Winning by the Numbers

By fireflywatcher ford

Published on Jul 4, 2006


Winning by the Numbers4


This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between two men. If reading or possessing such material violates the law in your jurisdiction or you are under the age of 18, please leave this site and read no further.

The author retains all rights to this original story. Please do not publish or reproduce it without explicit authorization by me.

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fictional and any resemblance to real persons or events is entirely coincidental.

Winning by the Numbers, Chapter 4 : New Years

The ranch house I always claimed as my birthplace, but was actually where I was brought from the hospital had not been lived in for over twenty years. It was used as a retreat by my father's dad, my grandfather, on rare occasions and as a place to plant a garden each year or have parties. As far as I knew, he always lived in town and was now in a rest home apartment with what you might call assisted living. It stood about halfway between James and my mother's homes. I called Granddad and my uncle and got permission to use the house New Year's Eve on the only condition that I leave it cleaned up when I left. It was a big house with six bedrooms, three on each end and a kitchen on each end with a massive living room in the center that sported a twenty foot wide fireplace, and had a patio outside equal in size to the house. The pantries were stocked as was the freezer in each kitchen, but mostly with venison and a little pork or beef from what was taken to the locker plant over the last few months. A second house with four bedrooms stood next to it. It was older and much smaller.

Because it was used as a retreat, about thirty people could sleep there between using the beds and couches that folded out. All it lacked was alcohol. None of my family drank. Only a few tolerated drinking and none tolerated drunk people. Well, maybe those of my generation had a more tolerant spirit and followed the rule of keeping your beer in a brown paper bag inside the refrigerator. With me, what you see is what you get. Those flashing red letters n my forehead reading 'faggot' convinced me I couldn't hide anything, so if someone didn't want to fight they'd better shut the fuck up and leave me alone. I am a nice guy, so why give me grief?

Mitch, Johnny Ray and my hometown buddies had all been to the ranch before. I put a sign on the gate that said 'James Karlisle' and gave him the directions and the phone number before I left. There wasn't another house there abouts for 10 miles in either direction and it sat on a hill with a mesa or flat top mountain directly behind it. Anyone that missed finding it or calling was a true dumbass.

My cousin Charlie was eighteen and the elected DJ for the party. He knew that most of the guys whether they were James' friends or mine would like country music, but some of us liked rock. At least every third song had to be rock and in exchange he got all he could drink and likely some fun he was hoping for from the guys. He was a cute little redheaded fucker at about six foot two and one forty five, but hung just a little better than me with a hard dick that would stay that way all night long. I never did play with him, what a pity.

Not being really sure what food would be on hand, we brought a few things and arrived about nine in the morning to get things cleaned up and ready, Johnny Ray, Mitch and me that is. I checked the freezers first and set some meat out to thaw and then checked the wood pile to see if there was enough. All the furniture and beds had covers over them to keep things from getting dusty. Mitch and Johnny Ray folded them up and put them away. Charlie had to ride in the back of my pickup and wasn;t in a friendly mood. Hell, it was only thirty miles. The third time I came outside he was still sitting in the back of the truck looking pissed off.

"I swear, Charlie, you can sit on my lap on the way home if nobody else has a spot for you!" I yelled over to him. He got out, did his little dance to shake the road dust off him and finally cracked a smile.

"Give me a damn beer you son-of-a-bitch" he said and everything was fine when I handed it to him. Mom sent along a bowl of her potato salad, Aunt Mary (Mitch's mom) sent a fruit salad and Johnny?s mom sent the black-eyed peas. Charlie just brought that corn bread mix that only needs water added, but we were set with all that and what was stocked at the house.

Charlie got some music playing, which was the deal after all. "What do you do up in Dallas?" he asked.

"I don?t talk shop. If you want to know, come park your ass on my couch for a while if your old pickup can make the trip" I answered him. No one else even bothered to ask.

"When I graduate in May I'll be there and looking for a job, too" he said. I knew if he came I'd be trying to talk him into college instead of a job, but toward a degree he could use to make a living.

James showed up about noon and had Clayton sitting beside him in his Camaro. I had never expected to see Clayton and wasn't really sure where home was for him. It never came up. It turned out he was one of James' home boys which explained a little about their connection. Six vehicles of various descriptions pulled in behind them with several guys in each one and my friends hadn't started arriving yet. I was thinking at this point that the word 'party' was an inadequate description and bed space might overflow to floor space for the night. The hay barn would always work if it stayed warm enough overnight and the forecast low was fifty five. My heart rate picked up the pace a little and I got the feeling I'd need to get contact information and add most of the guys to my candidate list. Poor Charlie was the smallest guy on the place. He was still growing and filling out.

I needed to thaw out more meat. I sent Johnny Ray and Mitch on a road trip in my truck to bring back as much ice as they could find. The three refrigerators were clean and empty and the three chest freezers were less than half full, but the volume being unloaded exceeded my capacity. The thought of drinking that much exceeded my imagination. It was nearly all cases of Coors which went for $4 a case then, but damn that was a lot of beer. It went off if it got warm; too, it wasn't pasteurized and was the original. The term 'rodeo beer' or 'rodeo cold' didn't work with Coors. A friend had kept a few in his truck for the drive home from work and had an allergic reaction after drinking it warm and had to stick to liquor after he got released from the hospital, for life. I'd rather die than be allergic to beer.

