Winning Dana's Heart

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on May 22, 2014


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Winning Dana's Heart

Part Eight

The next night at about one, Dana got a text from Raven who was obviously still up, "I desperately need a workout, is there a Rumba class in the morning and would you like to join me?"

Dana smiled at the message before she showed it to Carol who was just coming back from looking in on one of her patients. "So what you going to do?" Carol asked.

"I think I'll accept and then on to her second lesson on romancing," Dana replied.

"And what would that be?' Carol asked.

"Cuddling 101," Dana said with a grin.

Carol laughed before she replied with, "You know cuddling has been known to lead to other things..."

"Not tomorrow," Dana said firmly.

"Okay," Carol said before she sat down and launched into the story of her catching her oldest son Zack and Judy who would eventually become her daughter- in-law progressing past cuddling 101 on the couch one evening. They both got a laugh at that and from Carol's detailed description, Dana could just see Carol walking in on them and them both looking like deer caught in the headlights of a car. She almost felt sorry for them but mostly she just enjoyed the story.

Raven was already there when she got to the room where Jane held her class. She was talking to a couple of other women so Dana joined them, talking until Jane arrived to get the fun going. After class Dana had Raven follow her home so that they could shower and Dana saw Raven's eyes light up and Dana didn't say anything to deter Raven's obviously erotic thoughts.

"Why don't you go ahead and take a shower and I'll get you a gown to put on, I'll slip it inside the door," Dana said as they entered her condo.

"Oh okay," Raven replied frowning for only an instant before smiling again not wanting to ruin anything.

"You hungry?" Dana asked as Raven headed toward the bathroom.

"Yea a little," Raven replied.

"I'll fix us up a little something then," Dana said as she followed Raven until Raven got to the bathroom before turning to the left to go into the bedroom.

Dana saw her bed and the thought of having Raven in it with her did bring a stirring to her pussy but today that would have to wait, she had other things to do. She searched around for a couple of nightgowns, nice thick cotton ones. She also found a pair of Raven's panties that she couldn't force herself to throw away. She waited until the heard the shower going before she cracked open the bathroom door and slipping the gown and panties inside.

Unfortunately the mirror had not fogged up yet and she had a clear shower door so just as she was shutting the door she saw Raven's body through the shower door in the mirror. Though she didn't have a completely clear view it was clear enough to get her body to respond, with her pussy tingling and her nipples hardening. She let her eyes linger on Raven's firm body for much longer than she wished she had before she realized what she was doing so she quickly shut the door before she acted on her desires.

"Damn!" Dana whispered to herself as she walked toward the kitchen. "Now that's all I'm going to be thinking about!"

When she got to the kitchen, she tried to figure out what to fix, something that would take some concentration. She found some homemade apple sauce that she had been saving and she decided that some apple turnovers would fit the bill. She pulled out what she needed and set to work. She got lost in getting the flour turning it into dough that she didn't even notice Raven coming into the kitchen a few minutes later.

"You know I always had a thing for messy girls..." Raven said from the doorway.

"What?" Dana said turning around to see Dana standing there with a towel in her hands drying her long black hair.

"I said I always had a thing for messy girls," Raven said smiling as she came over to where Dana was standing. Dana watched as Raven reached up to brush some flour from her cheek.

Just that simple gesture made Dana's knees go weak for a moment and she couldn't help but to smile. "You do?" Dana said turning back around to spread out the dough so that she could finish making her turnovers.

"Yes I do, didn't I ever tell you that?" Raven said stepping in beside of her to help Dana by copying what she was doing.

"No you failed to mention that..." Dana said trying not to let the scent of soap and shampoo mixed with just a hint of body spray get to her brain.

"Well I do..." Raven said softly.

Dana knew what Raven was doing and she also knew that Raven knew that it was working. She had to get back in control of the situation before she up and hauled Raven off to the bedroom.

"I got the oven heated, why don't you finish here and put them on to bake for twenty minutes while I go get this messy girl cleaned up," Dana said as she tried to act like nothing was going on and Raven's fresh scent had no effect on her while it did indeed.

"Okay," Raven said cheerfully.

When Dana got to the bathroom, she looked into the mirror to see that she did have flour on her cheeks as well on her hips where she had brushed off her hands. "Shit!" Dana said mad at herself for letting Raven get to her when she didn't want Raven to see just how much she wanted her. She reached up to brush off the flour from her cheeks from her face when her hands stopped as she came to a realization that just maybe the ways things had turned out wasn't so bad. She didn't want to give Raven the impression that she wasn't interested or cared as she did care and was very interested. She wanted to slow things down this time but that didn't mean that she wanted to seem aloof. She needed to show Raven just how much she wanted her while not just jumping into the sack with her. This gave her a clearer picture of what she really wanted to do and when the cuddling would turn into lovemaking.

She stripped out of her sweaty, flour covered workout clothes and jumped into the shower humming a happy tune, something that she hadn't done in a while. She even shaved her legs though she didn't shave her pussy though it needed it. She wasn't going to let Raven see it this morning and besides she was getting hungry.

They sat at the table, talking as they munched on a couple of the apple turnovers. Dana even told Raven about Carol catching her oldest son making out of the couch when he was young. This got Raven laughing hard and Dana had to laugh with her. It was nice to see Raven laugh, something that she didn't see often as she was always so serious. That was another thing Dana vowed to do, make Raven laugh more as Raven's whole face seem to light up when she laughed. They sat until they both began to yawn and Dana knew it was time to show Raven how nice it was just to cuddle and kiss in bed without taking the next step.

"I think someone is sleepy," Dana said with a smile as she got up.

"Just a little..." Raven said with a soft smile but Dana could see a little hesitation on Raven's face. " I sleeping with you?"

"Well we can't cuddle and kiss if you are on the couch and I'm in bed now can we," Dana said with a reassuring smile.

"Well no but what if..." Raven started to say without finishing her sentence.

"Don't worry, there is no what if's" Dana told her.

"But what if I take things too far and we end up making love," Raven said with a frown, "I know you don't want to do that with me."

"Oh Raven," Dana said coming to her, she put her hand under Raven's chin lifting it up so that Raven would look into her eyes to see how serious she was, "there's nothing more I want to do than make love to you and if we do so today then that's okay."

"But I thought you only wanted to kiss and cuddle?" Raven asked. "You got me all confused."

"I know I do but that is a part of what being in love is all about, not knowing for sure what the hell is going on but going along with it anyway." Dana said before giving Raven a light kiss.

