Window Washer

By Phil R

Published on Aug 5, 2013


The Window Washer

Chapter 9

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If it is illegal for you to read about consensual sex between two adult males stop now. If you have any comments please email me at Thanks for reading.

Please not that this story is purely fictional and any situations described are purely the imagination of the author.

This is the final instalment of Window Washer.

Chapter 8 ends:

When Rob's phone rang, and the call display showed it was from the clinic, we were buoyant with enthusiasm. Rob answered with a cheerful hello but soon his face fell and he went ashen. He talked briefly mostly saying "okay" and "yes, we will." When he pushed the end button on the phone he looked at me forlornly.

My heart jumped to my throat and I asked, "Is everything okay? What's wrong?"

He looked at me, with tears beginning to form in his eyes, and said, "They want to see us. There's a problem with our application!"

Chapter 9 begins:

"Problem?" I croaked.

"They need some information that's missing. Our application can't proceed until they get it."

"What information?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said. "We're just supposed to make an appointment so they can tell us what they need."

The process had been going so smoothly; this was a setback we didn't want.

Logic was telling me there was no need to worry. The clinic had treated us with respect and courtesy every step of the way. Every indication was that we would become parents within the year.

However, I was still worried. My inner self was screaming at me to deal with this new turn of events as quickly as possible. Now!

I said to Rob, "If we don't deal with this right away I'll go crazy."

"Me too," he said.

"Okay, let's leave for Los Angeles right away. We can fly down and be there later this afternoon. Maybe go to the clinic tomorrow."

"What about Colibiri?" Rob asked.

"I'll come back and get her once we're back on track with the baby process. And I'll just ship anything down we can't carry with us today.

"I'm so relieved to hear you say that, Jerome," he said. "I'll phone and see if they can see us tomorrow."

Luckily we got an appointment for the next day. We quickly packed our carry-on luggage and headed to the airport.

We landed in Los Angeles later that afternoon and picked up a rental car for the short drive to our Venice Beach cottage.

I was so happy that Rob had found us this charming little home. It was full of afternoon light and the small swimming pool created a lovely back yard oasis. Within minutes we were naked and cuddling in the warm water.

I let out a contented sigh and said, "I guess this is it. Suddenly, we've moved to Venice Beach."

"I'm glad we're here, Jerome. It's going to be wonderful living here. Especially now, so that we can be close to the baby process."

We floated together until the retreating sun cast long shadows in our little yard.

We had no food or beverages in the house, so after our `swim' we decided to go out for an early dinner. Over at Abbot Kinney Boulevard we found a delightful cafe with a vine covered patio.

Venice Beach is a people watcher's paradise and this fine evening didn't disappoint. We saw everything from beggars to movie stars.

After a brief stop at a corner store for some basic supplies we made our way home. It was still early, so we snuggled together on the couch and watched a romantic movie. Afterwards we lay in bed face to face, belly to belly, hard-on to hard-on; arms around each other. We got pretty worked up, so I straddled Rob and did the double jerk-off routine which we both enjoy so much.

I woke early the next morning and gently extracted myself from Rob's arms with a whispered promise that I'd be back soon. I put on my running gear and headed to the boardwalk for a good run. From Venice Beach I ran up to the Santa Monica Pier and back. Even early in the morning I wasn't alone. The paths were already teaming with walkers, joggers, skateboarders and bicyclists.

It was, indeed, a good run. By the time I got home I had worked up a good sweat and my clothes were clinging to me.

Rob met me at the door with a cold glass of water. His eyes traveled up and down my body. He reached out and put his hand on my sweat soaked chest.

"God I love that," he said....

So I quickly stripped, got down on my hands and knees. Rob fucked me from behind, rubbing his hands over my sweaty body. Soon he reached under and jerked my cock until we both climaxed together.

We collapsed on the floor laughing.

We showered then ate our breakfast on the back deck. The sun was shining and it promised to be a hot day, but the morning was pleasantly cool.

"I love this," I said, gesturing to the house, to the yard and to Rob.

Rob looked at me for a few seconds then reached out and placed his hand on my forearm. He gave it a squeeze to let me know he agreed.

"When should we leave for our appointment?" I asked.

"We should leave a good hour before. You never know about traffic in Los Angeles," he said.

"Okay, that gives us an hour before we have to leave. I'd like to make a couple of phone calls and to see if I can persuade one of my friends to accompany me on the trip from Vancouver in Colibri."

"Good idea," he said. "Who are you going to call?"

"I thought I might check with Katie, and I'll let Dave know I'm looking. I wonder if Paul would be interested. I'll call Jenifer and get her permission to ask him."

I made three phone calls and the only person I talked to was Dave. He said he'd get back to me if he thought of anyone. I left messages with Jennifer and Katie explaining that the trip would take anywhere from six to eight days.

