for awhile accepting our invitation to have a beer but not adding his labors to ours. The idea of him stripping naked to help us aroused me, even though my three nude roommates hadn't.

Even Chace wasn't erect during the work. Maybe we had gotten used to it and no longer found it arousing or maybe we were just intent on getting the work done so we could begin that first year as college roommates.

"You need to go and uh do something about that?" I think it was actually Chace who noticed my rising penis. He flicked paint towards me and suddenly we were in a paint fight that chased Sebastian away leaving us four to our childish play.

Months passed and there we were at the point I began to describe what became the worst winter storm Boston had seen in years.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Taylor asked us all.

I had moved to the kitchen. I liked to cook and decided to make omelets for everyone. The guys seeing me begin, didn't complain. Chace muttered something about a shower. Taylor stretched out on the couch to watch a saved football game and as for Mike I wasn't sure where he went.

The omelets made, I yelled to everyone and bodies suddenly appear to absorb rather then eat the three omelets. I had just finished my last bite when Chace appeared saying how good the food was. From the stack of empty plates and pans in the kitchen I assumed they liked it.

"For your efforts, we've decided you get a reward" Chace announced. His cock wasn't totally soft I noted.

Now I should tell you that they all knew I had engaged in homo behavior or if you prefer I was gay. It was one of the nights we drunkenly decided to get to know each other better before beginning to look for an apartment to share.

"Hey we're all horny" Taylor had said not revealing anything about his own intimate activities. Chace was more crude "great we need a fag, the women like em, so you become our babe magnet. You get em to come over to discuss drapes or whatever you gays do and we'll fuck em."

Mike was classier, just nodding and saying "that's cool" though he added "if we get desperate enough then you're our guy"

Taylorwas standing nearby his hand in his torn jockeys. Mike appeared standing there wearing a towel. His smooth chest, which I had always admired, still glistened from his shower.

"I have a surprise for you" Chace announced moving back. I had suspected that sooner or later his macho behavior would reveal he wanted to fuck me. And maybe I was open to it, I wasn't sure.

Mike took his towel off and his hand held his cock. He moved close and knelt in front of me.

"Go ahead Mikie show him your talented tongue" Chace giggled.

Mike let his tongue wag. It wasn't a surprise to see that. He often imitated KISS stars tongue wagging.

Then he lowered his head while his hands pulled down my brother's boxer shorts and lifted my cock with his wagging tongue.

"Shit man, you don't..." I'm not sure what I was about to say but Chance's instruction to me to "relax and enjoy it" quieted me.

I wanted to watch Mike's tongue on my hardening cock but instead I lay my head back and closed my eyes concentrating on the moist warmth of his tongue on my cock and ballsac.

My mind drifted to late night activities in the dorm, my exploratory visits to the Adult Video store while still in high school where I got and gave my first blowjobs and the sights of guys I always fantasized about.

Occasionally I opened my eyes and watched Mike's head while feeling his lips around my erection. I saw Chace jacking his cock and Taylor, now naked too, jacking his; both of them watching what was happening.

When I came, I heard Mike choke then felt his hand remove and aim my cock so it spurt all over my body, again and again.

"That good?" he asked.

I didn't pay attention at first seeing sperm flying at the two of us. Taylor was first, grunting as if he was having a bowel movement. His streams and splatters hit Mike's cheek and my thighs.

Chace was flailing so hard and fast I was surprised he wasn't done yet. But when he came he yelled out as if it was the first orgasm he ever had.

"You done now?" Mike asked "You're only allowed two" he said to his bedroom mate.

I wasn't sure if Chace had cum twice then or he was referring to something that might have happened earlier. After all, how did Chace know of Mike's talent or willingness to suck me off that morning.

"Good for you?" he asked me again.

"Shit yea" I said "uh thanks, maybe I should make breakfast more often." I said and the others laughed.

"Naw my turn next." Chace announced "I make great hamburgers and want more then a bj afterwards."

"I've tasted your burgers" Mike said with dismay

"But you liked what I did afterwards bitch" Chace said wiping his drooling cock and stuffing his fingers in his own mouth.

I thought it crude as usual but revealing to say the least.

"So what do we do next?" Taylor asked laughing.

What we did was to stay naked to endure the heat, we said. But I suspected it was for other reasons.

After that, I knew it would be ok for me to return the favor to any one of them probably in any way imaginable. But instead of rushing to kneel in front of Mike, or the others, I decided to take things slow.

"So is he better then Taylor?" Chace asked. Obviously he suspected that me and Taylor had been having sex since we began sharing the same bedroom.