"Just show me what you want," Raven said softly.

"I will," Dana said thinking that when it came to the bedroom, Raven always wanted her in control anyway. This was one place that they seem to naturally fit together.

Dana took Raven by the hand leading her to the bedroom. There she pulled down the covers before helping an obviously nervous and unsure Raven into the bed. Dana softened the light by putting a sheet over the bedside lamp.

"I thought I was the one that was supposed to be romancing you and not the other way around," Raven said to her.

"Shhhh..." Dana said with a smile as her put her index finger to her lips. "As long as there is romance, I'm happy."

"Oh but I should be taking notes right," Raven said seriously.

Dana wanted to laugh but she didn't, "If you like but I don't want any pencils or paper in the bed when I join you."

"I'll just try and remember then," Raven said as she turned to her right side so that she was facing Dana as she got into the bed.

Dana slipped in beside of Raven whom she saw was still nervous and unsure as to what she was supposed to do or just what she meant by cuddling before and instead of making love and not just after doing so. Dana knew how to put Raven at ease and show her just what slow romance was about and that it could be fun too.

Dana put her right hand to Raven's side feeling the tension there before slipping her hand onto the center of Raven's back gently putting a little pressure drawing Raven to her. She first kissed the tip of her nose making Raven grin and giggle a little. Dana hesitated for a moment before she moved her lips in close, giving a light kiss to Raven's lips. Dana could just feel the tension leave Raven's body so she paused for another moment before kissing her again, this time letting her lips linger against Raven's lips. She felt Raven tentatively put her left hand on her side. Dana gave her a smile as she eased her head back just a few inches.

Dana slipped her left hand up to Raven's face, brushing a few stray hairs away from her forehead but mainly she was just using that as an excuse to lightly caress Raven's face. She eased her head back in giving Raven another kiss, again letting her lips linger, even longer this time. She heard Raven moan, it was an almost silent moan yet just audible. Dana eased back once again but only so that she could kiss Raven's cheeks, forehead, and then she moved her lips down to Raven's neck to kiss her ever so lightly on the left side. Just as she heard Raven moan a little louder, she slid in closer so that she could lay her head onto the side of Raven's head. She pulled Raven in close holding her tightly and a moment later, she felt Raven's hands on her back, pressing her in close. She felt Raven's heart beating rapidly at first but then she could feel Raven's heartbeat slow down and her breathing slow down.

"So this is cuddling," Raven whispered to her.

"Yep, it doesn't feel too bad does it, just being held and kissed," Dana whispered back.

"Yes it does," Raven said.

"And you know what the best part is?" Dana whispered.

"What?" Raven asked.

"Most times it leads to some very passionate lovemaking," Dana said as she eased her head back so that she could kiss her, this time letting her lips press against Raven, letting her lips open and feeling Raven open hers.

However to Dana's surprise it wasn't her that ended the kiss, Raven did. Dana looked at Raven with a questioning expression on her face wondering why Raven would end the kiss.

"How about we try cuddling a little more..." Raven suggested giving Dana the cutest smile ever.

"I'd like that," Dana said softly.

Dana felt Raven's hands on her shoulders, easing her onto her back. She looked up at Raven's face as she moved on top of her. Raven eased her head down, Dana closed her eyes as she felt Raven's lips kiss her lips all so lightly and then those wonderful lips touch her cheeks just as lightly followed by a kiss to the tip of her nose.

Raven then slipped down until she could place her head on Dana's chest. Dana wrapped her arms around Raven holding her tightly. She let her fingers lightly caress Raven's back as she heard Raven let out a contented sigh. Raven had slipped her hands under Dana's shoulders and Dana could feel her gripping them holding on tightly. Neither said anything as they lay there, Dana thinking about how nice this felt to have Raven back in her arms again. She knew they had a long way to go but at least it was starting out on the right note.

It wasn't long before she felt Raven begin to relax even more and she knew she was about to lose her to sleep. However she had one last thing to show Raven, something that she liked more than anything.

"Baby move over and turn to your side away from me," Dana whispered.

"Is something wrong?" Raven asked suddenly awake and slightly alarmed.

"No baby, just something I like to do," Dana said kissing Raven's forehead to reassure her.

Raven did as she asked but Dana could tell that Raven was more than a little worried that somehow she had fucked up. Dana just smiled at her as she helped Raven onto her left side with Raven trying to look over her right shoulder.

"This is called spooning, my favorite way to sleep," Dana said softly as she eased up against Raven's back.

She moved Raven's long silky hair away from her neck, giving her a little kiss there. She placed her right arm around Raven's side placing her hand between Raven's breasts. She molded her body in against Raven's body. Raven's ass was pressed against her hips and Dana's breasts pressed against Raven's back. Both of their heads rested on Raven's pillow where Dana could smell the soft scented shampoo that Raven's used. Dana nestled her face against Raven's hair as she kissed Raven's neck.

"I think this is now my favorite way to sleep too," Dana heard Raven say making Dana smile.

It wasn't long before they were both asleep, lost to the world of dreams that were nice dreams for them both. When Dana woke up, Raven had slipped onto her back. Dana eased up onto her left elbow so that she could look at Raven as she slept so peacefully. She just lay there looking at Raven in the soft light of the lamp that was still on covered by the sheet. She was content to just lay there and gaze upon Raven for hours however she saw that the time was running out on them for this evening. They both had to get ready for work. So she leaned down giving a kiss to Raven's lips. She saw Raven stir but her eyes remained closed. So she gave her another kiss letting her lips linger a little longer before she ended the kiss.

While Raven's eyes remained closed, Dana could tell that Raven was awake, she knew she friend much too well to let Raven fake her out. "Time to get up babe," Dana said to her as she started to get up out of the bed.

Raven's eyes opened, "Just one more kiss."

Dana smiled down at Raven's whose eyes were pleading. "Just one more," Dana relented though she would like nothing more to stay here kissing Raven.

Dana leaned back down, feeling Raven's arms envelope her as she kissed her. She eased her lips open and she felt Raven's tongue enter her mouth. She met it with her own tongue letting the kiss become passionate. She hated to end the kiss but she felt her body responding much too much to the kiss so she ended it. She saw Raven frown for a moment but then it turned into a mischievous grin as she reached up pushing Dana onto her back.

"The bathroom's mine!" She said jumping from the bed.

"You pussy!" Dana said with a grin from the bed.

