Winning Dana's Heart

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on May 29, 2014


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Winning Dana's Heart

Part Nine

By Chris

"Then I guess I had better get out of this dress," Dana said with her voice filled with the lust for the woman lying on the floor below her. The woman who was laying on her back as she pushed her dress off her hips and then kicking it free from her feet. That left this beautiful woman wearing just a pair of sheer black panties.

"Oh fuck..." Dana moaned as those panties went down past her hips revealing her pussy that also needed a shave but still looked so pretty and obviously aroused. When Raven kicked her panties free, she brought her knees up and opened her legs so that the lips of her pussy parted showing the pink flesh inside.

"Oh God..." Dana moaned as she reached up behind her neck to untie the straps that held her dress up. She let it fall down revealing her breasts to Raven's lustful eyes.

She pushed her dress off her hips. She then hooked her thumbs into her panties pushing them off her hips and down to her thighs. She felt the gusset of her panties stick to her pussy for an instant because of the wetness caused by her arousal. She pushed them on down to her ankles, bending over while doing so. She straightened up to see that Raven's pussy was even wetter than it was before. She stepped out of her dress and panties coming up to Raven's spread legs. She dropped down to her knees putting her hands to Raven's knees. She leaned down inhaling Raven's womanly aroma. She lowered her head on down placing her lips against Raven's clit getting a loud moan.

She had planned to do more than kiss Raven's clit however just as she was about to begin to really get a taste of Raven's juices that she loved so much, she felt Raven's hands on her forearms urgently pulling her upwards. She was pretty sure just what Raven really wanted and needed right then. She had all weekend to get her fill of those juices so she allowed herself to be pulled upwards though she did manage to place a few kisses up Raven's belly and even a kiss to each of her nipples before hovering over her.

She lowered her lips to Raven's, giving her a light kiss, as she did so she lay her body down onto Raven's body. As she kissed again, this time with more passion, opening her lips, she felt Raven wrap her legs around her waist and then she felt Raven's heels against her ass cheeks pushing down. Dana shifted her hips up so that her pussy was over Raven's and then she began to ground her pussy down onto Raven's feeling her heat and juices.

"Fuck me Dana. Fuck me hard," Raven cried out when Dana ended the light kiss.

Dana replied by moving her hips faster and moving them in a slight circular motion. Raven's hands were gripping her shoulders tightly and she was also pushing her hips upward to increase the friction that Dana was providing with the movement of her hips. They had made love this way many times before and Dana knew just what Raven liked. She changed her motion as she ground down getting a slightly different friction to their pussies. She felt her own juices mixing with Raven's and she felt the friction on her own clit as it got more and more sensitive. As aroused as they both were, she wasn't sure which one of them would succumb to their orgasm first, she could only hope that it was Raven.

"Almost there baby, just a little harder..." Raven moaned into her ear as she arched her back to get more friction.

Those words were music to her ears as she too was almost there, she felt an intense orgasm about to crash upon her soul and she had very little power to stop or delay it. So she pushed down harder getting all the friction that she could to Raven's clit and thus to her own. Just when she knew that she was going to fall off the cliff to her own misty world of pleasure, she felt Raven's fingernails dig into her shoulders and then her body stiffened. Dana let out a moan matching Raven's and then she felt Raven's girlcum coat her pussy joining the girlcum coming from her own pussy. She arched her back giving one last thrust of her hips against Raven's pussy before she was lost in her own orgasm.

She felt her soul get lost in the euphoria of her orgasm, feeling so close to Raven again. Somewhere in the fog of her orgasm, she could sense Raven below her feeling the same thing that she was feeling, joining them together once again. There was nothing separating them here as there was in the real world that she was returning to sooner than she wanted.

She opened her eyes to see Raven lying beneath her, her face flush and her eyes closed. Dana gave her a soft kiss, keeping it light and brief so as not to disturb her. She carefully got up off of Raven seeing her stir but then settling back down. Dana got up on her hands and knees, moving down so that she was between Raven's legs. She gazed down on the wetness around Raven's pussy, knowing that was as much her own juices as it was Raven's. She slipped her legs back a little further before she placed her hands just under Raven's knees. She slowly raised them up and then forward so that Raven's pussy and ass was exposed to her lustful eyes. Keeping her hands under Raven's knees she slipped her knees back as she leaned forward, until she was in position to be able to make love to Raven's pussy and ass.

She placed the flat of her tongue on Raven's rosebud that was coated with Raven's juices and probable a bit of her own. She felt Raven stir again and then moan as her tongue slowly moved up, going across that sensitive patch of skin between Raven's rosebud and pussy and then to her pussy. She felt Raven move her knees further up indicating that Raven was back to the real world.

Dana moved her hands to the back of Raven's thighs, not really holding Raven's legs up anymore as Raven was doing that herself. Dana let her tongue part Raven's pussy lips as it slowly moved its way up to her sensitive clit. Raven both groaned and moaned as Dana kissed her little bud. She moved her tongue back down, not wanting to make Raven cum again too soon. She began to lick against Raven's pussy lips, drinking in their juices and making Raven moan. She licked there but for a moment before going back to her cute little pink rosebud where she first teased it with the tip of her tongue and then licking harder against it with the flat of her tongue.

Raven began to wiggle her ass as she couldn't keep still so Dana had to use her hands that where on Raven's thighs to keep her still. She kept licking against Raven's rosebud until she began to taste some of Raven's fresh juices. She went to the source of those fresh juices, covering the opening with her mouth so that she could suck them down.

"Oh Dana..." Raven moaned.

Dana moved her right thumb over so that she could use it to lightly rub against Raven's clit as she licked in deep as she could. Raven moaned even louder and her body began to twist around so that it was hard for Dana to keep her tongue inside of her but she was determined to do so. Slowly she increased the pressure of her thumb against Raven's clit until Raven let out a long moan and her legs fell down against Dana's back. Dana replaced her thumb with her tongue licking hard against Raven's sensitive bud sending Raven into an intense orgasm. Dana licked against Raven's clit but for a moment more before she went down to suck up all of the girlcum that Raven was producing.

