Winning Dana's Heart

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 24, 2014


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Winning Dana's Heart

Part Four

By Chris

"Yea, come on out," Raven said.

Dana slowly finished opening the screen door allowing Raven to finish her call. "It feels nice out here," Dana said with a smile though she didn't feel like smiling at the moment.

"Yes it is, did you sleep well?" Raven asked putting her cell phone into the pocket of her robe.

"Definitely, you wore me out today so I slept hard." Dana said sitting down in the wicker chair.

"I'm not sure who wore out whom more," Raven said with a little wink making Dana smile despite herself.

"So you hungry? I think we got time to fix something or we can stop somewhere on the way in." Raven said as she stood up.

"Let's fix something," Dana said getting up with her.

They went inside, going to the kitchen. Raven had Dana sit at the table while she whipped them up a light meal. Raven did most of the talking as she worked though Dana noticed that she never mentioned going away for the weekend. Dana wanted to wait her and out and see when she would mention it but she couldn't hold out.

"You know Carol's granddaughter is turning thirteen and they're having a party for her Saturday, would you like to go with me?" Dana asked just as Raven was about to put her fork into her mouth.

Dana noticed that Raven's fork stopped for a second before she put it on into her mouth. She chewed for a moment and Dana knew that Raven was trying to figure out how to answer her question.

"I wish I could but I'm afraid that I've made plans. I really would like to go with you and meet Carol's family." Raven said sounding sincere.

"That's okay, I don't think going to a thirteen year old girl's birthday will be all that exciting," Dana said however she allowed her face to show her disappointment.

"I'll make it up to you I promise," Raven said to her trying hard to show that she meant that.

"No it's cool," Dana said making herself smile.

"We can do something tomorrow morning if you like," Raven said to her trying to make up for the weekend.

"I can't tomorrow morning, I've got to run some errands," Dana said not really wanting to be with Raven before she went to see another woman but then she had another idea, it was a bit of a mean idea but one she couldn't stop from making.

"You know we could do something Friday morning..." Dana suggested with a smile.

Dana again had to stop just before her fork reached her mouth. This time she had to hesitate a little longer to make up her mind. This way Raven would have her on her mind over her weekend, at least she hoped so.

"Yea, sure that will be fine," Raven finally said to her.

"Cool, how about you coming to my place this time. I got something for us to do." Dana said smiling like she did have something planned which she didn't but she would. The main thing would be that Raven wouldn't get out of there before Dana had made love to her several times.

"So what you got in mind?" Raven asked.

"Mmmm... you'll just have to wait and see won't you..." Dana said putting a little mystery into it all.

That night she and Carol were very busy with their floor full of patients. She didn't get to have her meal break with Raven though she did see her once when Carol had to call her up to see a patient. For Dana this actually worked in her favor which Carol agreed with when she was able to tell her about overhearing Raven's conversation and also what she had done. She had Carol help her think of something that she could do with Raven on Friday so that Raven would be forced to think about her over her weekend with the other woman. Carol did come up with an idea and Dana thought about that as she cleaned her condo when she got off. She didn't really have any errands to run but now she did have something to do.

That evening, the floor was still full and though she could have made her meal break, she chose not to, making Raven wait on her. She hated playing games with Raven and that was something that she had never done in any relationship. However she had also not ever fallen for someone like Raven before.

"So what you got planned for us," Raven asked as she came inside of Dana's condo.

"Hopefully something that'll you'll enjoy," Dana replied evasively.

"That gives me a lot of information to go on," Raven replied.

"It gives you all you need to know..." Dana replied. "Here put these on."

"What's these for?" Raven asked taking the sweat shorts and sleeveless sweat shirt; much like what Dana had worn when went riding on the beach.

"These look like something one would wear when they're going to the gym to work out." Raven said taking the clothes from Dana.

"True and I admit that you're close though we're not going to a gym." Dana told her. "You did bring a sports bra didn't you?"

"I did," Raven said proud of herself for thinking to bring one.

Once Raven was dressed much like her, Dana took her down to her car. She talked mostly about work as she drove and Raven was content to listen and ride, not asking where they were going. It was only when Dana pulled into the parking lot of the workout center that Dana spoke up.

"I thought you said that we weren't going to a gym," Raven commented as Dana pulled into a spot to the far right of the entrance.

"We're not, this is a workout facility," Dana said with a grin.

"I stand corrected but it's still a gym," Raven said to her.

"It is but we're not going there." Dana said proud of herself.

"And where are we going?" Raven asked.

"There," Dana pointing to the right of the workout center.

"Oh that's a dance studio, we not going to take dance lessons are we?" Raven asked like this was something she really didn't want to do.

Dana laughed, "Well not exactly, they do have dance lessons there but they do lots of other things too, including holding Zumba classes."

"Oh cool, I've always wanted to try that," Raven said excitedly.

"Well they do an advance class in the mornings, that's what we're going to do." Dana said to her.

"Oh..." Raven said stopping. "Can't we start with a beginner's class?"

"Don't worry; you're in great shape so I know you can keep up. I mean if I can do it, then you can." Dana assured her.

"But that's just it I've never done it, I don't know the moves..." Raven said looking worried. And the fact that several very fit women were walking in just added to Raven's worry much to Dana's delight.

"Come on, you get to watch me lead the class today," Dana said taking Raven's hand leading her on inside before Raven would see the less fit women that were walking behind of them.

Jane one of the nurses at the hospital actually taught the class so it wasn't hard for Dana to get her to let her lead this morning. She would be taking her clues from Jane but hopefully Raven would be too busy to notice. Dana led Raven onto into the large room where they class would be held. She let go of Raven's hand telling her that she just had to talk to another one of the nurses from the hospital that also took the class.

"I thought you said that this is an advanced class, it's not, it's a beginner's class. Karen and Sharon told me that they had just started last week." Raven said when Dana got back to her a few minutes later.

"Damn, I took us into the wrong room, we need to go to the class next door," Dana said as she started for the door.

"No this one will be just fine," Raven said taking her hand to stop her.

"Oh well, I guess we can stay if you insist," Dana said as if she was conceding to Raven's request.

"Don't give me that, this is the class that you meant to take me to," Raven said with a smile.

Dana laughed, "Yea I did but there is an advanced class however it's held later and meant to train new instructors."

"Have you gone to it?" Raven asked.

