Winning Chocolate

By Justin Balancier

Published on May 2, 2016


Winning Chocolate Part 3 Comments appreciated:

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************************************************************************ Part 3

Laura was big on volunteering, but mainly at the hospital. Now Madge has sparked her interest in real estate and especially open house events. I think Laura just wanted to see what type of people who went to these mortgage nightmares. It was ironic how they would ask questions with no intention of buying the property. But Laura enjoyed meeting people and stayed as long as potential buyers were interested in the house. It wasn't long before the clock ticked away the hours, and she was home after a day of house endurance

"Scott" – Laura cried out. We'll be eating in about an hour; you're probably getting hungry."

"Okay hon, but no rush, I ate late today." I really did eat late, as my nasty afternoon behavior saturated my warped brain. I had just gulped down a load from my neighbor's black nuts. But, that was a taboo subject; Sex with another man, yikes, was it ever

"How'd open house go today?" I asked

"Scott, you wouldn't believe how great it was. Laura replied

"You always say that." I said

"Maybe so, but today we had several couples come to see the new house for sale on Heather Court. Madge conducted tours of the house and property all afternoon and I pitched in wherever I could" - She continued talking on and on...blah, totally blah and more blah about crap that I labeled nonsense. Why, did I ever ask her? I had no interest in hearing all that, but pretended to listen.

I wasn't in the best frame of mind. My body was wounded after being fucked raw and slurping cum; but I replied like a predictable husband. "That's great, hon." I said.

I had showered and was putting on soiled free jeans, still warm from the dryer when Laura told me we were eating next door with the Gibson's.

"Okay: I replied

"Will you be much longer?" She asked, "We should get going."

"Going where?" I asked

"Scott, aren't you listening" We are having supper with Madge and Eddie. I just told you that."

"Oh yes, you did." I said

"Are you okay?" she asked

"Sure." I mumbled balancing on one leg getting my sneaker on my left foot. My balance seemed a bit tipsy and I ended up leaning against the door frame for support.

"You certain you're okay, you're wobbling all over the place?" "Positively, my leg's tired from working today and I banged it against some concrete blocks. I didn't see them. It will ache for a while, but it's okay. I did a lot of climbing in and out of machinery. I'm not sixteen anymore."

"No, you're better than sixteen. That's why the lonely women think my husband is hot." She said pinching my butt.

"Gruff," I snarled at her and she laughed at my silliness.

"I'm taking these biscuits over to Madge, come over when you finish getting dressed."

"Yup, got it, - go!!" I replied

Laura and Madge were fussing around in the kitchen when I got there. They were both talking and the clamor of dishes and cupboards opening and closing; as they went about getting supper ready.

I walked through the garage where Eddie was bending over putting posters in the back of his Subaru. I could have gone to jail any minute for what I was thinking. I believe it's called rape.

He didn't hear me coming and it's a good thing. I stopped and stood quietly behind him. He had changed from his dressed clothes, into jeans. They helped flaunt his awesome black body. They were faded and ripped slightly at the crotch and holes in the knees. Bending over I could see the outline pouch of big bull nuts hanging between his legs. His butt caught my attention. Good Lord this black stud was freakin delicious.

I clutched him by the ass for a quick feel and he jumped startled as hell and seemed annoyed.

"You motherfucker, leave my ass alone." he cried "You want to see me in trouble?" he said

"Nope, I want to see you naked. And don't call me a motherfucker..."

"Excuseeee me." He said "I must have you mixed up with some slutty crane operator."

"Fuck you" I replied – I wasn't angry, I just reacted with the first words that popped into my head. "It was nuts, but I loved this guy; no getting around that. It wasn't an affectionate `love', it was brotherly.

Realistically we worshipped each other. I know it may be arduous to understand, but that was how we rationalized our messing around like a couple of gay whores. The back and forth name calling meant nothing.

I didn't have any emotional ties towards Eddie; or him towards me. We convinced ourselves this was a clandestine outlet for man to man sex. Still, I thought about him regularly and my heart did race a little being near him. This is wild because I wanted him naked so I could lick his black balls, swallowing cum as it overflowed from a fat tootsie roll.

I ached to sink my cock into his yummy butt and ride my black stallion until he was hot, sweaty and hurting from being screwed by my extensive white dick. His bubble butt could take it and that is where I wanted to scrap my load. All this just by seeing the outline of his balls through the split in his jeans, was my desire.

Eddie didn't know what I was thinking. He put his arm around my neck like we were wrestling and said, "What the fuck am I gonna do with you?"

"The clowning around was humorous junk, but I was getting aroused from thinking and touching. We stopped the trash talk and no more touching. I pushed the queer shit to the back of my mind and the junk in my pants calmed down quickly.