Soon we were on our way to our appointment and the apprehension we had felt the day before returned in full force. I didn't want to upset Rob by putting voice to my worry; he too remained fairly quiet.

When we arrived and parked I looked at him and said, "Ready?"

He nodded and said, "Let's go."

As we waited for our case worker to call us I could feel my anxiety growing by the second. I was sweating and I could feel my shirt sticking to my back. Rob seemed cooler, but I could tell by the rigid set of his back, that he was at least as anxious as I.

Finally we were summoned. Our case worker explained what information was missing, and why it was needed.

It required research on our families' medical histories. We needed to interview our respective parents and, if necessary, providing medical records.

As we left I said, "I'm so glad we got that over with!"

"I am too," said Rob. "I know our parents will be helpful." Then he was quiet for a moment, thinking. He said, "Jerome, if we're this anxious about our application how are we going to deal with a real crisis? What Junior gets sick or hurt?"

"I'll be calling my mom and your mom every five minutes," I laughed.

"Good thinking," he said.

Rob drove home leaving me free to check my phone for messages. I had messages from Katie, Dave and Jennifer.

I called Dave first and he told me that Seth wanted to make the trip. Great!

Then I called Katie. She said she'd love to come on the trip. And could she bring Lily? I said sure.

Then I called Jennifer who said that Paul was really stoked about the trip. He had already asked for time off. And, by the way, could John, her brother-in-law, and Paul's best friend, come along too?

Six people in Colibri, for up to eight days. This could get interesting!

"Two lesbians, three straight guys and you," said Rob dryly.

I called everyone back and explained the situation. I asked them if they minded a crowded boat. "Not a problem!" they all said.

Sleeping arrangements were decided. Katie and Lily would take the back stateroom for privacy. Paul said he'd sleep with John on the settee in the salon. Seth said he would sleep with me. With me?

"Are you comfortable with that, Seth?" I asked.

"Jerry," he replied. "Get real. Besides, if I made a move on you Rob would beat me to a pulp."

"True," I said. "Be warned."

Seth responded with a burst of laughter.

With some trepidation I asked Rob if he minded me sharing a bed with Seth.

"Jerome," he said, "I love you and I trust you. Think about this: I spend my working life with good looking men like pilots and flight attendants. I stay at the same hotels as them. I often have dinner with them. I take walks with them. Are you ever worried about me?"

"Rob, you know I'm not!" I sputtered.

"And I'm not worried about you, Jerome. Not in the least."

I looked at him and shook my head in wonder. "You're amazing," I said.

"No, Jerome, you are amazing," he said.

The next day we drove to Santa Barbara to pick up our Jeep. As Rob's father had promised it was perfect for our needs.

Later, we had dinner with the Mitchell's. Ken and Lauren were there smiling from ear to ear. They told us the wedding was in three weeks.

I had plenty of time to sail Colibri south before their big day.

We dropped out rental car at the Santa Barbara airport and drove home in our new (well, new to us) Jeep. We were like excited kids with a new toy.

The next morning I was up and out running early again. This time when I arrived back at our house I saw our neighbour across the street, an older man, out collecting his newspaper. I wasn't sure if Venice Beach was a neighbourly town but I decided to take a chance and introduce myself.

Gary, the neighbour, was delighted to meet me. He warmly welcomed us to Venice Beach. I told him a little about Rob and me. He told me that he and his partner, Raymond, had lived in Venice Beach for over thirty years.

"Over thirty years!" I said.

"Yes, and we've seen a lot of changes, but luckily Venice Beach still has its soul, and probably always will have," said Gary.

"And you and Raymond have been together over thirty years...." I said.

"Actually, about thirty eight, but we've lived in this house in Venice Beach for just over thirty," he replied.

At that point Rob came out of the house and walked over for introductions. "Thirty eight years!" he exclaimed. "You've got to tell us your secret."

Rob suggested they come over for dinner later. Gary said he'd check with Raymond and get back to us. He said they were both dying to see what we'd done with the house and back yard. We quickly ran through the formalities of what they might like to eat (or not) and Gary insisted they would bring wine. I gave him my phone number so he could confirm the rendezvous once Raymond was out of bed. Gary phoned in ten minutes and the plans were finalized. He and Raymond would arrive at seven.

"Let's do a barbeque," I suggested.

"We don't have a barbeque," Rob said.

"I'll go out in the Jeep and get one," I said smiling.

"Okay, but I'm coming too!"

We showered together and although we both got worked up we decided to save our lovemaking for something a little more intimate later.

We drove to Armand's Discount, where I was shocked at the prices people were willing to pay for a barbeque.

