Window Washer

By Phil R

Published on Sep 24, 2012


The Window Washer

Chapter 3

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If it is illegal for you to read about consensual sex between two adult males stop now. If you have any comments please email me at Thanks for reading.

We got Rob into my car and safely back to my apartment.

When I wheeled him through the door he said, "Jerome, this is wonderful. The view is magnificent!"

"Thanks, I'm really proud of it. I was very lucky to get this place. Let's get you settled. Is there anything I can get for you? Something to eat or drink?"

"Maybe just some water, thanks. I'm afraid I'm bagged from all the excitement of coming here. Would you mind if I lie down for a while?"

"Not at all," I said. "Look, here's your room."

"Man, this is all so nice, Jerome, you really are terrific to help me like this. I love your apartment. I could get used to this!"

I know he was probably saying that to be nice, but I was thrilled. My secret wish was that he would move in here, sooner rather than later. But I didn't want to rush things after his bad experience in Seattle, so I remained silent and mussed up his hair.

I wheeled him into his room. Then we shuffled him onto the bed. He had to lie on his back, of course, and I helped him get comfortable. He sighed contentedly. I gave him a bottle of water and quick peck on the lips and told him I'd leave him to get some rest.

He said, "Uh, Jerome, I don't think you're going anywhere." And he patted the bed beside him.

I obediently sat down. We looked at each other. He made a little sideways "come here" gesture with his head that told me he wanted me to kiss him. So I did.

I put my hand on his face and kissed him tenderly and we held our lips together for a long time. He placed his hand on my head to encourage me. Lust was making me rock hard but I also felt such a rush of love and tenderness it nearly made me faint.

The kissing went on for several minutes. We'd kiss, pull back a little, look in each other's eyes, smile and move in for more kissing. Both of us were really heating up.

I moved my hand to his torso and felt his chest muscles and his ribs and his taut belly.

"Let's take your shirt off," I said, and we worked together to pull it gently over his head and cast.

There was a light covering of hair over his toned chest and stomach. He was flawless.

I ran my hands over his nakedness. Chest, nipples, belly, navel, treasure trail. Rob stayed perfectly still, watching me intently. He didn't make a sound, but he was breathing rapidly in short, shallow breaths.

I leaned over and slowly kissed all the places I'd just touched. I could see his cock straining to be free.

"Should we do your pants now?" I asked.

"Yes," he whispered.

The tear-away pants came off easily. Then I started on his boxers. I lifted the waist band to free his beautifully proportioned, very hard dick. I took a good, long look at it and gave it a light, lingering kiss. I continued pulling the boxers down and over the ski boot. I dropped them on the floor then sat back and ran my eyes over all of him. He continued to lie as still as a statue. But I could tell by his flushed face, rapid breathing, and obvious excitement, that he was as stoked as I was.

"Your turn now," he said quietly. So I stood up and rapidly removed my clothes. I paused long enough for him to take in the view, and then joined him on the bed.

Considering he was lying on his back, with his left arm and leg immobilized, we managed our lovemaking just fine. I tried to be gentle, but that didn't make it any less intense.

I used my lips, tongue and hands as creatively as I could. I alternated between fast and slow. I brought him to the edge, then backed off. A firm hold, then a light touch. It wasn't long before he was begging me not to stop. His body tensed. I clamped my right hand on his tight balls. Then he let out a long moan and shot load after load of sweet, creamy cum into my mouth. I swallowed greedily.

I moved around so he could suck my engorged cock. He was eager, and his mouth felt amazing, but the position was awkward. So I sat back on my haunches and he gave me the best hand job I'd ever experienced. The guy was a virtuoso! Soon it was my turn to beg him not to stop. We worked on the last few strokes together. I cried out and shot a huge load onto his chest. Some of my cum dribbled onto his fingers. He brought them to his mouth, looked me in the eyes, and licked them clean.