"Yep!" Raven said with a big grin as she stopped at the doorway. Then Raven turned to head for the bathroom but then she almost tripped on Dana's long nightgown that she was wearing, causing Dana to laugh at her. "Damn this gown!" Raven said making Dana laugh harder from the bed.

"Laugh now but just you wait until I get you into one of my gowns at my place," Raven said before turning back toward the bathroom, this time gathering the cotton nightgown in her hands lifting it enough so that she wouldn't step on it as she walked.

"Oh I'm bringing my own gown," Dana said as she started to get up from the bed.

"You would too," Raven said before shutting the bathroom door.

Dana got the coffee pot going leaving it for Raven so that she could use the bathroom and freshen up a bit as she saw Raven had done. They sipped their coffee as Dana fixed them something to eat before Dana saw Raven to the door, giving her a kiss before sending her on home so that Raven could get dressed for work.

As Dana got ready, she thought about their day and decided that things went pretty well. She also knew that while it was nice that they could cuddle like that, the feel of Raven's body caused her body to stir and she knew that it wouldn't be long before the cuddling did turn into lovemaking. She was okay with this, Raven had come a long way in a very short time but there was still a lot that she wasn't completely sure of, she could just hope that time would ease those concerns.

That night she caught Carol up with how her day went making Carol smile. Dana knew that Carol really did want Raven to come through this time and that they both be happy. When Raven texted her about meeting for her meal break, Carol took her phone and texted back that she would be happy to. Dana acted mad at her but she really wasn't, she didn't mind getting to go down and talk for a few minutes. While it was only about work, it was a nice meal and much better than the way that she had been spending her meal time for the last few months. Dana figured that Raven would ask her out for that morning however she surprised her by not doing so. She actually waited a couple of days before she suggested that they meet for breakfast. With them working the night shift, it was hard to have a normal date of dinner and maybe a little cuddling afterwards, but Raven managed to work something out.

When Dana went into the small diner, she saw that Raven was waiting for her in a booth in the back. The diner was bustling with people going to work and a few like them just getting off. Dana went back to the booth and Raven slid over thus indicating that she wanted her to sit beside of her. Dana wasn't so sure that it was a great idea for them to side by side but then she saw the hopeful look in Raven's eyes so she slide in beside of her.

"So you hungry?" Raven asked.

"Yea a bit," Dana replied. "But then we'll have to do something to work off these calories we're about to eat."

"Oh I got something in mind," Raven said putting her hand on Dana's thigh giving it a squeeze.

"Oh you do and just what do you have in mind?" Dana asked more than a bit curious and very suspicious.

The waitress appeared before she could get an answer to her question. She placed a cup of coffee in front of her and then took their orders. They both chose something light that wouldn't sit on their stomach all day.

"So how was the rest of your shift?" Raven asked after the waitress had left with their orders.

Dana knew that Raven was avoiding answering her question and she allowed her to do so, "Boring, very boring."

"Mine too, we had just enough people coming in to keep us going but that was about it. Though we had to have one escorted out by security," She said.

"Why's that?" Dana asked.

Raven told her about a young male that came in for pain medicine, Raven could tell that he just wanted some drugs and refused to give him anything more than some Tylenol. That really pissed him off and they had to get security to escort him out to where a couple of cops had just arrived to help them out. That got Raven on other junkies that often tried to get something to get them through the night or something to sell.

After they had finished their breakfast, the waitress took their plates away and refilled their coffee as they sat there and talked. The diner was beginning to clear out so they didn't mind have them taking up a booth. Dana was talking when she felt Raven's hand return to her thigh. Without missing a beat, she reached down to gently remove Raven's hand. Raven's facial expression didn't show signs of being disappointed by the rebuff, almost like she expected it. She just kept listening to what Dana was saying.

However when Raven began to reply to what Dana was talking about, her hand returned to Dana's thigh. This time Dana left it there just to see just what Raven would do. At first Raven just left it there, but then she began to move it ever so slightly, caressing her upper thigh. It was all innocent enough with her hand never moving inward or upward. However it had the same effect as Dana felt her pussy begin to tingle. As much as she didn't want to she eventually had to shift her legs, squeezing them together to try and get some relief to her clit that seemed to want to take control. It was then that Dana decided that the time had come for them to leave.

Dana followed Raven in her car and she quickly realized that Raven was leading her to Raven's beach cottage. This didn't surprise her too much as she figured that was where Raven would take her. The question was just what Raven had in mind once they got there.

"I thought that a leisurely run on the beach would work off our breakfast, I have a sweat suit and some shoes that will fit you in the bathroom," Raven told her as they entered Raven's cottage.

"We could take a bicycle ride," Dana suggested knowing how much Raven loved to ride.

"No, I think a run would be better, I've made you ride too much before I think," Raven told her.

"No you didn't, I liked riding with you," Dana said wondering where that was coming from and if she had said anything about riding bikes that Raven had taken the wrong way.

Dana saw Raven pausing for a second before she said, "Go get changed, it's a perfect morning and we don't want to miss it."

"Okay," Dana said but she was going to get back to the bike riding and see just what Raven was thinking and how she came up with that thought.

It was a bit cool on the beach however once they began to run, Dana felt her body begin to warm up and the cool breeze felt nice against her skin as she began to work up a sweat. It was hard to talk as they ran so they were mostly silent, just enjoying the morning and the beautiful beach with the waves coming ashore. They ran until they both began to get a stitch in their sides and they were out of breath. So they slowed down to a walk before finally stopping to catch their breath.

"May I ask you something?" Dana asked as they began to walk back.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" Raven replied.

"You said that you made me ride too much, what did you mean by that? Did I say something to make you think that I didn't like to ride?" Dana asked.

Raven's face showed more than a little worry and conflict within her so Dana said, "You can tell me, please tell me."

"Well you said that you wanted us to do something different, not be the same way we were before, and I knew that I did make you ride all the time..." Raven said somewhat sadly.

Dana stopped forcing Raven to do the same. She put her hands to Raven's hips holding her there, "Raven, I didn't mean that I wanted us to not doing anything we did before, I know you love to ride and I would never want to take that away from you. And I do enjoy riding with you and I want us to continue doing that." Dana said and then she grinned; "Besides I plan on getting good enough to smoke your ass in a race!"

Raven studied her carefully to see if Dana was serious or just being nice. It was a moment before she finally smiled, "That'll never happen!"

"Don't be too sure, I was getting really good," Dana said before she pulled Raven into a hug.

"Not that good," Raven said into her ear and Dana could hear the happiness in her voice.