"Yea but I really don't have time to be an instructor," Dana told her. "Besides this one is more fun. It's made up of moms and women who just want to lose a few pounds or get some exercise while having fun. We take lots of breaks and Jane usually keeps us laughing."

As if on cue, Jane came bouncing into the room greeting everyone while getting everyone's energy up. Jane came on up to the front of the class, putting in her CD that they would do their Zumba.

"Okay ladies, we all ready to have some fun?" Jane asked loudly.

"Hell yes!" was the chorus reply from everyone, well except Raven who was caught off guard.

"Great!" Jane said just as loudly. "We got someone new to Zumba today, come up here Raven."

Dana looked over at Raven whose jaw had dropped and she saw Raven give her a mean look before she went up to Jane's side. "Now let's welcome her in and help her to have fun with us."

Raven got several shout of welcome before Jane allowed her to return to Dana's side, upon which Raven gave her another dirty look.

"I got another surprise for you, Dana is going to lead us today." Jane said waving for Dana to come forward.

Dana saw Raven giving her another dirty look for leaving her side when she didn't know what she was going to be doing. Everyone clapped for Dana as she stepped to the front of the class.

"Thank you, I hope I can make this as fun as Jane does," Dana said to the group. Dana saw Raven slip to the back of the class and Dana wasn't going to have none of that.

"Raven why don't you come to the front, that way you can see better." Dana said with a big smile.

"That's okay, I can see just fine from here," Raven said.

"Oh no, the front is better, ladies lets encourage Raven to the front of the class." Dana said.

"Oh no..." Raven said as the twins, Karen and Sharon took her by the arms leading her to the front, right beside of Jane.

"Thank you ladies," Dana said giving Raven a big grin as Raven shot her a look to kill.

Only then did Jane hit her remote and the music began to play. Dana had been in enough classes to know what to do plus Jane was helping her, she was able to start the class slowly. She saw that Raven begin just slightly behind the moves but being the smart and fit woman that she was, she quickly caught on. Soon she was smiling and getting into the class.

"You set this all up didn't you?" Raven asked as they both sucked down their bottle water.

"Who me... little ole innocent me?" Dana asked as she was grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes you!" Raven said, "And you're not so innocent..."

"Sure I am," Dana said before she burst out laughing.

"Okay ladies, you ready for round two!" Jane yelled cheerfully.

"Hell yes!" came the reply with Raven joining in this time.

Jane went to the head to lead the rest of the class, this way Dana could do the class with Raven at her side though she didn't mind being in front of her and watching Raven sweat. Jane got them going at a bit of a faster pace than Dana was doing but then Jane was good to give them a couple of more breaks before the she ended the class. By then they were all soaked in sweat and had worked off a lot of calories. They all talked for a while before it was time for another class to start, so they all had to part ways, each going back to their own lives.

"So what's next?" Raven asked when they got back into Dana's car, both wiping the sweat from their faces, now caused by the hot car as much as their Zumba class.

"I got another workout in mind," Dana told her while starting her car and getting the air conditioner going.

"And just where will this workout be held?" Raven asked.

"Mmmm... I thought maybe my bed would be the perfect place..." Dana said with a grin.

"Oh I think I'm really going to enjoy this next workout," Raven said giving Dana a wicked grin.

"Me too," Dana said reaching over taking Raven's hand in hers and giving it a squeeze.

As soon as Dana closed the door, she grabbed Raven's hand pulling her into her bedroom where she promptly pushed her down onto the bed. She saw Raven looking lustfully up at her as she pulled her sleeveless sweatshirt off and then her bra. She hooked her thumbs into her shorts pushing them and her panties down, leaving her naked for Raven's eyes to gaze lustfully upon. She could see the desire in Raven's eyes and she loved how that made her feel, knowing that Raven desired her so much.

Dana moved over to the bed, climbing up over Raven's body with her hands on the bed beside of Raven's shoulders and her knees at Raven's hips. Dana lowered her head down giving Raven a light brief kiss to the lips. Just as she felt Raven's hands touched her breasts, she pulled her head up breaking off the kiss.

"No... No... you just lay there and enjoy." Dana told Raven grasping her hands, placing them to Raven's sides.

She got a groan from Raven but also a smile. Dana put her hands to the bottom of Raven's sleeveless sweat shirt, pulling it upwards. Raven arched her back and then raised her shoulders so that Dana could get it off. Next came Raven's sports bra, Dana so wanted to kiss Raven's hard nipples but she had other plans for Raven. Dana scooted down the bed, placing her hands to Raven's hips. She grasped the shorts in her hands, pulling them and Raven's panties downward. Raven raised her hips up off the bed allowing Dana to get them down her legs and then off leaving Raven very naked. Raven opened her legs allowing Dana to see her lips begin to part showing her arousal with the moisture showing between those swollen wet lips.

This time Dana didn't resist her urge, she lowered her head down to Raven's pussy. She inhaled her sweet aroma of her arousal that was mixed with the sweet aroma of her sweat. She placed her tongue at the bottom edge of Raven's pussy, tasting the mixture of her pussy juices and sweat. She slowly began to move her tongue between Raven's pussy lips.

"Oh fuck yessss..." Raven groaned out and she groaned louder when Dana's tongue went across her engorged clit.

However Dana didn't stop at Raven's clit much to Raven's displeasure. Dana slowly snaked her tongue up to Raven's belly button tasting her sweat and liking it. She teased Raven's belly button, going around it several times before continuing it journey up Raven's body. She got up between Raven's breasts and she felt Raven's body tense. She knew what Raven wanted her to do so she did the opposite, passing by those lovely breasts up to Raven's neck. She gave a kiss to the center before licking over to the right and then going back around to the left.

Raven was moaning and groaning with desire. Dana planned on getting Raven so revved up that she would think she was going to die before she got to have the orgasm that she desired.

Dana moved her tongue back down from Raven's neck going down between her breasts. This time she did go toward the right breast. She stopped at the edge of the swell of her breasts. She eased her tongue down along the bottom edge of the swell of Raven's breast. She slowly licked her was around the breast stopping when she completed the circle. She eased over to the left breast stopping at the edge and then again circling the breast. She heard Raven groaning with desire and she noticed that Raven was gripping the sheet about to tear it apart.

