Winning Chocolate

By Justin Balancier

Published on Apr 18, 2016


Winning Chocolate – Part 2

Justin Balancier –

The next week Laura hosted a Tupperware party crowded with friends and neighbors – all women. Madge was part of the group naturally, and helped Laura get ready. Madge is a Julia Childs, "cook-a-like" in the kitchen. She baked assorted cookies that were scrumptious.

Tupperware wasn't a guy thing to be sure, so I went bowling with Eddie, to get away from the chattering women. With a growing sense of wonder, hanging out with Eddie strengthen my resolve to be alone with him. I know a bowling alley has scores of people, so we weren't alone, but I didn't concentrate on people. I saw only Eddie.

At the bowling alley we played on opposite teams. It seemed like he and I always competed for one thing or another. He was impressive at everything he tried; still he kept letting me win when we challenged one another. He claims he didn't – but I think he did. In fact, I know he did. There were times he out maneuvered me strength wise and yet, I managed to win. That sounds like playing favorites to me.

But this was a real test, and one had to score to win.

"You're not gonna score much tonight bro" I said to Eddie

"Chump, don't bet on it. This is my game." He answered

"Can't be, you gotta knock over the pins. And you can't do it" I sprung back at him.

"Hump -you'll probably get your fingers stuck in the ball, `cause you can't do it either." Eddie said nudging me a little.

"Okay – Okay ladies, are you going to roll or stand around bullshitting all night. You're up Scott, throw the damn ball" somebody shouted at us.

After bragging like a school kid, this was not my night. I couldn't bowl worth a damn. Eddie did a much better job. And for sure, he was knocking those pins over like a pro. Watching him bend over was the best part of bowling for me. Each bend was ass-ole-luscious. I could have dragged him into the men's room and fucked the strength out of him; then I woke up. It was my turn to bowl.

The next morning I got up, took a piss, shook the drops from my dick, slurped down some water and turned on the computer to check email ... I seldom got mail worth reading, that is, until Eddie started schmooze conversation over the internet. I liked reading mail from him bare ass. There is a sense of freedom airing ones balls. My dick smelled good from where I choked the sausage the night before. And I always had something to scratch. – Never thought much about it...scratching, that is.

Eddie sent a message. I assumed it was another "Good morning – "Have a nice day"... crap that I hated, but didn't let Eddie know. My bro was my buddy – so what!! Let the guy talk. – I'll scratch.

The email read...

Scott - "I woke up from a light sleep this morning thinking – yeah, it was about you and that has me horny. The sun beaming through the window seemed to warm my soul with the enthusiasm of another day, filled with the same old crap that confronts me daily. But that's not important. I don't know why I even wrote that, but it sounds poetically cool. And you know me bro, cool but forever HOT".

"Numb from nailing my body to the bed sheets, my cock was hard and I forced it between my thighs trying to duplicate the feeling of being inside you. I had only a thin sheet covering my butt and legs, as I pressed harder trying to feel you. But it didn't happen. I couldn't duplicate anything. I need the real thing, and you can give me that."

"You must think I'm a queer puppy having a stiff wake up and blaming it on you. Geeze, I'm fucked up; - but I had to tell you about it. Some precum is oozing from my cock, and wetting the blackness of my hairy thigh; it's kinda crazy, my cock is leaking like a bastard. It needs help. Any chance we can do something about it? Been keeping the cookie jar full of chocolate - your favorite between meal snack; well I reckon chocolate is for anytime."

I read the email a couple of times and then deleted it. "Cookie jar – humm "Cookie jar" "He's talking about his crotch. Damn clever, no wonder he's in creative advertising." I thought.

The message was too "out there" to be left on the computer. With my luck, Laura would see it. Damn sure I wasn't going to let that happen. I deleted and shot it off into space – Poof - it was gone. I don't understand email junk encrypted on the hard drive. I just knew it wasn't readable and that was good enough. Anyway Laura had her own computer, which is a relief and keeps her out of my business

Eddie and I were not cheating on our wives. No – we were just playing around; sort of like a `man thing.' - Yeah, like anybody would believe that! - We didn't look at other women and didn't pick up bitches. That's how we justified sucking cock behind the barn. Of course this was pure bullshit. We were cheating like motherfuckers, but the cheating was going nowhere; so we used each other's manhood and didn't talk about it. It stands to reason, when you're butt fucking your married neighbor, you have to cover your tracks and be damn good at it.