Dana released Raven so that she could look into her eyes, "so we cool about riding?" She asked.

"Yea, we're cool," Raven replied before she put her left arm around Dana's waist pulling her in close.

Dana did the same, putting her right arm around Raven's waist and they began to walk close together. Dana got Raven to talk about her bikes and where they might ride the next time which Dana was going to make sure was real soon just to reassure Raven that she was serious about wanting to ride with her.

When they got back to Raven's cottage, Raven went inside getting them both a cold bottle of water to drink as Dana sat out on the back porch. When she returned, Raven sat down with the small table separating them.

"You know what you need," Dana said after taking a long drink of her water.

"What's that?" Raven asked.

"You need a porch swing, I think it would look nice out here and you can sit and rock in it as you watch the sea," Dana said looking to the opposite side of the porch where Raven had pretty much left empty.

"I'd never thought of that, what type of swing would you like?" Raven asked.

"No don't get it for me, get something that you like or if you don't like a swing then don't get one," Dana said now worried that Raven would go out and get one just because she suggested it.

"I won't, but I will think about it," Raven said though her smile suggested that decision had already been made.

Dana quickly changed the subject to get Raven's mind off the swing which was just meant to be something to talk about as they sat and rested. Once they had finished their water, Raven went inside to take a shower, leaving Dana to her own thoughts. A few minutes later, Raven stuck her head out the door to tell Dana that the shower was free.

By the time that Dana got though the back door, Raven had disappeared somewhere inside the cottage; when she got to the bathroom, she saw that the bedroom door was closed making Dana wonder just what Raven was doing. She went on into the bathroom where she saw a red nightgown folded on the side of the sink with a pair of red panties briefs on top of it. She was tempted to see what the gown looked like but decided to wait until after her shower to see what Raven had gotten for her and just how much it covered or didn't cover. She stripped out of her sweaty sweat suit as the water warmed up. She stepped into the shower feeling the water wash the sweat off her body.

Once she had dried and put some of Raven's lotion on, she put the silky feeling nylon panties on before picking up the red nightgown. She let the nightgown fall out to see that it was a long silky feeling gown with a stretch lace bodice. The lace was thick enough to pretty much hide her breasts though she was sure that her nipples would be visible through the material. She slipped the gown on feeling it stretch against her chest just below her breasts. It did make her feel sexy though her breasts weren't large enough to fill the bodice completely. All the same, it felt so sexy and cool against her skin. She smoothed out the nightgown and she felt her nipples tighten and show through the bodice. She ran her fingers though her slightly damp hair before she opened the bathroom door.

She saw that the bedroom door was now open. She went to the doorway seeing Raven sitting on the edge of the bed. Raven immediately stood up letting Dana see that she was wearing a matching nightgown though hers was peri frost in color. Dana just stood there looking at Raven who was biting her lower lip and looking slightly nervous.

"You look beautiful," Dana said in almost a whisper.

"So do you," Raven said as she took a step forward just as Dana did the same.

They met a couple of feet from the bed where Dana swept Raven up in her arms holding her tightly and feeling Raven's hard nipples press against her own hard nipples. Dana kissed her slowly and slowly letting her lips linger against Raven's lips. When she finally ended the kiss, she saw that Raven was blushing a little and she heard a soft moan come from her lips. Dana gave her another soft kiss, this one a brief but passionate one. She then eased Raven back against the bed before helping her to lie down. Dana gazed down at Raven who looked so fucking beautiful with that gown spread out on the bed around her and her shinny fine black hair framing her head. She wanted to jump her right then and she feared that her cuddling rule would go out the window right then and there. She did manage to get her emotions under control, well at least a little as she went to the other side of the bed, slipping in beside of Raven who was watching her every move.

Raven started to turn to her side however Dana stopped her by placing her right hand to Raven's left shoulder easing her back onto her back. Dana moved up against her, giving her a kiss while her right hand stayed on Raven's left shoulder. As she kissed her, Dana moved her hand down Raven's upper left arm, giving her caresses. Dana ended that kiss only to kiss her again, this time she let her lips open and slipping her tongue into Raven's mouth. She heard Raven moan as she felt Raven's hands griping her shoulders. When her hand got back to Raven's shoulder, she hesitated for a second then she made her decision, she eased her hand down slowly until she felt the swell of Raven's left breast.

She felt Raven tense for a moment as her hand rested just above her breast. Dana left it there for a long moment making Raven need to squirm with anticipation before she let her hand all so slowly inch downward and onto Raven's breast. She heard Raven moan into her mouth and she felt Raven's hands grip her shoulders even tighter. Dana gave the sightless of squeezes to Raven's breast through the lace bodice of her gown.

"Ohhhh..." Dana heard and felt Raven moan into the kiss.

Dana brought her fingers up along Raven's breast until she was touching Raven's hard nipple through the lace. As much as Dana wanted to feel Raven's bare skin, she wanted more to slowly tease Raven with her kisses and caresses. She could tell that Raven was having a lot trouble returning her kisses so she moved her lips to Raven's cheeks and the tip of her nose. Dana's fingers continued to lightly touch and thus tease Raven's hard nipple with Raven showing her pleasure through her moans.

Dana hooked her right leg over Raven's right leg causing Raven to open her legs. Dana let her fingers trace their way down from Raven's breast; they slowly worked their way down Raven's stomach not stopping until she felt the edge of Raven's panties through the gown. She hesitated for a moment making Raven let out a needy moan. She let her fingers inch on downward and she felt Raven open her legs further. Dana was kissing Raven's neck and she could feel the vibrations of Raven's moans. She didn't hesitate when she got to Raven's mons rather she let her fingers press down between Raven's legs feeling the heat and moisture through Raven's thin gown and panties.

"You're going to make me cummmm..." Raven moaned out.

"I want you to baby, cum for me," Dana said as she pressed her fingers in against Raven's pussy.

Dana rubbed faster and harder, putting pressure against Raven's clit. She would love to be feeling Raven's bare pussy but she wanted to make Raven have a wonderful orgasm without them being naked.

"Oh godddd..." Raven moaned as she closed her legs against Dana's hand. Dana felt more moisture against her fingers and she kissed Raven's red cheek as Raven went through the throes of her orgasm, an intense one Dana noted.

Dana pulled her fingers from Raven's pussy so that she could wrap her arms around her, holding her tightly as Raven experienced her orgasm. Slowly Raven began to relax almost becoming limp in her arms before the life began to come back to her. Dana felt Raven's arms press against her back pulling her in tight so Dana pulled Raven in tighter too.

