Winning Dana's Heart

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on May 8, 2014


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Winning Dana's Heart - Part Six

By Chris

Dana went on into the bedroom going directly to the drawer that Raven had suggested, opening it up. She saw a black leather bra sitting on top of a black leather skirt. "Interesting..." Dana thought to herself. She picked up the bra seeing that it was her size and feeling the soft leather. This was high quality leather and thus expensive. Under the bra, she found a pair of black sheer panties. When she picked them up, she saw that not only were they sheer and had lace around the waist and legs, they were also crotchless.

"Oh my..." Dana said to herself. She picked up the skirt and saw that the leather was just as soft and smooth, it was also very short. She felt her pussy begin to get moist and knew that Raven had this planned for a long time, it was just a matter when the time was right and obviously tonight was that night. Dana put the panties on first feeling funny with her pussy being exposed while wearing panties, if you call these panties.

She picked up the bra and slipped it on feeling the cool leather covering her breasts. It actually felt comfortable which surprised her. She stepped into the skirt, zipping the side and latching it closed. The skirt barely covered her ass and she felt so slutty yet sexy all the same. This outfit was definitely an outfit that she would never wear outside but here for Raven it was perfect. She went over to the mirror to look at herself. She turned from side to side and she had to admit that this slutty look actually worked for her. It also had an unquestionable effect on her, making her feel sexy and more than a bit aroused which she knew was what Raven wanted her to feel.

Dana looked at herself another moment, even raising the front of her skirt to see that her pussy was in view with these panties and no matter how she sat, it would be hard not to show a lot of flesh. But then again, that was what Raven obviously wanted. She was just beginning to wonder just how long to give Raven when she heard her say, "Just give me a couple of more minutes."

Dana glanced at the alarm clock seeing that it was two minutes after eight. She knew that it would be the longest two minutes in her life. She went to the edge of the bed, sitting down, trying several different positions trying to decide which one was best or what Raven might want. When she looked again she saw that four minutes had passed so she got up, adjusted her leather bra and skirt before walking toward the bedroom door.

When she came into the living room, Raven wasn't to be seen. However there were several candles lit around the room. There was also one lamp on however it was dimmed. There was some light coming from the setting sun but Dana knew that before long, the room would become very romantically lit. She went on over to the couch where she saw that it was covered with a water proof mattress pad. There were also a couple of towels placed on one end where Raven obviously wanted her to sit. On the table beside that end of the couch were two large strawberry flavored waters. Dana had to smile knowing what they were there for. She went on over to the couch, sitting down with her legs pressed together. She picked up one of the waters, taking a long drink from it to help out Raven's fetish.

She had just put the water down, when Raven came in from the kitchen. She was wearing a light pink colored baby doll lingerie, which was made with sheer material trimmed with a darker pink lace. Dana could see Raven's nipples through the sheer material, seeing how hard they already were. The panties that Raven was wearing were also very sheer.

"Oh you're beautiful!" Dana gasped feeling her pussy twitch and she was thankful that the couch was covered or else she would soon be getting it wet with her juices.

"You like?" Raven asked as she slowly turned around showing off her ass, as the panties were thongs so that her ass cheeks were on display.

"Oh I love, you're a dream come true," Dana said seriously causing Raven to blush from the compliment.

Raven came on into the living room and Dana sat up expecting Raven to come and sit beside of her however Raven stopped just in front of her. She hesitated for a moment, allowing Dana to take in the beauty standing before her. She then squatted down in front of her. Dana watched as Raven pulled a pillow from under the coffee table placing her knees onto the pillow as her hands rested on Dana's knees. She leaned forward giving a kiss to each of Dana's knees before she reached over to the top of the coffee table where her tablet rested.

Raven picked it up, fiddled with it for a moment before she gave the tablet to Dana. "Would you read to me?" Raven asked like a little girl wanting a bedtime story.

"It would be my pleasure," Dana said trying not smile too much at the way that Raven had asked for the story.

Dana noticed that while the tablet was a different brand than hers, it operated much the same. And besides, Raven had already put the book that she wanted read up on the screen. "mmm another Bella book.." Dana said not surprised at Raven's choice of authors.

"You know I like her," Raven said smiling up at her.

"I do... but I don't think I've seen this one before," Dana said as she tried to remember all of the titles that she had seen of Della's and this one didn't ring a bell.

"This is one of her first novels, one she only sells to her best fans," Raven said with a grin. "It's on a site that I didn't give to you."

"Oh I see," Dana stated.

"Yes, it's very naughty," Raven stated.

"And are there other novels of hers that I might one day read to you?" Dana asked.

"There's a few," Raven told her giving her a sexy wink. "Now read baby."

"Yes baby," Dana said. "Leather and Lace, by Bella Bailey... mmmm interesting title."

Dana looked down at Raven and saw that she had a big grin which confirmed that the outfits that Raven had picked out for them was not by accident. She suspected that somewhere in the book there would two women dressed much the same as they were currently attired.

Dana swiped her finger across the screen thus turning the page. She took another long drink from her water before she began to read. She had read a couple of pages when she felt Raven easing her legs apart. She felt a twinge in her pussy knowing that Raven was getting a peak of her pussy with her wearing the crotchless panties. She read slowly as she felt Raven kissing her inner thighs, slowly working her way upward. Dana slipped her ass forward so that her ass ended up at the edge of the couch. She had to stop for a moment to put a throw pillow under her back so that she was a bit more comfortable sitting this way. This did make it a lot better as it gave support to her back and kept her halfway in a sitting position.

Dana was quick to discover that one character was very dominate in bed while the other was rather submissive. This did remind her of she and Raven as Raven did have a submissive nature when it came to sex and she was becoming the dominate one when they made love. She could see why this was the book that Raven had chosen for her to read tonight. By the time that she got to the first love scene, Raven had worked her way up to Dana's pussy which was already soaked with her juices. So when the submissive character kissed her dominate lover's pussy, Dana felt Raven kissing her pussy.

"Ohhh..." Dana moaned having to stop reading for a moment.

"Read baby," Raven told her and Dana had to smile.

"I am," Dana said going back to reading though it was hard to do with Raven kissing her pussy all so lightly and erotically. She had to use all her concentration to read with what Raven was doing to her.

Dana was also working to keep up her water drinking and she was beginning to feel the pressure start to build in her bladder. So she was thankful when she got to the first time that her character peed for her submissive lover. As she began to read that part, she had to pause her reading while she concentrated on her bladder. This time Raven didn't complain about the pause in her reading, instead she moved her tongue to Dana's slit licking there. When Dana was able to let a little of her pee leak out, she heard Raven moan as she licked faster, getting all that Dana let seep out.