Once Raven's girlcum ran out, Dana eased Raven's legs from her back and she lay down beside of her. She turned a very limp Raven onto her side facing her and then she pulled her in tight against her body. She started to give Raven's sweaty flushed face soft kisses as she caressed her back. It took Raven even longer to recover from this orgasm.

"Oh god you're going to be the death of me," Raven whispered once she was able to form words again.

"Hopefully you'll die with a grin on your face," Dana said as Raven pulled back a little so that Dana could now see her face.

"Nope, afraid not," Raven said so seriously that Dana began to worry that she hadn't pleased Raven as much as she had wanted. Raven then grinned, "I'll die with a shit eating grin on my face," and then she laughed real big.

"Oh you little shit!" Dana said laughing even though she didn't want to.

As she laughed, Raven took the opportunity to push her onto her back. "Now's my turn to make love to you," She said as she slid on top of her.

Raven dropped her head down, giving her a light kiss, she was about to give her another when Dana placed her hands to her shoulders stopping her.

"How about we move this to your bed," Dana suggested seeing an opportunity to give Raven another orgasm, one that she would remember. She so loved making love to Raven, pleasing her and she wanted to do so all night.

Dana saw Raven's lips begin to form the word she wanted to hear, that being "Yes" when Raven's face changed all so suddenly. "Oh no you don't, I'm not that gullible." She stated firmly.

"What?" Dana asked trying to sound innocent.

"I know you better than that, once we get to the bedroom, you'll have me at your mercy and I'll be powerless to stop you," Raven told her.

Dana had to smile, Raven had seen through her, "now would I do that?" she asked.

Raven didn't bother to answer at least not with words; instead she answered her with a kiss, a long passionate kiss. At the beginning of the kiss, Dana was still trying to figure a way to get Raven to be on the receiving end however by the middle of the kiss when Raven was sucking on her tongue and her fingers were caressing her face, Dana forgot all of her plans and just gave in to the kiss. She put her hands to Raven's smooth firm back holding onto to her tightly.

Raven slowly ended the kiss, with her tongue tracing Dana's lips making Dana moan, but then she felt nothing but Raven's body against hers. She opened her eyes to see Raven staring at her, it was almost like Raven was trying to take in every pore in her skin, logging them into her brain. Slowly a soft smile came to Raven's lips; she moved those sensual lips up toward her eyes. Dana closed them just before Raven placed a kiss to her right eye and then her left one. Dana kept her eyes closed as she felt Raven's lips kissing her cheeks and then on down to her neck. She felt a couple of gentle sucks to her neck before she felt Raven's sliding lower. She felt Raven's hands cupping her breasts, squeezing them and then those sensual lips giving kisses to her hard nipples. Again Dana let out a moan as her hands gripped Raven's upper arms.

Raven's lips formed over her right nipple and then those lips began to suck on her nipple almost nursing on it. "Fuck Raven..." Dana moaned.

Raven sucked harder on her nipple making it almost hurt with pleasure. Raven pulled off that nipple giving it a gentle bite as she did so. She moved her lips to the left nipple while her fingers pinched and pulled on the right one. Dana felt her pussy dripping with her juices and her clit was getting super sensitive. Dana used her hands to put a little pressure on Raven's shoulders. Raven gave a bite to her left nipple, a little harder this time before she began to move downward. She gave a kiss to Dana's belly before she settled between her legs. Dana felt Raven's hands under her knees so she moved them up and out much like what she had done to her moments earlier.

She felt Raven put a throw pillow under her lower back to before she felt Raven's hot breath on her wet pussy and her ass. The next thing that she felt was Raven's lips on her asshole, kissing it before her tongue began to lick her pussy juices that had leaked down onto it. Raven's tongue felt so fucking great as it licked and teased her rosebud. Dana let out a long loud moan and she felt her pussy spasm from the teasing that Raven was giving to her ass. She felt Raven's tongue at the center of her ass, pushing in a little that about sent Dana over the top.

Raven tongue fucked her ass a few times before she left it, Dana then felt Raven's tongue licking against her pussy lips. For a second Dana wished that she had taken time to shave her pussy as Raven liked it but that thought vanished as soon as it entered her head with the way Raven was licking inside of her pussy with her fingers now spreading her lips open. Dana couldn't hold her legs up any longer so she let them drop down to Raven's back while Raven licked deep inside of her.

"I need you..." Dana moaned not able to finish her sentence but Raven knew what she wanted.

She felt Raven's lips form over her engorged and sensitive clit. She felt the suction Raven was using on it and then her tongue moving against her clit. "Oh fuck!" Dana cried out just as a massive orgasm crashed into her body and soul. Dana lost all control of her body as she went limp, feeling only pleasure wash through her body.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Raven's smiling face above her and Raven's body lying against her. "Now you may take me to bed." Raven told her before kissing her.

Dana laughed, "You're silly." She then put her hands to Raven's face bringing it down for a kiss.

"Yes I am," Raven said giving her a giving her a grin and then another kiss. "Come on girl," Raven said getting up and then reaching her hand down.

Dana took it, letting Raven help her up. She gave Raven a kiss; she then put her hand around Raven's waist leading her toward the bedroom. Once she had Raven at the edge of the bed, she gave her a kiss before pushing her back onto it. Raven squealed as she fell back landing in the bed laughing.

"Now your mine," Dana declared meaning hers to ravish.

Dana start to jump upon Raven when Raven stopped her by saying all so softly, "Yes I am, I'm all yours..."

"Fuck," Dana said just as softly taking in what Raven was saying to her. Dana stood there for a moment, looking down at Raven with her messed up hair and flushed body.

After a moment's silence while they stared at each other, Raven said, "Let's make love to each other." She moved up in the bed turning onto her side facing her.

Dana smiled as she got into the bed, giving Raven a lingering kiss before turning around and laying beside of Raven who raised her top leg revealing her wet pussy. Dana did the same laying her top leg onto Raven's shoulder opening her pussy to Raven's sweet mouth. She felt Raven's soft tongue against her pussy lips, licking her slowly and softly. Dana let out a low moan before she gave a kiss to Raven's clit getting a moan in return. Dana began to lick the juices from Raven's lips before going to her slit to get to the juices that Raven was producing. Dana licked slowly and lovingly just as Raven was doing to her.