"I didn't think that was allowed as we cuddled," Raven whispered to her.

"Anything is allowed baby," Dana whispered back, she paused for a second before she added, "Especially when you wear such a sexy gown, you are so beautiful in it, I couldn't help myself."

"I'll have to remember that," Raven replied and a moment later, Dana felt Raven's lips kissing her cheek.

Before Raven could get any more amorous as she was sure that Raven would want to make her feel nice too, she slipped back from Raven. She gave her a soft kiss as she put her hands to Raven's hips. Raven started to move in for another kiss while her hands came to Dana's sides.

"Turn around baby," Dana told her as she pulled on Raven's right hip and pushing on the left one.

"Why?" Raven said protesting a little and resisting a little more.

"Just humor me," Dana said softly.

Raven studied her for a moment before she let out a sigh and then she turned over onto her left side, now facing away from her. Dana slipped in against Raven, wrapping her arms around Raven's body with her right hand placed against Raven's chest between her breasts.

"I wanted to..." Raven was saying when Dana gave a kiss to her cheek.

"I know baby, I know..." Dana said giving another kiss to Raven's cheek, then she lay her head onto Raven's pillow, nuzzling her face in against Raven's long silky black hair.

"Let's cuddle baby," Dana whispered softly into Raven's ear.

"You're so frustrating..." Raven whispered to her.

"I know," Dana said softly, happy that she had been able to please ra\ven in such a way and maybe also proving to her that sometimes it is nice just to let one of them have the pleasure.

Dana felt Raven's right hand lay on her right hand where upon Raven gave her a little pinch before she gripped her hands in hers. Dana felt Raven begin to relax in her arms. She kissed the back of Raven's neck as she felt Raven fall asleep in her arms.

Only then did Dana allow herself to feel the wetness of her pussy and how wet the gusset of her panties were, not to mention the itch that was centered in her clit. She so wanted to scratch that itch but she didn't want to be the one to satisfy that need within her, the person she wanted to do that for her lay sleeping in her arms but she could wait for another time for raven to do that. It was only after the itch in her pussy had calmed down, was Dana able to allow sleep come to her.

"Damn!" Dana heard Raven mutter as she brushed her teeth in the bathroom. Dana smiled into the mirror as she could just see Raven waking up hoping to catch her still asleep.

"Did you say something?" Dana asked after spitting out the toothpaste.

"No nothing," Raven said with disappointment ringing in her voice.

A moment later Raven appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, "Why you up so early and dressed, we still got a couple of hours before we have to be at the hospital?" Raven asked.

"I got to get back to my place and get a set of scrubs," Dana said, "I hope you don't mind but I borrowed a clean sweat suit from you."

"No that's fine, but you can wait and I'll go with you." Raven suggested hopefully.

"Next time babe," Dana said turning to see Raven standing there in her sexy red gown. She knew that she had to get out of there quickly before Raven found herself on the bed sans her sexy nightgown.

Dana went to where Raven was standing; she stopped long enough to give her a kiss before slipping by her. She stopped a step past her, "Mmmm... I love that scent that you're wearing, where ever did you find it..." She said as Raven's face flushed. Dana gave her a knowing grin before turning to walk on into the living room and out the front door.

"I've slipped," Dana said to Carol once they got their patients settled in for the night.

"How so?" Carol asked arching her eyebrows at her.

"But it was Raven's fault, it was all her fault, I was defenseless," Dana said in her own defense.

"Okay it was her fault but what was her fault?" Carol asked with her curiosity aroused.

"Well we first went to eat and then to her cottage for what turned out to be a run on the beach to work off our breakfast..." Dana told her as she told what happened, including the part about Raven thinking that she didn't want to ride with her. After a pause for Carol to check on one of her patients who had rang for her, did Dana tell Carol about the sexy peri frost colored nightgown. That made Carol arch her eyebrows again as she grinned at Dana.

"So how long did you let her wear that nightgown?" Carol asked.

"Oh all night..." Dana said grinning back at Carol.

"So how did you slip up then?" Carol asked with her face showing her confusion.

"Let's just say that my fingers roamed a bit too much and she ended up feeling very good..." Dana said softly.

Carol had to think this over for a second before she let an "Oh..." escape her lips.

"Yes Oh," Dana echoed.

"You know that all the going slow will have to end soon, I think you've made your point and she has gotten that point," Carol said and before Dana could reply Carol went on, "I mean you two already have a rich history in the bedroom and if you wait too long..."

"Yea I know," Dana told her, "I'm not sure I want to wait much longer but I'm not sure that I'm ready to completely release myself to her, you know what I mean. I have to know for sure."

"I know but I feel like that will come soon enough," Carol told her.

"We'll see," Dana said though she did so with a hopeful smile.

She was able to take her meal break with Raven, however she had a dentist appointment that she had to go to so she had to turn down Raven's invite for breakfast. Mother Nature then put off Dana's plans to take their relationship forward as Raven began her period. Even when their relationship was in full bloom, they both preferred to avoid intimacy until they were feeling a bit fresher and their flow had ended. Raven had always been a bit down when she was on her period and before she really didn't even want to be touch until she got over the first part of her period. This time though Raven seemed to welcome Dana's touch and would cuddle in her arms, almost like a child would when they were sick. Dana liked seeing this change in Dana and encouraged it by holding her even more and caressing Raven's abdomen. But then just as Raven's period ended, Mother Nature struck again this time with her. Dana's periods had always been irregular so she had no clue that it was about to come to her. So they switched roles and it was Raven doing the holding and Dana curling up against her. Dana thought that Mother Nature was being too cruel but she was only working with the fates that had plans for them if they would take advantage of her offering.

"So would you like to spend the weekend with me?" Raven asked as they finished eating their salads on their meal break early Friday morning.

"That depends on if you'll do something with me this afternoon," Dana said with a serious look on her face as she wanted Raven to know that she would need to go along if she wanted her to spend the weekend with her.

"Okay I'll do it." Raven replied with an expression on her face that she was just as serious about going along.

"You're not going to ask what that is?" Dana asked a bit surprised.

"Nope, whatever you want to do is fine with me," Raven replied letting a smile come to her face.

"Okay then we're set." Dana told her as she began to gather up her things to go back to work.

"I'll wait for you in my car, no use us both driving," Raven told her as she stood up.