That's why I became frustrated. Eddie's message was exciting and welcomed, but scary to see in writing on the computer. He's too smart to be stupid, but it's easy to be stupid when one is sex driven...and for sure, we were driven. His words lingered in my head; I didn't forget anything. It was a powerful use of the language; `I didn't like it in an email, but still I loved it. My dick started to move sideways in my under wear. I didn't touch myself that would only make things worse – not to mention harder.

I only had an hour to get to work. Today, I was the backhoe operator moving dirt to make way for a concrete truck coming at 10:00 am. I was wavering between doing what's good and what's better. I picked up the phone in the kitchen and called Eddie.

On the first ring, Eddie picked up. "You found me Scott, are you pissed?

"Nah Eddie, not really, but you know I have to move that dirt today. I only told you eighty times. C'mon bro, I'm not the neighborhood rent boy."

"Christ, you are pissed"

"Nah, you caught me off guard, that's all. Don't put that shit in an email, you know I love ya dude."

"Think you can love this black dick?" Eddie said turning on the Gibson charm

"Damn sure I can, but gotta work. Tony has a cement truck coming and there is dirt to move. Catch u later." I said and hung up abruptly.

"Yeah later." Eddie repeated quietly.

I was on the job in plenty of time and the dirt and gravel got moved. The cement truck was 20 minutes late, so that was good news for helping us get ready.

The concrete was poured and two husky boys around nineteen raked and smoothed the concrete, while the rest of us stood around waiting for the huge truck to pull out and leave. One kid had a chiseled looking butt. It was firm and perfect. I could picture my dick in there, with the kid crying that my cock was too big for his virgin hole." but it stopped abruptly - Eddie popped into my mind. I wanted to fuck, but not this white kid. I wanted Eddie's black hairy hole riding my cock.

It bothered me all day that I told him I wasn't a rent boy. I had to make it right. I'm not good at mixing things together. Getting to work and fucking around with my buddy was too much for me to think about. Laura calls me her "one at a time guy" which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Hell, I can do more than one thing at a time, Except for fucking – that's different. When I have a hot bod under me, all I want to do is stay in the saddle and ride.

At lunch time, I knew he would be at work, so I sent a text.

The Text read... "Sorry for this AM. U hate me?"

A reply came fast... "Never – my mistake"

"Everything cool then?" - I wrote

"Always" he answered

I felt better. Eddie was Eddie in so many ways. This dude had emotionally crawled inside me. I cared more about him, than I was supposed to care, but couldn't help it.

I kept looking at my watch waiting for quitting time. I wanted to get home.

My shirt and the bristles of my sandy blond beard were dotted with construction dirt, sweat, and grit. My dick had been leaking, thinking `bout the freaking cookie jar, so that was probably sticky-nasty too. Tuffs of blondish-brown hair stuck out from under my cap. I wanted to get home and shower. And clean clothes - I love clean clothes.

My pick up was parked not too far away. There were tools I had to move, so I tossed them in back of the truck and dropped them off at the shed. Feeling unshackled and a little stimulated from butt watching, I headed for home.

Twenty later I pulled into the driveway. Eddie was getting out of his car. He was carefully dressed and clean. "I hate that cocksucker", I mumbled silently to myself looking at Eddie dressed so orderly - but not really – he was Godiva man candy.

"Hey Scott, c'mon over." He yelled to me

"Give me a sec – before plummeting into anything, I wanna take a shower." I said

"No you don't bro. A hot construction dude like you and you're gonna wash it off? – hell no."

"But I'm a mess and sweaty and my cock's probably sticky too – I've been oozing precum all day. Now, you don't want to play with that." I said to him

"Fuck sure I do – don't leave."