They took their time slowly bring each other to the point where they were on the edge of an orgasm. Dana got Raven there first and she used her tongue against Raven's clit to bring her off and she was able to lick up all her girlcum. When Raven had recovered she did the same to her until both of their clits were so sensitive that anything more would be painful. Only then did Dana move back around to pull Raven into her body kissing her and cuddling with her that Raven welcomed. They just kissed and caressed until Dana felt her stomach growl from hunger and her bladder begin to fill.

They got up to freshen up before going to the kitchen where Dana fixed them a snack. They talked while they ate their snack before retiring back to the bed. Dana sat up against the headboard with Raven curled up against her. They pillowed talked for a while, taking about nothing and everything but nothing of any importance. However just cuddling together was what Dana loved the most and Raven was content to do the same. Dana had to admit that Raven was really trying hard to please her and more importantly was enjoying their togetherness where doing nothing but cuddling was just as fun as making love... well pretty close at least. They did make love one more time before Dana pulled Raven to her and they went to sleep in the wee hours of the morning.

When Dana woke up, she did so to rain pounding against the bedroom window. The rain made her want to go back to sleep however her bladder told her to get up and the fact that Raven wasn't in the bed with her made her get up. She put on the robe that Raven had set out for her in the bathroom before going and searching for Raven. She found her with her in the kitchen pulling out some sweet cinnamon rolls from the oven with a fresh pot of coffee ready for her.

"Did you make those from scratch just for me," Dana asked as she went to Raven to give her a kiss.

"I sure did," Raven said with a grin, "They're real easy to make, I'll show you some time."

"I'd appreciate that, they smell real good," Dana said looking at the paper and the open container that the rolls came from.

Raven just grinned as she put the can and paper into the trash, "The hard part is printing the label and getting them into that damn container, after that it's easy."

"I bet," Dana said with a laugh.

"Now let's sit and eat, I'm starving," Raven said putting a couple of the rolls on a plate for Dana.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" Dana asked sipping her coffee.

"I don't know, not much we can do with all the coming rain coming down," Raven said somewhat sadly.

"Well we'll think of something," Dana said as she took a bite of her roll and tried to think of something for them to do.

"Well at least it's still warm outside, maybe we can just sit and watch the ocean," Raven suggested with a bit of a gleam in her eyes like she knew something that Dana didn't.

"Sure," Dana replied wondering just what Raven was up to.

They sat and talked for a while before Dana helped Raven clean up what few dishes that was dirty. Raven then fixed her a cup of coffee and insisted that she stay in the kitchen as she got dressed. That was enough to clue Dana in that whatever Raven had in mind had to do with the back porch. She was tempted to glance out but she didn't want to ruin Raven's surprise. Dana sat there and wondered until Raven reappeared dressed in a brand name sweat pants and a matching aqua colored hoodie that she zipped only up to just below her breasts showing just the hint of them thus showing that she had managed to forgot to put a bra on.

When Dana got to the bathroom, she found that Raven had laid out the same type of sweats though they were light pink in color. She also noted that there were no panties or bra set out for her indicating that Raven probably didn't have panties on either. Once Dana had freshened up, she put a dab of perfume between her breasts. She put her sweat suit on zipping it only to her breasts as Raven had done showing that two can play that game.

"So what do you have out on the porch to show me?" Dana asked when she got back to the living room where Raven was waiting.

"I don't have anything to show you?" Raven said innocently.

Dana just gave her this look that she knew better than that which caused Raven to laugh a little, "Well okay I do but you have to close your eyes first." Raven told her.

"Oh okay," Dana said fearing that Raven had done something just to try and please her; actually she was now sure of that. "You know you didn't need to do anything just to please me, I'm not like that."

"Hush and close your eyes," Raven said coming up to her.

"Raven..." Dana said before Raven interrupted her.

"Hush..." Raven said with an expression on her face that made Dana stop what she was going to say and close her eyes.

Dana felt Raven's breath around her lips and then she felt a soft kiss as Raven put her hands to her arms. "I know I don't have to do anything to please you but I want to do things to please you, and all your protesting won't stop me."

"But..." Dana started to say before she felt Raven's lips upon hers and she gave in to the kiss and to Raven's desires to please her.

"Keep your eyes closed and don't open them," Raven warned her as she felt Raven start to lead her toward the back door.

Dana could tell that Raven was taking her close to the back steps leading to the beach where she stopped her, turning her around so that she was facing the cottage.

"You may open your eyes now," Raven said hopefully.

The first thing that Dana noticed was that the rain had stopped and the sun had popped out. She then looked to her left seeing that the old table and chairs were gone and new chairs and table replaced them. The chairs looked very comfortable and the table had a glass top. She turned to her right and she saw what Raven had obviously wanted her to see. There was a new and very expensive porch swing with the chains going to the ceiling that had been redone so that it would support the swing.

Dana looked over at Raven and she wanted to fuss but then she saw the nervous yet hopeful look on Raven's face. So instead she smiled as she said, "It is beautiful, how does it sit?"

"I don't know, I wanted you to be the first to sit in it," Raven said with a grin now that Dana had given her approval and didn't fuss though she wanted to.

"How about we both be the first ones to sit in it," Dana suggested and not waiting for Raven to answer, she took ahold of her hand leading her over to the porch swing.

She put Raven to her right side and she made sure that Raven was going to sit with her before she sat down. She sat back and gave a little push with her feet getting the porch swing to swing.

"Do you like it?" Raven asked looking over at her.

"I love it; it's so comfortable and swings so smoothly." Dana told her honestly as it did both to perfection. "Do you like it?"

"I do," Raven said and Dana could see that she was pausing to say something else and waited a moment for her to do so.

"You know I haven't really done anything to this place since my grandmother left it to me, I think that maybe it's time that I did." Raven told her.

"I think so too, your grandmother will always be a part of this place but it is time for you to do things to it that pleases you and that you want to do to make it your home." Dana told her as she put her arm around Dana's shoulders pulling her in close.

They sat there for a few moments just gently swinging before Dana asked, "So what do you want to do to your home?" Dana asked sort of emphasizing the "Your home" part.