"Are you wanting to cover your bets by making sure that I don't have a way to leave?" Dana asked arching her eyebrows though she really didn't mind since she had no intentions of leaving before she had to.

"Maybe..." Raven said before pausing a second, "Okay I am."

Dana just laughed making Raven smile, a relieved smile all the same. "I'll see you when I get done."

Actually she would see her sooner than that. Just as she was about to tell Carol of her and Raven's plans for the weekend, her phone buzzed her. There was a code on the floor above her so she took off for the stairs. Raven arrived two minutes after she did and they began to work on their patient who was only thirty and in for a minor operation that would have normally keep him there for the day. However during his surgery, he threw a couple of irregular heartbeats and his doctor wanted to keep him in overnight though they could find nothing wrong to have caused his problem. There was obviously was something wrong since he was now in a full cardiac arrest. They would get him back only to lose him again and they would have to start over again. Dana could see that Raven was doing her best to save him while trying to figure out what was causing him to keep arresting on them. Dana could see that Raven was getting frustrated but that only increased her determination to save the man

It took them over two hours to get him stabilized and by then Dr. Hooker the chief cardiac surgeon, that Raven had got one of the nurses to call in, had arrived to help. It took him a bit to see what Raven hadn't had time to see as she was busy trying to keep the patient alive. Raven and Dana helped take the patient down to surgery. By the time that Dana got back to her floor, Carol had already filled in her replacement on Dana's patients and had left. So Dana talked for a couple of minutes before heading down to clock out. She got to Raven's car before Raven did though she didn't have to wait long for a tired looking Raven to come out the door.

"So what we doing today?" Raven asked as she hit the button on her key to unlock her car.

"The first thing that we're doing is catching a couple of hours of sleep, I'm exhausted and you look like you could use some sleep too." Dana told her as she got into Raven's car.

"That I am," Raven said and she started to put the key into the ignition but then stopped. "I don't know why I didn't see what was causing the problem with him."

"Don't beat yourself up, it took Dr. Hooker awhile to figure what was going on and he's the expert. Besides you kept him alive so that he can see his two daughters grow up." Dana told her.

"Yea I guess..." Raven said as she put the key in and started her car. She started to back out but then stopped, "Hey how do you know that he had two daughters?"

"When I got there I saw a crayon drawing that had "Get well daddy, Sissy and Donna, on the table by his bed." Dana said with a grin.

"Oh, for a minute there I thought that you were going psychic on me," Raven said with a grin.

"Oh I'm that too," Dana said with a straight face.

"And a mind reader too I guess," Raven said playing along.

"Yep that too," Dana replied seriously.

"So what am I thinking now?" Raven asked.

Dana reached over placing her fingers to each side of Raven's head and she closed her eyes.

"Well?" Raven asked after a moment.

"shhhh... just a second," Dana said pretending to be concentrating. After a moment she let go of Raven's head and she laid her head in her seat with her eyes still closed.

"Well?" Raven asked again.

"Sleep first and then I'll think about doing what you want to do." Dana said seriously.

Raven didn't say anything but then she let out a nervous laugh, "You're so full of shit, you know that."

"Yep but I'm right aren't I?" Dana asked as she opened her eyes to look at Raven who was slightly blushing.

"Maybe..." Raven said before she began to back out.

Raven changed the subject back to their patient and Dana let her talk it out as she knew that Raven would obsess about it until she had it worked out in her head. Luckily traffic was heavy so that gave Raven time talk it out before they got to her beach cottage. As she got out of the car, Dana looked up to see a large dark storm cloud moving in and she feared that her plans would be rained out despite the sunny and warm forecast that the weatherman had promised for that afternoon.

Raven went ahead and took a shower as Dana sat in the kitchen drinking some tea listening to the rain start to pelt down. When Raven came back out, Dana was surprised to see that she was wearing a long sleepshirt and not the sexy nightgown she figured that she would be wearing. Raven saw her surprised look and grinned at her. Dana knew that Raven was saving the nightgown for later. When Dana got to the bathroom, she saw a similar sleepshirt set out for her with a pair of plain nylon panty briefs. She smiled to herself as she felt like Raven knew what she had wanted.

By the time that Dana got to the bedroom, Raven was already in bed and not only was she in bed, she was already sound asleep. Dana gazed down at her sleeping friend and soon to be lover again. She did so love her, not that she had ever really stopped however she just needed to make sure that Connie was completely out of Raven's life before she could give her heart back to Raven, completely and unfettered.

Dana went to her side of the bed, slipping under the covers. Raven was on her back but as Dana slid up against her, Raven turned onto her side away from her. At first Dana was taken aback by Raven turning her back to her, that is, until Raven raised her right arm so that Dana could put her arm around her. Dana did just that, pulling Raven in against her body. Raven's right hand covered Dana's holding it to her chest. Dana nestled her head up to the back of Raven's head, kissing the back of her neck through her hair. It wasn't long before she joined Raven in sleep.

As Dana turned over she felt warmth on her face and a brightness in the room. She slowly opened her eyes to see the sun shining brightly in her eyes. "Yes!" she said loudly.

"What? What's wrong?" Raven said as she suddenly sat up in bed.

"Nothing's wrong, the sun is shinning!" Dana said as she jumped up from the bed.

"So?" Raven said obviously confused while still trying to shake the feeling of something being wrong.

"So we got something special to do today, get your ass out of bed and get dressed." Dana told her excitedly.

"Can I pee first?" Raven asked half kidding.

"Only if you do so fast," Dana told her.

Dana did give Raven time to pee and she even ate a sandwich with her before she led her outside and down to Raven's garage. She opened the door, going to the bike that Raven's had gotten for her and started to roll it out.

"What you doing?" Raven asked as she just stood and watched.

"I'm going to ride my bike," Dana said as she passed by Raven who still had not moved. "If you like to join me, you can get your bike."

Raven turned to face her, "Are you sure?"

"Sure about riding, yes. Sure about how to get my damn bike on the contraption you got on your Jeep, No." Dana said seriously before cracking a smile.

"Thank you," Raven said running first to Dana giving her a kiss before running back to her garage to get her bike.

"You know that if you decide to keep me around you're going to have to learn how to put your bike on the car rack, I'm not going to do this forever for you," Raven said sternly as she hoisted Dana's bike onto the rack.

"I'll try to learn," Dana said thought she couldn't really see Raven ever letting her actually do it.

