Winging It

By Pee Jay

Published on Dec 19, 2008


"Winging It" - Part IV

By: Pee Jay

Saturday shortly after noon at the Condo, Adam had finished his morning lessons and the three talked in the kitchen as they waited for Adams' parents to arrive. Jim was seated at the island with Adams arms around him, which he did every so often so that Jim wouldn't feel left out, or neglected.

He looked at John seated next to Jim and said, "Babe, I think I'm going to tell them about us while they're here."

"Are you sure? Can you honestly say how they will react? We were going to wait and let them figure it out for themselves. Don't forget that monthly check they send you and we're considering to buy a business. It more than likely will be welcome, if not needed."

"I'm not sure of Dad but I'm quite sure Mom will be okay with it. Mom pretty much runs the show at home and Dad follows her lead, it's always been like that. I want them to be happy for us. Business or no business, I want them to know about us. I want them to feel like I do about you."

Jim interjected, "Just because you feel something special for John; you shouldn't expect them to buy into it. They don't even know you're gay Adam. Let them observe and draw their own conclusions. I'm sure they'll ask you about a girlfriend, dating or something along those lines. You can respond negatively to any of those questions and begin to plant the seed."

John said, "Let it go hon, let them figure it out on their own. We're gonna need the money in the next few months, I'm pretty sure of that. At least give it enough time for us to find out if the money will, in fact, make a difference."

Adam was silent for a few minutes as he pondered what John and Jim had said. He wanted to let all creation know how he felt about John and how good it made him feel. He wanted his parents to know it too. John aside, they were the most important people in his life. He wanted their approval; he wanted them to be happy for him. After careful consideration, he chose to acquiesce; he decided 'he could blurt it out any ole time', even if he did feel like broadcasting it now. What was rush?

"Okay babe, I'll let it go for now. But if they ask I'm going to tell them, that's my position and I'm sticking to it. I'm locked in."

"I'll lock you the bedroom that is. That's where you do your best thinking anyway" and they all laughed.

The phone rang and Jim got up to answer it. It was Adams parents, they were at the guardhouse, Jim bade the guard to let them proceed. A few minutes later and they were at the front door ringing the bell. John asked for and received a good hard squeeze and kiss from Adam. John ran his fingers through Adams hair, cupped his face and kissed him with all that he held dear for his lover boy then they separated for the encounter.

John whispered to him as they parted, "I love you" and let his hand caress Adams cheek as he withdrew it looking at Adams perfect butt as we walked toward the door.

Jim made his way to the front door and opened it. He greeted Adams parents, "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Felstow, come on in, nice to see you again" and he stepped aside to allow them passage.

Mrs. Felstow thanked Jim with a pat on the shoulder and made her way to Adam. She embraced and kissed him, smothered him would be more like it. She was way overdue to see her son. She loved and missed him; he was her only child, the object of her motherly instincts, her baby.

John's was watching Mrs. Felstow. He was jealous of Adams' mother. It was clear that Adam was the focus of her affection, and why not. He was so darn good-looking, so caring, and so desirable, and damn it affectionate too! Who wouldn't go for him? How could you not like him? Love him even, John thought.

John wanted to claim him from his mother. Adam was his not hers; he wanted his mother to ask his permission not vice versa.

Mr. Felstow shook Jims hand and exchanged pleasantries as John stood in the background watching the reunion. He was already resenting the whole affair; the disruption, the inconvenience of it all.

Adams father put one arm around him and pulled him in for a quick hug before releasing him. It was evident he was not one to readily display affection.

"Mom, dad; I want you to meet a good friend of mine John Turner. John, this is my mother Elaine and my father Jack."

"Nice to meet you" John said as he shook both their hands.

Both Adams parents replied with similar comments.

"Bay... ah John will you help me carry in their suitcases?"

"Sure" John said; he was grinning at Adams close call. It was yet another reason to hold him near and dear; he was transparent to a fault and John loved that about him.

Adam took the keys from his father and the two closed the front door behind them. Jim escorted the parents to the kitchen.

"Damn it babe. I almost blew it in there."

"I didn't feel any draft" and they both laughed at Johns double entendre. "You know what I mean. And I'm not looking forward to sleeping alone tonight."

"Me either. I've had this empty feeling lately too. I was hoping to feel a little fuller tonight" John was grinning as he rubbed it in.

They were standing behind the car with the lid of the trunk open in the driveway. Adam told John to bend his head over into the trunk and he did. They were standing side by side and Adam kissed John with his tongue probing John's mouth. John returned the gesture all too eagerly.

As they shared a brief moment of assurance, Adams father was observing the scenario from the kitchen window. From his vantage point, he didn't quite have a clear shot at the two; it was easy to see his head bobbing and cocking as he strained to observe.

Adam and John straightened up and took one bag each from the trunk, smiling at each other. John squeezed Adams thigh. Adam closed the trunk and the two walked around the car toward the Condo.

"Just so you know hon, I'm gonna miss you tonight."

"Me too babe. I'll be thinking about you. You can be sure of that."