Raven sat in silence and Dana could see her mind working and some ideas begin to come to her mind. It didn't take too long before Raven began to spit out ideas starting with new furniture though she did love her grandmother's bed and that she wasn't about to change but about everything else was a possibility. So they spent the afternoon just going over ideas, some they both liked though some were suggested and immediately tossed out with a laugh. Later on in the afternoon after they had both gone to the bathroom and gotten a snack to eat, Raven led Dana back out to the swing.

This time Raven waited for Dana to sit down before she went to sit down. Dana looked up at Raven to see what she was waiting for when Raven gave her a twisted smile. Dana just had to smile as she felt her pussy spasm knowing that Raven was up to something and that something had to do with sex. Raven sat down beside of her but instead of sliding back, she turned her back to her and then she lay back onto Dana's legs.

Dana started to porch swing to swing as she put her left arm around Raven's shoulders holding her up so that she could bring her up to kiss her. She pressed her lips against Raven's quickly opening her lips and slipping her tongue into Raven's mouth. Raven formed her lips over her tongue sucking upon it making Dana let out a soft moan. Raven had her right hand on Dana's left hip however the left hand was laying against her shoulder. As their tongues swapped mouths and she was sucking upon Raven's tongue she felt Raven's left hand move between their bodies and to the zipper of her hoodie. That zipper was pulled down and Raven's warm hand slipped inside going straight to her right breast. Dana let out another moan and her pussy spasm as Raven first squeezed her breast and then began to pinch and pull on said nipple. Their tongues danced in her mouth as they kissed and Dana felt her pussy getting moist leaving a damp place in her sweats.

"Let's move inside and to the bedroom," Dana panted as Raven ended the kiss.

Though Raven didn't reply, she thought she was going to do that from the smile that she gave her. However Raven had something else in mind as she gave Dana a kiss and then Dana felt Raven slip her body down. Raven immediately finished unzipping her hoodie before Dana could stop her, Raven opened her hoodie exposing her breasts.

"No not out here," Dana protested however Raven was kind enough to cover her exposed breasts, the right breast was covered with Raven's hand and the left breast with her lips.

"Oh fuck!" Dana cried as she felt Raven sucking her right nipple into her mouth and Raven's tongue tip teasing her hard nipple. Raven was teasing the right nipple with her fingers before pinching and pulling on it. Dana was powerless to stop Raven feeling her pussy soaking her sweat pants with its juices.

Dana did have the power to do one thing and that was to move her right hand down to Raven's stomach where she slipped it under her sweat pants. She felt the short hair above Raven's pussy. She moved her fingers on down to Raven's clit that she felt was already engorged and peeking out from its hiding place. Dana caressed it with her fingertips causing Raven to release her nipple to let out a moan then she sucked it back into her mouth. Dana eased her fingers on downward where she found Raven's pussy soaking wet. Dana moved her fingers along Raven's wet pussy feeling her juices coating her fingers. She slipped her middle finger between Raven's lips sliding it inside of her. She used her palm against Raven's clit, pressing against it as she pushed her middle finger in deep inside of Raven.

She felt Raven bite her nipple as she moaned. Dana groaned as it did hurt a bit but she knew she was the one at fault. She started to rub harder as she slipped her ring finger inside of Raven thus joining her middle finger. Raven released her nipple lying back as Dana finger fucked her. Now that she was back in complete control, she used her left hand to unzip Raven's hoodie opening it up. She began to pinch and pull on the right nipple and then she went to the left one. She pinched it hard making Raven groan before she let out a loud moan. Raven was lifting her hips up and with the motion of Dana's hand inside of her sweats which were being pulled downward until they were past her pussy. This gave Dana more room to finger fuck Raven bringing her to an intense orgasm. She gave Raven's right nipple a hard pinch making the orgasm she was experiencing that much more intense.

"Oh god, that was intense," Raven sighed when her eyelids fluttered open and she had regained control of muscles.

"Glad that you enjoyed it," Dana said pleased with herself.

"Now it's your turn," Raven said as she turned to her side and she was reaching for Dana's exposed breast when Dana stopped her.

"That, my dear, must wait until we get to the bedroom, I don't plan on being any more exposed than I already am," Dana said bringing Raven's hand to her lips giving it a kiss.

"You mean you don't want to show off your assets?" Raven said as she slipped off the porch swing with her hoodie open and her sweat pants falling just below her ass cheeks.

"No I don't," Dana said just as Raving turned around and wiggled her ass at her. "You're crazy" she added as she swatted at Raven's ass but Raven moved too quickly for her.

"You missed!" Raven said with a laugh. "Catch me if you can!" She said laughing as she headed for the screen door.

Dana laughed as she closed her hoodie to cover her breasts then she got up heading inside walking though it was at a fast pace. She wanted to get to the bedroom quickly so that Raven could relieve the itch that her pussy was demanding to be scratch. When she entered the bedroom, she thought that she would see Raven on the bed however she was nowhere to be seen. She took a couple of steps into the bedroom and then she sensed something or rather someone behind of her and she knew that she had walked into Raven's trap, not that she minded all that much. She felt Raven's hands on her hips and then Raven's warm breath against the back of her right ear.

"I got you now!" Raven whispered to her.

"Yes you do," Dana said feeling her nipples harden more and her pussy spasm.

"I do believe someone is overdressed," Raven whispered to her.

"Who might that be?" Dana asked breathlessly feeling her pussy spasm again.

"You my sweet lovely," Raven whispered and Dana felt Raven's hands slip around her waist pulling open her hoodie. She moved her arms down to her sides allowing Raven to pull her hoodie off her shoulders. When she felt Raven come back against her back, she noticed that she was no longer wearing her hoodie by the feel of Raven's hard nipples pressed against her now bare back.

She felt Raven kiss her right shoulder and at same time felt Raven's hands on her hips. She felt another kiss on the top of her spine and her sweat pants being pushed down. The further her sweat pants went down so did Raven's kisses until her sweat pants were bunched at her ankles and Raven's lips were kissing the top of the cleft of her ass. Dana stepped out of her sweat pants feeling Raven's hands on her ass cheeks caressing them. Dana slipped her feet outward a couple of feet and she felt the cool air hitting her hot and very wet pussy.