"He just jacks off all the time" I said.

"We both just jack off" Taylor added confirming the fact we hadn't had sex of any kind.

I wondered why we hadn't.

"You want that bed or this one?" He had asked. The bedroom contained two beds, a desk for my computer and a shelf filled with our books and individual memorabilia. My brother's recruiting poster was on one wall.

He looked so good in his Marine uniform they had him pose for it. It reminded me of him daily which was cool. And it reminded me of my secret guilt too. As I grew up I admired him. I saw him dressing, I saw him naked, and I saw him having sex with his girlfriend. And I saw him in my mind when I finally began to pleasure myself. I felt guilty about that..After all incest wasn't a good thing. But he had a great body and it aroused me like those others I had seen.

If he had wanted, I would have had sex with him I knew. But we were only brothers and far apart in age. By the time I graduated High School. Wayne had already served most of his first four years in the corps.

"He looks hot" Taylor said choosing to use "hot" instead of some other word. "Thanks" I said admiring his vintage poster of Farah Fawcett his father had given him. "She will always be hot babe" I added trying to act macho in case Taylor wasn't as accepting as he had previously said.

WE watched football games one after the other thanks to our VCR. We ate Chace's hamburgers for lunch. We were joined by Sebastian who didn't seem to mind our lack of clothing; in fact he stripped to his underwear.

"Fuck me guys it's hot as hell up here" he said stripping down. I wondered if he would strip nude like us or even if he was trying to subtly give us an invite to fuck his curved round bubble butt.

That was the same bubble butt I had seen that memorable night in the blue lit hallway.

And that was the same bubble butt; my cock had enjoyed in the darkness of the 3AM showers.

But the game, its plays and our cheering and complaining removed any thoughts of sex, gay or otherwise. We chest bumped, slapped ass, drank beer and left the room to pee or crap as our bodies demanded.

The room smelled of our sweat and male aroma. I inhaled it gladly remembering the same intoxicating effect of high school locker rooms. I noticed the gym at college was different if not disappointing.

That was ok, probably more healthy. I did like the fact that the guys wandered around naked more freely there then in high school. Occasionally there was a towel flipping or shower wrestling, but it was all in fun I guess.

I learned it was ok to take my time there too, showering and dressing. Nobody said anything if they caught my eyes looking at them. And I caught others evaluating me as well. I wasn't an exhibitionist like Chace but everyone likes being watched now and then.

Darkness shrouded our iced over windows. We micro waved pizza doctored with available vegetables.

"We better go slowly, this storm is gonna last" Taylor announced as he and Mike were piling sliced tomatoes, shredded cheese and onions on the already prepared frozen pizza.

We ate it quickly just as they had absorbed Chace's questionably good burgers and my well rewarded omelets.

Chace and Mike drifted away silently just as Sebastian had mid afternoon. "See you guys" he said at the door. We were too drunk to say much other then toasting him with our bottles.

Taylor and I watched some late night comedy show and then he disappeared too.

I lay there, my cock inviting my hand which obliged to pet, pull and stroke to mid height. The light of the TV was the only one now, illuminating my self play like the former dorm floor blue lights had done.

"Hey" Chace appeared in the semi darkness. "You having fun?" he asked.

I didn't reply but waved my enlarging cock instead.

"We decided to swap bedroom mates tonight" He said "besides you owe Mike" he chuckled.

I had turned to comment on his statement but the sight of his bare buttocks disappearing into the darkness of the hallway was all I could see.

The TV still emitted some laughter as I stood at the toilet letting my body release processed beer. I heard someone turn it off. I was in mid piss at the time.

His hands patted my buttocks. His arms surrounded me.

"You coming?" Mike's voice was a whisper. I felt his body moving against my back. His cock was nesting between my buttocks. It stopped me from pissing.

"Yea" I said shaking my penis to get the last drops into the ceramic pool. The flush put a period on my activity.

I moved into Chace and Mike's bedroom. I figured I'd be sucking his cock as he had sucked mine. After all, I reasoned, I owed him that.

He guided me to the bed we would share. And without words we began to explore each other as if we had never met let alone seen each other's naked body.

It aroused me to say the least, not the fact I was bout to have some kind of sex with one of my roommates but with a man. I was a slut I accepted that fact.

To my surprise, Mike didn't limit his activities to jacking or sucking. We kissed like hungry teenagers. Our hands groped, grasped and pet each other as if trying to memorize each crevice, inch and undulated fleshy surface.