When we got into the house, Eddie said he was going to change his pants and put on something not so ragged. He didn't know Madge had invited us for supper. He was going to work in the garden, so the ragged jeans were okay for doing that.

"Eddie, you look fine. We are not company." Laura commented. "I'll second that." I thought to myself.

"Gracious Edward, nobody cares what you are wearing" chimed in Madge." We're all family here. Sit your ass down."

I paid no attention to what the wives were saying. It was women telling husbands what to do, and we were used to hearing it.

I sat on a kitchen stool scratching the ears of Madge's cat Smokey. Smokey was a grey cat with white on his face and very friendly. Madge had rescued him from the shelter about a year ago. Scratching Smokey was sort of a dumb thing to do. I didn't even like the damn cat, but it kept my hands busy doing something constructive. I save scratching my balls for morning wake up, when I work on the computer, in case you're wondering.

Supper smelled amazing. Madge had made beef stew. It simmering all day in a slow cooker and was ready when she got home. The enticing aroma of vegetable and beef simmering in natural juices was confronting our appetites with a vengeance. The four of us set around the kitchen table and Madge spooned stew into individual bowls from the slow cooker. She served homemade cornbread and mashed potatoes and noodles which are yummy with beef stew. Laura had tossed a garden salad with a small amount of persimmon slices, and mango fruit. It was nice.

Eddie got a couple of beers from the fridge, a pitcher of ice tea, and different flavors of bottled salad dressing including raspberry vinegar and olive oil. He plunked everything down on the table and sat down.

The whole enchilada was spot-on - one big happy family. Nothing unusual here; we mingled together and shared just about everything. Well, everything we could talk about that is, without causing a nuclear explosion.

The stew was exceptionally good, as we knew it would be. Madge has a culinary gift for cooking. Folks would tell her, she should have her own cooking show on TV. Her reply was always the same. "Honey, I'm in real estate and the only thing I want to do with a kitchen, is sell the damn thing." And everybody would laugh. It was the best of times.

The stew had a smooth delicate flavor that was depicted in the potatoes, carrots and celery plus other ingredients that I couldn't recall...

"Madge, this is excellent. I like the way everything compliments each other. What's your secret?" I asked her.

"Scott, it's no secret. I add rosemary to the pot and let the flavor of the herb absorb into the meat and vegetables. It's rosemary that you taste. I use a lot around her. Eddie likes it in cooked greens and salads. I have it growing in the garden. If you want some Laura, go help yourself." She added."

I looked at Eddie trying not to be conspicuous. He was holding a spoon in one hand a piece of corn bread in the other. The smile on his face was wide...I mean really huge. His teeth were flashing a sense of confidence and his eyes were bright and showy. I thought he would break out in a giggle at any moment, but it didn't happen.

He chewed his bread and never said a word. His eyes sparkled and I could tell he was pleased with himself; probably thinking about the nutt juice that I swallowed a few hours earlier containing the flavor of rosemary. This was truly a `got cha' moment. I watched with a sense of relief that Eddie didn't say something crazy. He didn't.

Some looks are like a picture, they can say a thousand words. Eddie's look wasn't a thousand words, but a hefty hundred. Where he was going next, was not hard to figure out; and I was correct.

"Scott, you sayin you haven't tasted rosemary before?" Eddie asked.

"Here it comes – I thought to myself. He's on ride"

"No, I've tasted it. I just wasn't sure what flavor was in the stew. It's always best to ask the cook instead of guessing." I said

"Sure, that makes sense." he said - "Go to the source – that's what I'm sayin." He added

"I'll keep that in mind." I replied

"Anytime you want - I can get rosemary for you – or like Madge says, help yourself. Just grab some." Eddie concluded

"I'm not sure where it is." I said – "Is it planted with the vegetables in your garden?"

"No, the herbs are by themselves. I'll show you some time." Eddie said

Nothing more was said and the conversation turned to idle chatter of no interest to me and even more so to Eddie. But we endured and responded when necessary.

Instead of sitting around listening to yapping wild ducks. I would have rather been at the pool watching droplets of water drip from Eddie's brown body on to his thighs. Or watching him stretched out on a lounge in speedos seeing a majestic banana hammock holding a long slippery dark piece of fruit lying between his almost hairless legs. He looked awesome but whorish in speedos tucked in the crack of his black ass. I could not gaze at him in such a delicious state and pretend not to notice. I couldn't do it without my cock swelling up like a cucumber and giving me away.