She felt Raven's soft lips kissing her left ass cheek and then her right one. Raven's hands were on her hips and she waited for the next kiss but it didn't come. She felt Raven gripping her hips and her hot breath moving back up her spine. Raven's hands slid up from her hips to her breasts, covering them as Raven pulled in against her.

"Mmmmm... that feels nice Raven," Dana moaned feeling Raven's naked body against her back and she could feel Raven push her pussy in against her ass.

Raven's fingers teased her nipples before they pinched them both. Dana's throat emitted a loud moan feeling her body respond to Raven's caresses and also the kisses that she was placing against her shoulders and the back of her neck. Raven's fingers pinched her nipples harder pulling on them making Dana to groan from both pleasure and a little pain. Raven's right hand left her right breast, and Dana sucked in her breath as that hand moved down her stomach. Dana slipped her feet out further so that when Raven's hand reached her pussy, it was open and ready.

Raven's fingers first teased her clit and Dana's knees went weak as she felt an orgasm rushing onward, however before she could cum, Raven's fingers moved to her wet lips. They played along the outer labia making Dana's knees even weaker. She wasn't sure that she could stand up much longer and she wanted to get to the bed, but the words were stuck somewhere inside her brain. Raven's teasing of her pussy lips and then pinching and teasing of her left nipple froze her vocal cords, all she could utter was just low moans. She felt Raven's middle finger penetrate her lips going deep inside of her.

Dana did manage to say "Fuck" but that was all. Raven's left hand left her left breast, appearing next on her clit. She felt the pressure of Raven's fingers on her clit as they rubbed so nicely against her clit. Dana felt her knees begin to shake as her clit became sensitive to the point that she cried out as the orgasm Raven was trying to give her arrived like a ton of bricks hitting her. She felt her knees give out but any fear of falling was overtaken by the wash of pleasure rushing through her body.

When she came back to earth, she was laying on the cold hardwood floor with Raven laying on top of her giving kisses to her sweaty forehead. "I thought we were going to the bed," Dana said just before Raven kissed her.

"We didn't make it there," Raven said lustfully after the passionate French kiss.

"Obviously," Dana said with a grin, "Now can we move there before I freeze my ass off."

"We can't have that," Raven replied with a grin. She then gave her a kiss before getting up and helping Dana up.

Raven went to the bed, pulling the covers down before lying down on her back. She opened her arms and legs and Dana had to smile at Raven who was being very obvious as to what she wanted. Dana got up on the bed getting between Raven's legs. She lowered her head down inhaling Raven's earthly aroma. She put her tongue at the bottom of Raven's slit, easing it slowly up to her clit where she teased that sensitive bud with the tip of her tongue. Raven let out a long soft moan pleasing Dana who now let the tip of her tongue go up Raven's belly stopping when it was between Raven's breasts. Dana gave a kiss to each nipple before she lay down on top of her. Raven's legs wrapping around her hips and her arms around her shoulders. Dana slipped her hands under Raven's shoulder blades.

She gave a light soft kiss to Raven's lips just as she began to press her hips downward, grinding her pussy in against Raven's pussy. She kept giving Raven light kisses as they both got into that rhythm that they both knew and enjoyed. Dana loved feeling her pussy rub against Raven's and their juices mixing together. As they got into a faster pace, the kissing stopped and they just held onto each other as both pressed their pussies against the other's pussy. They were soon grinding hard and strong wanting to bring the other to orgasm. Dana could feel their juices mixing against her pussy making them both slippery. Dana's clit was still very sensitive from the orgasm that she just had so she worked harder to get Raven to cum before her own orgasm hit her. However she didn't have to worry as Raven was just as aroused as she and she pushed her heels into Dana's ass cheeks increasing the pressure until they both groaned loudly and Raven's orgasm hit just moments before Dana's did.

Dana was the first to recover from her orgasm and she gave a soft kiss to Raven's lips, a light loving kiss that began to bring Raven back to life. Slowly her eyes flickered open and she began to return those kisses. Dana eased onto her side bringing Raven with her. Raven gave her a soft smile before she cuddled in against her. Raven caressed Raven's back as Raven fell asleep on her not that she minded as she too was tired and ready for some sleep.

They awoke in the middle of the night both hungry and wanting something to eat. So they had a snack in the wee hours of the morning before heading back to bed to make love until morning and then get a few more hours of sleep. They slept in late and Dana helped Raven do laundry including her scrubs that she'd have to wear that evening. Raven didn't have to work though she did shower with her after they made love one last time for the weekend. Dana noted that Raven was disappointed that she chose to sit on the toilet to pee before stepping into the shower. She knew what Raven was hoping for but she wasn't ready to go that far though she wasn't sure why. It was like this was the last step for her to completely give in to Raven and it was a step she couldn't take though she thought she wanted to do.

"Do you have a razor that I can borrow," Dana asked once they had showered that included more than a little caressing and lots of kissing.

"I got an appointment with Anita on Wednesday, I'm sure that she can work you in," Raven suggested.

"Oh no, I'm not letting anyone put hot wax on my pussy and rip my hair off, I'm not that brave." Dana said.

"It's not like that and you know it, she is very gentle I assure you," Raven told her.

"If you say that she is gentle then that must mean there is pain or she wouldn't need to be gentle," Dana countered.

"No it's not really painful and I'm not that brave either and I was scared the first time but now I love it. Besides you don't have to worry about shaving for six weeks or so." Raven countered.

"That part I like..." Dana said seeing how much Raven wanted her to try waxing.

"You won't regret it I promise," Raven said excitedly.

"You know if it hurts, then you're in real trouble," Dana warned her thought it was a false threat.

"I know and I promise that it won't," Dana said giving her a kiss.

"It better not," Dana told her giving Raven a serious frown that was ruined by Raven's kiss.

Raven then told her how gentle that Anita was and how she explained what she was doing so that she would know what was happening before it happened. Dana wasn't so sure she wanted to know but then at least she would be prepared. She just hoped that knowing wouldn't make it worse and not better as she did have a great imagination that could run wild if allowed. She finally got Raven off the subject of the waxing and onto other things that didn't involve anything being pulled out. Raven dropped her off by the doctor's entrance where no one was around and then they could get a goodbye kiss in before Dana got out to go into work.

"It seems that someone's car never left the parking on Friday morning?" Carol told her once they were able to sit for a minute at the nurse's station.