Dana had her about where she wanted her but not yet. She raised back up, placing her hands to Raven's hips, pushing down on the right one and pulling up on the left. Raven got the hint, rolling over onto her stomach. Dana got back over Raven, parting her hair with her fingers. She lowered her head down until her lips were just touching the back of Raven's neck. She kissed her softly there getting a muffled moan from Raven who had her face buried into the pillow. Dana nuzzled her face against the back of Raven's neck, kissing and nipping at her skin.

She gave a kiss to the top of Raven's spine before she began to lick her way downward. She tasted the salty sweat as she licked. When she got to the top of the cleft of Raven's asscheeks, she paused to tease Raven there with the tip of her tongue while putting her hands to Raven's hips. She moved her head on downward, letting the tip of her tongue run along the cleft of Raven's ass. She heard Raven giggle yet also moan. She stopped when she got to the junction of Raven's legs which were pressed together. She felt Raven trying to open her legs so that she could lick her pussy however Dana had her knees positioned to the outside of Raven's knees preventing her from doing so.

Dana moved her tongue back up along Raven's butt cleft, this time using the flat of her tongue causing Raven to wiggle her ass while moaning aloud. Dana eased her hands up over Raven's asscheeks until they got to the cleft. Using her fingers, she slowly eased those wonderful tight firm globes open to reveal Raven's pink rosebud. She pursued her lips gently blowing her hot breath against the top of her ass cleft. She slowly moved downward until she was blowing against Raven's asshole. She heard Raven groan in pleasurable frustration.

When she ran out of air, she inhaled before placing the tip of her tongue against the top of Raven's cleft, she eased it downward slowly until she touched the edge of Raven's rosebud. She ran her tongue around the outer edge feeling Raven try to push her ass upward however her hands were stopping her from doing so. She teased the outer edge of Raven's asshole with the tip of her tongue circling it over and over again.

Raven had this deep guttural moan that she was emitting. Dana knew that she had teased Raven long enough so she removed her tongue from Raven's rosebud but not before giving it one swipe with the flat of her tongue. She took a hold of Raven's hips, using them to turn a limp and willing Raven over. Dana saw that Raven's face was flushed and her breathing was ragged. Her pussy was as swollen with arousal as she had ever seen it and her juices were leaking onto the sheet. Dana dropped down onto those swollen pussy lips, sucking hard upon them. She tasted Raven's sweet juices, drinking them down. Raven's clit was swollen, peeking from its hood. Dana sucked a moment more before going to that sensitive clit. She gave it a lick causing Raven to arch her back as an intense orgasm washed over her. Dana sucked harder making the orgasm that much more intense before she released Dana's clit before she began to hurt her. However Raven was leaking gobs of girlcum that Dana was ready to suck from her pussy. She drank that down, loving how they tasted and that she has caused her to cum that hard.

Raven was out for a bit longer than normal which Dana expected. When Raven began to stir, Dana slipped two fingers into her tight pussy. She began to slowly finger fuck Raven's pussy. She licked around her fingers as they moved in and out of her pussy.

"Oh no baby... no more... come up here..." Raven moaned out.

Dana replied by moving her fingers in and out of Raven's pussy a little faster while going deeper. Dana felt Raven's fingers against the sides of her head urging her upwards however she didn't heed Raven's call.

"Noooooo..." Raven moaned though she began to move her hips, pushing back her fingers.

Raven's fingers stopped trying to pull her up; instead she used them to hold Dana's mouth to her pussy which was still licking around her fingers. She licked up the juices that her fingers were bringing out of Raven. Dana turned up the heat by using a twisting motion with her fingers as they moved in and out of Raven's tight pussy. Dana licked her way back up to Raven's sensitive clit, licking it all so tenderly.

"Ohhhhh...," Raven moaned while raising her hips up against Dana's mouth. Dana began to suck very gently against Raven's bud while her fingers moved in and out of her pussy going in deeper and harder.

A moment later Raven let out a moan that had to have come from within her soul, so deep and passionate it was. Dana felt Raven's pussy clamp down on her fingers as they kept moving in and out of her. Dana sucked harder causing Raven to arch her back and almost convulse with an intense orgasm. Dana gave a final thrust of her fingers as she sucked hard on Raven's clit before she stopped allowing Raven to get lost in the pleasure of her orgasm.

Dana pulled her fingers from Raven's body, licking then clean before placing her mouth over Raven's pussy so that she could suck the girlcum from Raven's limp body. When Raven's pussy stopped leaking its girlcum, Dana gave a kiss to her clit causing Raven to let out an unconscious moan. Only then did she slip up in the bed. She lay beside of Raven seeing her body glow from the pleasure that she had given to her. She kissed Raven's cheek getting no response from Raven, she was out cold. Her body was spent from the morning's exercise and what she had just done to her. She pulled Raven to her, hugging her close and kissing the sweat from her forehead. She felt so much for Raven right then as her heart went out to this woman who she would do anything for; with that thought in her mind did she fall asleep.

She woke up feeling nice. She slowly opened her eyes to see that she was alone in her bed. She sat up stretching to get the sleep from her eyes and body. She looked at her clock to see that they had a couple of hours before they had to go to work. She heard a noise from just outside of her bedroom and then she heard Raven turning on the shower. Dana smiled as she got up walking quietly to the bedroom door, waiting to hear Raven pushing the shower door closed.

She slipped into the bathroom seeing that Raven was standing under the shower. She went on into the bathroom going to the shower. She went to the backside of the shower, slowly easing the door open.

"Mind if I join you?" Dana asked while stepping into the shower.

"Please do," Raven said turning around, giving Dana a big smile.

"Why thank you," Dana said stepping up to Raven, enfolding her in her arms. She gave her a light kiss breaking it off only to kiss her again, this time letting the kiss linger as she opened her mouth so that she could let their tongues kiss as their lips were doing.

"I think you gave me a view of heaven this morning," Raven told her with a soft smile when the kiss ended.

This took Dana aback for a moment as she started the lovemaking with the intention of making Raven think about her when she was with the other woman in Raven's life yet she knew in her heart, that wasn't the real reason she wanted to please Raven that morning. It was at first but as soon as she began to make love to her, she just wanted to make the woman that she loved so much in her heart to feel good.

She saw Raven giving her a questioning look when she found that not only did she not know what to say to Raven, she realized that the running water was a strong reminder that she forgot to pee before entering the shower. Raven's body made her forget all about the pressure she was feeling when she had woke up.