The afternoon reached near eighty again and only three pecan trees at one end of the patio offered any shade, but without leaves during the winter it wasn't a lot of shade. The native trees in the surrounding pastures were mostly mesquite and eight feet tall at the highest. Shirts got shed and then pants got shed and it was a good thing the house stood pretty far up from the road. James took over the barbeque and Charlie kept the music playing as promised. I kind of sat back and became my invisible self because I could never match this many faces to names if I tried. We all have limitations. By four in the afternoon nearly all the expected guests had arrived.

I got drunk, not mean drunk or loud drunk or obnoxious drunk, but a nice quiet mellow drunk sitting near James tending the grill and watching all the guys as they moved around and gathered in groups. People watching is a sport in my book. Before the sunset around six, Mitch and Johnny Ray had a blaze going in the fire circle beside the grill and as the shadows grew the light streamed out the windows from inside the house, I'd never seen so many hard dicks swinging in my life. I slowed my consumption and was more clear headed by the time Dick Clark showed the ball dropping in Times Square at eleven our time. At midnight I was arare when I shared a long hot kiss with James and swapped spit with a few others after that. James led me by the hand back to my bedroom shortly after that and we may have been the only two people present at the party who didn't have sex that night, we just fell asleep.

James and I joined the birds in breaking the silence of the morning by making up for the sex we missed out on the night before. After a shower we made coffee in the kitchen and noticed a pot of Black-eyed peas and another of okra and tomatoes simmering on the stove with several plates of corn bread on the counter nearby. The cornbread signaled that Charlie had been busy. We found him leaned back in the corner of the living room with a guys head resting on his chest and the guys bare ass hanging out from the blanket covering them. Charlie flashed us a wink as we took seats to drink our coffee. He had the blanket tented out pretty far.

Charlie moved from under the guy and slid around to that waiting ass. The guy moaned real sweetly in his sleep, or half sleep as Charlie slid in and went to pounding that butt. He pulled out and turned him over pulling the guys legs over his shoulders and pounded a while longer. Then Charlie pulled out and moved up where he was squatting with his dick across the guys forehead and grasped him by the back of the neck pulling his mouth towards Charlie's dick. Charlie stuck a finger in the guys mouth and followed it by plunging his meat down the guys throat and started pounding in again. The guy gave a little cough and as Charlie pulled back we saw a last load shot into the open mouth before Charlie moved away.

Charlie picked up a small jar of Vaseline from the coffee table, applied a little with a couple of strokes and moved on to another semi-sleeping body and filled another waiting ass. Over the next hour as James and I sat drinking coffee, Charlie moved to at least six other guys and did the same thing, staying hard the whole time, then he joined us for a cup of coffee.

"How many guy's have you fucked tonight, Charlie?" I asked him.

"All of them. Every damn one except you and James" he answered. "I've hit the best ones several times, too. I love a nice tight ass that bucks back to meet me while I'm stroking in."

"You deserve a prize, but I think Dave and I should make it unanimous." James responded. Charlie was still hard. We hit every combination three guys could do back in the bedroom and Charlie had a fine ass himself. I was glad I'd waited to play around with him until he had polished his talents.

"I guess I won't have to sleep on that old couch Granny gave you if I come to visit" Charlie commented as we headed back to the kitchen.

"Not all the time" I answered. I left the aspirin bottle open sitting beside the coffee pot after the third request for some. A few guys ate but most grabbed a cup of coffee and some aspirin and staggered to their cars. By now, only James, Charlie and myself were still there. Mitch, Johnny Ray, and Clayton had all taken rides with others to get home. We hauled all the trash to the pit in the back pasture and smashed the cans to sell. It was fifty cents a pound and there was a shitload of cans. Charlie would sprinkle a little dirt in each one before he smashed it down with his boot. James noticed it first and gave me a wink and nodded for me to watch. I might have been born at night but not last night and the kid had a winner there. James and I both started doing the same thing. It took longer but it would pay off. After cleaning everything up and getting most of the covers spread back over the furniture, we decided to spend another night on the big king sized bed. We had plenty of food and ten cases of beer got left behind by the guys.

The next morning we only had to cover a few pieces of furniture and the bed, and get a little trash out. We put the food in a cooler and some beer in another one, loaded the bags of cans and followed James into Abilene to cash in. We all had a few more days off, even me because I worked at a school, and when we got $150 for the cans we followed James home and dropped off his car.

I always loved the mountains in northern New Mexico around Eagles Nest and Angel Fire so I convinced them we would have a wasted winter if we didn't get to play in the snow at least once. Ice didn't count and that's about all we usually got to see. Snow is fluffy and packs into balls you can throw, and sliding down hills beats playing on flat ground even if it does snow before spring. With the can money we could buy the gas for the trip and get a motel room, so we headed north west and began our five hour drive

Next: Chapter 5

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