"What makes you think that?' Dana asked wondering how Carol knew since she didn't get to talk to her after she left in the middle of the shift to help with the cardiac arrest.

"Well for one thing it's in the same parking place as it was when we got off work Friday morning." Carol stated to her.

"I always park in about the same area; I just got lucky tonight and went back to the same spot." Dana told her just to see what Carol would say to prove that she knew that she went home with Raven.

"And the rock I placed on top of your rear tire Friday morning is still there tonight." Carol told her with a confident grin and while Dana doubted that Carol had done that, Carol obviously knew something and besides she was going to tell Carol about her weekend anyway.

"Oh... well I might have gone home with Raven..." Dana told her blushing all so slightly.

"I thought so... that radiant glow you have told me that much," Carol said to her.

"I don't have a radiant glow," Dana said defensively wondering if maybe she did. It was a very nice weekend for sure and they did take the next step.

"Oh yes you do my dear and it's nice to see it on your face again," Carol said kindly.

"I'm still not sure that I'm ready to take her completely back yet, though I so want to," Dana confessed as she looked into Carol's eyes for advice but she wasn't sure what the question was that she wanted advice to answer.

"What's stopping you?" Carol asked.

"That's just it, I don't know," Dana confessed.

"Would it be her friend?" Carol asked.

"No... she said that she has stopped seeing her and I believe her, I'm sure it's not that," Dana said yet there was something hollow in her words and she knew it.

"Maybe you need more time to know that you can trust her, to be sure that part of her life is over," Carol told her but then she added a caveat, "But sometimes you just have to have to have faith in the person that you're trusting. Maybe you're too hard in making her earn that trust."

"I know, I'm working on it," Dana said but she wasn't sure just how to go about doing it. She knew that Carol was right at some point she was just going to have to trust her until Raven proved that she didn't deserve her trust which she was pretty sure she wouldn't do but she just wasn't completely convinced of that.

Dana had a couple of errands to run on Monday and Raven had a meeting to go to on Tuesday so it was Wednesday before they could get together and that was the day that Dana had been dreading. She was only doing this to please Raven and she just intended to do it only this once. Raven treated her to breakfast and they talked over a couple cups of coffee until it was time to go see Anita.

"It doesn't look like its open," Dana said hopefully as Raven pulled into the driveway of the house that Anita had made into her shop.

"It isn't open," Raven said as she drove on around to the back of the house where there was a parking lot and a car parked there. "Anita comes in early for me since I work nights."

"That's nice of her," Dana said somewhat sarcastically.

Raven laughed, "You know you're making this worse than it really is."

"I know and that's what keeping me from bolting right now." Dana said with a laugh at her own expense.

Raven took a hold of her hand and giving it a squeeze as she led her to the back door. Dana was surprised that Raven kept a hold of her hand when they got to the back door and she gave it a loud knock. A moment later, the door opened and a chubby young woman greeted them by saying "Oh so this is my next victim." Then she burst out laughing just before Dana could bolt like she wanted.

"Come on girl, we're going to have some fun," Anita said taking her hand from Raven and leading her on into the shop.

"Raven said that this wouldn't hurt," Dana said to Anita hoping for some reassurance.

"She lied to you honey," Anita said seriously before she laughed again, "Don't worry, I'm make this fun."

"Are you always this upbeat, especially this early in the morning," Dana had to ask never meeting someone who was this full of energy and had such a smile on her face.

Anita stopped turning toward her, her face became serious as she said, "My mama always told me that life was hard so you might as well enjoy it as much as you can. Besides when Raven told me what you said, what was it now Raven?"

Dana looked back at Raven giving her a look to kill when Anita went on without waiting for Raven's reply. "Oh yes, having hot wax put on your pussy and then have the hair ripped out." Anita said with a laugh, "I'm going to remember that one."

"She wasn't supposed to tell you that," Dana said gtiving Raven another look that she hoped would kill her.

"No I'm glad that she did, that way I knew I have to make this fun for you, I don't want to lose a potential client and I assure you, once I'm done you'll be back." Anita said.

"Do many women have this done?" Dana asked once they were heading back down the hallway.

"More than you think, most start off by doing bikini waxes and then once they realize that it isn't so bad and they don't have to shave for a while, they eventually gravitate to having it all taken off." Anita told her.

"I see," Dana said as she looked over the small room with an exam table to one side. There were all types of bottles and things on the counter and also the little metal pot that she guessed correctly was where Anita heated the wax.

"So who goes first?' Anita asked getting back to business.

"I will," Dana said quickly. "If I watch Raven get hers done, I might chicken out."

"Okay, then you're first." Anita said turning toward the counter and the turned with a hospital gown in her hands. "You can put this on if you like."

Dana looked at Anita and then the gown, something she always hated even though most of her patients wore them. "That's okay, there's nothing Raven hasn't seen or you're going to end up seeing."

"True," Anita said with a laugh, "I've never been bashful myself."

"That's a surprise," Dana said before she could stop herself.

"Oh that's a good one; I can see why Raven is taken with you." Anita told her turning back to the counter.

"You don't seem bothered by that," Dana said as she began to take her scrub pants off handling them to Raven.

"No I'm bi, so I can see the attraction to women," Anita said like it was no big deal to say what her sexual preferences were.

"Cool," Dana said feeling a bit more comfortable with Anita and her openness.

"But every once in a while..." Anita was saying when she looked over her shoulder at Raven.

"It's cool, you can say anything to her, she won't be offended." Raven told Anita who smiled.

"I have to be careful what I say until I get to know my clients and what they're comfortable talking about." Anita said explaining why she had stopped in midsentence.

"But every once in a while what?" Dana asked now curious.

Anita turned to face her and with a big grin on her face she said, "Every once in a while a big fat cock feels so good."

It stunned Dana for a moment as she held her shoes and socks out for Raven to take and then she burst out laughing at Anita, "I'll have to take your word for that one."

"But then a woman, who knows how to use her tongue is pretty nice too," Anita said keeping the subject on sex.

"Then you ought to try out Dana here, you'll never go back to cocks again," Raven said to Anita while ignoring Dana.

"Raven! I'm going to kill you!" Dana said feeling her face turn beet red.