Dana only let a bit out before she went back to her reading, backing up to the beginning of that paragraph. She read that part over again before going on. She was reading very slowly pausing every few sentences to let a little of her pee out. She did glance down at Raven seeing her right shoulder moving thus indicating that Raven was using that hand to masturbate as she licked up her pee. She felt Raven licking in deep and when she let a small stream out, she first felt it leak onto her thighs but then Raven placed her mouth over her pussy drinking down her pee. When she got to the end of the pee scene in the book she stopped, the characters were kissing, exchanging the last of Dana's characters pee. This was a bit much for Dana but she could see that it was turning Raven on so much.

Dana looked down at Raven who was sucking hard on her pussy, "Here it comes baby," she warned Raven.

Dana went back to the start of the kiss and she began to reread that part. As she did so, she released her bladder letting the last of her pee go in a hard stream. She read as best she could while feeling Raven sucking her pee down. With Raven sucking so hard and drinking her pee, the kiss of the characters in the book now was turning her on so much. Then when Raven pulled back and groaned as she came hard. She felt her pee splashing off of Raven's face and neck back onto her legs.

"Fuck!" Dana said as she saw Raven cumming so hard. She put Raven's tablet to the side, reaching down to her own clit. She rubbed it hard and furiously, it only took a moment for her own orgasm to hit her. She came just as hard as Raven did, leaving her breathless and lifeless for a few moments.

When her eyes flickered open, she looked at Raven whose face was flush and she seemed so happy. This was definitely a very erotic way to make love and very different from anything she had ever experienced.

"Read baby," Raven told her as she picked up the table handling it to Dana.

Dana wasn't so sure that she could handle another orgasm, like the last one nor did she think that she could generate enough pee to satisfy Raven. However she was going to try so she took the tablet and before she started to read again, she took a long drink of the water, partly for Raven and partly because she was thirsty for some strange reason.

Dana found her place in the book, starting after the kiss. As the characters made love, Raven was busy using her tongue to clean Dana's thighs and pussy of the pee that had splashed there, not to mention the girlcum. She read on, loving the feel of Raven's tender tongue as it bathed her thighs and pussy. When she got to the next pee scene, she was able to read through it without peeing any and Raven didn't seem to mind, though it did help to heighten Dana's arousal and she noticed that Raven was masturbating through it. Dana kept on reading, drinking as much water as possible. She was afraid that she wouldn't work up enough pee for Raven however by the time she got to the middle of the book, she was feeling the pressure again with all the water that she was drinking.

The next pee scene, Dana's character had Raven's character, as Dana thought of them, staked down spread eagle on the ground in an open field. Dana's character teased Raven's character until she was squirming around, pulling on the stakes that held her in place. Again this was something she couldn't see herself doing to Raven but reading about it and imagining herself doing so was highly erotic. Finally her character begin to pee her way up Raven's character's body, she was able to release some pee for Raven to lick up. Dana's character must have been saving her pee for weeks as she kept peeing, not to mention the size of her bladder but then again it was something an author can sometimes get away with in a story. Dana meanwhile had to let a few drops out a time, until the final part of the scene where her character was squatting over Raven character's mouth, pissing into her mouth and making her drink it.

Dana didn't warn Raven this time, she just released her pee catching Raven by surprise but Raven seemed to like that too. She also couldn't pee as long as she didn't have that much pee left. But she pushed hard making what little she had left come out hard. She felt it splashing on Raven's face and into her mouth that was soon locked onto her pussy. Raven was masturbating and before Dana could do the same, she felt Raven's left hand fingers at her clit, rubbing her hard and fast. She let the tablet fall from her hands as she arched her hips feeling her orgasm coming on fast. That broke contact of Raven's mouth thus the last spurt of pee splashed on them both. She heard Raven cumming hard and she felt Raven pinching her clit making her cum just as hard.

When her eyes fluttered open this time, Raven had her head lying against her thighs with the top of her head lying against her pussy. She reached down, caressing Raven's hair with fingers. She was just moving the hair from Raven's eyes when she felt Raven begin to move a little, coming out of her intense orgasm.

"That's one fucking hot bedtime story!" Dana said in a contented sigh.

Raven laughed a little, "I thought you'd like it."

"But I don't think I'm going to be able to finish it tonight," Dana said hoping that Raven wouldn't be too disappointed.

Raven smiled up at her before giving her a light kiss her clit, "That's okay; we can finish it another night..."

"Sounds good to me," Dana replied, "Now come up and cuddle with me."

Raven gave her a smile however before she did come up to join Dana, she gave several kisses to her pussy, starting at the bottom of her pussy up to her sensitive clit, a long kiss there. Dana moaned before she reached down, pulling Raven up beside of her. She put her hand to the side of Raven's face feeling some moisture there that she knew was a combination of her juices and pee. She pulled Raven's face to her, kissing her lips, tasting herself on those lips. Raven's body was lying against her body with her left leg lying across her legs. All of Raven's body was moist and how it got that way excited her remembering the game that they had played. She opened her lips making the kiss much more passionate. Raven went with the kiss before slowly ending it but not before giving her another light kiss. She then put her head down on Dana's shoulder pulling herself in tighter against her.

"Thank you for playing along," Raven said softly.

"You know I enjoyed it too," Dana told her giving a light kiss to Raven's forehead.

"I noticed," Raven said with a bit of a giggle.

"Oh you did?" Dana said giggling a little herself.

"And thank you..." Raven said to her again.

"You're welcome my love," Dana told her while pulling raven in tighter against her body.

Dana held Raven tightly for a few minutes but then she realized that once the game was over, and as nice as it felt to have Raven next to her, she would enjoy it a lot more if they were both a little cleaner.

"Would you mind if we moved this to the bedroom..." She said pausing for a fraction of a second before she finished with, "...and after a shower."

"That sounds like a perfect idea," Raven said to Dana's relief.

And it was an even better idea than Dana had imagined. Raven had her go on into the bathroom to get the shower going as she picked up the cover and towels that Dana had been sitting upon, which she placed into the washer to be washed later. Dana was just stepping into the shower when Raven came in to join her. Dana stepped under the water, feeling the water begin to wash the pee from her thighs. Once she was wet she started to step aside to let Raven get wet but Raven stopped her by putting her hands to her shoulders. She pulled her forward a step getting her out from under the spray of the water.

"Do you mind if I wash you?" Raven asked as if Dana could possibly say no.

