Winning by the Numbers

By fireflywatcher ford

Published on Jul 29, 2006



Date: June 3, 2006

From: fireflywatcher

Subject: Winning by the Numbers, Chapter 6 : A Busy Time Begins


This story contains scenes of a sexual nature involving two men. If reading or possessing such material violates the law in your jurisdiction or you are under the age of 18, please leave this site and read no further.

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Disclaimer: This story is entirely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons or events is purely coincidental.

Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Winning by the Numbers, Chapter 6 : A Busy Time Begins

With Charlie and Robert exploring each other in my bedroom, I took the time to discuss my nominating James to the foundation board with him. He was quite excited because his law schooling would be harder to finance and the money would help. If he was drafted by the pros, he would return for board meetings and attend another law school, but it seemed unlikely he would be drafted. All the arrangements he'd made so far for financing his schooling were loans and a part time job as a sports referee for games his coaches had arranged. The free apartment would be a lifesaver, but he thought sharing one with me would be better. I would write my thesis this spring and get my master's in may. Wanda should finish her dissertation at the same time. My thesis was on using viruses to transfer immunity from one individual to another using gene insertion. Wanda's study involved a similar regime but used bone marrow transplants to correct congenital or hereditary blood disorders.

I cooked a Chinese supper with a little assistance from James. The exotic smells drew Charlie and Robert from the bedroom just long enough to eat. I pumped up a double size air mattress I used for camping for James and I to sleep in the living room and we kicked back, drinking a few beers and watching some TV.

It can be pointless to make plans when fate seems so often to intervene. I'd expected to be playing with Robert's talented ass, but it was James who would be playing with my less talented one. With practice, maybe I could figure out how he did it and give the same pleasure to James. Maybe it was a physical thing that other bodies were just not equipped to do. In my experience, Robert was unique.

I was more limited in my experiences. I'd spent my college years with Dan and John and the summers with Robert and a couple of others, but not many. The realization that I was just a hand with more attachments for John brought me out of that situation. We got along great and had common interests and great conversations on every level, but sex held no emotion or attachment for him. Dan was in sharp contrast to John. He was always a little lost if I wasn't there and would have been happiest if we were never more than a short distance apart so he could look up and see me nearby. I would have described it as 'devotedly affectionate', not possessive or controlling but patient and caring, always anxious to reunite. There was an excitement about John, but I left with him more because I felt inadequate to take care of Dan's needs with that monster he had, than any other factor. Hell yeah, I loved him, but in a way I loved John, too, and youth is where we learn wisdom but don't possess it. Now James was the center of my world.

The hedonism that ruled Robert took over as he passed us lying naked in the living room and he had to have some of James. Eventually Charlie joined in doing a double fuck and then I was in there too as he managed to have all three of us inside him. It took a lot of experimenting with positions, but several actually worked. With his 26 inch waist, you could feel his abdomen just above his pubes and feel one or all of us as we plunged in and out of him. When he climaxed with all three of us inside, he gushed like a fire hose. I don't know where the boy stored all that spunk but we all needed showers afterward. That was it for triple play and it was just us separate couples the rest of the weekend.

My uncle had called complaining we hadn't cleaned up the old house from New Year's, so Charlie agreed to go take care of it when he got home. We had forgotten all about it. He and James left about noon and Robert had left early that morning saying he had to get laundry and other things done at home. I think it was really just the first time he had all the sex he could handle.

Thinking about the trust for the foundation, I thought an investment councilor would be a good idea and since that was Dan's career goal, I went looking for him. I drove North West and then turned North at Greenville toward his hometown. I'd tried finding his phone number in the past but it must have been unlisted and no businesses bore his name. Pulling up at his best friend's parent's home, Dewey came walking out the door. I hopped out and yelled "You know how to get ahold of Dan, by any chance?"

He blinked, looking at me and said "Dave? You're a sight for sore eyes!" Dewey wasn't gay, but had spent a lot of time with Dan and I on weekends during college and really cared about his friend. "He cussed you all the time for two years, but now he just wishes he could see you again. His life's a mess and maybe you can bring the old Dan back to us." He gave me the address and phone number saying he wasn't living far from me at all/ I gave Dewey mine, telling him I'd be moving eventually but the phone would stay the same and the new apartment would be on Swiss Avenue somewhere. It isn't a long street.

At four I was home again and calling Dan's number. A woman's voice answered the phone. I'd had no warning or details from Dewey, him just saying Dan would have to catch me up himself, he didn't repeat the private conversations he had with friends. I explained and she responded "Oh yes, Dave from college, your picture graces the wall of my husband's bedroom, which by the way is why I sleep in my own bedroom. I'll put him on." and silence fell. I already had a picture of her in my mind, though I had no real idea. Her accent and speech were 100% pure Junior League bitch. I could see the big hair, beau font style held in place stiffly by a quart of lacquer spray and those stiletto heels with the smile to match that said she love to drive the spikes right into my chest. I started sweating and it was just a damn phone call.

"Dave, good to hear from you, can you meet me at Phil's in half an hour or are you busy?" he said. I answered yes and told him I'd see him soon and hung up. Phil's meant Phil's Delicatessen on Oak Lawn and it was nearby. I stood on the sidewalk outside waiting a few minutes and he pulled up in a black Mercedes and walked up to me. "I've missed you so much. I really need to talk to you but don't want to go in. Do you live far?"