"Mmmm how much for the night?" Anita asked looking not at her but at Raven.

"Well... she is pretty good, she's my best girl, I'd have to charge you at least two bills," Raven said to Anita.

Dana wanted to kill Raven right then, that is until she saw the grin that appeared on Raven's face and she realized what they both were doing to her, all this was to make her forget what she was there to do or have done to her. Anita was just the perfect person for Raven to take her too, not someone that was all business and little talk to calm her down.

Dana decided that she could play this game, "Just two hundred, I'm worth three at least." She said as she shucked her panties down.

Anita laughed, "I bet you are dearie."

"Damn right I am and she better not forget it!" Dana declared.

"Oh I won't," Raven replied with a serious expression.

Anita turned serious as she had Dana get up on the table and she put her in position for her to work. She then went over everything that she was going to do, in so much detail that Dana began to feel more confident about doing this and also in Anita's ability to make this as pain free as possible.

"You don't mind me talking as I did, you okay with that?" Anita asked referring to all the sex talk.

"Sure, I'm cool, it actually helped me to relax," Dana admitted.

"Good that is what I was after," Anita told her as she padded her leg.

"So did you start off talking this way to Raven?" Dana had to ask just wondering what all Raven and Anita talked about on her visits.

"No she was all business at first until she got to know me," Raven said.

"With Raven being a doctor I just knew that she would be one of these no nonsense type of woman," Anita said as she began to apply the prepping solution around Dana's pussy where the hair was. It was cold and that made her jump a little but Anita just padded her leg.

"Yea I had to get her to loosen up and once I did, there was no stopping her," Raven told her as Dana felt Raven taking hand while standing beside of her. "She is a good listener too." She added.

Dana turned to look at Raven wondering if she was a subject that Anita listened about. But before she could follow up Anita began to talk.

"I'm going to apply the wax now and once it cools, I'll begin to remove the hair. I'll do a small area at a time, so you ready?" Anita asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Dana replied not so sure that she was ready as part of her nervousness was returning.

"You'll do fine honey," Anita said as she began to apply the wax that while warm wasn't nearly as hot as Dana had imagined. She closed her eyes not wanting to know when Anita was about to pull the hair away with the white paper or whatever it was.

Anita began to talk mostly about sex which Dana in all her nervousness caused her to begin to get wet. Just before she pulled off the first strip, she told this really dirty joke that Dana just had to laugh. In the middle of the laugh, Anita did a quick yank of the wax with the paper strips.

"Oh!" Dana yelped.

"Did that hurt?" Anita asked.

Dana had to think for a second before she could answer, "Well... no... it surprised me more than anything. I felt it but it wasn't that bad."

"Good, so do you want me to continue?" Anita asked.

"Yes please do, it isn't so bad," Dana told her as she opened her eyes seeing the small bare area at the top of her pussy.

"Told you," Raven said with a confident smile on her face.

"Oh shut up or I'll make Anita do yours one hair at a time," Dana told Raven making Anita laugh.

"I will too," Anita added as she applied more wax to the top of Dana's pussy as Dana watched now liking the warmth of the wax.

"You two going to gang up on me now?" Raven asked.

"We sure are honey," Anita said with another laugh.

"Figures, everyone gangs up on poor little me," Raven said like a pouting little girl which only caused Dana and Anita to laugh harder at her.

"Poor baby," Dana said pulling Raven down so that she could give her a little kiss which she never would have dreamed she'd be doing in front of Anita whom she had just met.

They joked around though they had to be a bit quieter when the other hair stylists began to arrive. Slowly Anita removed all the hair around her pussy and then she got up on her knees so that Anita could remove the hair around her anus. This did embarrass Dana a little but not because Anita was working around what most considered a taboo area but because all the naughty jokes and the fact that she was practically naked had made her a little moist. If Anita noticed and Dana was sure that she had to, she was professional enough not to mention it. Once she was done, she applied some lotion that would help with any irritation to the skin that Dana might have.

She then had Dana put her panties and scrub pants back on, before having her back up on the table, taking her top off so that Anita could do her underarms. This she decided was worse than around her pussy though she would have thought the other area would be more sensitive. After the lotion, she put her top back on and slipped off the table as it was Raven's turn.

"Remember, one hair at a time," Dana said winking at Anita.

"Hush Dana, let Anita work," Raven said to her making Anita laugh.

"Oh yes, let me get my tweezers," Anita said playing along.

"And you keep your damn hands away from any tweezers," Raven said to Anita.

"Well how about some hot wax?" Dana suggested.

"You!" Raven said pointing at Dana, "Sit over there and be quiet! And you," pointing at Anita, "Get to work."

Anita and Dana laughed at Raven who after a moment laughed with them. Only then did Anita set into her work. While she stood at Raven's side, she had her eyes on what Anita was doing and how she was doing it. She remembered how Anita had explained what she was doing to her before and now she understood it better.

"Think you can do it now?" Anita asked catching Dana by surprise.

"No I didn't mean to..." Dana was saying though she did mean to figure out how Anita did it and if she could do it for Raven.

"It's cool; just remember to what the direction the hair is growing, that's important." Anita told her.

"That's okay, I think I'd rather let you do it," Dana said.

"So does that mean that you'll come back the next time I come?" Raven asked before frowning as Anita stripped some hair away.

"If you ask nicely," Dana said.

"And Raven pays, I don't come cheap," Anita added with a laugh.

"She's right about that," Raven added with a laugh.

"And I like big tippers," Anita added.

"You aren't bashful are you," Dana said with a laugh.

"Nope," Anita said with a laugh before she got off on some juicy gossip about the mayor's wife that she had heard.

Dana nor Raven, for that matter, was interested in the local politics but the gossip was juicy and funny to boot. Dana also noticed that Anita took a lot less time with Raven and wasn't as nearly as gentle with her. Raven was an old pro at having her pussy waxed and didn't need to be pampered like she did and would for a bit longer.

"So was it as bad as you imagined?" Raven asked once they were outside the shop that was beginning to fill up.

Dana want to tease Raven a tell her that it was even worse than she imagined but then she saw the worried expression in Raven's eyes and she had to answer honestly, "I would love to tease you and say it was worse but it wasn't bad at all, it hurt a little but not bad at all."

