Winning Chocolate

By Justin Balancier

Published on May 22, 2016


Winning Chocolate - Part 5

Justin Balancier -

I began to wonder if this was the age of foolishness that Eddie and I were sharing. Was it moments of want, steeped in the spice of forbidden fruit? It certainly looked that way.

To quote Charles Dickens, "It was the best of times - It was the worst of times." It felt like we were living double lives, and indeed that's exactly what was happening. The sex was extraordinary but the timing couldn't be worse. But timing doesn't count for much when passion is involved; so we existed one day at a time.

I earnestly tried to avoid extra time with Eddie, struggling to get back on track. He dropped the "bro" talk and spoke to me like a neighbor. This lasted less than a week before it came to an end. I couldn't avoid him and didn't want too. Eddie was my black brother and calling me `bro' was who he was. All this nonsense only made us closer than ever. So we scrapped that idea like – yesterday.

We were friends. We were brothers – black and white and we used each other for sex. Only now I felt affection towards my black soul mate.

Eddie loved my white ass. I know that sounds trivial, but that was his way of talking to me without being mushy. Sometimes he would make snide remarks about my butt, which he loved to fuck.

I would call him a black bastard and he would put his arm around me with a sparkling smile and hold me close in a rugged way. He would say – "Now, you're gonna get it" and we would end up wrestling on the ground and laughing like teen agers.

I received text messages every day from Eddie and I would read email from him every night before going to bed. His words kept me hot and my dick leaking precum. In my mind I slept with him nightly jerking off and rubbing my cock juice into his mouth with my dick. He would also bottom for me and I'd fucked his black ass with a vengeance. He loved having me inside him and would back into my crotch just to get me aroused. It worked every time. Eddie was impressive, no doubt about it.

It was Friday evening when I received a late email from him.

It read...

"Romantics – is that us? I'm throbbing for something."

I sent a reply.

"Throbbing...humm? - that sounds romantic to me."

"That's not what I mean." He said

"What then?" I asked "Please meet me right now in back of the garage?"

"It's 1:00 o'clock in the morning." I said

"Tomorrow is Saturday and you can sleep late. Just do it." Eddie wrote

"I'll do it. Are you jerking off?" I asked

"Only if you want me too." He answered

"No comment" I wrote back "I'm leaving now."

We blended together in a gigantic degree of luxury. I think of it as luxury even though we fought tooth and nail on the surface to keep it strictly neighborly. It was difficult. Indeed, since we were larger than life. At least we felt that way and `larger than life' was a luxury that couldn't be faked.

It was a very warm summer night and there was a glow from the moon. It wasn't a full moon just a hint of lightness coming from the darken sky. The blackness was sprinkled with sparkling and quiet stars. The setting was reminiscent of a fairy tale or romance novel, and marked with a degree of excitement. I felt like a child on Christmas morning.

Eddie was already there next to his garage. He stopped at the garden shed and leaned against the door. I saw where he was standing and joined him in a matter of seconds.

"Eddie...what the fuck?" I started to whisper before he stopped me...

"Quiet, don't talk." He said

Eddie took both hands and put them on my face. He gently pulled me towards his face and kissed me on the lips. It was gentle at first and it woke a sleeping dragon in my soul. It was a moment I had thought about, but believed it would never happen. We considered kissing was a gay thing, so we never did that – until now.

I held on to him like a drowning man and kissed him with more passion than I believed possible. His tongue was in my mouth and I nibbled his lips and ran my tongue across his pearly white teeth. We tongue sucked for minutes which felt like eternity. I can't say sparklers went off in my head, but I got shivers that only the feeling of love brings to one's heart.

Our hands were all over one another. We were both bare-chested and I pushed so hard into him that the door to the shed creaked a little. Our bodies were together in a way we had never experienced before. Our cocks were confined in our pants hard as rocks and pressing against each other.

"Scott, I want you so bad." Eddie whispered - "No wait, let me re-phrase that. I need you."

"Stop stealing my line – I need you Eddie, so dreadfully that I can't sleep half the time.

I had my hand inside his pants and his cock was leaking. I dabbed some of his precum on my finger and we licked it off together.

Eddie put his hand on the back of my head and our faces touched. I licked his face like a puppy and he stuck his tongue in my ear, and then tugged gently on my beard with his teeth.

I used to hate that slobbering crap but with Eddie it turned me on like wildfire. I guess it just has to be the right person doing the slobbering. I no longer thought of it as crap. It was beautiful.

I was making love to his face and he worshipped me alpha style. I had never experienced anything more perfect.

"You are so fine-looking Scott – my Scott." He said "I've got that correct now – you are mine? He mumbled

"Jesus, yes, absolutely." I replied.