Eddie only wore skimpy rags at home in the privacy of the pool. Madge would throw a Harlem fit if he walked the beach looking like a male model with his bulge hanging, his dick moving around and fabric wedged in the crack of his butt. Women would be dripping all over him trying to cop a feel of his hard black ass. I gotta give it to him. He's hot.

I yearn for my long staggering white cock plunged deep into his hard black ass. I would ride that black stallion like a rowdy mutherfucker. I want his gut coded inside with my warm breeding juice. He's so fuckin good lookin. He can fuck woman whenever he wants. But he doesn't do it.

Eddie wants my white cock screwing his black ass until the pain turns to pleasure. – How cool is that?

All this crap rushed through my head and my dick actually bulged thinking about it. (No surprise there) I was sitting down at the table, so nobody knew it except Eddie. He never missed a thing.

Madge spoke. "What would everybody like for dessert?" She asked.

"I have apple or blueberry warm fruit crisp with vanilla ice cream". Eddie barely looked at me and I avoided making eye contact with him. He damn well knew what dessert I wanted to pig out on. But like everything else, the thought remained under cover. We were becoming excellent at being ideal husbands but sneaky male whores.

We showed no affection in public and I believe that was the key to both worlds. It wasn't easy, pretending there was nothing between us when you ache to rip off clothes and plunge your cock deep into the first available hole you can find.

We all settled on blueberry crisp with ice cream except Eddie. He preferred apple with whipped cream. Madge poured four cordial glasses of crème de menthe to go with dessert.

After dessert, Eddie went to work on the advertising poster for the morning. Laura helped Madge clean up the kitchen and stack the dishwasher with glasses, plates and bowls. I cut across the lawn and went home.

I turned on the computer to search for a tool that I couldn't find locally. I signed in and read - "You've got mail"

It was direct and read – The mamas are in the kitchen; - wanna talk and then delete?


"Miss me?" Eddie wrote

"No asshole, I just left you 10 minutes ago." I replied

"I miss you bro." he wrote

"My dick was starting to move – Yeah, I miss you too" I said.

"I have an idea - How `bout running out to fill the car with gas for the morning and I will go with you. We can park on a deserted street, and you can blow me. Man, how awesome to have your black lips working on my white cock. That's the cream you should have on your apple crisp." I told him

"The car doesn't need filling and besides, I have to work on these ad posters." Eddie skipped right over the dirty talk and didn't even mention it.

"Guess, I'll have to jerk off then." I said

"Damn, looks that way bro, unless you save it for tomorrow. I'll take it tomorrow - that's better than wasting it in a tissue." Eddie said

"Jesus, that's a cool idea. Okay, I'm not touching myself tonight and you'll have to do it for me tomorrow." I said

"Damn straight - that's mine bro." – He replied

"Laura is coming' I said. I heard the kitchen door close – gotta run. Delete – delete." I wrote; then I deleted everything. I received a final reply from Eddie that read – "Everything's deleted. G'night brother."

When I was nineteen I wanted girls to blow me, and many did. Then a gay dude around thirty picked me up while waiting for a bus. I sat next to him in the front seat and my legs must have been parted. He saw the package between my legs and offered $50.00 to blow me. With only a buck forty in my pocket, it was very tempting. – So I took the money and let him suck me off. He was a nice guy. The blow job was awesome and the best I ever had. It was then I realized that girls couldn't suck cock worth a damn. At least the way I wanted to get sucked off. I never told anybody for fear of being called gay.

I wondered if I would ever see him again, but it didn't happen. I wasn't looking for the money, just another awesome blow job. I don't mess around with gay dudes, although I`ve had plenty of chances. I liked being married. I have Laura, who is the best – and two great kids that are a class act. What's not to love – life is beautiful.

A remarkable black family bought the house next to us and a unique friendship developed. The Gibson's are extraordinary people and Eddie and Madge are one in a million. I know that sounds embellished, but that is how we see them.

It took a while to connect. Our lives didn't necessarily change, they just became better. Eddie and I are close like bothers and beyond. It must be true – "There's a little gay in the best of us"

I crawled under the sheets wearing only a tee shirt. I like to sleep with no bottoms, so I can hold my cock and ponder warm places where I would like to put it. Gay thoughts were floating around in my head fueled by lust and hunger. I wasn't used to gay thoughts, but these were coming on strong and I didn't want to fight the feeling.

I could feel myself drifting off with my arm around Eddie's back and spooning up to his warm black body holding on to his cock. When in reality, I was resting on a pillow, spooned up in a fetal position with my hand on my own dick, with drops of precum oozing on to my finger.

I slept peacefully that night, wanting things that all men want – only I wanted more. I realized tomorrow belongs to no one; but I didn't care, I was nineteen again.

Part 4 - Eddie bottoms

Next: Chapter 4

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