"And will you come back with me?" Raven asked still with that worried look on her face.

"Yes dear, I'll come back, but only because I want to know what else our Mayor's wife has gotten herself into," Dana said with a laugh that made Raven laugh with her. However she did get a kiss for wanting to come back.

"I was hoping that you'd like it and want to continue, it is a lot easier than shaving all the time," Raven told her as she held the door open for Dana.

"You know it really wasn't so bad but I am a little sensitive down there," Dana said as Raven slid in behind the steering wheel.

"Oh I've got something at home that will take that away," Raven said giving her a playful grin.

"You do... what might that be?" Dana asked playing along.

"You'll see," Raven told her which made Dana's pussy start to get moist.

When they got inside Raven's cottage, Raven had her go to the bedroom and get undressed while she went to the bathroom to get her medicine. Dana was a bit disappointed as way Raven had looked at her in the car; she thought the medicine was Raven's tongue and not any actual medicine. But with Raven acting so serious, she knew that somehow she had gotten Raven's signals mixed up. With a frown, she went on into the bedroom and undressed. She lay down on the bed beginning to feel a little tired from the night's work and the excitement of getting her first waxing. She put her head on the pillow closing her eyes. Slowly she began to relax while wondering what was taking Raven so long in the bathroom.

She was almost asleep when she felt Raven getting into the bed. She waited for Raven to curl up against her forgetting all about Raven's special medicine. She felt Raven pushing her legs open in her half sleep state that she was in. She waited to feel some cold lotion or cream on her pussy but what she felt was warm and wet. It took her foggy brain a moment to realize that Raven hadn't warmed the medicine for her but that the special medicine was Raven's own tongue. Dana opened her eyes looking down at the top of Raven's head as it moved. Dana opened her legs further and she saw Raven look up from between her legs, giving her a naughty grin before going back to applying her medicine to Dana's pussy.

"Oh fuck I love your medicine," Dana groaned as she felt Raven's tongue against her clit.

Raven didn't answer; she just began to suck on Dana's clit and using the tip of her tongue against the tip of her sensitive clit. Dana placed her hands to the side of Raven's head holding onto her gently not trying to guide Raven but just to feel her soft hair. Dana felt her clit growing even more sensitive however before she got too close to an orgasm; Raven moved her tongue down to her pussy lips, licking gently against her tender lips. Her skin was all so sensitive and Raven was making it more so but in a good way. Dana could feel her juices flowing and before they began to run down to her ass, Raven began to lick against her entrance getting those juices that Dana was producing.

She felt Raven's tongue go between her lips and then she felt Raven sucking the juices right out of her. Dana found herself lifting her hips up to Raven's mouth wanting her to suck her soul right out of her and for a moment she thought she was going to however Raven moved her mouth back to her clit and this time Raven sucked hard before she began to lick against her sensitive nub until she felt her soul rising and then crashing back down as her orgasm hit. Her soul rose again, much higher as she let the pleasure course through her body.

When she came back to earth, she felt Raven lying up against her holding on tightly as she gave her kisses. "Did my medicine help?" Raven asked whispering into her ear.

"Oh yes, it has cured me," Dana said softly. "Now it's your turn to be the patient."

Dana started to turn to her side but Raven stopped her, "Nope the doctor has ordered rest for her patient." She said pushing Dana back onto her back and laying her head onto her chest.

"Okay," Dana said with a soft smile as she put her right hand on Raven's bare back, caressing it as they both fell off to sleep.

Over the next month, Dana began to spend more of her days with Raven as they formed their relationship again. It was different than it was before in that Raven was more receptive to what Dana wanted and needed. Dana could see that Raven had found that a night cuddling and holding was fun too. Raven was trying so hard but yet Dana felt like there was still something holding her back. Carol suggested that it was Connie but Dana told her that she was sure that part of Raven's life was over. She had not heard Raven talking to her or even mentioning her in any way.

And each time that Dana peed before they showered, she could see the disappointment growing in Raven's eyes. Dana knew if she didn't figure out what was holding her back, she would be the one that was set free and this she feared as it sometimes kept her awake as Raven slept in her arms. She did love her, loved her even more than before but she knew that she would lose her soon if she didn't give that last piece of her heart to Raven.

"Can you get off Friday?" Raven asked her as they ate during their Monday night shift.

"Yea I can get someone to take my shift, why?" Dana asked.

"There's a big trail bike show in New York on Saturday that I want to take you to, it'll be fun I promise," Raven said eagerly but there was also some nervousness hidden in her eyes.

Dana figured that it was Raven worried that she would be bored going to a bicycle show, "I'd love to go as long as you leave your credit cards at home, I know how you are when you see a new bike." Dana told her.

Raven gave out a nervous laugh, "I promise," she said crossing her heart.

"Good then I'll start checking around to see who needs a little extra money as most everyone does this close to Christmas." Dana replied not the least bit worried about not enjoying the trip to New York, besides she might talk Raven into seeing a Broadway show or two.

All through the week Raven kept talking about the bike show and what they would do in New York yet there was something odd about the way Raven talked about it and also how she wanted just to cuddle and kiss all week. They did make love a couple of times but Raven seemed more content to just keep her close.

When they got to the airport on Friday morning, Raven handed her a ticket going to Atlanta, "I thought we were going to New York?" Dana asked as they got into the security line.

"We are, we got to catch a connecting flight from Atlanta," Raven told her hurrying her on through the line.

"Oh okay," Dana said looking at her ticket and wondering why the ticket didn't have the connecting flight to New York on it. She was going to ask but it was her turn in the line and by the time she got through and had her shoes back on, they were already calling out their flight to board.

They rushed onto the plane and they got onto the runway quickly. Raven took a hold of her hand and she immediately started talking about the show and all the bikes that they would see. It was a short flight to Atlanta but once they debarked from the plane, Raven had them running to catch their connecting flight to New York. Raven kept their tickets for this flight and she handed them to the flight attendant at the gate. Dana was too tired at this point to even look at where the plane was heading nor did she pay attention to the announcements. It wasn't until the pilot announced the weather conditions that awaited them in Washington D.C. did Dana realized that she had been hoodwinked.

End of Part Nine

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 10

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