I barely had the energy to give him a quick clean up, then we cuddled, kissed, and rested for a few minutes in a state of total harmony. Finally, I felt Rob take a deep breath and let it out slowly, then his breathing took on a steady rhythm and he dropped off to sleep.

I knew he needed rest so I gently eased myself off the bed. I took another long hungry look at his body then covered him with a blanket. I slipped on my boxers and shirt and quietly made my way out of the room.

I left his bedroom door ajar so that I could hear if he called. I made myself a cup of tea and slumped contentedly into my favourite chair. My thoughts drifted and I daydreamed about a future with Rob. There was no doubt in my mind that I had found my soul mate. I prayed he felt the same way.

Soon, the afternoon light was fading and my stomach was reminding me it was time to prepare dinner. But first I wanted to check with Rob to see if what I had planned would be okay for him. I grabbed a bottle of water in case he was thirsty and went into his room. For a couple of minutes I stood beside the bed and watched him. It didn't take long before he sensed me there. He opened his eyes and gave me a big smile.

I smiled back and said, "Hey sleepy head."

"Hey Jerome," he replied. Then he looked me over. From top to bottom, and back to the top. Finally, his eyes locked onto mine and he said, "I just wanted to tell you....What we did....It's never been like that before....I mean that was the best....Well, you know....I just gave myself so totally to you. Gosh, I must sound dumb, but I hope you know what I mean...."

"I know exactly what you mean. That's not dumb at all. It was like that for me too."

He smiled and said, "I'm glad."

"Good!" I said. "Here's some water. Are you hungry? I was thinking of chicken and stir fried vegetables for dinner. Would you like that? If you want something else, just say so. I've got tons of stuff in the fridge."

"Thanks, I'd like a drink of water. The chicken sounds perfect. Damn, I have to pee. Can you help me?"

After he took a good swig of water I helped him put on his his t-shirt and boxers. We got him in his wheelchair and into the bathroom. I helped him, but surprisingly neither of us felt any embarrassment--we were perfectly comfortable with each other.

Then I got him settled on the couch and cooked our meal.

I cut his chicken into bite size pieces and served him. He was happy to have home cooked food again and ate enthusiastically.

We had ice cream for dessert then I cleared up the dishes and we talked for a while. He told me a little about growing up in Santa Barbara. But it wasn't long before I could see the colour draining from his face and he asked for one of his narcotic pain pills.

"It's not my leg so much as my wrist. That's what seems to hurt the most," he said.

I gave him his pill and said, "Okay, let's get you into bed."

He said, "About the sleeping arrangements...."

I quickly responded, "Don't worry Rob. You've got your own room and your own bed. I'll totally respect your privacy."

"That's not quite what I meant, Jerome."

I was puzzled for a moment, and then the penny dropped. "Oh. Wow! You'd like to sleep with me? In my bed? Are you sure? I'd love that!"

"Yes, that's what I meant. I'd love that too."

I thought for a moment, and said, "Only one rule...."

"Let me guess," he said. "No clothes in Jerome's bed, right?"

"Bingo," I said

So we got him to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a final piss. I was there if he needed me, but I could tell he was trying to be as independent as possible.

When we got to the bed I pulled back the covers and asked, "Can you get in by yourself?"

"I think so," he said. Then he demonstrated his abilities and was lying comfortably on his back in no time at all.

"Well done!" I said. Then I helped him out of his t-shirt and boxers and pulled the covers up over him.

I quickly undressed and stretched out beside him with my hand resting on his hairy chest. We were still and quiet for several minutes, then:



"I've fallen in love with you."

"I've fallen in love with you too, Rob."

"We have a lot to talk about tomorrow, don't we?"

"Yes, Rob, we do. We can talk all day."

I kissed him gently on the lips and said, "Good night."

"Good night," he replied and within seconds his pain pill kicked in and he dropped off to sleep.

The next morning I opened my eyes and found him watching me.

"Have you been awake long?" I asked.