I wasn't sure who would do what to whom. But from the way he kept handling my buttocks I began to realize I was going to be fucked like the woman he didn't have in bed that night.

When he moved me to face down on the bed. I awaited his intrusion and my dilated anus swallowed his cock which like his tongue seemed longer then I remembered. He fucked for awhile then turned me on my side giving me a different sensation.

The first time I got fucked was by an older man who did much the same, intent on showing me all the ways a guy could fuck another. Every position possible we did that afternoon in the motel room he had.

He didn't let me leave after he coated my face with his man sperm saying he needed 30 minutes. And true to his word returned to showing me another way to take a man's cock.

After that I wasn't sure if I was a bottom or top, but I knew I liked the sight of a man wanting me sexually.

"Your turn" Mike said

"Did you cum?" I asked in a whisper not sure I wanted Chace or Taylor who occupied my bedroom that night, to know what we were doing.

"Twice dude, I can do more later" he breathlessly said "how do you want me?"

"Back" I said without thought.

His long heavy legs almost pushed me backwards as they propped on my chest. I lathered my cock with the same lube he had used earlier. I moved close inhaling the intoxicating odor of his crotch or maybe it was both our crotches.

When I entered him, I was surprised my cock moved inside effortlessly. I had assumed that this was the first time Mike had received a man's cock. He never admitted it even after that night. Maybe he was just so aroused I thought that his butthole like mine had been, dilated in anticipation of sex.

I fucked him slow at first then faster as I approached my body's release.

In the darkness of the shower, I did it first. I wasn't looking for that but the feeling of the unknown body who moved his butt against me seemed to ask for it and I pushed inside surrounding the body like a hug of death and fucked then, until he patted my arm.

I wasn't sure if I was boring him or if he had cum. I knew I hadn't. And I knew I liked the sensations I got doing it for the first time. Another willing bottom received my orgasm later that night even though I was too exhausted to fuck like the first time.

"Mike groaned as I fucked. In the darkness, of course I couldn't see his face or body. His tattoos had interested me as I could see them all the time of course. But they were never a turn on.

"When I came, I grunted something and he kept asking me if I was ok."

We slept together awakening in the same position, nuzzled and holding each other.

"I see you two had fun" Chace awakened us. He busied himself in the bedroom not bothering us further.

I disengaged myself from Mike's arms ignoring his mumbling, and left the room stopping at the bathroom for my usual morning needs.

Taylorwas reading when I went into our bedroom. He looked up and asked "how did it go?"

"Well I know Mike more then I did" I said

"Yea yesterday was your day" he said.

"You and Chace?" I asked fantasizing the two had done the same things Mike and I had done.

"He slept in your bed and whacked off all night as usual" he said not looking away from the book.

"Figures" I said wondering if I had insulted Taylor.

I made cereal and coffee for myself.

"Too tired to make us omelets?" Chace asked as he entered the kitchen

"Naw too tired for the reward if I did" I said

Chace kissed me on the cheek. "I assume that was a thank you" he said.

I turned my head and kissed him back. "Thank you" I said "What about you and Taylor?"

Chace smiled "what do you think?" he asked patting my boxer covered shorts.

I realized that Chace was wearing gym shorts which I thought was odd. Perhaps he like me was recovering from his night of sex or whacking off.

Taylorjoined us making a bowl for himself.

"Where's Mike?' he asked

"I think our stud roommate tired him out" Chace said his arm around me. "I'll go check on him."

"You know" Taylor said "Don't get me wrong but do you ever, you know, well, I've always wondered if you and I would ever...." Swallowed a spoon of flakes.

"It's not like we haven't jacked off at the same time, I mean there no secrets" I said.

"Yea I know, but you know with Chace so uh, extroverted and now you and Mike, I just wondered" he said.

"You mean you want to?" I asked.

"Do you?" he asked.

I kissed him on the lips. He froze at first then swallowed whatever was in his mouth.

"Cool" he said.

"Storm has us iced in" Mike stood naked looking out the window "No classes till next Monday" he said holding the phone to his ear apparently getting the news to share with us.

"Good' Taylor said putting down the bowl and turning me around.

He kissed me diving his tongue inside my mouth. I almost choked. His hands moved down my bare back and beneath my brother's boxers cupping each buttock.

"I'm not sure he has any cum left" Mike said about me.

"That's ok I have plenty" Taylor said taking my hand and leading me into the bedroom. He became more and more aggressive and I let him,

His fucking cock stabbed into me like a sharp knife. It hurt like hell but I took it and wiggled my impaled cock on its length.