"Welcome to California, Jerome," said Rob.

Setting up and testing the barbeque took most of the afternoon. Rob and I didn't get around to a lovemaking session but we managed some heavy petting in the shower just before our guests arrived. We had to turn the water on cold for a few minutes to deflate our erections before getting out and drying ourselves.

Gary and Raymond were delightful guests and provided us with invaluable information about Venice Beach and the surrounding area. They knew the best places to shop, what famous people either had or were currently living there, and what cultural activities were happening.

They were now retired but had worked for many years at Loyola Marymount University, not far from Venice Beach, where they had met. Gary had been an English professor and Raymond had been a maintenance man.

Asked what their secret to a long relationship was Raymond deferred to Gary, who said simply, "Love."

"Love?" Rob and I asked.

"Yes," he replied. "Things will always go wrong. I'm not saying that this will necessarily happen to you guys, but there are bound to be disagreements. When there is real love, you somehow get past the hurt and anger. You work hard because that person really means something to you."

Rob and I looked at each other and smiled.

Later, in bed, I asked Rob, "We have that love: the kind Gary was talking about, don't we?"

"Absolutely, yes, Jerome," he replied. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Rob."

And then we made love. Very tenderly. When Rob was ready I entered him slowly, all the while kissing him deeply. Once inside him I remained mostly still, balanced on my arms, with just enough movement to keep me hard. We stayed like that a long time until I tired and slowly, reluctantly withdrew. Then I lay on my back and Rob entered me and we did the same thing—just held that position until Rob tired. The sex lasted for at least an hour. We couldn't get enough of being fused together. But neither of us climaxed. When Rob's arms gave out and he collapsed on top of me we hugged as tight as we could. Then we rolled on our sides still entwined. Sleep arrived quickly. When we awoke the next morning we were still clinging together, reluctant to let go. Finally the need to piss drove us from the bed.

We showered together, climaxing from soapy, slippery, mutual hand-jobs. We both came so hard it was difficult to stand upright afterwards!

After a few days, I headed back to Vancouver to pick up Colibri and her crew for the trip to Los Angeles. Katy and Seth helped me with the provisions and we double checked all the rigging and safety systems before starting out.

We departed Vancouver on a lovely, sunny day with Jennifer and Maryanne (her twin sister) and their children, Ryan and Rebecca waving goodbye. The girls and children would rejoin their husbands in Santa Barbara and continue on to Disneyland by car.

The trip went well. Seth showed no distress at sharing a bed with me and I relaxed and managed to sleep well.

The sea was relatively calm, with nothing more than heavy breezes to help us along. It is always a little bumpy coming out of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and, unfortunately, John got seasick. He took an anti-nausea medication but could barely hold anything down.

It was on the second day out that I witnessed something remarkable. Paul was sitting in the cockpit and I was at the tiller. Seth, Katy and Lily were below resting. John came on deck, still looking a little ill, and sat beside Paul. Paul put his arm around John's shoulder and pulled him close. John snuggled in to Paul, placing his arm around his body. Paul stroked John's hair then kissed him tenderly on the forehead. John's eyes were closed, but he looked happy and he was breathing a little easier.

I was wide-eyed and staring. Paul looked at me and winked. I made a little "I don't get it" gesture with my hands. Paul gave me a nod and an "okay" gesture with this his hand. Clearly there was more to their "bromance" than I had suspected. I was dying of curiosity but decided it would be up to them to bring the subject up if, and when, they were comfortable doing so.

Luckily John's seasickness abated and he was able to enjoy the rest of the trip. One night I got up to piss; Katie and Lily were minding the tiller. I looked the settee and in the dim cabin light I could see Paul and John spooned together under the cover. I was more curious than ever, but the subject of Paul and John's relationship never came up.

When we arrived in Santa Barbara there was a big, happy reunion with wives, husbands, children and in-laws. Even Seth's girlfriend had arrived. Al and Mary invited everyone up to their place for a backyard barbeque. Those who hadn't already seen `Casa Mitchell' were suitably impressed. Everyone, and especially the kids, enjoyed the pool. We all made a big fuss over Ken and Lauren, whose marriage was just around the corner.

Afterwards everyone went their separate ways. Paul , John and families (the gang) to Disneyland, Katie and Lily, Seth and girlfriend back to Vancouver. Rob and I took Colibri the final short sail to Marina Del Rey where I had, luckily, managed to find another mooring sublet.

Later that week the `gang' spent two days with us in Venice Beach before catching their plane back to Vancouver. They stayed at a nearby hotel and spent their days with us. The kids loved the acrobatic performers at the beach, and of course, the ice cream. We spent a lot of time walking the streets and alleys of Venice. Back at our house we couldn't keep the kids out of the pool. The first night we hosted a barbeque at our place. Gary and Raymond joined us. They kindly offered to babysit the kids the next evening so we adults could go out. At the restaurant with the vine-covered patio we ate too much, drank too much, laughed a lot, and even spotted a C-list movie star.