"Shit!" Dana said really feeling the urge to go.

"What?" Raven asked with alarm in her eyes.

Dana smiled trying to relieve Raven's fear, "Your beautiful body caused me to forget that I needed to pee. I'll be right back." Dana said before she started to turn to open the shower door.

"Wait," Raven said while reaching out to her.

Dana saw that Raven was biting her lower lip and she had this strange look on her face. Dana had never seen Raven with such a look of fearful doubt yet there was also a need there.

"What is it Raven?" Dana asked momentary forgetting that she had to pee so badly.

Raven didn't answer; instead she turned to shut off the water. When she turned back around to face her, Raven placed her hands onto Dana's hips. Dana saw the intense look in Raven's eyes as Raven slowly got down on her knees in front of her. Raven scooted forward as she sat back on her heels so that she ended up with her knees against the back wall of the shower with Dana right over her. Dana had no clue as to what Raven was doing or what she wanted from her. She just saw Raven's eyes pleading to her; it was like Raven desperately wanted her to do something for her but what it was Dana had no clue. That is until she felt Raven's hands on her knees pushing them outward. Raven keep looking up at her as she eased her face forward until it was in front of Dana's pussy. She opened her lips while still looking up into her eyes.

"No Raven I can't..." Dana said realizing just what Raven wanted from her. She had heard of such things but it wasn't something that she had any desire to do.

"Please..." Raven said and Dana saw Raven's eyes water up. "No one has even done this for me; they think I'm sick to even think..."

This about broke Dana's heart to see this need in Raven and also how ashamed that Raven felt of herself. Dana squatted down putting her hands to Raven's face making her look into her eyes.

"Honey, you're not sick, far from it." Dana said giving Raven a kiss and seeing Raven's try to smile.

"Yes I am," Raven said looking down.

"No you're not," Dana said to assure her that she wasn't saying it just to make her feel better.

"You're just saying that," Raven told her.

"No I'm not, I mean it." Dana said giving Raven a kiss.

"You sure?" Raven asked.

"Yes Im sure!" Dana said forcefully giving Raven another kiss to reinforce what she was saying.

"Okay..." Raven said with some hesitation.

"Though this does explain one thing..." Dana said with a grin.

"What's that?" Raven asked.

"Why you love that author that I can't read while at work anymore..." Dana said giving Raven a wink.

"She does like to put a peeing scene in all her books doesn't she..." Raven said letting out a little laugh.

"She she does and somehow she manages to make them erotic..." Dana said as she stood back up having made her decision.

She opened her legs up feeling the need to go again but she also realized that she was also feeling more than a little excited which confused her but she went with it.

"Just tell me what you want," Dana said moving her hips closer to Raven's face.

"You sure?" Raven asked again while placing her hands to Dana's hips. Dana just frowned at her making Raven smile.

"Yes I am," Dana said as she turned her frown to a smile.

Raven gave her a heartwarming smile, "Try to just let a little bit at a time to come out." Raven said to her.

"I'll try but I do have to go," Dana said to her.

"I know, it'll be fine," Raven said and Dana felt Raven's fingers slip around to her ass cheeks caressing them thus causing her to feel more aroused.

Dana moved her hips out so that her pussy was closer to Raven's slightly parted lips. Dana looked down at Raven's awaiting mouth trying to let a little of her pee go but she found that she couldn't go. The pressure to do as Raven wished overwhelmed the pressure her bladder was placing on her.

"Close your eyes and relax baby," Raven told her softly.

Dana wasn't so sure that this would help the disappointment that she was feeling right then. However she did as Raven asked, closing her eyes trying to relax. This did help her to relax a little but not enough and that was starting to frustrate her. That is until she felt Raven's tongue touch her pussy. She began to think more about how nice Raven's tongue felt moving against her lips arousing her more. This did help her relax enough to fulfill Raven's fetish.

She felt a few drops leak out that Raven licked up. This seemed so nasty to her but for some strange reason it was also very arousing. She hesitated for a second before letting a few more drops slip from her bladder. Raven licked even deeper between her lips like she didn't want to miss a drop of her pee.

Dana felt Raven's lips cover her pussy as she let a small stream come from her pussy and she was surprised that Raven's lips didn't leave her pussy so that she had to be drinking it down. Dana had to see if Raven really was drinking her pee so she opened her eyes. She could see Raven's eyes smiling back at her as she drank down her pee and seeing Raven do that was more erotic than she would have ever believed. And then she noticed that Raven's right hand had left her ass and was vigorously frigging her own clit. Now this really got Dana aroused as Raven was obviously getting off on being peed upon.

However that was when her ability to control her flow left her. She had held it in for too long and it began to flow. She was afraid that she would choke Raven with her pee but Raven seemed to be prepared as she moved her face back letting the pee hit her face and then on down onto her breasts. Raven moved her upper body on back letting the pee splash off her breasts and down onto her pussy. Then she would bring her mouth up to get more of her pee and drink it down.

Dana surprised herself when she let out a moan that made Raven smile up at her. Dana was peeing hard and she felt her pee splash off of Raven's face onto her lower legs. Dana peed for only another moment more before she finished emptying her bladder. As the last of her pee fell against Raven's breasts, she heard Raven moan loudly as she arched her back as an orgasm swept through her body. Dana could only watch as Raven's face and throat turned red from her orgasm. Dana's own pussy was practically dripping with her juices as well as the last drops of her pee. It took Raven a couple of moments to recover and all Dana could do was to watch her and feel good that she had pleased Raven so much.

When her eyes fluttered open, Dana could see the appreciation in her eyes and also maybe some relief that Dana didn't have this look of disgust on her face. Raven then gave her a sexy wink before she put her hands back to Dana's ass pulling her toward her mouth. Dana let out a moan feeling Raven's tongue against her pussy, licking up the last few drops of her pee. Dana's pussy was so aroused and she felt her juices really start to flow. Raven was gripping her asscheeks as she licked up those juices. Dana put her hands to the back of Raven's head holding her to her pussy as Raven's tongue started to slip deeper between her lips. Dana never dreamed that doing something this weird and kinky could get her so aroused yet that is what was happening so she went with it. She pulled up on Raven's head getting her to lick against her sensitive button.