"This is Taylor" Chace introduced us at that first meeting in the pizza place where he worked. Taylor and I fumbled around finding common thoughts, habits or interests. We needed a fourth and Chace had a suggestion.

We talked about music, girls, classes and Boston. It turned out we liked each other enough to agree to move forward.

When we unpacked that first day it as Chace who said we would share a bedroom and he and Mike share the other one.

"If it doesn't work out, we'll swap" he said "or hell we can keep swapping back and forth" he seemed to have a plan.

And already he was showing off his body so the casualness of the lives the four of us was about to share was established.

"He's a trip huh?" I said to Taylor.

"Yea, if I had a body like that I'd show it off too. But he's a good guy" Taylor said. As I found out he and Chace had known each other over the summer before college began. They met at some summer computer camp or something.

"God that was hot" I was catching my breath as much as Taylor was.

"Good. I wanted to you know make us both have fun" he said a bit unsure of himself I noted. "Did I do ok?"

"You did fine" I said not revealing my butt was sore as hell, probably because of the combination of Mike's action as well as his.

"Again?" I asked

"I'm kind of a one orgasm guy" he admitted "but tonight?" he patted my butt "you're a talented fag" he said

I didn't take offense at the use of the word. The way he said it and his hands told me he was being affectionate.

Guys being openly affectionate with each other are rare unless they're drunk. And roommates being willing to reveal that side of themselves is even more special, even if they are both gay.

"Are you like me?" I asked turning over reaching to play with his spent cock. He didn't move me away letting me play with the cock and balls I had seen for months as forbidden fruit.

"Naw, I mean I like guys, but maybe not like you, I like you I mean, hell its sex isn't it?" Taylor seemed either confused or self conscious about what he had just done.

"Yea sex is great between guys who trust each other, not a gay or straight thing" I lied. There was something exciting about having sex with a straight guy. Mike was definitely gay, I evaluated. Taylor was either straight or bi, I didn't care. I just wanted him to fuck me again and that night's prospects I anticipated.

We didn't talk about what we had done those first two days of the winter storm. We endured the heat dispelling clothing. We ate, watched TV, welcomed Sebastian and his roommate now and then.

Sebastian would disappear into a bedroom with one or more of us. He wasn't as much an exhibitionist as Chace to be sure. But he reluctantly agreed to the ritual, as Chace called it, stripping naked and sucking his roommate while we watched and jacked off on the two of them.

Waynewasn't as into it as the others. But he joined me in my bedroom admiring the poster of my brother Wayne. Perhaps it was mental incest I admitted to myself as I sucked and fucked him beneath the poster, my brother looking down on us.

Maybe it was weirder then that. I didn't know and the guilt I felt about memories of my brother seemed silly as I kept saying his name during our sexual marathon that lasted till the night.

"I wondered if you were ever going to come out" Sebastian said laughing at a joke that we suspected we understood.

But those days weren't always filled with sex.

We found ourselves sometimes so bored, we caught up on books and our various essay writing assignments.

Mike ventured out to see if the library was opened. When he finally returned, saying it was closed, we wondered where he had gone. He winked at me saying "I found something to do, went to the old dorm"

Taylortook his time for a second fuck. He was probably stimulated by Chace's finally demanding a reward for Mike's and my night together.

We were sitting around the living room. Taylor was watching TV, Mike was in the other room and Chace was holding his hard cock.

"OK OK" I said in fake resignation. I knelt and took his much displayed coke in my mouth gladly enjoying a man's meat. After all it had been a day or two since another roommate jammed his cock into the house fag, as I began to call myself.

I figured I'd suck and get him off but the more I worked on it, the more I enjoyed it. His hands held my head, his fingers petting beneath my brown hair. His body moved to slide his cock on my tongue.

His balls felt powerful in my hand, the blood pulsing adding to my excitement. My own cock was hard, drooling to the point I wanted to jack it too but my hands were busy, one on his ball sac the other moving over his buttock, thigh and reaching up to his nipple.

"Shit he's good" Chace said breathing so deep I figured I'd be swallowing or showered with his cum any moment. But instead my action continued without reward. And I loved it.

The first time I touched and licked a man's cock was in a viewing booth in the adult video store back home. I had snuck in the alley door to view magazines. The first time or two the clerk told me to get out. But an older clerk saw me and ignored my presence.

I waited till guys left the viewing booths often leaving one still running. Ignoring the smell of what they left behind I watched adults doing stuff to each other I had only heard about or read on the internet.

The first time I saw a video of two guys doing it I was so excited I was breathless, jacking my cock as the former occupant had done till it spread on the floor.