"Just a few minutes. It was my turn to watch you."

"Yes, I guess it was. Do you remember what you said last night?"


"Say it again."

"I love you, Jerome."

"I love you too, Rob."

Then we kissed. One thing led to another, and soon we were in a full replay of what we had done the previous afternoon. With the same glorious results. I couldn't remember ever feeling happier.

I made coffee for us and brought it back to bed. We planned our day. We wanted to talk about our new relationship first thing. And Rob needed to make travel arrangements for the next day. I said I would go for a run while he did that.

We rolled out of bed then took a shower together. We were able to take Rob's ski boot off for the shower but had to wrap his arm in a big plastic bag to keep the plaster cast dry. I brought in a patio chair so he could sit in my shower stall and we managed. He spent a lot of time exploring my naughty bits with his soapy right hand, which was just fine with me!

I helped him dry off. We got him dressed and his leg immobilized. I dressed, and then we went into the living room and settled him on the couch. I poured us orange juice then made Spanish omelettes for breakfast.

Once we'd finished eating I put the dishes in the dishwasher and got us both fresh coffees. I sat close to him and asked, "Are you ready to talk now?"

"Absolutely, where shall we start?"

"Well, what about some basic relationship rules?" I said. "For instance, I believe in being faithful. I'm not an open relationship kind of guy."

"Me neither. Jerome, I promise you that as long as we're together I will never look at another guy!"

I laughed and said, "Well, you can look, but no touching!" Then I asked, "What's important for you, Rob?"

"Please tell me you don't do drugs, Jerome."

"No definitely not!"


"What else is important for you, Rob?"

"Well, respect is a big issue. Treating each other courteously is definitely important, but it's also more than that. It's really, truly valuing the other person."

So we kicked around that topic for a while. Then we moved on to other subjects and the morning flew by. I was completely mesmerized by this articulate, self-confident guy. (That, and the fact that he was very easy on the eyes.)

Neither of us wanted much lunch so I just cut up some fruit and we snacked on that.

He told me a bit about arranging travel as an airline employee. Then he said it was better if he just showed me. So I fetched his laptop and he logged into a special "Employee Travel" page. Then he started the process of finding a flight. He explained that paying customers were accommodated first, then employees if the plane had empty seats. He told me that traveling employees and their guests are called "non-revs," which is short for "non-revenue passengers."

There were no direct flights from Vancouver to Santa Barbara. We would have to change planes in Seattle.

"I don't think that is going to work, Jerome," he said. "First, the planes are small and it would be fairly difficult to seat me comfortably. Plus, most of these little guys board directly from the tarmac and that involves stairs. I think it would be better to fly into Los Angeles on a direct flight, in a bigger plane. I'm sure somebody would pick us up there. It's almost two hours from my parents' house but California people drive everywhere. Maybe my brother would come and get us."

"That makes sense," I said. "Do you mind if I leave you to make the arrangements while I go out for a run? Will you be okay here on your own?

"I'll be okay. You go ahead. Can you take your phone just in case something happens?"

So I changed, strapped my phone to my arm, and headed out. But first we kissed goodbye and said our "I love you's." I promised to be back soon. He said he'd miss me, and I said I'd miss him. We were joking around, but at the same serious. Like many new lovers we just didn't want to be separated, even for a few minutes.

I had a good, long run along the waterfront, revelling in my good fortune. I walked the final block to my apartment to let my heart rate and breathing get back to normal. But I was still hot and sweaty when I arrived home.

Rob liked hot and sweaty. I stood near the couch and he gave me a good long hug, with his head pressed against my damp stomach.

The travel arrangements were complete. He had our boarding passes sent to our phones but explained that these were only temporary. They would get us through security but we would be given our seat assignments at the boarding gate. He assured me that the flight we wanted had plenty of open seats and we would almost certainly get on.

"I just need to make one more phone call," he said.