We continued holding each other and kissing for a little longer. We rubbed, touched and leaked like old drippy faucets, leaning against the shed door. There was no naked sex. The timing was not good. We did steal some badly needed affection by kissing, and that meant we had opened a new window.

I was back at the computer in no time flat. I was never missed by Laura those twenty minutes. Although I felt sneaky, I was okay with it.

I was about to turn off the computer for the night when I received an email from Eddie.

"Wow, that was fast," I thought to myself.

"Can't sleep, I'm gonna empty the old black log. Want me to save you a dry stuck together tissue? Ha ha, just kidding bro." he wrote.

"Sure, I'll take it, but I plan on drinking right from the faucet" I answered

"Dirty boy" he wrote

"Eddie, what the fuck am I going to do with you?" I said stealing his words and joking.

"You could try loving me." He wrote

"I don't have to try. You know I do. I just have to tell you in person face to face."

"That makes two of us" – tomorrow bro - good night." He said

"Night – definitely tomorrow" I wrote and signed off.

It was almost 3:00 am, and I fell asleep rather quickly. I didn't jerk off or even hold my cock. Instead I held a pillow in my arms. It isn't necessary to tell you what I dreamt about. It is obvious.

Often with the warmth of friendship there is love and sharing of pleasures. The dew of the heart finds the morning refreshing. And so it was with me the following morning as the sun streaked across the room. I felt refreshed.

The day was Saturday and Laura planned on some mall shopping. She wanted me to go with her. Marge couldn't make it, and Laura didn't like shopping by herself.

I didn't care for that idea. If I need something, I go buy it and leave. Walking around looking from store to store is horrendous for me.

"We can grab lunch at the mall." Laura said. "How does that sound?" she added

"Dreadful" I replied "I have to cut the lawn today,"

"You can mow it when we get back."

"Yeah, I suppose." I told her

As it turned out Laura went shopping with a couple of ladies she knew from work and I was saved from a horrible fate. It wasn't really horrible, but it wasn't my idea of a good time either.

After breakfast, I put on shorts that were tight enough to accent my butt. The day was quite warm, so I went outside bare chested to cut the lawn

Eddie and Madge were in the garden picking vegetables and I waved to them.

"Mornin, you two...beautiful day" I shouted

`It's great, Marge shouted back. "Does Laura need any tomatoes? She asked

"Probably" I said

"Well, tell her to help herself. We are picking up our new car today." Madge blurted out rather excitingly.

"Did you get the Honda or the Subaru?" I asked

"We both liked the Honda. It was Eddies first choice and it is a `looker' She commented

"Would you and Laura like to come with us to the dealer to get the car?" she asked

"Can't - Laura is going out and I have the lawn to cut." I replied

"When you're done, you can come over and cut this lawn too." Eddie chimed in.

"I'll see how much energy I still have when I finish here. It's going to be another hot one today." I answered

"Scott, pay him no attention. Eddie is only joking with you." she said

"I never do." I replied

Eddie was standing behind Madge making faces and smiling at me. He grabbed his crotch and licked his lips. I struggled not to look at him holding his bulge `cause I knew my dick would swell in the shorts I was wearing. I didn't want Madge to see that.

I continued mowing and a few minutes later, Madge and Eddie left to pick up their new Honda. They shouted, "We'll be right back" and drove away. A couple of hours later they returned.

I had finished cutting my grass and also Eddie's front lawn, which is not that big. The back and side lawn, I left for him to cut.

After showering for the 2nd time that morning, I sent a text to Eddie.

"How's the new Honda." I wrote.

"So far – so good – want to take a spin in a cool car?" He asked.


"This car is really something" – I told him, as I eased myself into the front. Eddie headed over Font Clair Terrace to the outlying part of the city. He was driving with one hand on the wheel and the other hand between his legs. He was making small talk and touching his crotch at the same time.

"Are you horny? Scott"– he asked

"If you're talking about that pole between your legs. – yeah, I want it."

"You are a nasty white boy Scotty – wanting my big ole black dick" He said jokingly.

"Then stop grabbing yourself and teasing me, you dumb prick." I said to him also joking.

Eddie unsnapped his shorts and worked to pull out his dick. It was tough driving and fumbling at the same time. But he did it.

The steering wheel and the console made it impossible for me to get between his legs while driving. It was a beautiful Honda but not designed for blow jobs.

Eddie turned down a side road going through the country and pulled into a rest area that was encircled with woods, paths, bushes and trees.The rest area was vacant except for his car parked in the shade.

"Look at me Scott I want to see your eyes – now tell me how you feel towards me." He said

I gave him a quick cheek kiss and said "You are fuckin awesome bro. If I wasn't married to Laura I would be sleeping with you right now"

"Me too" – he answered.