"Oh god Raven, you're going to make me cummmm..." Dana moaned when Raven pressed her lips against her clit as she sucked hard. She felt Raven begin to use her tongue against her clit, licking it hard and fast. This soon sent her over the edge. Her knees went weak and she felt herself falling back against the shower wall before she slid down the wall to the floor.

When she came out of the pleasurable fog of her orgasm, she found that she was sitting on Raven's lower thighs with Raven smiling at her but then she saw Raven bite her lower lip. She just about knew what was about to come from Raven's lips. Dana stopped her from saying that by putting her hands to Raven's cheeks, bringing her in for a kiss. Raven's lips tasted of her pussy juice but there was also a slightly salty bitter taste that she knew was her urine. It wasn't as bad as she thought that it would be, not great but not that bad. When she pulled back, she still saw some doubt in Raven's eyes so she kissed each of Raven's cheeks where her pee had splashed before pushing Raven back by the shoulders enough that she could gave a kiss to Raven's right nipple and then the left one, getting a full taste of her own pee.

"Did you think me weird?" Raven still asked when Dana looked back into her eyes.

"A little..." Dana said honestly getting the expected frown from Raven.

"Oh..." Raven said dropping her chin downward with a deeper frown.

Dana put the fingers of her right hand under Raven's chin forcing her to look into her eyes. She grinned as she said, "But then again so am I... I mean I just peed all over you and then kissed the very places that I peed. So that probably makes me a little weird too."

Raven finally gave her the smile that Dana was looking for, "Thank you for playing along with me, I know it wasn't something that you wanted to do."

"I didn't at first but it did arouse me for some strange reason..." Dana admitted to her.

"I noticed," Raven replied with a grin.

"Is this something that you might want to do again?" Dana asked wanting to know just where Raven was taking them.

"Yes," Raven replied as her cheeks grew red.

"I'm not sure that I can return the favor if you know what I mean," Dana told her honestly wanting to make sure that while she might be willing to do this again she wasn't willing at this time reverse roles.

"I do and I don't want to pee on you, I just want you to do it to me..." Raven assured her. "It's just that it has been a weird fantasy of mine for so long and now that I have done it, I know that I like it. However never has my fantasy been to reverse roles."

"Did you cum hard?" Dana had to ask knowing the answer by watching her but she also wanted Raven to say it.

Raven grinned as she took Dana's right hand moving it down between her legs. Dana had to lift up to allow Raven to open her knees and once she did, Raven placed Dana's hand against her pussy. She felt how wet and swollen Raven's lips were as they were obviously aroused and coated with her girlcum.

"Oh I see that you did..." Dana said with a grin. "I saw you frigging yourself as I peed on you..."

"I just had too, it was just so fucking hot," Raven said shyly.

"Yes it was," Dana said softly as she began to slide her fingers against Raven's wet pussy.

"Ohhhh..." Raven moaned as she closed her eyes.

Now that she knew how much Raven really did get into this fantasy, she decided to go with it. She put her left hand to the back of Raven's head bringing her forward until Raven's left ear was beside her lips causing Raven to raise her ass up just a bit.

"You know I'm pretty good at being able to hold my pee in so that when I go, I go for a long, long time. I'll let just a little go at a time so that you will be able to enjoy it longer and longer." Dana whispered into her ear.

"Oh godddd..." Raven whispered hoarsely.

Dana moved her fingers to Raven's engorged clit rubbing it hard with lots of pressure as she whispered to her, "I'm going to pee all over your lovely face and onto those pretty lips then down on those perfect tits. I might even lick those perfect tits clean afterwards..."

That was as far as Dana had to go as Raven arched her back and moaned. Dana felt Raven's girlcum coat her fingers as she moved them away from Raven's sensitive clit to her pussy. She loved the feel of Raven's slippery juices against her fingers as she gently stroked her.

"You got a dirty mind there girl," Raven said breathlessly when she began to come back to life.

"Oh do I? I have always thought my mind was squeaky clean..." Dana said innocently.

"Yea right," Raven said with a big grin and then she pulled Dana to her hugging her tightly.

Dana hugged Raven all so tightly feeling her wet body against hers, knowing where most of wetness came from. She felt her own pussy spasm and she knew that she had definitely given Raven something to think about this weekend but then again Raven had also given her lots to think about.

They hugged for a few moments before Raven pulled back, "I think we both need a shower now," Raven said with a grin.

"Definitely," Dana said giving Raven a kiss before she, with Raven's help, got back to her feet. She helped Raven up holding onto her until Raven got the feeling back into her legs.

Dana got the shower going again and once the water was warm, they took their time washing each other, with more than a little kissing and caressing added in. By the time that they had finished their shower and dried their hair, time was beginning to run out of them. Dana only had time to fix them a sandwich before they had to dress and get to work.

Carol had taken the night off so Dana didn't get to talk to her. She ended up on the surgery floor helping to take care of patients that had surgery that day and were being kept overnight. It was a busy night and they only time she got to see Raven was when she had to come up to see a patient who was in a lot of pain. It wasn't one of her patients so she only got to see her and not talk which made it worse.

She so want to see Raven when she got off however with so many patients on the floor, she had to work over to help out until the day shift nurses could get all their reports and take over. She clocked out going first to the doctor's parking lot only to find Raven's car already gone. She felt her heart break a little knowing where Raven was going in such a hurry. She was more than a little hurt that Raven didn't try to see her first or maybe not go at all but she knew that wasn't really realistic and may never be which really depressed her.

She walked around the hospital hoping that the clear cool morning air would clear her head. It only helped a little, so she tried to think of Carol and what she would say to her. She kept that in mind as she went home and as she lay down to get a couple of hour's sleep, just enough to get her through the day.

It was later that afternoon, once all the presents had been given out and the cake and ice cream eaten that Dana was able to get to talk to Carol alone with some privacy, sitting on the swing away from all the kids playing games in the back yard.

"So how did it go?" Carol asked after her daughter-in-law had brought them some ice tea and then moved away to let them talk.

"Interesting," Dana said as she stared out into the distant thinking over that very question herself.

"Just interesting, that's all you're going to tell me?" Carol asked in a voice that sounded a bit hurt which knocked Dana back into the present.

"I'm sorry," Dana said shifting in her seat so that she could face Carol and talk; really talk.

"It's okay you don't have to say anything, I'm just here if you need me," Carol said in her grandmotherly voice, full of love and caring.