"No... I wouldn't mind that in the least," Dana said softly.

"Good, I was going to anyway," Raven said with a big grin.

"Well then quit talking about it and just do it," Dana told her getting Raven to arch her eyebrows at her.

Raven picked up a bottle of bodywash, pouring a little into her hand. She didn't bother with washcloth or a luffa sponge. She just put her hands together getting them soapy before putting them to Dana's shoulders.

Dana let her body relax as she felt Raven's hands move against her shoulders and down her arms that were lying limp against her sides. Raven's hands got down to Dana's hands that she gasped for a second. She let go placing her hands to Dana's hips. They moved up Dana's sides and Dana sucked in her breath as Raven's hands gazed the side of her breasts. She felt her nipples getting hard again just from Raven's hands getting so close to them.

Dana groaned when she felt Raven's hands leave her body. She was just getting into this sensual bathing. She watched as Raven picked up the bottle of lavender scented body wash. This time she didn't pour it into her hands rather she held it up over Dana's right breast, letting a little drop onto it. She felt it running down her breast to her nipple. She had to giggle feeling it on her hard nipple. Raven went to her other breast doing the same to it before putting a large dollop right between her breasts. This she felt the body wash running down her stomach heading down toward her belly and below. Raven put the body wash down, before she placed her hands right on Dana's breasts, soaping them while caressing them.

"Mmmmm... that feels nice," Dana moaned as she pushed her breasts forward.

"It's supposed to," Raven replied with a smile.

Raven gave a pinch to Dana's nipples though with them being so soapy it wasn't much a pinch but it felt nice to Dana all the same. Raven's hands went on to her belly making Dana giggle a little until she saw Raven going down onto her knees. Dana opened her legs as best as she could in the tub. She closed her eyes as she felt Ravens' hands move to her lower belly and on downward. Raven's hands went on down to her pussy, going across it one after another making Dana moan with pleasure. However Raven's hands didn't stay there long enough for her suiting, as they moved to her inner thighs and down her legs. Raven's hands felt so nice as they caressed and massaged her calves and finally her feet, which she did one at a time.

Raven then put her hands to Dana's hips, turning her around letting the shower rinse the soap from her front as Raven put more body wash on her hands. Dana next felt Raven's hands on her ass, caressing her globes with her strong hands. Dana leaned forward a little as she felt Raven's hands parting her globes and her fingers go between them. She felt Raven's fingers cleaning her rosebud or rather teasing her rosebud making her moan rather loudly.

"I need lots of cleaning there," Dana moaned.

"I bet you do," Raven laughed just as her hands left that sensitive area to go to Dana's back.

"Damn you," Dana said playfully.

Raven laughed lightly before giving a kiss to Dana's right shoulder just before she began to wash her there. She finished her shoulders and then she turned her around one more time to use her fingers to lightly wash Dana's face.

"You're turn," Dana said after rinsing her face and body off.

"We're going to have to skip that for tonight, I'm afraid that we'll run out of hot water soon," Raven declared with a smile that let Dana's know that this was intended. Raven just wanted her to be the one feeling nice.

"Oh!" Dana said disappointed.

"But you can wash my back as I do my front," Raven said giving her a bit of a bone.

"Okay," Dana said getting the body wash, pouring a generous amount into the palm of her left hand.

She handed the bottle to Raven who got some before handing it back. Dana put it down before she went to work on Raven's back. She used her hands to massage and caress Raven's well formed back but it was Raven's ass that had her attention. She went down on her knees behind of Raven, placing her hands to those globes that were so lovely and kissable so that she want she did, giving a kiss to each cheek before she began to run her hands around those globes. She pulled them apart to see Raven's pink rosebud that winked back at her. She grinned as she let her fingers go across that sensitive rosebud getting Raven to moan. She ran her fingers around the rim before pressing against it a little. She didn't want to penetrate it with her soapy fingers, just tease it as Raven had done to her. She let her fingers drift on down to Raven's pussy. She was just moving her fingers up along Raven's slit when she felt Raven's fingers already there.

Dana entwined her fingers with Raven's fingers and they both moved against Raven's pussy. She put a little pressure onto Raven's pussy as they both rubbed against it.

"Noooo..." Raven moaned as she tried to pull her fingers away however Dana wouldn't let her.

She gripped Raven's fingers tighter as she increased the pressure she was using and also the pace. Raven seemed to give up on stopping Dana as she let out a moan and let Dana take over. So while Dana's palm was rubbing against Raven's wet leaking slit, both of their fingers were rubbing against Raven's ever growing sensitive clit.

"Damn you..." Raven cried out making Dana smile. "Oh god you're going to make me cum!"

Dana wanted to do just that, she put her left hand to Raven's left hip holding her as they both rubbed against Raven's pussy getting her all the more aroused and closer to the orgasm she desired. Dana felt Raven pull her hand away and this time she let her. Raven put her hands against the wall of the shower bending forward thus opening up her pussy. Dana let her fingers press against Raven's clit and she masturbated her harder and faster. Soon she had Raven moaning and groaning until she let out a gurgle and Dana felt Raven's body go rigid for a second. She felt Raven's girlcum gush from her pussy as she pressed harder and moved faster causing the intensity of Raven's orgasm to max out and Raven's knees went weak. Dana had to catch Raven, holding her up as she rode out her orgasm.

Dana held onto Raven as she got back to her feet where she pulled Raven into her body allowing Raven to finish cumming. When she began to come around, Dana gave a kiss to her cheek as Raven lay back against her.

"That was very sneaky of you," Raven admonished her.

"Yes it was," Dana admitted.

"I'll get you back," Raven said to her.

"I hope so," Dana said while turning Raven around so that she could kiss her properly.

Dana did kiss her, holding her tightly as they kissed with her lips and then with their tongues. However just as the kiss was becoming very passionate, Raven let out a muffled squeal as she pushed Dana backwards.

"Fuck! The water's turning cold!" Raven gasped making Dana laugh at her.

"It's not funny!" Raven said pouting a little.

"Yes it is," Dana replied still laughing a little but then she let go of Raven to turn the water off. "Come on, let's get dried and into that warm bed where I believe we were going to kiss and cuddle."

"Yes, quickly, I'm freezing now," Raven said pouting a little but then smiling as she opened the shower curtain for them to step out.

The quickly dried their bodies and then they made a mad dash to the bedroom where they slipped under the covers, coming together. They first began to kiss all so lightly, taking turns to kiss the other's lips and cheeks. But soon their lips found their way back to each other's lips. Their hands were not idle as they kissed, caressing the touching all so lightly with care and love. Eventually they began to tire and their kissing slowly came to an end where they just held each other until sleep came to them.