Before saying our goodbyes, Jennifer took me aside and told me how delighted she was to see me so happy.

"I'll always be grateful for your help, Jennifer. I love you like a sister," I said.

"I love you too, Jerry," she said.

Ken and Lauren got married. Life went back to normal. Rob continued to work three or four days a week. Often on his days off we went sailing. We enjoyed going up to Santa Barbara by boat to visit his family and were delighted to discover Santa Catalina Island and its bohemian charm. Light breezes and sunny skies make sailing in California waters an absolute joy.

We consulted an immigration lawyer who found a loophole allowing me to extend my stay in the US beyond six months.

We progressed with surrogacy process, chose an egg donor, who closely matched Rob's physical characteristics, and finally chose a wonderful surrogate (who in turn chose us).

The day came for me to drop off my sperm. I was alone in a little room and embarrassed that it took me so long to jack off, but eventually I got the job done. Oddly, the thing that pushed me past the point of no return was thinking about my first, tentative kiss with Rob.

There were more tests and approvals before the eggs were fertilized, then they were placed into the surrogate's womb. There was a nail-biting wait to confirm that an egg or eggs implanted correctly, which they did, and we became "expecting parents."

To say we were walking on air with happiness would be a huge understatement. We were ecstatic, elated, buoyant!

Ten weeks later we received some shocking news:

An ultrasound revealed that were expecting twins. Twin boys! Did I say ecstatic? And maybe a little scared....

We had been prepped by the clinic's medical team that a multiple birth might be a possibility. Rob and I were fine with that, but the news did jolt us. Two of everything. Two names. Two cribs. Two. Two. Two. What were we going to do?

Rob immediately applied for a six month leave of absence, starting when the babies were due. Thankfully that was approved.

We decided to turn our larger bedroom into the nursery and we would make do in the smaller bedroom. (Trust me, Rob and I could make do in any bedroom!) We decided that we liked Venice Beach too much to search for a bigger house elsewhere, so we began to draw up plans for a second story addition.

Ken and Lauren became the parents of a gorgeous baby girl. The Mitchell's were thrilled. Rob and I spent time with Lauren to learn about caring for a small child.

As the pregnancy progressed, our surrogate allowed us frequent visits. She was in excellent health and spirits and talked freely about how she felt. She encouraged us to feel her stomach and we felt the boys kicking and rolling around, which really thrilled us.

During this time my parents towed their little fifth wheel trailer to Palm Springs for a two month stay. Palm Springs is a two hour drive from Los Angeles. Rob and I went out for a visit. We decided that it was time to tell them that the boys would be their biological grandchildren.

My father gave us a tour of their RV resort and assured me that, although there were many trailers bigger than their Escape 5th wheel, they couldn't be happier with my gift. Mom served us iced tea in the shade of the trailer's awning and we made small talk about the weather, the trailer park, the town of Palm Springs.... Everyone was relaxed and comfortable; I was so grateful our relationship was back on track. After a few minutes I looked at Rob, who nodded. Then I took his hand and told my parents that the boys would be their biological grandchildren. I explained that it was Rob's idea that the Hardwick genes would continue.

Mom and Dad were absolutely stunned. Mom jumped up and hugged Rob so hard I thought she might break his ribs. Even Dad, who rarely shows emotion, was wiping tears from his eyes.

Rob said simply, "I just love Jerome so much...."

I started to cry, and even Rob, the stoic of the family, was misty-eyed. It was several minutes before everyone regained their composure. Afterwards Dad set his camera on a tripod and took a group photo.

"This is a true Kodak moment," he declared.

The due date for the boys is imminent. Every indication is that they are healthy and the birth will go smoothly.

We've decided to name them David Robert and Aaron Jerome.

Our house is rapidly filling with baby apparatus. Cribs, stroller, change table and lots of toys.

Rob's leave of absence starts next week.

Gary and Raymond have invited my mother to be their guest when the boys arrive, for as long as she wants. They've also taken the title of `honorary grandparents' and want to be involved, and help, in any way they can.

The United States Supreme Court struck down the discriminatory provisions of the Defence of Marriage Act. I have now applied to permanent residence as a spouse. We are hopeful of success.

Rob and I are already discussing the possibility of another child, with him as the biological father. Next time, he gets to jerk off in that little room.

The longer I am with Rob, the more I love him.

Thanks for reading our story. It's been a pleasure sharing it with you.

Jerome Hardwick, 2013.

Note to readers: Paul and John's `bromance' story can be found at:

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