"On Fairmont, across Lemon by Lee's statue, just a few blocks away" I answered, "just follow me."

I parked in the back and he parked beside me. Inside his first words were "I need a stiff drink, you got any?"

"A half gallon of Weller I got from Uncle Billy Jack, my drinking uncle, for Christmas, will that work? I pulled it out from the cabinet and grabbed two glasses and some ice.

"Holy shit, Old Weller my favorite, I love your uncle Billy Jack." He got down to the story after two glasses were downed. When I left, he still had another semester for his BA and then his MBA to go. A girl from the fashion college latched onto him and he just followed. All they did was make out, but set a wedding date for June last year about the time I returned from my adventure with John. The honeymoon in Cancun was their only attempt to have sex and she said it was too big and that was it. Premarital sex does have it's good points. His job was with her daddy's firm and if he wanted to keep his job, he'd better stay married. He was earning 25-30% for his clients and doing a good job, but the bitch needed to be thrown back for some other unlucky bastard to catch. "I'd rather be dead broke living under a bridge than live with that bitch another day" he said.

"The truth is I cussed you and hated you for two years after you left with John." He hugged me tight and continued. "I know we're not in love anymore but my world seems so much better just seeing you again."

"Dewey said you needed me." Damn right, I got hard when he held me, but I tried to hide that. I had James now. I got down to the business of why I sought him out and told him about the foundation and the trust. I told him to get his portfolio together and be ready to present it to Reed. I'd set up an appointment.

We drank more Weller and made out for a long time with his whiskers scratching across my face and tat red hair flaming at me, and those emerald green eyes staring back into mine with a sparkled he had regained. We didn't have sex, but for Dan it had always been touching that superseded the act. Complaining that it was Sunday night and he couldn't drink anymore and if he stayed any longer I'd need to make room in my closet for his things, he left. Love is so damn complicated. I really can be faithful to one, but my heart loves others at the same time.

Reed was carrying a tube with blueprints when he rushed in Monday morning. Dex must have gotten tired of drawing plans for offices and schools and jumped right on this. "There's a scale model in my car" Reed explained and I left to bring it up to the lab. "Wanda get your coat. We're going to Smith's to see what's there." We did take a while looking at the plans and the model but seeing the real thing as it now stood would add clarity. I ended up carrying the model back to his car along with the blueprints. Reed's '72 Nova was not a car intended to impress. It reflected the frugality which left Wanda and I counting pennies to survive.

Entering the front door, the grand staircase ascended and dominated the entry. It was a massive house built at a time around the turn of the twentieth century when households were tended to by domestic servants who lived on the grounds. The portion previously used by Dr. Smith was a little dusty but basically clean. It had heavy drapes to keep out the intruding sun and antique furniture he must have acquired with the house or from relatives who had passed on. Antebellum would describe his style, right out of 'Gone with the Wind' though the house was much younger than that. It would have fit better with the styles of late Victorian or even Art Deco. All the ceilings were twelve foot high with transom windows above the doors and windows and the windows opening were all really double French doors extending to the floor. It was built to let the breeze flow throught the house, but being shut up for so long, only dust flashed through the scattered beams of light that cascaded inward.

Dex had the plans drawn as they existed and his proposed changes. It was thirty feet by one hundred feet, giving three thousand square feet per floor and three main floors. The basement, unusual to find now, was the same size and the attic which had at one time been servant's quarters was only slightly smaller from the pitch of the roof and had eight dormer windows on each side. A wrought iron barrier waist high at each French door window prevented falling to the ground. White brick covered the facade, reflecting the heat through the five or more months of hundred degree weather we had here in Dallas. A back stairs provided access to the attic and basement. Smith may not have restored the house but it was magnificent.

We paced it all out and compared the existing house as it was in person and on paper to the changes Dex proposed. Every room had an existing fireplace and he preserved that feature. Few walls moved, just the intended use of the spaces and connections through door to the house as a whole was altered. He even found a means to include an elevator that rose from basement to attic.

The carriage house mirrored the mansion, but all was new inside. It was identical in size but on one side was excavated to allow for garage and parking space in its basement level. It could easily house twelve cars and included some storage space. The shaft for an elevator had been built but it had never been installed. Its attic remained unutilized space, still being divided into servant's quarters as was the house attic. There was a large pool and patio, but it too, needed restoration. Knowing Reed, Wanda and I were about to join him in doing a lot of the work. "Go ahead kid, sleep is not so important, or getting that thesis finished, just buck up to the task" I thought.

I gave him my suggestion for an investment councilor as we walked through the place and passed on Dan's phone number. He used the house phone and set up a meeting at two while we continued our exploration. He gave both of us keys. Taking everything in was more than a mind can accomplish in one visit. "I've noticed your abilities even if you thought I didn't. Both your backgrounds growing up on farms and ranches tells me that if I said we were building the pyramids, you'd only ask directions to the quarry to start cutting stone" he said. He wasn't far wrong. I could see Wanda saying " darn, I broke another nail" though.

When Dan came out of his meeting with Reed about five that afternoon, he was dangling a key like ours in his hand. "I'm moving into Smith's rooms and free of that bitch, let's go have a drink" and I agreed. Wanda even came with us to my apartment. We hadn't put a dent in the Weller. I called Dex and he showed up, too.

Next: Chapter 7

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