"You do that," Raven said seriously though she was grinning from ear to ear. Dana then knew that she just made Raven so happy, Raven could never survive without having her bikes to ride and Dana enjoyed it enough to make it work. Raven talked about how to put the bikes on the rack properly and then how to secure them with the straps.

"So where are we riding?" Raven asked as she got behind the wheel of hger Jeep.

"How about the park you first took me riding?" Dana suggested as she figured that since they were starting over, then they should go back to the first place that Raven had taken her riding.

"That sounds like a great idea," Raven said softly.

It was about one when they got to the park and it was warm for a late fall afternoon. Yet it was still cool enough for Dana to be glad that they had on sweat pants and hoodies to go over their tops. There were several other bikes on the trail as they weren't the only ones taking advantage of the warm fall day. They rode slowly taking their time going around the long trail, making a couple of trips before they stopped to get something to drink. Then they went around several more times and Dana could see just how happy Raven was as she talked constantly about any and everything.

"I'll take my shower first and as you shower, I'll lay out your outfit for tonight," Raven said as they entered her cottage.

"And where we going tonight?" Dana asked.

"You'll see," Raven said with a grin, "See you aren't the only one that can keep a secret."

"I can see that," Dana said with a laugh.

"Now go watch some TV or something and stay away from the bathroom," Raven ordered her.

"Yes ma'am," Dana said with a laugh and then she went to the living room, turning on the TV.

A while later, Dana heard Raven say that the bathroom was free, again she only heard her and never saw her. By the time that she got to the bathroom, the bedroom door was closed so obviously she was repeating the process that she had done when she brought out the sexy nightgowns. It was too early in the day to do that so she obviously had something else in mind.

Dana stripped out of her clothes, putting them into the hamper before stepping into the shower. She wasn't sure just how much time she had so she quickly showered. She shaved her armpit and legs. She thought about shaving her pussy too but decided that she didn't have time. She had it grow out a bit but it wasn't too bad. When she stepped out of shower, she picked up her towel and began to dry off. About then she heard a knock on the door.

"Yes?" She said through the door.

"Your outfit will be set out in the bedroom, don't worry I won't peek," she heard Raven say.

"Okay," Dana said with a smile.

She finished drying her body and then put lotion and fixed her makeup as she was figuring that Raven was taking her somewhere and that she would want her to look nice. She wrapped a towel around her body and went out of the bathroom. She had no fear that Raven would be anywhere around, of that she was sure. She went on into the bedroom where she first saw a pair of panties on the bed however there were no bra. This made her wonder until she saw the dress hanging up on the back of the closet door.

It was a long dress gown and as she took it down, she saw that it had an open back thus the reason that Raven hadn't put a bra out for her. Dana took the dress down from the hanger and stepped into it. She slipped it over her head and let the silky material fall down on her body. It slipped over her hips falling into place. Raven had gotten the right size for her. She took the ties at the top, tying them around her neck. She looked at herself in the mirror and she decided that while she had never thought herself as being beautiful, the dress did make her appear quiet sexy and made her feel that way too. Now she wondered just what Raven was wearing and if it made her half of sexy as this dress made her feel, if so they just might not make it out of the house.

Dana did a once over as she looked into the mirror, adjusting the dress around her breasts to make sure that they were covered and that her nipples didn't show. The material around her breasts was thicker thus would hide them even if the cool air of the night or Raven made them want to make their presence known. Once satisfied that she was covered, she went on out to see what Raven had decided to wear.

When she got to the living room, she saw that Raven had her back to her as she looked out the window toward the ocean. She saw that Raven had on a similar dress though it seemed to fit tighter around her hips thus highlighting her ass. She felt her nipples do what she didn't want them to do, hardening but yet not showing though her dress. Raven's dress also seemed to dip a little lower in the back and Dana knew Raven's body enough to know that it was just barely above the cleft of her ass. Dana cleared her throat to get Raven to turn around. She audibly sucked in her breath as she saw that Raven's dress also dipped lower in the front so that the skin between her breasts showed though none of her breasts did. She saw a smile come to Raven's face so that she really didn't need to tell Raven how beautiful she looked but she felt she needed to anyway.

"You look absolutely beautiful," Dana said to her.

"No you're the beautiful one," Raven countered as she came up to her to kiss her lightly.

"I don't know, I think you got me beat by a mile," Dana countered after the light kiss.

"No you are the beautiful one," Raven said before giving her a lingering kiss to keep Dana from arguing with her.

"Now let's go eat," Raven said taking her hand.

"Where we going?" Dana asked.

"You'll see," Raven said with a grin.

She then got a shawl for Dana to wear as the evening was turning cool and she got a matching one for herself before leading her to the door. Dana had a funny feeling as to where they were going and she was right, Raven had somehow gotten them a table at O'Hara's. The restaurant was very nice, filled with all the important people in the city. Dana felt a little out of place there and she welcomed the wine so that it calmed her nerves a little. The restaurant offered a lot of fancy dishes and she had no clue as to what to order and she was relieved to see that Raven was also unsure. They finally decided on something that they thought they might like. When it arrived a long time later, much too long for Dana, the food was arranged on the plate to look real nice however there wasn't much of it and it didn't taste all that great. They both picked at their food but mostly they just talked and drank their wine.

"So what did you think?" Raven asked when they got outside of the restaurant.

Dana hesitated as she didn't want to say what she really thought and thus risk hurting Raven's feelings as she obviously worked hard to get them a table and then had to pay a lot for a little bit of food that didn't taste all that great. But then again, she didn't want to lie either.

"You can be honest you know," Raven told her.

"Well maybe I'm just a simple country girl but..." Dana started to say.

"But is sucked, the food tasted terrible and there wasn't enough to even start to quench your hunger... right?" Raven said with a smile.

Dana had to smile, "the wine was good," she offered.

Raven laughed out loud thus making Dana feel a lot better, "It had better for what it cost." Raven said while still laughing.

"I'm sorry for getting you to take me here," Dana said seriously.

"I'm not, it was perfect." Raven said.

"Perfect, you paid a fortune for nothing," Dana told her.

Raven turned to face her and Dana could tell that Raven wanted to be serious, "It was perfect because I got to show off the most beautiful girl in this town and she was having dinner with me," Raven said as she put her hands to Dana's hips pulling her in close.

"Oh god," Dana said feeling her face blush. "I thought you said you didn't know how to be a romantic."

"I didn't say it to be romantic, I said it because that's the way I feel." Raven said seriously.

"That's what makes it romantic silly," Dana said before she pulled Raven into her body and kissing her right in front of the restaurant that served all the big people of the city.