"Tell you what, I won't kick you out if you mop out the rooms after guys leave" the older guy said to me one day after I left a booth.

The unofficial part time job kept me returning. And one time when I opened what I thought was an unoccupied room, the man inside looked at me and told me to come in.

The fact his adult hairy naked body was a surprise startled me but his smile and invitation made me overcome my initial reaction. I touched him where he told me and knelt to kiss his cock. He lifted my tee shirt off "so you won't get it wet" he explained.

I let him put his cock in my mouth and move it while doing what he said with my lips and teeth. His sperm spilled out of the corners of my mouth and dripped onto my bare chest. I didn't know what to do next. He lifted me and licked my chest. I wanted to say "yuk" or something but instead I kept quiet even as he opened my fly and pulled out my own hard cock stroking and then bending over to suck it till I exploded.

"You did well" he said as he pulled on his trousers and shirt.

I never admitted to anyone I accepted the twenty dollar bill he gave me. That would make me a whore instead of a wide eyed innocent kid. I didn't tell anyone about the older man for fear they'd put me in jail as a hustler.

When Chace came, it disappointed me. His gushing cum bathed my face and body along with Mike's and Taylor's both of whom had moved close by to watch and join in the male ritual begun that first day of the storm.

"Nice" Chace said "Mike was right" he revealed more then Mike and I had agreed to. I wasn't angry. By that point all of us had revealed very private feelings, desires, and pleasures we shared. We were roommates...our secrets would stay among the four of us.

During the bored moments we had admitted to things we did as kids, or even since coming to campus.

"When we fuck, and we will, it's gonna be fantastic" Chace promised. I laughed and wiped my mouth. I had to admit sucking him was nice.

We spent the rest of that day horsing around, quietly accepting the new depths of our relationships without concerns about who or what we were.

Seeing each other naked, sharing our sexual drives, evolved into a casualness that was a fantasy for most. We'd casually pet and play with each other, watch each other with another roommate and more.

Taylorfucked me that night again. It wasn't as rough this time, which I admitted to myself I missed, but it as nice.

I returned the favor only because Taylor urged me to, not because I particularly wanted to. We shared the same bed but awoke in our own beds aware we would be available for each other whenever and however we desired.

That Saturday night, the news said the Storm would dissipate by Monday morning. Classes would resume, part time jobs would require our attention, lecturers would expect us to be in attendance, life would resume.

It was as if all had been put on hold so the four of us could realize we were more then just roommates, more then friends, more then brothers in fact. There was no label we cared to use.

I was till the apartment fag but we only said that to each other. Chace was the showoff, Mike the closet case and Taylor the metro man.

"Tonight we have something special" Chace announced. Sebastian who had joined us with his roommate Wayne agreed to the late night challenge.

"We each write on a paper a fantasy, something we've always wanted to do or have done. Then who ever picks the paper out has to do whatever it says, agreed?"

We hesitated. Maybe it was the beer or the pot, the realization that the departing storm would soon take away our brief hedonistic holiday, but we nodded.

All I can say here is that Sunday morning we didn't dare look at each other but by afternoon we were laughing about it all.

The Winter storm had nourished our lives to be sure. And the four of us remained friends for years..not so much keeping our secrets but honoring the memory of it.

Chace was the first to leave. He surprised us by saying he was getting married and going to his wife's college to finish. Things weren't the same after that of course.

We missed his brazen crude dick waving and getting each of us to experience things we had only fantasized about.

Taylormoved over to Mike's room to console him. I didn't mind. It was just me and Wayne looking down on me from the wall. I didn't felt less guilty about it by then.

Sebastian and his roomie Wayne came up often and came often once there.

The five of us graduated as planned yelling at Chace on the phone. He invited us to come see him then surprised us by appearing at the door naked and erect.

It was like old times, but the anticipation and fears about the future turned our reunion into a massive drunk, stoned orgy with the six of us enjoying each other like long lost lovers.

Taylorinvited us to his wedding months later. I was best man even the night before taking him inside me for the last time. "Do that to her and you'll be a father soon" I said after the hardest and most painful fuck he ever gave me.

Sebastian and Wayne moved across the country. Mike still lives in Boston with another guy he met in grad school. No longer thought of as Closeted Mike, he rallies others to campaigning for gay causes. I'm proud of him.

"You guys are like frat brothers" my significant other says because the four of us are always talking on the phone.

I laugh. "More then that" I admit but I don't tell him more. Because that's the secrets that made our lives better, our love for each other special and the memories we share we four share thanks to that certain WINTERSTORM.

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