"Me too. Hon, your parents can't be hurting if they're driving a car like that."

"I think they do okay. Dad said that was the last new car he going to buy. He's going to retire this spring."

John was impressed. The car was a new BMW and not the running around town models that most people drove. It rather resembled something between a limo and a large sedan. He was certain that it was out of his reach and let the idea go.

They elected to use the side door to the garage and John asked for and collected a hug and kiss from Adam once inside.

"I don't think I'm going to stay much longer" John told Adam.

"C'mon babe. We can go to dinner before you leave, Dad's buying."

"I don't care about dinner. It's so fake hon. I feel like I'm pretending. I know you love your parents but I don't feel like sitting through something like that. You know?"

Adam set the bag he was carrying down and encircled John in his arms, "Please babe? Please come with us. I want them to get to know you. Will you do this for us? For me?"

John thought for a moment and gave in, "Okay, when you put it like that I can't say no" and John returned Adams embrace as he received a kiss on the neck and sighed. "I fucking love you; I can't help myself damn it. God help me if you change your mind, I swear." Adam smiled as he picked up the bag and led John inside, "I know babe, the feelings mutual."

They put the luggage in the third bedroom upstairs. John pulled Adam onto the bed and wrapped his legs around his boy stud saying, "Take me I'm yours".

Adam smiled as he peered into John's eyes, "Soon enough, soon enough babe. Let's go have dinner" and he probed Johns mouth with his tongue.

The five of them went for dinner. The three guys sat in the back seat which was more than adequate. Adam was feeling John up in plain sight of Jim; John was having a hard time with the foreplay. John loved Adam without reservation but the parents were in the front seat, and then there was Jim. Jim was on the other side of Adam. It was all too much for John. He took Adams hand and placed it in Adams own lap and gave it a mock slap.

Adam smiled at John and kept his hands to himself. His father witnessed the scene in the rearview mirror but the hand play was below his field of vision.

Mr. Felstow thought, 'Is my son coming on to that kid?' Is he trying to hold his hand? Why does he smile like that when he looks at him? What's going on here?'

They made it to the restaurant without a lot of conversation. They left the car with the valet and went inside.

"Do you have reservations?" was the first question.

"No" said Jim and he winked at the guy. It appeared they knew each other.

"It's okay, I'll work it out. Feel free to go to the bar. I'll come for you when we get a table. It won't be long."

They took a table in the bar and ordered a round of drinks. The three guys ordered a Vodka martini and the parents settled on a glass of wine. Jim proposed a toast to Adams parents and they all took a swig. John took an unusually large gulp and the booze found the wrong tube going down. He sprayed the table as his system rejected the charge through his nose and mouth. He was coughing and choking at the same time.

Adam patted him on the back and John eventually regained his decorum. He looked at Adam and they both started laughing. Jim was rocking in his chair as he bellowed belly laughs.

Johns face flushed up and glowed. He felt like crawling under the table.

"Can't take you anywhere" Adam said still giggling.

"Well actually, you could take me to the drive thru somewhere and I'd be okay." They all laughed and John decided to replace his drink with sparkling water. He didn't think that would be a problem.

During the meal, Adams father wanted to know how the two roommates knew John. Adam explained the flying lessons and how that led to the friendship. It was the truth after all and believable.

Jack Felstow asked his son if he was dating anyone special and Adam told him he had just broken up with his girlfriend. When his father asked her name, Adam stammered for a few seconds before he said, "Laurie". John and Jim gave similar evasive responses when asked and Jack sat there wearing his poker face.

When they got back to the Condo, John thanked the Felstow's for the invitation and left.

On the way home he felt strange. A night without Adam to hold was going to be weird. He gave it some thought and realized that it was only the third night they had spent in separate beds since they met. There was the first two nights and this one. It was something he definitely didn't want to get accustomed to.

When he got home, there was a message on his machine from Adam wishing him a good night. He told him how much he missed him already and made a kissing sound. John smiled as he played it back a second time; he didn't erase it.

The next morning John was lost and alone. He didn't know what to do with himself. He decided to call Adam on his cell phone since Adam kept it next to his bed in the charger. When John took his cell phone from the nightstand, the battery was dead. John had his charger on the other nightstand next to Adams bed he so used the landline.

After three rings Adam answered, "Hello?"

"Good morning sexy. I missed you."

"Morning babe. I missed you too. How did you sleep?"

"Not bad. It would have better with you though. What are you up to today?"

"I'm not sure. You going to come over?"

"Naw, I think I'll go answer the phone for awhile. See if I can schedule some lessons or something."

"Then I'll see you over there. Mom and dad want to see the place, I told them about Mr. Hughes offer."

"Okay see ya whenever you get there."

They exchanged 'luv ya's' and hung up. John did his routine in the bathroom and went to the airport. Larry was out with a student pilot so John settled in at the desk with the morning paper and coffee. He had finished reading the paper and looked at the clock on the wall. It was 11:30 and he still hadn't seen Adam, he was getting anxious to see his stud boy.