Sunday they did sleep in and after Dana rustled them up something to eat, Raven talked her into a morning ride on the beach. Then after a little afternoon delight, Raven laid down with Dana for a nap as Dana had to work that night.

As usual, Sunday night was a slow night on their floor. They didn't have a lot of patients to look after. That gave Dana time to talk to Carol and then Dana to do a little reading as Carol knitted a baby blanket for one of the nurses that was about to deliver her first child. About one, Dana got tired of reading so she went back into the nurses' station to call Raven, whom she knew would still be up.

"Well that's interesting..." Dana said as she came back out.

"What's that dear?" Carol said looking up from her blanket.

"Raven's phone went directly to her voice mail," Dana said.

"Maybe she turned it off to get some sleep," Carol suggested though Dana could see by Carol's expression that she wasn't very confident in this theory.

"No she's on call tonight and besides she never turns off her phone," Dana said to her.

"Well maybe..." Carol stated to say when Dana finished her sentence.

"She's talking to her friend, the..." Dana was saying when Carol finished her sentence before she said something she shouldn't.

"Other friend that she has," Carol said quickly.

"That wasn't the name I was going to give her." Dana said.

"I know dear but this is a G rated floor," Carol said with a smile that made Dana laugh despite herself.

Before Dana could come up with a response, she felt her phone buzzing. "Oh guess who's calling me back?" Dana said as she looked at her phone.

"Our lovely doctor to whom you don't know is guilty of anything just yet," Carol said.

"Yes her," Dana said letting the phone ring another time before she answered it.

She walked back into the back area of the nurses' station as she chatted to Raven. She so wanted to ask Raven to whom she was talking to but she resisted the urge. She only got to talk for a couple of minutes before she heard Carol calling her. So she quickly said her goodbye to Raven as she went out to where Carol was standing. She looked to where Carol was staring only to see one of her elderly patients, who unfortunately suffered from Alzheimer's, walking down the hall without a stitch on. The human side of her wanted to laugh but the caring nurse that was at her very core won out feeling only compassion for the poor man. So she, with Carol's assistances, got him back into his room, where they got him back into his pajamas and into bed.

"I hope I never end up like that," Dana said with a sigh when they got back to the nurses' station.

"Well if we do, hopefully there will be caring nurses to care for us," Carol said.

"Yes I hope so too," Dana echoed.

"So what did our lovely doctor have to say about why she was busy when you called?" Carol asked getting right to the point.

"She didn't say anything..." Dana said with a sigh.

"And did you ask?" Carol asked.

"No I shouldn't have to, she should tell me without asking," Dana told her.

"Oh I see," Carol stated while giving her that look.

"Well shouldn't she?" Dana asked back.

"I don't know, I don't ask who Lenny is talking to," Carol told her.

"But he doesn't have a lady on the side does he?" Dana stated.

"He better not if he wants to keep his balls attached," Carol said very seriously.

"I thought this was a G rated floor," Dana said with a grin.

"That was when we were talking about your love life," Carol said with a grin.

Dana thought for a second before she asked, "Would you expect Lenny to tell you who he was talking to when you were dating and you were competing for his affection?"

This time it was Carol who had to think for a moment, "Point well taken," She said conceding the point.

"So should I have asked her?" Dana asked.

"At some point you need to..." Carol said pausing for a moment, "ask her to chose but be ready for the answer."

"I know and it's the answer that I fear," Dana said solemnly.

"I know dear, I know," Carol said with her voice full of sympathy.

As much as she wanted to ask that question, she just couldn't bring herself to do so. Every time that it got to the tip of her tongue, she would swallow it back down, as difficult as it was to swallow. However there came a time when she knew it was the time to do so.

That moment was two weeks later when she had a short training session after she and Carol got off their Monday morning shift. Dana was to meet Raven at her cottage once her training was completed. Raven had told her that she would leave the front door open for her so that she could just come on in. Dana was looking forward to a nice morning with Raven, just relaxing and maybe, well probably, some nice lovemaking before they slept. Dana started to call out to Raven when she came through the door but then she saw that the back door was open so she knew Raven was sitting out on the back porch. She took her bag on into the bedroom before going to the kitchen to get a water to drink.

Just as she got close to the screen door, she heard Raven talking on the phone. It didn't take her long to figure out who she was talking to and it sounded like they were planning a weekend together. Dana knew that it was wrong to listen but she couldn't help herself. She leaned closer to the screen door hearing Raven's side of the conversation. It sounded like she was looking forward to getting together and there was something about going to some bike trail near D.C. It hurt Dana to hear this but she knew she needed to know. She wanted to cry but she forced herself to be strong so that she could talk to Raven calmly and rationally. Not crying and getting upset got much harder when Raven say, "See you Friday night... love you too."

Dana felt her heart breaking but then she knew going in that Raven had another lady in her life, but she had gotten she hopes up when Raven had told her that she loved her and she told Raven that she did too. Dana so wanted to run away but she had gone too far to turn back without getting some answers. She took a couple of deep breaths before she went through the door. She saw a surprised look on Raven's face as she was putting her cell phone down.

"Oh hi, I see that you've made it. How was the training?" Raven asked as she started to get up.

"Can we talk?" Dana asked but it was more of a demand and she saw that Raven knew it.

"Sure anything you want to talk about," Raven said softly. "What's bothering you?"

Dana came over to the chair across from Raven, separated by a small round table; she was going to sit then she decided to stand before she finally sat down wanting this conversation to seem normal though it was anything but that to her.

Dana sat for a moment before she finally asked the question she so needed an answer to, "Do you love her?"

Dana saw that Raven was surprised by the question yet not surprised. Maybe she was surprised that it took her that long to ask it, Dana thought to herself.

"Yes, I've known her for a long time as I've told her," Raven answered honestly.

"And you love me?" Dana asked.

"Yes you know I do, I've told you that," Raven answered her and Dana wanted to believe her but she couldn't believe that Raven or anyone could love two people at the same time.

"How can your heart love us both, it's not possible," Dana responded as her heart told her this was true.

"You're right it can't," Raven told her and this surprised Dana until Raven finished her thought.

"The heart is just a muscle to pump blood, it's your brain that controls one's emotions and you know that a person's brain is capable of many things and many emotions." Raven said. "You should know that from your anatomy classes in nursing school."

"Raven I'm not talking anatomy; I'm talking about love and that resides in the heart. That is where one feels love and determines who we love." Dana said with the full conviction of her heart. "And your heart can only truly love one person at a time."