"Oh," Raven said after the kiss and she after she had placed her head on Dana's shoulder.

Dana held her for a moment before she pulled back, "So you still hungry?" She asked.

"I'm starving," Raven said with a laugh as she pulled back from Dana's arms.

"Me too," Dana said laughing, "how about taking me somewhere that serves food that a poor country girl can eat."

"That I can do," Raven said laughing with her.

Raven took her to an old diner that served great hamburgers. All the other people in the place were dressed in jeans and tee shirts so to say that they were a bit overdressed was an understatement. They did get more than a few stares as they walked in but after that, no one paid them any attention. They both got cheeseburgers though they both got them without onions as neither wanted to have bad breath later on.

When they got back to Raven's cottage, Raven used the bathroom first and then when Dana got out, she found Raven sitting on the couch holding two glasses of wine. Dana went to the couch, sitting next to Dana who slid in close to her. Dana put her right arm around Raven's shoulder laying her hand on Raven's upper arm letting her fingers lightly touch Raven's skin. She took a sip of her wine as did Raven but then she looked into Raven's eyes, eyes that showed her need for love. Dana slipped her arms from Raven's shoulder seeing the worry come to Raven's face. She just gave her a soft smile before placing her wine glass onto the coffee table. She then took Raven's glass from her, placing it beside her own, getting a smile from Raven.

Dana slipped her shoes off and Raven did the same. She then turned her attention to Raven. She placed her arm back around Raven's shoulder but this time she used it to pull it toward her. "Slide around baby," She said with a throaty tone to her voice.

Raven turned her back to Dana before sliding her ass back and she turned to lay back into Dana's arms. Dana placed her left arm around Raven's back as her right went to Raven's side. As Dana leaned forward to kiss her, Raven slipped her right arm to Dana's back and her left hand went under Dana's right arm going to her shoulder. Dana kissed her lightly, just letting her lips touch Raven's before pulling back. She paused for just a second before doing so again and then again.

The next time she kissed her, she let her lips linger, just kissing her lightly getting Raven to let out a soft moan. She then kissed her a little harder as she let her lips open. She slipped her tongue into Raven's mouth feeling Raven's tongue against hers. Dana was caressing Raven's side with her right hand moving it to her stomach and then on around to her back. Raven's hands were gripping her back and shoulder while they kissed. Dana slowly ended that kiss before she began to place light kisses on Raven's cheeks and down to her throat. Dana could feel her nipples tightening as her pussy got moist. She also began to get a womanly scent from Raven which was what she wanted.

When her lips found their way back to Raven's lips, she moved her left hand up to Raven's neck. She found the tie holding the top of Raven's dress up, she gently pulled on one of the strings, loosening the knot. She heard Raven's let out another soft moan. She then used her right hand to go to the top of Raven's dress so that she could pull the two ends down until Raven's breasts were uncovered. She placed her right hand over Raven's left breast, giving it a soft squeeze.

"Oh god..." Dana heard and her lips felt Raven try to say as she kissed her.

Dana used her fingers to tease Raven's left nipple feeling it get even harder than it was before. She gave a light pinch to the nipple before going to the right one, pinching that nipple while pulling up on it. She saw Raven's eyes roll to the top of her head and felt her body stiffened for a moment and she wasn't completely sure but she thought that Raven had just had a small orgasm.

Dana pulled her head up ending the kissing and she saw just how flushed Raven's face was. "How about us moving this to the bedroom before I ruin this dress you got me," Dana said lustfully.

"Too late for my dress," Raven said with her voice deep and full of the same lust and desire that Dana was feeling.

Dana's eyes went from Raven's flushed face going down to those uncovered dark hard nipples. Raven's eyes were closed and she was panting just a little. Dana let Raven's right shoulder slip down a little as she put her feet on the floor so that Raven was lying on her back on Dana's knee. Dana moved her mouth over Raven's left breast. She blew lightly on the nipple making Raven moan. She then lowered her mouth on down until her lips touched that nipple. She heard Raven moan louder and she felt Raven's hand at the back of her neck. Dana kissed Raven's nipple before sucking it into her mouth.

"Oh My God!" Raven moaned aloud.

Dana sucked harder so that she had half of Raven's breast in her mouth. Raven was moaning louder and her hand was pressing down on the back of Dana's head holding her to her breast. She eased her mouth up letting Raven's breast fall from her mouth, she then used her teeth to gently bite that hard nipple making Raven squirm in her arms. She started to move her mouth to Raven's right breast but with the way that Raven was laying she couldn't get her mouth onto Raven's breast, so she put her hand to Raven's shoulders to ease her further out on her legs.

Raven obviously realized what she wanted so she shifted her hips over as she moved her shoulders in the same direction that Dana was easing her. They were both eager to continue what Dana had started and they went an inch further than either of them intended. Before Dana knew what was happening, Raven started to fall over the edge of her knees. Dana reached to grab her just as Raven squealed as she went falling to the floor. Raven ended up on her left side trapped between Dana's legs and the coffee table.

"Oh god are you all right?" Dana cried out as she pushed the coffee table out and Raven rolled on her stomach.

Raven didn't say anything but then Dana heard a sound from Raven as her body shook. Dana got really scared then as she feared that Raven was really hurt and was crying in pain. "Baby are you all right, are you hurt?" Dana said as she tried to reach down to Raven.

Raven let out what Dana first thought was a sob and she was really scared. She started to try and get up to help poor Raven who was obviously in a lot of pain. But then Raven turned over and while she did have tears in her eyes, she also had this big grin and she began to laugh out loud.

"Oh god you scared me to death, I thought you were hurt!" Dana said before she reached down and hit Raven on the arm.

"I am hurt," Raven said as she tried to stop laughing but not quite pulling it off.

"And where are you hurt?" Dana asked as she sat on the edge of the couch looking down at Raven.

"Ah... here," Raven said pointing to her left nipple, "and here," pointing to her right nipple," and down there..." pointing down toward her pussy. "I think I need a nurse to kiss them to make them better."

"Oh you do, do you?" Dana said starting to grin.

"Yes I do," Raven said now with her sneaky grin.

"And do you have a particular nurse in mind." Dana asked.

"I do," Raven said as a she began to scoot away from where she lay. "Oh and the nurse needs to be naked."

"She does, does she?" Dana said as she stood up.

"Oh yes she does," Raven said now clear of the couch and table.

End of part Eight

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 9

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