Adam had convinced his parents and Jim to swing by the airport before going to lunch. He wanted to see his hunk of manliness as soon as possible. Besides, John could answer his father's questions about the proposition in much more detail than he could. Then it would be easy to include John in lunch and whatever else came up.

Adam was the first one through the door when they arrived. He rounded the corner and looked at John with a big, dead giveaway grin. John returned the favor and received a quick peck on the lips before the others entered the building.

John whispered to Adam as he pulled away, "I missed you" and rubbed his crotch.

"Ditto babe."

When the rest of the group made it inside, Adam and John proceeded to give them the tour. They showed them the planes, the adjacent hangar, the basement of the FBO and the second floor.

Jack Felstow was asking very specific questions and John answered most all of them clearly and knowledgeably. There were some cash flow questions that he had to guess at since he hadn't seen the books yet. John told him that by this time next week there should be an agreement in principle if it were going to happen.

When the tour was over Jack was thoroughly impressed with John and his ability to focus on the important issues. He didn't say anything but silently thought that Adam was lucky to have John as a business partner. 'He was a sharp kid' in Jacks assessment.

John begged off on lunch and Adam took his truck so he could come back when they finished eating. After lunch, the parents were going to the Condo to pack and leave for home.

Adam returned to the FBO with a carry-out meal for John. Larry had finished his lessons for the day and left. John stood up to embrace him. They kissed and John led Adam by the hand upstairs. He was consumed with animal lust. He was going to get his now, without further ado.

Most of the space was designed as a classroom with a kitchenette and a large office that was partitioned off with an entry door. There was a bathroom at the rear of the classroom.

John took Adam in the office and closed the door. They began a passionate make out session while John's hands fondled Adam on top of his jeans. Adam began to bone up quickly as did John. John fumbled with Adams belt and zipper to free the object of his desire. He dropped to his knees and took Adam in his mouth as he worked to unbutton his jeans and free himself. It had been far too long since he tasted his boy stud.

After bobbing on Adam's shaft a few times, John stood up. He retrieved two ketchup size packets of K-Y jelly from his jeans pocket and gave one to Adam with a big shitty grin on his face.

Adam didn't require directions. He tore it open, lubed his rigid pole and stroked it a few times to make it harder.

John tore the other packet open and lubed his hole, fingering himself in the process. He turned around and pressed his ass against Adams rock-like member and his body shuddered with expectation. His cock was at attention and straining to burst.

Adam began to work his erection into John. He was feeling Johns stomach and chest with both hands as he worked his way up into John. The last inch was too much to resist and Adam drove his cock home into John. John gasped with pleasure.

John bent over placing his hands on the windowsill and widened his stance, allowing Adam full access to himself.

Adam began thrusting into his lover. John could feel the stimulation of Adams rock hard shaft against his pleasure center and moaned as he lowered his head in carnal bliss.

"Fuck me Adam. Fuck me good and hard."

Adam started driving into John fast and furious. The harder Adam drove the louder John moaned and loved it. John was jerking himself and gasping every time Adam bottomed out.

Adam kept his pounding steady and hard, arching his back with every drive. After a couple minutes he began to slow down, he was getting close. John could feel Adam was about to erupt and worked his own shaft harder. A few more jabs into Johns ass and they both achieved the release they so passionately sought.

John let his load go on the wall while Adam shot his juice into John's guts. They jerked and rocked with every gush of juice. When their cocks were done pumping, they held their positions for a good minute while the tide of animal passion ebbed.

John straightened up with Adams still erect cock inside him. Adam kissed his neck and explored his chest and stomach with his hands. John was loving the neck stimulation as he pulled Adam tighter to himself with his hands on Adams butt. John kissed one of Adams hands when it neared his mouth and said, "God it feels so good to have you inside me" and he pushed his ass into Adams cock as hard as he could and rolled his head moaning. Adam stopped kissing Johns neck and repeated Johns statement. He began to ease his grip on John but John wouldn't let him go. Adam was still hard so he rolled his hips causing John to utter a series of guttural sounds.

Still facing the window they saw a car pull into the parking lot so they slowly un-coupled and began to dress.

"Geez babe, what came over you?" Adam was grinning.

"I don't know. It's been a while and I started thinking about it while you were at lunch. And when I saw you...I don't know, it just came over me and I had to have it."

John turned around, put his arms around Adams neck and kissed him. After a few kisses John said, "I love you so much".

"I'll bet you say that to all the boys."

"Hey don't kid around about that stuff. Now tell me, I want to hear it."

"You know I love you, more than anything else. I don't know how else to say it...I love you."

"That'll work for now. Let's go downstairs and take their money."

John chuckled as he straightened his hair in the mirror in the kitchen. He turned to Adam and combed his hair with his fingers to neaten him up.

Adam couldn't help but laugh to himself. John was turning into a regular predator or sex fiend, maybe even a beast versus the timid, mild mannered dude he first met. He liked it in a huge way. He decided he loved his fiend and would do all he could to encourage it.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 5

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