"Dana you're wrong, a person can love more than one like I do. I do love you and I also love Connie. I can love you both." Raven told her with equal conviction.

"No Raven you can't. Your heart either loves me or it loves that cunt, or it doesn't love either of us. I don't know which, only your heart can tell you that." Dana told her.

"Connie isn't a fucking cunt and I don't appreciate you calling her that!" Raven said with the anger showing on her face and neck as both turned red.

Dana wanted to apologize but she couldn't as that is the way she had come to think of that woman, so she decided the best defense was to go back to the offense to use a phrase from her father who she used to watch football with.

"You can't love both of us," Dana said to her.

"But Dana I can and I do," Raven told her as she calmed down a bit but only a bit.

"No you can't you're heart just isn't capable of it," Dana told her.

"No my heart isn't but my mind is," Raven told her which just frustrated Dana to know end.

"No!" Dana said showing her frustration with this conversation which wasn't the way she had hoped it would go but the way she feared it would.

"Yes!" Raven told her.

Dana sat back letting out a frustrated sigh, she wasn't going to convince Raven of anything, she thought that Raven knew what love was really about but obviously she didn't have a clue as far as she was concerned.

The nights work and now this conversation left her suddenly exhausted. She just wanted a shower and sleep, she knew she should just go home but for some reason, she couldn't leave, not yet.

"I'm going to go shower and get some sleep," Dana said getting up.

She turned going to the door, she paused there wanting to say something that would convince Raven that she was right but when she saw the look in Raven's eyes, she knew there was nothing that she could say to convince her of the power of one's heart. So she went on inside feeling her heart breaking.

She did make it to the bathroom before she felt the first tears start to fall from her eyes. She stripped out of her scrubs, stepping into the shower that was just getting up to temperature. Got unto the water just as the sobs came and they came hard and fast. She was racked with tears as her heart broke knowing that she could never have Raven to herself, Raven just wasn't wired the same way that she was and she couldn't change that wiring that made her so smart and caring as a doctor but denied her true love that Dana sought from her. She leaned against the side of the shower letting her heart bleed until all the love she felt for Raven was gone. But Dana knew her heart could never bleed away the feelings that she held for the pretty doctor as Carol called her. But it could bleed enough that all she felt was exhaustion, both physical and mental so that she was numb enough to finish her shower and get some sleep.

She was glad to see that the bedroom was empty when she entered it. She went to the bed, letting the towel fall from her body before slipping under the covers. All she wanted was sleep and try to forget about the loneliness that she was already feeling, even as she went to sleep in Raven's soft comfortable bed.

It was a restless sleep but sleep all the same. Her dreams went from one scene to another with none connected and none having any meaning to her. There were all about either chasing someone or being chased but she didn't know whom she was chasing or why she was being chased. Just as she was about to be caught and she felt herself waking up, she felt some force envelope her and she was safe again. Her dreams disappeared and she was able to just sleep without any of her dreams disturbing her sleep.

When she did wake, she was laying on her side facing Raven whose eyes were open. Raven gave her a soft smile as she gave a kiss to her forehead. Dana looked at Raven for a moment trying to see within her soul to see why Raven couldn't love just her. While Raven let her stare, Dana was unable to see into the woman whom she loved so much yet could not have, at least not for just herself and she couldn't share her love for Raven anymore. She felt moisture come to her eyes and with those tears, she saw Raven's smile disappear.

Before Raven could say anything, Dana eased Raven onto her back while she moved on top of her. While she knew she would never share a bed with Raven again, she would leave her something to remember her by.

Dana pressed her lips to Raven's, kissing her not with love but with pure passion and lust. She used her knees to separate Raven's legs pressing her pussy against Raven's pussy. She grasped Raven's hands in hers pulling them up over Raven's head thus pinning her to the bed. She felt Raven let out a moan onto her lips as she opened them pushing her tongue into Raven's mouth. She began to grind her hips in against Raven's as Raven brought her legs up wrapping them around her hips. Dana felt her pussy getting wet as she felt Raven's doing the same. She wanted to make love to Raven the way she knew that Raven wanted and needed to be made love to.

She pressed her hips downward hard while moving up and down thus causing lots of friction between their pussies. She was soon panting as was Raven though she continued to kiss Raven face and lips. Dana felt her clit start to get sensitive but this was one time she was determined to deny herself; she just wanted Raven to cum and cum hard. She twisted her hips just slightly, enough to ease the pressure against her clit while keeping the pressure on Raven's clit. She kept pushing against Raven's pussy until she heard Raven let out a groan and she felt her body stiffen as she came hard.

Dana slowed down the movement of her hips, keeping Raven going before she stopped for a moment allowing Raven to enjoy her orgasm. However as soon as Raven began to move again and her eyes blinked open, Dana began to push her hips downward and pressing their soaked pussies together.

"Noooo wait baby..." Raven cried out as she tried to free her hands however Dana just gripped Raven's hands tighter and she pressed her lips against Raven's lips cutting out whatever she was going to say.

Raven resisted for only a moment before the friction against her sensitive clit got the better of her. Raven was the stronger of the two of them but in this case, Dana had her at a disadvantage, a disadvantage that she was intent to exploit fully. She felt Raven giving in with when Raven wrapped her legs tighter against her hips. Raven began to move her hips in rhythm with Dana's moments, like they were made to love one another which just made Dana's heart ache that much more.

She wanted to just make Raven cum again but her own body was betraying her. It needed its own release and this time it was going to have its way. So Dana pressed her pussy against Raven's wet pussy giving in to her own needs. Their juices combined to make their pussies so slippery. Dana groaned as she felt her own clit get so sensitive that she couldn't hold her own orgasm off any longer. She pushed down harder and she got the response she wanted from Raven, she felt her body stiffen and she groaned as her body surrendered to her orgasm, just as Dana's body was doing to her. She too let out a loud groan as she too felt her orgasm wash throughout her body.

Dana felt the release that her body needed though for the first time, the release left her sad. She felt so tired yet she knew it wasn't just that she was physically tired but also emotionally tired. She felt Raven begin to stir under her and she knew that Raven would want to talk but she had said all that she felt that she could say without bursting out into tears.

She kissed Raven lightly on the lips as she released her hands. Then before Raven could say anything, she said softly to her, "Go to sleep my love, we'll talk later I promise."

Raven relaxed as Dana hoped she would, her eyes came open for only a moment before closing again. Dana kissed her all so lightly on her cheeks, forehead, and nose before she felt Raven fall off to sleep. She knew that Raven would want to talk more once they woke up so she lay there a moment more just to look at the lady that she loved so much before giving her a last light kiss to the lips.