"You going to blow me?" I asked

"Count on it bro"

"Can I shower?"

"Hell no."

With our kids away both places were quiet and Laura and Madge were at a house closing. It was just Eddie and me for the next couple of hours. We went to my house and I led Eddie straight to the bedroom. No wasting time.

Laura and I hadn't slept in the same room for a long time. There was no problem with intimacy, when she wanted cock, she got it. Only she liked to stay up half the night reading in bed, or watching a movie on TV. I need my sleep for work in the morning. So I moved into the guest room and it works out fine. I jerk off before going to sleep, and that's fine too.

We reached my room and Eddie unzipped his pants. "C'mon, put your hand in here." His underwear bulged like fat black sausage and my hand touched it."

A car drove into the driveway next door.

"Got company bro," I said looking out the window.

"What the fuck!!! Eddie complained, zipping back up his pants and going to the window.

An attractive black woman was getting out of a car caring what looked like advertising posters.

"That's Carol who works in the office with me. She is dropping off some work I forgot to bring home with me. I'll be back" he said

They stood in the driveway talking and talking. I had time, so I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself out and washed my dick and ass. I was still grungy from work except my crotch was useable now, and I knew he would go after it.

I was coming out of the bathroom when Eddie returned. He put his arms around my waist and held me from behind. I was taken by surprise by his sudden closeness. It felt correct having him holding me. I could feel a firm bulge pressing against my ass, and I backed right into it.

I removed my clothes and stood naked with my cock dangling from left to right. "Smokin butt Scot – fuckin sweet bro – fuckin sweet" He said fingering my hole and rubbing my crack. The black stallion wanted some ass.

Is this for me?"

"You're the only one that goes there."

"Sweet" he said again.

Eddie got his pants down and kicked them aside in a matter of seconds. His hands were all over my body, rubbing and squeezing flesh. At one point, he pulled on my hair and ran his hand over my biceps. His hands covered my face and he traced the outline of my beard with his finger. I assured him that everything was quite real.

"Damn, nothing phony here bro. Pretty mutherfucker - You got it all together."

"You're wasting valuable time Apollo. Sue and lady Madge will be here anytime." I told him. He laughed when I called him "Apollo." He liked that - I liked it too because it suited him.

Edit stopped talking and put his arms around my naked body again. I relished being finger fucked and molested. I watched him with a feeling of anxiety bursting at the seam. It was a moment of comfort dividing our backgrounds that were so different but very much the same. Obviously a competition for winning is what we shared. We called it worship woven into one desire, and we intended to keep it.

I threw an old beach towel on the bed to cover the sheet. I knew this could get messy. I laid there like a man whore. A sexy white construction dude with sandy blond hair pumped up muscles and a hard cock lying there like a slut. I could market a nude photo like that, but I didn't think Laura would like it.

"Damn, you have a non- stop body. Muscles, no fat, hair between your legs, big cock and hot. How'd I get so lucky?" Eddie asked

"You're a dirty old man" I answered

"You want a dirty old man's big black dong in your crack?"


""Want this?" Eddie said holding a long fat swollen black cock in his hand.

"Yup" I repeated, "that's the plan."

"Want me to shove this in your hairy hole?" He asked


"You sure?"

"Jesus – what the fuck is this - 20 questions? Cut the shit and get that pole in my ass."

Eddie smiled and climbed on top of my chest. He had just won this round. I was begging for his cock. He put one knee on either side of my head and he was sitting on me. His black balls were hitting my lips. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he wanted from me.

I started with his nuts in my mouth. You have no idea how arousing that can be. But then, I'm sure you can. It's routine for dudes who suck for a living. – For me tho, it was those sweaty black balls that turned me on...

I realized there was a cum load built up in Eddie's balls and I wanted it. But in order to get it, I had to suck cock like a machine to draw out the nutt cream. "I can do this." I thought.

I was about to give him my Scott suck job of the month, when he asked me to work on his nuts some more. I went back under his crotch and put his balls back into my mouth.