"I want to but you know how I wanted her to remember me while she was gone, think about me more than her?" Dana asked.

"Yes," Carol said not bothering to remind Dana that she helped her decide what to do.

"Well she ended up doing something that is going to make me think of her probably more that her me," Dana said somewhat sadly.

"Why don't you start at the beginning," Carol said to her.

"There's something weird at the end," Dana warned her deciding to tell it all so that Carol would know what she was talking about.

"How weird?" Carol asked.

"Mmmm I would say on a scale of one to ten, I'd give it a seven and a half." Dana told her.

"Okay I can handle a seven and a half but not an eight," Carol said with a big smile making Dana laugh.

"Well..." Dana said pausing to take a deep breath before starting at the beginning and going through to the end, including not being able to see Raven before she left.

"That is interesting and our dear doctor did give you something to think about," Carol said and then she sat back and thought for a second before she spoke again. Dana could see that she was thinking all this over so she stayed silent letting Carol get her thoughts together.

"You said that no one had ever done that for her before, right?" Carol asked sitting back up.

"Yes that's what she said." She replied.

Carol sat back, taking a sip of her tea. Dana was dying to hear what Carol was thinking and she so wanted to tell her to hurry up and say something. However she again stayed silent even if it was killing her to do so.

"I'd say that she'll be thinking about you a lot this weekend," Carol finally declared.

"Why do you say that?" Dana asked.

"Because you went past your own reservations about her fantasy, playing it out for her when the "Other Woman" wouldn't go past her own reservations," Carol explained.

"That's true," Dana said letting out a sigh that she had been holding in.

"But you know that it's going to take a lot more than that to win her over, you've got to show her that you love her and she has to show you that returns that love." Carol warned her.

"I know that too," Dana said.

"Good," Carol said reaching over and giving her hand a squeeze. "But I have to tell you that was way closer to a ten than a seven and a half."

Dana laughed seeing Carol scrunch up her face, "No let me assure you that it was a seven and a half."

"Well if you go past that, then I don't want to know," Carol said laughing a little but being serious too.

"Don't worry, it won't go past that," Dana told her.

"What if that's what required to keep her?" Carol asked.

"Then I guess I'll have to let her go," Dana said letting out a sigh, "Though I might end up letting her go anyway."

"You don't know that yet dear," Carol told her and Dana could see that she was trying to reassure her but she saw in Carol's eyes that she believed that was a real possibility.

They didn't get to go any further than that with their conversation as the birthday girl came over to reclaim her grandmother. Dana hung around to help clean up before leaving while the night was still relativity young, she was tiring out. It had been a long night at work and she was going on only a couple of hours sleep. Once home, she looked around her home which seemed empty for some strange reason and then she knew why and that reason was with someone else at the moment. Instead of dwelling on that, she went on back to her bedroom, shed her clothes and lay down. She hoped that the tiredness that she was feeling would help her to sleep which thankfully it did.

Sunday she did her best to keep herself busy; she went out shopping for groceries early before the stores filled up. Then she set about cleaning every inch of her little condo. She tried not to think about what she would say to Raven when she saw her on Monday at the hospital, but her mind went there anyway. One thought that kept echoing into her head was to ask Raven if she had fun with her "Cunt" over the weekend. The "Other woman" had somehow become "The Cunt" in her mind. Every time she thought of that, she told herself that it was the wrong thing to say. It might and probably drive Raven to defend her friend and thus drive Raven further from her.

That wasn't what she was after but then what was she after that took her mind in a different direction and it told her that she was the new woman in Raven's life and really she was the real "other woman". However it made her feel a lot better to think of Raven's friend as the "cunt" and not her. Another thought was that if Raven invited her over after work was to turn her down for a couple of days to show that she was hurt by what Raven was doing. This she figured was the best way to get her point across however asking if she had fun with "Her Cunt" was still echoing in her head when she finally went to bed late in the night.

Dana got up early, going to the workout center to do a session of Zumba, silently hoping that Raven would have come back early and show up. She knew it was a silly dream so she wasn't surprised when Raven didn't show. But that still didn't mean that she wasn't disappointed. She knew she was a bit of a dreamer when it came to romance and that she would never have the romance that she dreamed in her head. Raven was just another woman that she had chosen that had no hope of fulfilling her romantic dreams.

After the workout, she talked to Jane and a few of the other ladies for a while before heading home for a shower and a nap later that afternoon so that she could get through the night.

"So you going to take your meal break at your normal time?" Carol asked her after they had gotten their patients settled in for the night or at least for the moment.

"I don't know, I haven't decided. I might just wait her out and see if she comes to me," Dana said like she meant it but they both knew better.

"That might be a good way to play it," Carol said giving her a knowing smile.

"I think so too," Dana replied.

They both got busy so they didn't have much more time to talk until it was about time for Dana's meal break. Dana had been thinking things over and finally decided to do exactly what she had told Carol she was going to do but...

"I'm going to go take my meal break," Dana said hating herself for giving in but she had to see Raven, she just had to.

"Ok, take your time," Carol told her and Dana felt relieved that Carol didn't remind her that was the opposite of what she said that she was going to do.

Dana felt herself getting nervous with each step that she went down. She even tried to slow herself down only to find that she was going faster. When she got to the floor of the cafeteria, she had to stop and make herself take a couple of deep breaths allowing herself to calm down before opening and heading out with her head held high.

When she went through the doors of the cafeteria, she found that Raven was already sitting at their table. She had her laptop in front of her, which she appeared to be studying some patient's file. However Dana knew Raven well enough to know when Raven was really concentrating on something and when she was pretending to do so. This made her feel a little better and soften her heart a little as well as her anger.

She got something to eat and drink and she couldn't resist worrying Raven a bit so she looked around the room as if trying to decide where to sit. She noticed that brought a frown from Raven, only then did she head toward Raven. She came to the table, sitting down and then she opened her juice to take a sip. She didn't say anything to Raven who seemed to be trying to read her thoughts. She kept her face neutral so that Raven couldn't do so.

"So how was Carol's granddaughter's birthday party?" Raven asked.

"Oh it was great, she got lots of presents and loved every second of attention that she got." Dana said smiling thinking of the new teenager who ate up the attention with maturity.

"That's great, I'm glad that you had fun," Raven said.