She slipped off of Raven, who stirred for a moment, before falling back to sleep. Dana stood by the bed trying to freeze this moment into her head, looking down at the beautiful woman she had fallen so hard for. She wiped a tear from her eyes before turning and leaving the bedroom. She went to the bathroom, putting back on the clothes that she worn there as she didn't want to take a shower afraid that it would wake Raven. Besides, she still had a couple of hours before work and she just wanted to leave and get back to her little condo.

She then went to the kitchen finding the notepad and pen that Raven kept by the refrigerator to make her grocery list. She hesitated for a second wondering if this wasn't the chicken's way out. She knew it was but she wasn't sure that she could go through with it if she had to face Raven and her sad eyes which she knew they would become. As a tear fell from her right eye, she placed the pen to the paper.

"What you doing?" she heard Raven ask from the kitchen doorway.

Dana almost dropped the pen she was holding, she now knew that she would have to face Raven and that was the way she knew it should be. She wiped the tears from her cheeks before turning to face Raven, who was at least wearing a robe, something she was thankful for.

"I'm writing you a letter," Dana said looking Raven in the eyes and seeing them turn sad which broke her heart but then her heart was already broken.

"What kind of letter?" Raven asked not moving toward her, just standing in the doorway.

"A Dear Jane letter," Dana said to her.

"I see," Raven said not appearing to be surprised by her. "Would you read it to me?"

Dana wasn't surprised by Raven's request though she did have to take a moment to think about what she wanted to say, what she felt she had to say.

"I'm setting you free, I hope that you..." Dana wanted to say "the cunt" but she bit her tongue wanting to be civil, "... and Connie have a nice long life together..."

"That's it?" Raven asked looking more than a little bewildered.

"Yes that's it, there's nothing more to say," Dana said thinking of all the things that she wanted to say but couldn't see that it would change things and she couldn't live with the way things were.

"But you love me and I love you," Raven said as she stepped toward her.

Dana put out her hands catching Raven and thus keeping her at arms distant. She saw the hurt in Raven's eyes but she couldn't stop what she had started. "I know but I can't share you. I'm too selfish a person to do that..."

Dana leaned in giving Raven a kiss to the cheek, and then she walked on past her. As she was walking toward the door, she was hoping that Raven would come after her or at least tell her to stop however she neither happened. That just made it worse but also told her that Raven could and would be able to live without her. She just hoped that she could do the same.

She opened the front door, rushing through it not bothering to shut it behind of her. She rushed down the steps hoping that she could hold off her tears as she felt her heart breaking. When she got into her car and started it, she looked up at the front door. Again she hoped that she would see Raven rushing out after her or at least, looking hurt in the doorway. However all she saw was Raven shutting the door. Dana let out a sob and she almost lost it but then somewhere inside of her she gained the strength not to let Raven see her out in her car sobbing. She let out her breath, quickly got herself together before easing out of Raven's life.

When she got onto the highway, she began to push Raven further into the back of her mind. She still had to work that night and her patients needed all of her there. She had used her job and her need to care for people to get her through rough times before and she could do it again. She wasn't one to chase after someone who didn't need her as much as she needed them. By the time she got home, she had begun to feel her emotions numbing. She couldn't hold it in forever but for a short while she felt that she could. She even made it through her shower without breaking down and thus she was able to get ready for work, though she never realized that she had left her overnight at Raven's cottage, with Raven confronting her like she did.

"Are you all right?" Carol asked of her once the evening shift had left and they had checked on all their patients.

"Yes I'm fine," Dana said curtly hoping to end the conversation before it got started.

"You sure you don't want to talk?" Carol pressed.

"There's nothing to talk about, now let's get some work done tonight." Dana told her and then she went back into the nurse's station to check on their stock of supplies.

She hoped that Carol wouldn't follow her and she didn't. A part of her was hurt that she didn't say anything more and a part relieved that Carol went back to her knitting. Dana made sure that she kept her distance from Carol thus limiting any possible conversation; however she noticed that Carol was keeping an eye on her. Carol was even more stubborn than she was so she knew that Carol hadn't given up.

Dana hung back when they both clocked out. She made a point to tell Carol that she'd see her that evening as she talked to one of the other nurses clocking out. She felt like she had made it through the night, now all she had to do was make it through the day but then she could sleep away most of that.

As she went up the last steps that led to the level of the parking lot that she was on, she looked up to see a determined Carol leaning against her driver's side door. Dana felt all of the emotions that she had been holding inside of her begin to surface.

"You're coming home with me young lady," Carol said to her leaving no doubt as to what was going to happen, plus the fact that Carol had her by her hand didn't give Dana much choice.

Dana didn't reply to her, she just let Carol lead her to her car where Carol placed her into the passenger seat. Before Dana knew it, Carol was behind the wheel and starting the car.

"I sent Lenny off for the day so it'll just be us girls," Carol said with a soft smile. "I'll get you through this, I promise."

Dana felt Carol's right hand patting her knee. That alone freed her to let her emotions out. "She didn't choose me..." Dana said softly as she began to cry.

"I sort of figured that but we'll deal with it, I promise," Carol said.

Dana sat there letting her tears fall as Carol drove, neither of them talking as that would come later. It took Carol about twenty minutes to get to the small house that she and Lenny raised their boys in. By the time that Carol had parked the car in the driveway, Dana had gotten her emotions back under control and she thought about telling Carol to just take her back to her car. She didn't want to burden her with her tale of love lost, but again Carol took control.

"Come on in, I'm sure that Lenny has some of my special tea ready for us, we can have a nice little chat." Carol said getting out of her car making like they were just two friends meeting for a sip of morning tea.

"That'll be nice," Dana replied in a monotone that belied her real emotions.

Carol deposited her on the couch as she hurried into her small kitchen to fix her special tea, not that there was anything really special about it other than it was served with Carol's love and her experience of getting her boys through several girlfriends that left them high and dry. And also a couple of girlfriends that her boys had done wrong as they weren't always the ones being dumped.

A moment later, she came back into the living room carrying a tray with two steaming cups of tea, milk and sugar containers, and some cookies. She set the tray down on the coffee table in front of the couch before going around the table to sit next to Dana.

"Let's see, I believe that you like just a little sugar in your tea," Carol said looking at Dana.

Dana didn't hear her; she just saw the age lines around Carol's eyes but more importantly, the concern and love in those eyes. Dana felt all the emotions come back to the surface, this time she couldn't force them back down.