I left him to it and took a quick shower. When I came back to the living room he was smiling and looked very pleased with himself.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I have a surprise for you tomorrow," he said.

"You're full of surprises," I said.

We passed the balance of the day alternately resting and talking. Rob was doing really well. He never complained or asked for one of his heavy-duty pills, but I made sure he took acetaminaphen regularly to keep the pain at bay.

We spend our second night cuddled together. No longer zonked on narcotics, Rob turned out to be a very affectionate guy.

The next day we woke up early to give ourselves plenty of time to prepare for the trip. Once we were ready I took our bags to the car then came back for Rob. We got him settled and were soon on our way.

When we were a few minutes away from the airport Rob made a call and arranged for a CSA to meet us with a wheelchair at the departures curb.

"CSA?" I asked.

"Customer Service Agent," he said.

So I dropped Rob off with our luggage in the care of a very nice lady in an Alkasa uniform. I parked the car and made my way back to them.

I took over and wheeled Rob into the security check area. That process went smoothly, as did our pre-clearance interview with the US Immigration agent. We got to our gate and Rob was greeted warmly by the Alkasa agent there. Then we sat to the side and waited for our names to be called. I was getting worried when most of the passengers had boarded and we still hadn't been called, but Rob assured me that was normal.

Finally, to my relief, our names were called and the agent gave us boarding passes with our seat assignments. She took over and wheeled Rob down the ramp and into the plane as I followed.

Rob knew the crew members on the plane and they made a big fuss over him.

Rob's surprise for me was that we were seated in the front row of the plane, in first class!

"Wow," I said. "I've never traveled first class before. How did you manage this?"

"My boss owed me a favour and he arranged it for me. It's a lot more comfortable for me, certainly, but I hope you'll enjoy it."

"Rob, I'm just blown away by it. You amaze me." Then I leaned close and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too," he whispered back.

The flight took just over two hours and the whole time we were treated like royalty by Rob's flight attendant colleagues. I could tell he was very well liked.

I had never been to Los Angeles before and as the plane approached the city Rob pointed out the sights below. I got a good look at Malibu Beach and a little later the Hollywood sign just before the plane turned onto its final approach to the airport.

We deplaned last, then, following Rob's directions, I wheeled him outside to wait for his brother. The air was hot but it felt wonderful. And, even at the airport, amid acres of concrete, there were palm trees.

Rob told me to look for a big white car and soon his brother pulled up in a shiny new Escalade. He parked and jumped out and the first thing he said to Rob was, "Jesus little brother, I can't believe this!"

"Hi to you too, Ken," Rob laughed. Then he introduced me and we piled in the car for the ride to Santa Barbara.

Ken turned out to be outgoing like Rob and the conversation was lively. He was a great tour guide and pointed out the interesting sights as we drove north. He seemed to know where all the movie stars lived in Malibu. I was enthralled.

When we reached Santa Barbara Ken turned serious and said, "Rob, I should warn you. Dad's a bit pissed. What with the accident and the Seattle situation. Well, sorry Jerome, but he's not too happy about you either. I feel really bad, but you guys are going to have to face the music when we get home."

Rob said, "Thanks for the warning, Ken. I'll deal with dad."

After that we lapsed into a stony silence. I was feeling guilty for creating this mess, but I was equally concerned for Rob's immediate welfare. It wasn't fair to send him into a hostile environment when what he needed most was support and care.

I turned around and looked at him, trying to put on my most reassuring face. I could tell he knew what I meant. He held my gaze and gave me a little smile of thanks. Then his smile widened and he winked at me. He was reassuring me right back! Letting me know he was in full control of the situation.

We drove up hill until we came to a winding road that skirted the mountainside. The view out to the Pacific Ocean was breathtaking. Finally we turned into the driveway of a beautiful two story, Spanish-style home set amid lush grounds on the lower slope of the road.

"You never told me your parents were rich," I said.

"Just a big mortgage!" laughed Ken.