"I did," Dana said and then she made a point of not asking Raven how her weekend was, instead she asked, "So is the walk-in clinic busy tonight?"

"Oh yes, even had a woman to come in having a heart attack. She didn't want to come in but her husband forced her to." Raven said to her.

"He saved her life, I bet," Dana said with a smile proud of the woman's husband for making his wife come in.

"Yes he did and I told him so but I also told her too," Raven said with a smile. "So you busy?"

"Mmmm... not too bad, we're about half full, just enough to keep us going but nothing serious... so far." Dana told her.

And so that was how the conversation went as they ate. Dana made sure to keep the conversation on work and not on anything personal and for sure not on how Raven's weekend went. That she didn't want to know unless Raven had dumped the cunt which she obviously didn't do.

"So would you like to come over for breakfast after work, I'll cook us up something good to eat," Raven asked as they both started to get up to go back to work.

"I don't know, I've got some things to do when I get off," Dana said to her.

"Please... I'd like for you to..." Raven said with Dana hearing a little desperation in her voice that she liked.

"Ahhh... well maybe I can come over and eat but then I really must leave," Dana said planning on to do just that.

"Thanks," Raven said smiling but Dana saw that wasn't the way that Raven had wanted things to go.

Dana was an hour late getting off as the head nurse for that floor had some new policies that she wanted to go over with the night and dayshift nurses, something that neither she or Carol had been told would be happening. Dana always hated when this happened as most times it was mostly things that really didn't affect her or Carol but still they had to be gone over and signed off on. However this morning, it worked out perfectly for her as that meant it left Raven wondering where she was and if she was going to show up. It wasn't until the training was over was she able to text Raven why she hadn't showed up yet. She could tell from Raven's return text that Raven had indeed been worrying.

When Dana got out of the parking lot, her first thought was to stop by her place to get a clean uniform for that evening. Then she fussed at herself for even thinking that way. She was going to go there, eat, and then leave yet a part of her knew that wasn't what she really wanted to do. She wanted to stay there and make love to Raven, to spend the day with her. So when she got close to where she would turn to go to her place, she found that she had turned on her turn signal. She sighed as she made the turn going to her condo where she got a change of clothes before hurrying back to her car and onto Raven's beach cottage. She did make one last stab of being difficult as she left her clothes in her car when she got out of her car just in case things didn't go well.

"Hi there hope that you're hungry," Raven said opening the door just as Dana stepped onto the porch.

"A wee bit," Dana smiling liking that Raven had obviously been watching for her to arrive.

"Good, I got everything ready on the back porch where we can enjoy the view of the sea as we eat," Raven said stepping aside to let Dana enter.

"Yes we can," Dana said with a smile getting a good look at the silky robe that Raven was wearing. It was a light pink in color and while tied around the waist, it was done so loosely with the robe flowing down to her ankles. It did look very sexy on Raven and Dana felt a tingle go through her body. She could see that the sea wasn't the only scenery that Raven wanted her to look upon. She could see that Raven didn't have a bra on and she wondered if she also didn't have any panties but that she wasn't so sure of at the moment. Either way, Raven was obviously intending on not letting her leave after breakfast.

"That's a pretty robe you have on," Dana as she slipped by Raven as she entered the cottage.

"What this old thing," Raven commented but she was smiling as she did so.

"So what we having?" Dana asked turning to wait for Raven join her after she had closed and locked the door.

"Well actuality I lied about cooking for you," Raven said showing that mischievous smile of hers.

"You did?" Dana said giving Raven a questioning look.

"I stopped by an old coffee shop and picked up some pastries and latt‚s that are to die for," Raven said coming up to her and taking her hand.

"What you trying to do fatten me up?" Dana asked smiling at her.

"Maybe..." Raven said with a big grin. Dana felt Raven squeezing her hand and without thinking she squeezed back knowing that wasn't the signal she wanted to be sending.

Raven escorted her out to the back porch talking about how pretty the morning was and how clear the sky was. Raven was setting her up and Dana knew it yet she was powerless to stop her. Raven sat her down in her chair that was turned at an angle so that Dana would be able to see the ocean while also seeing her in the opposite chair opposite the small table that to Dana's surprise had nothing on it. Raven excused herself to go back inside to get their latt‚s and pastries. Dana sat back listening to the waves crash into the sand and see the pretty blue sky without a single cloud. It indeed was a pretty morning with the sound of the waves relaxing her. A couple of moments later Raven appeared through the screen door carrying a tray with two large cups and a plate of delicious looking pastries.

"Here let me help you," Dana said starting to get up.

"Oh no I got it, you just sit and enjoy the morning," Raven said coming around her and setting the tray onto the small table.

As Raven bent over, more than really necessary for the task at hand, the tie on her short robe magically gave away letting the robe to open every so slightly. While Dana wasn't able to see anything at that moment, she knew that Raven did intend for her to soon. Raven didn't say anything nor did she retie her robe, she just smiled as she picked up one of the cups turning to hand it to Dana. This is when Dana was able to see Raven's right breast uncovered with her nipple already hard. Dana took the cup feeling the warmth within but she also felt the temperature of her own body rising ever so slightly. Raven gave her a warm smile before leaning back over to place her cup by her chair. She picked the tray back up, moving in front of Dana.

Dana looked first not at the pastries on the tray but just below the tray where she saw that Raven was wearing indeed wearing panties. A pair of panty briefs the color of which matched her robe, a light pink though the panties were a bit more sheer, in fact they were very sheer. Dana could see through them to Raven's bare pussy and that there was a small but growing wet area on them.

"I'd try the apple; it practically melts into your mouth and tastes wonderful, full of favor." Raven said innocently though Dana wasn't so sure that Raven was talking just about the apple pastry or something else.

Dana had to pause for a second to get her thoughts back together before she looked up into Raven's smiling eyes, "I think I will, I'm very sure that it does have a mouth watering taste." She then glanced down to pick up the apple pastry before looking up into Raven's eyes and she slowly licked her lips. She swore that she heard an almost silent moan come from Raven's lips. She figured that two can play this game and she was as good at it as Raven.

Raven moved back to the table setting the tray down before sitting down across from Dana. "I'll think I'll have one of those myself, I'm dying for something very tasty to eat this morning." She said leaning over picking up the pastry thus allowing Dana to see a bit of her left breast.