The tears that were falling from her eyes blurred her vision and her heartbreak caused her to say, while sobbing, "Why didn't she chose me? She says that she loves us both but how can she really do that?"

"I don't know honey, I wish I did but I don't." Carol told her as she pulled Dana in against her holding her tightly as Dana sobbed. Her emotions racked her body as sob after sob poured out.

Dana cried hard for a few minutes as Carol rocked her in her arms. Dana felt so safe in Carol's arms, like she knew that Carol would make everything okay and help her to understand Raven's feelings but also her own feelings. She was the one to let herself fall for a woman she knew was seeing someone else. However that she pushed back as she began to feel anger toward Raven for not picking her.

"She didn't even come after me or even try to get me to stop, why is that? Is there something so badly wrong with me that she can't love me?" Dana said as the sobs came back with a vengeance.

"Oh no honey, there's nothing wrong with you, the fact that you're hurting so much right now proves that." Carol told her.

It took a few minutes for what Carol said to break through her brain and another minute or two for her to stop her sobs and get herself back under control.

"What do you mean?" Dana asked, confused as to the point that Carol was making.

"Here you go," Carol said as she held up a couple of tissues from the box that Dana hadn't noticed before.

"Thanks," Dana said, taking them to blow her nose and a couple more to dry her eyes.

Carol then cleared her throat getting Dana's attention. "Honey you have a great capacity to love and that is a great trait to have." She said pausing a moment to let Dana digest that before continuing, "However that also means that you're open to get your heart broken. Honey you got a heart that makes you a great nurse, a great person and one day a lover to a woman who is just as capable of love as you are and that will be one great romance."

Carol gave her another hug and a kiss to her forehead, "You'll see that I'm right."

"I hope so," Dana said blowing her nose once again and then drying her eyes.

"How about I warm this tea back up and you tell me just exactly what happened," Carol said patting Dana's knee before getting up.

Dana didn't wait for Carol to warm up the tea to start talking; she got up with Carol following her to the kitchen as she began to talk.

"When I got to Raven's place, I went on in as she told me to do. I heard her out on the back pouch talking. I know that I shouldn't have listened in but I did." She said while sitting at the table as Carol reheated their tea.

"Oh yes you should, I would have" Carol said giving her a grin that Dana couldn't help but to return making her feel a little better.

"She was making plans to meet her friend this coming weekend when I was hoping that we could go to a play. But anyway, I kept listening and when she hung up, she told her that she loved her, in the same tone of voice that she told me. That really hurt and I just had to confront her on it." Dana told her.

"Good for you," Carol said sitting across the table, giving Dana her tea.

"I asked her about how her heart could love two people at the same time and you know what she said," Dana asked.

"What?" Carol asked not that she really had to.

"She had the gall to say that the heart was just a muscle pumping blood and that I should know that. I should also know that the mind was where true emotions lie and it was capable of lots of things, including loving more than one person." Dana said still not believing Raven would say that.

"She didn't!" Carol said obviously surprised by this.

"Oh she did and she said that even with my nursing classes, I should have learned my anatomy." Dana said to her.

"Oh she has fooled us both," Carol said, "I'm sorry that I encouraged you to go after her."

"It's cool, I would have no matter what you would have said," Dana said honestly.

"Still..." Carol said and Dana could see that Carol was feeling bad about it all.

"Still I'm a grown woman and I make my own decisions," Dana said to Carol making sure that she didn't find Carol at fault in the least.

"I just didn't think our lovely doctor would think like that, it's almost a cold way of looking at things," Carol told her.

"Maybe not cold but just clinical way of thinking of love, like it was something to study and control," Dana told her.

"Maybe so..." Carol said as she appeared to be not entirely convinced of just what Raven was or how she really thought.

Dana sat back in her chair and suddenly felt exhausted, the rush of emotion had took everything that she had left in her reserves plus not really sleeping all that well the day before. "Would you mind taking me back to my car, I just feel so tired..." Dana said with a sigh.

"Yes I would mind," Carol replied though she had a soft smile while saying it, "However I can get you a nightgown and let you sleep here where I can be around if you need me."

"I don't want to put you and Lenny out," Dana said though the thought of just staying there sounded good.

"Well I already kicked Lenny out for the day and you'll never put me out," Carol told her. "Now let's go see what I can find for you to wear."

Carol just chatted away as she took her back to her bedroom. Dana didn't really hear what Carol was saying, something about what Lenny was going to do. Carol didn't seem to mind if she was listening or not, she was just talking to keep Dana from having to talk and that was all that mattered. Carol went right to her dresser, pulling out a long cotton nightgown that appeared to have never been worn. Carol then deposited her in the bathroom so that she could freshen up before getting some sleep.

When she came out having washed her face of her eyeliner that had run with her tears, she did feel a little better. The gown was a little big on her but it did feel comfortable and that was all that mattered. She went to the guest bedroom that she had used before, finding the covers already pulled back for her. She had just gotten in, when Carol came in carrying a small tray with more of her tea.

"I thought a nice cup of tea would help you sleep," She said setting the tray down on the nightstand.

"Thank you," Dana said to her.

"It's nothing," Carol said with a smile as she started to turn to leave.

Dana grasped Carol's wrist, stopping her, "I don't just mean the tea," Dana said to her.

"I know," Carol replied as she sat down on the edge of the bed. "One day when Lenny finally pisses me off, it might be my turn to sleep at your place." She gave Dana a frown like this was a real possibility.

"Yea right, if that was possible, the man worships the ground you walk on and I don't believe half of what you complain about him." Dana told her.

"Well he does piss me off at times, but I don't know what I'd do without the man." Carol said honestly.

"That's what I thought," Dana said smiling but then she frowned as she let out a sigh, "I thought that maybe Raven would be my Lenny."

"I was kind of hoping that myself," Carol said patting Dana's hand and then she did something to surprise her. She leaned over giving her a light kiss to the forehead, like a mother would a child. "Now drink your tea and get some sleep, we'll talk more once you've rested."

"Yes mom," Dana said and she saw Carol smile, a smile that warmed her heart, her broken heart.

Carol got on up from the bed, going out the door but not before looking back at her. Dana knew she was making sure that she'd be okay, so she gave her the best smile that she could, it was a sad smile all the same but at least it was a smile. Dana sat up, taking a sip of her tea. She tried not to think of anything but Raven wasn't far from her mind. She took another sip before her body and mind told her that it needed sleep. She put the cup back on the tray before sliding down in the comfortable bed.