I rubbed his leg and put my hand on his cock. Eddie pulled his shorts down so I could fondle his nuts. I was captivated by the size of his big black balls. I went there every time. They were firm and the size of an orange filed with cum tasting like rosemary. It was an addiction for me. Every chance he got, he would lower his balls on my face just to please me and I could suck on them.

"I know Scott – You want me"– he said

"That's just a rumor" – I answered, trying to hold on to any masculinity I still had left.

Eddie got out of the car and went behind some thick bushes. The rest area was still empty and nobody was around. He moved over to where a large fallen tree was sticking up partially in the air and bent over it. His shorts were around his ankles.

I began kissing Eddie's naked waist. I rubbed and touched him all over. I kissed his firm black ass and licked his crack. He pulled his ass cheeks apart and my tongue found its mark. I tongue fucked his hole until I was tired and my cock was screaming to be next.

"Do it Scott – Do it!! - We can't stay here all day. Fuck me you pale face bastard." He said to me.

I tore open a sample packet of lube that I had in my shirt pocket and applied it to his butt.

I ran my finger through Eddie's crack and pushed a finger inside his dark hairy hole. He was warm and tight around my finger. My cock was so hard that it had no conscience and just wanted to get inside my brother.

I eased my dick inside his hot black ass. Eddie, this stud of a man, backed onto me and drew my cock into his body like he had done a couple of times before. He clamped his hole tight to give me the best fuck imaginable. That was all it took. I was fucking the strength out of my black bro and loving him more and more with every stroke. It was wonderful.

"I want to shoot my load lovingly into you." I said to him.

"What's this `lovingly' stuff?" he asked, "Just freakin cum."

"I want to stay inside you. I love you bro. "I told him.

"Is that you - or your cock talkin?" – He asked

"Stop analyzing every statement." I replied

"Yeah, let's skip the talk then. Fuck me whore. "He said

"So now I'm a whore?" I said

"So who's analyzing every statement now?" Eddie shot back.

I suddenly realized how stupid I was acting. We did so much fooling around and name calling in jest that I didn't recognize what was happening. I had to make this right between us and no more crap just for fun. This was serious business.

Eventually, I emptied a load into him with no screaming or fan fair. It was a loving powerful moment, believe it or not. That is the best way to describe it. It was powerful.

We pulled our shorts back up and sat on the fallen tree where Eddie had just been fucked. I put my arm around him.

"Can two married straight guys love each other?" – I asked

"People can love anyone they want to love – doesn't matter when it comes to love. You love me – don't you Scott? –That's not a question. - It's an observation and I can see the answer in your eyes.

I didn't answer, instead I said – "Bet I can beat you in arm wrestling."

"Bet you can't – he replied

"You're on – here we go again"

We sat on the ground and used the tree to hold our clasp hands locked tightly together.

We stared at each other and never moved.

"Oh screw it" – I said and pushed Eddie on to a bed of pine needles and broken twigs that were lying on the ground.

I sprawled on top of him and covered his chest with my body. I began kissing him feverishly. I kissed his mouth, forehead, ears, eyes and lips. I even sucked his nose into my mouth, which he didn't especially like, but let me do it.

He held my face and kissed me wildly shoving his tongue inside my mouth, sucking my face and trying to devour me.

We kissed swapping spit passionately and for that instant cared about nothing except this moment. Love was a long time coming and the flood gates were now open.

"Damn how I love you" - said Eddie, you mean so much to me Scott. So many times I wanted to tell you this way, but was afraid you would find it too gay.

"I don't think that way about us any longer. This is real. I would be a wreck if I didn't have you in my life". I told him. "You occupy my every waking moment. I get excited with every text message and I live to read your email. I am so in love with you". I said

"Cool it fool, calm down. I own your white ass. You belong to me and I am in love with you. We're married – yeah, we have wives - but that doesn't stop me from loving your ass. He said

We were on the ground holding each other with two burning hearts dissolving together into a single soul. We were men in love. It was all too extraordinary this long journey to find we were more than just neighbors.

A truck pulled into the rest area and we left the bushes and went back to the car one at a time.

We sat in the Honda talking for a few minutes. I said to Eddie.

"Now don't be getting affectionate with me in front of anybody."

"Affectionate!!! Hell, I don't even know your dumb ass." He answered

"Black bastard", I said

"Cracker whore" He replied.

Eddie grinned and squeezed my hand. I held his face and kissed him on the lips.

The truck driver was watching, but we didn't give a damn. My winning days had come to an end. We were in love...


Thank you for following the story about Scott and Eddie. Your comments have been so positive and kind. I appreciate everything.

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