"No, seriously," I said, "What does your dad do?"

Ken said, "He has a flooring business. Tiles and carpets and stuff. That's where Mom and I work too."

Just then the front door of the house opened and out came Rob's parents. His dad wasn't carrying a shotgun. I took that as a good sign.

Rob's dad, Al, was polite but reserved as introductions were made. Mary had acquired a wheelchair and pushed Rob around the side of the house.

"I've put you two in the Casita," she said. "For privacy."

Just then we went through a gate and entered an enclosed courtyard. In the middle was a swimming pool surrounded by a beautifully tiled deck. Around that there was lawn and then there were gardens and hedges, every bush ripe with flowers. Behind the greenery and colour there were glimpses of a stuccoed wall. Big palm trees provided shade. Off to the right there was a small building, its style mimicking that of the main house. Mary pushed Rob toward that.

It was a delightful apartment with one main room, a bedroom and a bathroom. The front windows overlooked the pool. It was like being in a five star resort!

Mary showed me around and told me to make myself at home indicating with her hand she meant the pool and the main house as well as the Casita. She asked if there was anything we needed. I said I was fine. Rob, clearly exhausted from the trip, said he'd like to rest for a while. His arm and leg hurt like heck and he asked for a pain pill. I got him on the bed and held his hand as he dropped off to sleep.

I got up, changed into shorts and a t-shirt and grabbed a diet Coke from the well stocked fridge. I fished out my phone and my Kobo reader then found a chair in the shade, outside by the pool. I was occupied with my electronic gadgets for the better part of an hour then I heard the door to the main house slide open. Al, looking grim, stepped into the courtyard carrying two bottles of beer. "Here it comes!" I thought. I took a deep breath and steeled myself for the worst.

I stood up and gestured for him to sit in the chair near me. He handed me a beer and sat down.

"Mary and I love our boys," he said.

It was a statement, not a question, so I remained silent.

"When the hospital called and told us he'd fallen five stories.....well, we thought we'd lost him."

I gave a slight nod that I understood, but remained silent.

"And then that bastard in Seattle....and now you. I just don't understand."

He didn't seem angry, just concerned. He hadn't asked a question yet but I thought remaining silent would be a sign of disrespect, so I said, "Mr. Mitchell, I like Rob. I like him a lot. I'm only here to help him as best I can."

Suddenly his temper flared and he exclaimed, "Well, you can tell him to stop trying to be so damn independent! He didn't need to take that window washer job. Mary and I would have helped him if he'd just asked!"

I heard a sharp, "Dad!" from behind me and turned to see Rob at the door of the Casita. He'd somehow managed to get himself out of bed and across the living room.

Al jumped up like a shot and strode over to Rob. He wrapped his arms around him and held him tight. "I'm sorry, Son, it's just that I love you so much and the thought of losing you, well...." And then his body shook with sobs. Rob hugged back with his good arm and said, "I know, Dad, I love you too."

The next morning we made love again. Later, Rob had an x-ray appointment and Ken volunteered to take him. Al went to work. Mary offered to take me out to lunch, which I gladly accepted. She took me to a seafood restaurant on a pier at the foot of the city. While we ate and I gawked at the view she told me about how Al and she had started their business and how, little by little, it had grown to a multi-store operation. Al had wanted both the boys to work in the business but Rob wanted to "make his own way in the world" and had joined the airline. I could tell she was very proud of both her sons. She said, "Just wait until you see Rob in his uniform!"

I said, "I'm looking forward to that!"

On the way home Mary drove by the old Santa Barbara Mission. She explained that between 1769 and 1823 the Spanish had established a series of missions stretching from San Diego to Sonoma. Spain was colonizing California and the missions had a dual military-religious purpose. The Spanish Franciscans attempted to convert the Native Americans to Catholicism, but in the process pretty much enslaved them.

She was oversimplifying, she said, but she promised to bring me back another time for a proper educational tour.