When Raven sat back, she did adjust the robe so that the beginnings of the swell of her breasts showed and the robe opened around her hips so that her pretty sheer pink panties were in plain view.

"So how was your meeting this morning?" Raven asked changing the subject which Dana appreciated.

"Boring as usual, you know how those things are, much ado about nothing," Dana said with a sigh.

"Yea but they got to do it," Raven said defending the hospital a little.

"True but why does the night shift always have to stay over, why can't they have one of the night shift management do it for us?" Dana asked.

"It doesn't work that way and you know it. I'm sure that they got a good reason to do it the way that they do," Raven countered.

"Don't tell me that you're defending them?" Dana asked not believing it.

"Yes in this case I am, you know just because they're in charge doesn't make them wrong," Raven told her.

"Doesn't make them right either," Dana said to her.

"Well it is a good hospital so they must be doing something right," Raven told her seriously.

"Only because they have nurses and some doctors that care about their patients," Dana told her just as seriously and while it wasn't the argument she was wanting, it would do. "It's us who keep this a top notch hospital not the administration. And now that the state isn't going to expand their Medicare rolls then many people that could have had insurance won't have it and with no insurance they no way to receive good healthcare."

"Oh god, please don't tell me you're a liberal democrat," Raven said more than asked obviously surprised that Dana, who was raised in the south, could be anything other than a conservative Republican.

"No, actually I'm an independent but I do lean that way," Dana told her forcefully. "And I bet that you're a republican by the way you think!"

"Yes I am, we can't afford more people depending on the government for everything right now," Raven spouted back.

"We can't afford to keep the poor alive and healthy you mean, it's cheaper to just let them die," Dana said feeling her blood pressure rise.

"Now that's not fair, we don't want them to die, just get a job and then they'll have insurance coverage!" Raven almost shouted at her.

"Oh god! You are an honest to god republican aren't you!" Dana said to her.

"Yes I am and proud of it, my grandmother was a republican and believed that everyone has to make their own way in life, nothing is ever given to them," Raven said to her.

"Much like the way you put yourself through school and medical school without any help," Dana said with a smile knowing that she had Raven on this point.

"But she worked for her money," Raven said to her.

"Yes she did but you didn't," Dana told her scoring another point.

"Okay I had help," Raven said and before she could go on Dana spoke.

"And so should the poor and the working poor," Dana said proudly.

Raven sat there for a moment trying to think of a comeback but it failed her much to Dana's pleasure. After a moment Raven looked away from Dana, taking a bite of her pastry thus their argument ended for the moment as they both finished up their pastry and looked out at the ocean.

"I do have a question for you," Raven said putting her cup down and standing up.

"What would that be?" Dana said watching as Raven come over to stand in front of her.

"Would an liberal independent such as yourself be averse to having a Republican such as myself kiss you?" Raven said while opening her legs and sitting down onto Dana's knees with her own knees spread out wide on the outside of Dana's thighs.

Dana felt all of her resistance fade away as she looked into Raven's pretty brown eyes, "She might not be..." Dana said putting her hands to Raven's hips.

"Good," Raven said with a grin before she leaned in for that kiss.

When Dana felt Raven's lips touch her lips all so lightly, she felt like her world was whole again, she had her Raven back in her life. She gripped Raven's hips pulling them toward her as they kissed. She felt Raven's hands at her sides pulling herself forward. Soon she felt Raven's panty covered pussy pressed against her abdomen and Raven's legs were now resting on the arms of her chair. She knew that Raven couldn't be comfortable but that didn't seem to be stopping her returning the kisses that Dana was now giving to her.

Dana felt the Raven's robe against her knees so she knew that it had to be wide open. Dana moved her hands to Raven's stomach and on up to her breasts. She grasped them in her hands making Raven moan into the kiss. She felt Raven's hard nipples against the palm of her hands making her own nipples harden under her bra. Their lips were open with their tongues touching inside of Raven's mouth only to move into Dana's mouth.

Dana gave a little pinch to Raven's nipples making Raven lean her head back to moan. Dana took this opportunity to attack Raven's neck with her lips, kissing her under her right ear and then under the left ear. She kept going from one side to the other as she moved her way to the center of Raven's throat where she gave it a nibble. Raven let out another moan that Dana muffled with her lips giving her a soft kiss.

She moved her right hand down from Raven's left breast down her firm stomach. She felt Raven suck in her breath holding it until Dana's hand got to the edge of Raven's panty briefs where their bodies pressing together thus stopping her finger's progress. Raven quickly solved that problem by sliding her ass back a few inches so that Dana's fingers could continue their journey. She slipped her fingers under Raven's panties going downward over Raven's soft smooth skin above her pussy. She felt the top edge of Raven's virginal cleft and then her clit, swollen and sensitive. Raven let her breath in a loud moan that Dana quieted with a kiss. She caressed Raven's clit for a moment before going on down to her very wet pussy. She ran her fingers along Raven's lips until she could slip her middle finger into her.

"Oh fuck me..." Raven moaned before pressing her lips back in for another kiss that Dana gave to her.

Dana was rubbing her palm against Raven's clit as her middle finger went deep into Raven's pussy. She moved her hand faster and harder; hearing Raven begin to pant until she could no longer return her kisses. Raven's panties restricted her hand's movement a little but she pressed on pushing her finger in as deep as she could. Raven wrapped her arms around her and began to move her hips up and down. Dana's hand was now slick with Raven's juices so that she could rub against Raven's clit even harder with Raven now humping against her hand. She felt Raven's body began to stiffen so she gave just a hair more friction against Raven's clit until Raven let her head fall back and she moaned as the orgasm hit her hard. Dana felt Raven's girlcum coat her fingers and also Raven's panties.

Dana slipped her hand from Raven's pussy, licking them clean wanting to taste Raven's girlcum. As she did so, she used her left arm to pull Raven's rather limp body against her. Dana kissed her cheeks softly and tenderly as she caressed her back with her arms. Slowly the life came back to Raven's body.

She moved her head back "Take me to bed and make love to me," Raven said is a raspy whisper.

"Just like a republican, I just gave you an intense orgasm and yet you're still not satisfied, you just won't stop until you get everything," Dana said with a very serious expression on her face.

Raven gave her a surprised look until Dana had to smile, "Oh shut up and take me to bed!" Raven said with a laugh.

"Yes my lady!" Dana said giving her a kiss.

End of Part Four

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 5

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