"Yeah – fuck...that's what I'm saying – suck `em bro, get that milk a bubbling. I'm gonna bust your ass, but the cum is for your mouth. "Still want it?" He asked

"I'll do it...I mean, damn straight, I want it."

Eddie was making me suck his cock and taste the nectar between his legs. Well, he wasn't making me I did it on my own. I didn't need to be told anything. I'm a guy, so I know what dudes like with a mouth between your legs - fast learner, that's me.

I lay on the bed with my feet still on the floor. Eddie was standing and lifted my legs in the air. My not so private parts were under his control, and that's what he wanted. He parted my ass cheeks with his mouth and spit into my crack – then he spit again and again. He got a finger inside me and started moving it around in a circle. It didn't hurt, but spit wasn't working too well. I didn't object to it, it just wasn't slippery enough.

"You've got a tight hole there Scott. Apollo wants to be in that warm cavern."

"You're freaking huge and fuck Apollo."

"Wanna get fucked with it?" He asked

"Yeah, I use this." I tossed him some lube that I use for jerking off at night, from under a pillow.

I was being stretch and furrowed by Darth Vader's cock sliding in slowly and moving faster. I couldn't believe there was room, but it went in and felt good. He was `fuck-boarding' my ass and making it vulgar. A dude's cock doesn't care where it plays as long as it's dark and moist. Eddie liked tearing me up. I think he enjoyed seeing me squirm in pain and hurting me to the point of pleasure. I wondered how Madge handled it. It occurred to me that he fucked Madge with esteem and I was forbidden fruit. I was a man-hole good enough to get him off. Maybe I am wrong, but that's, how I saw it – anyway, it's cool.

I closed my eyes – I opened my eyes. I stare at the ceiling. I even looked around the room observing things I never noticed before. I saw a black cock going in and out of my white hairy hole. My legs were spaced open so he could plunge deeper into my butt. I watched the ceiling move as he fucked me dirty, shredding me apart with his cock.

My cum felt like it started from my toes, travelling up my cock bringing prohibited gratification spurting gooey white pudding drops from my balls and on to my stomach. Amid the trembling and quivering, anybody else would have shouted "oh yeah – oh yeah," and carried on like white trash, but not me. I savored every spurting jab and didn't need drama to mess up the scene. I did however moan quietly like a male cat stalking pussy.

Eddie hadn't cum yet, but slipped out of me and spun me around. My head was hanging off the bed. His cock was wet with lube and whatever else he jabbed in my butt; but I didn't care.

He supported my head with his hand and wiped his cock across my lips. Eddie squeezed my mouth open and spit dropped from his tongue into my mouth. I didn't care about that either. A flood of white sauce flowed over the head of his black cock and he lowered it into my mouth. It kept spurting and he kept putting cum in my mouth. He used his hand to milk the last drop from his baby maker. I took it all.

I stayed on the bed holding a mouth full of cock milk.

"Bro, what the fuck you doin? Either spit it out or swallow that shit." He said

I gulped a couple of time and swallowed everything. It was gooey, thick wet white sauce. It was not bad; it was tasty even tho I thought it was yucky.

"Was it nasty Scott? He asked "I said you could spit it out."

"No, I wanted to savor the flavor and it taste like a spice - Rosemary, yeah – you taste like Rosemary. Now we are brothers by slurping. I have your baby juice in my gut and your cock milk floats inside of my stomach."

"You're nuts, geese, you're talking like a real faggot, but you're awesome Scott, not a faggot. I'm lucky to find you"

"We think alike." I said

"Like what?" he asked me

"I know that we're here naked, and you like fucking a married white guy. I go queer for your black dick. "Humm. That sound fagish to me. I answered

"We are getting kind of queer. Yeahhh, I do think eating cum makes it real." He said."

"You're spot on. We should take care of each other." I replied

"You nailed it." Eddie concluded, "That's what I'm sayin – keep it real"

We touched each other, nothing nasty – just a smile. Eddie's warm eyes told me we were becoming closer than ever.

Part 3 to follow:

Next: Chapter 3

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