When we got home I found Rob on a lounge chair by the pool. After a warm greeting he turned serious and said, "I've got something to show you. I hope I did the right thing."

"What is it?" I asked.

He handed me a sheet of paper. It was a lab report for a rapid HIV test. I looked at the results. Tears came to my eyes.

"After my x-ray I stopped by a lab and had it done," he said. "I just wanted you to know for sure."

"Non-reactive. Negative," I said choking up.

"Jerome, did I do the wrong thing? Why are you crying?"

"No, no. You did exactly the right thing. I'm crying because I'm happy. Because I love you so much!"

I kissed him and he kissed the tears from my cheeks.

"I'll get one done tomorrow. For you," I said.

He said, "Thanks. Now go for a swim. I want to see what you look like in a bathing suit."

"I didn't bring one," I said.

"You can use mine. It's in my bag."

It turned out to be a well worn Speedo. I put it on then posed at the Casita door and asked, "Does it make me look fat?"

He looked me over for a moment and said, "It makes you look like an Olympic swimmer. But what's that big bulge?"

"The way you're looking at me is making me hard," I said. "I better jump in the pool before I have a major wardrobe malfunction!"

Over the next couple of days I had a wonderful time (and a lot of sex), but inevitably Sunday, my departure day, rolled around. Rob and I were very clingy in bed that morning.

"I don't want you to go," he said.

"I don't want to go, but I have to get back to work."

"It's not fair," he said.

So I held him tight and told him how much I'd miss him. I promised I would catch a flight the following Friday and come back to him.

At noon Ken arrived with the Escalade to take me to the airport. Rob came along and I was glad because every minute I could spend with him seemed precious. Unfortunately it was only a short drive to the Santa Barbara Airport.

When we got there I was impressed with the terminal building. Like many buildings in Santa Barbara it was built in the Spanish Colonial style with white stucco, arches, and a red tile roof.

Ken pulled up to the curb and stopped. I grabbed my pack and jumped out. Then I opened the back door and leaned in and gave Rob a serious kiss. I didn't care what Ken or anybody else thought. I'm not a gay rights fanatic, but my logic was "If they can do it, we can do it."

I promised to call Rob as soon as I got home. We said our final goodbyes and I waved as the Escalade drove away. I felt miserable as I turned and made my way through security to the boarding gate.

I was traveling on one of Rob's guest passes for the trip, so I was flying standby. As I'd seen before, the regular passengers were invited to board, but I had to sit and wait for my name to be called. It looked like all the passengers had boarded and I was still sitting there. I began to sweat a little. Maybe all the seats were taken? But eventually my name was called, as Rob promised it would be, and I boarded the plane.

Rob had given me a copy of Alkasa's policies for traveling employees and guests. We were expected to dress appropriately, be polite, sit in assigned seats, not cause any problems, obey instructions and exit the plane without argument if asked to do so. A traveling guest's behaviour reflected on the employee, so I was extra careful to be obedient and courteous.

I went through the same waiting procedure for my plane change in Seattle and finally arrived in Vancouver at about seven in the evening. I cleared customs, retrieved my car and drove home to my empty apartment.

I called Rob, as promised, the moment I got in. He said he was relieved that I'd arrived home safely.

"I know how easy it is for accidents to happen," he said.

Then he made me tell him, in minute detail, about my trip, as only an airline employee would. But it didn't matter what we talked about. It was really about keeping each other on the phone. Hearing each other's voices. Staying connected. Being close.

At Rob's suggestion we spent some time establishing a schedule of phone calls for the coming week. He said that rather than wondering who was going to call whom and when--along with all the confusion and misunderstandings that could bring--we should establish a rough plan. It made me realize how much the well being of our relationship was important to Rob. I was more convinced than ever that I had found myself a "keeper" and I had been right to follow my heart.

But, I wasn't quite prepared for what I had to face the following morning....

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Next: Chapter 4

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