She only lay there for a moment or two before sleep came to her. Her dreams were filled with Raven but always short scenes without any real conclusion to them. She woke up a couple of times when the dreams became too intense for her mind, yet she was always able to go back to sleep. So while her body did rest, her mind didn't get too much rest as the demons played out in her head. When she did wake up, she looked at the clock to see that it was a little after six in the evening.

She got up going to the bathroom to pee and splash water on her face. She looked at herself and she still looked tired with dark areas under her eyes that she didn't like seeing. She saw the hair brush that Carol had left out for her so she brushed out her hair. She then went looking for Carol to see if she was up, but of course she was, sitting in the kitchen, drinking a cup of tea and talking to Lenny on her cell phone. Dana gave her a smile as she went over to the counter, pouring herself a cup of tea just as Carol said goodbye to Lenny.

"You didn't have to get off the phone for me," Dana told her.

"Oh that's fine, Lenny was just checking to see if you were doing okay," Carol told her.

"And what did you tell him?" Dana asked just curious.

"I said that you were just fine, a little heartbroken but fine and you are." Carol replied.

"Yes I am, tell him not to worry about me." Dana said not wanting either of them to worry about her.

"Can't do that, you're our daughter, we'll both worry whether you like it or not," Carol said like Dana's mother would say.

"I appreciate that but like you said, I'll be fine," Dana said as she sat down opposite of Carol just as Carol got up.

"So what you want to eat?" Carol asked going toward her pantry.

"You don't have to..." Dana was saying when she got a frown from Carol so she finished her sentence with, "...anything will be fine with me."

"Anything it is," Carol said now smiling. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Dana said.

"You knew that Raven was seeing someone else, though we both had hoped that she had ended that, why did you pick now to end it?" Carol asked.

"I don't know, I just got tired of it and when she said that the heart was just a muscle that pumps blood then I just knew that she would never change," Dana said with a sigh. "Saying that shows that she has no sense of romance and love, what love really is."

"Maybe or maybe not," Carol said.

"You think I was wrong to end it?" Dana asked a bit defensively.

"No honey I don't, there always comes a time when you must make them chose as I did with Lenny." Carol said before she turned to face Dana, "I just wonder if she really believes what she was saying."

"Why do you say that, you weren't there when she said it," Dana told her.

"No I wasn't but I have seen the way she looks at you, I think somewhere deep inside of her she does love you." Carol told her.

"But not enough of her..." Dana said sighing.

"No not enough," Carol said but Dana could see that Carol wasn't convinced that Raven was heartless.

"Well she's Connie's problem now, I went as far as I could go," Dana said and that was something that she was convinced of.

"Then let's move on to happier things," Carol said making an obvious change of subject.

"Please, I'm already tired of Raven and talking about her," Dana replied wanting to think about something other than Raven and her two timing heart or rather two timing mind.

Carol was able to keep the conversation away from Raven as she cooked them a nice well balanced meal; she was even able to keep it off Raven while they ate. However once they sat in the living room relaxing, Dana began to talk of Raven again. Carol just smiled and listened to her talk it out. She held her when Dana cried and handed her tissues to let her wipe her eyes and blow her nose.

Dana kept talking about Raven until Carol had to shower and change into her scrubs. This gave Dana time to think things through and she was thankful she had such a good friend as Carol to lean on when she needed her. Even though their ages were separated by more than a few years, Carol seemed to be able to understand her. Once Carol was ready, she took Dana back to her place so that she could shower and change.

That night, Dana kept herself very busy, even when there was nothing to do; she found something to occupy her hands and mind, with her mind being the most important thing she needed to keep busy. She didn't go down to the cafeteria during her meal break and she noticed that Raven didn't come to their floor during the night, though she did find out that morning from other nurses that Raven had visited other floors.

She and Carol were scheduled to be off the next night however Dana didn't want to be just sitting around all day so she picked up another shift so she would have something to do. She lucked up, getting to work in the neonatal unit so she was on her feet all night with not much time to relax and thus not giving her mind time to think about the lovely doctor on the first floor.

When she got off that morning decided that she needed a hard workout so she went to the advanced Zumba class. So needless to say when she got back home, she was exhausted and ready for a shower before bed where she fell off into an exhaustive sleep. That was the way she made it through the week, working hard and even harder when she got off hitting every Zumba or dance exercise class that she could just to tire herself out. This didn't mean that she didn't think of Raven and how much she was already missing her, it just was her way to get through the heartbreak, well that and crying when she lay in her bed and all she could do was think about how much her heart ached.

"You know Rachel has decided that since she's a teenager, she needs some new outfits so she's talked me into going shopping with her tomorrow afternoon, you want to come with us?" Carol asked after they got things settled down Friday night.

"No you and Rachel have fun, I don't want to interlude on your time together," Dana told her.

"Well Judy, Madison, and Lilly are coming too, we're going to make it a girl's night out," Carol said with a big grin. "And Rachel really wants you to come..." she added.

Dana began to suspect something since Carol was just now bringing this big shopping trip up with her oldest granddaughter and her three daughter-in-laws. This would be something that Carol would have mentioned long before now unless... "Just when did this trip come to be?" Dana asked.

"Oh a week or so now," Carol said not looking up from her knitting.

"Now Carol you can't lie anymore than I can, what's up?" Dana asked.

Carol looked up trying to look shocked that Dana would even suggest her motives but she couldn't pull it off, "Okay so I'm worried about you spending the weekend alone while..."

"While Raven is off with her girlfriend?" Dana asked.

"Yes but I really didn't have to twist any arms to convince my daughters-in- laws into going and Rachel really does look up to you, you can convince her that something isn't right for her, besides it'll be fun." Carol said to her. "So you'll come or do I have to wake Rachel up and get her on my phone?" she then pulled her personal cell phone from her pocket.

Dana knew that Carol wouldn't dare call her granddaughter at midnight but Dana played along, "Okay I'll go."

"Great, we'll have fun, you know how my daughter-in-laws can be fun," Carol said.

"You did get lucky that you ended up with three daughter-in-laws that you love and get along so well." Dana told her.

"It wasn't luck, my sons knew better than to marry any girl I didn't like or approve of," Carol said seriously before she let her lips form a big smile but then she had to add. "Yes I did get lucky there."

"They are a fun bunch," Dana said beginning to warm up to the idea of spending the afternoon with Carol and her daughter-in-laws. "Thanks for doing this for me."

"It's for all of us dear, to get away from our men," Carol said with a laugh.

"And my wayward woman..." Dana added.

"Her too," Carol replied.

End of Part Six

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 7

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