Windfort Resort

By Marcus D

Published on Jun 12, 2004


Warning... this story contains depictions of gay sex and could be offensive to some, if this subject offends you, stop reading now. If you are not supposed to read this, don't. Either way, be responsible. Thanks, Marcus

Windfort Resort Chapter 8: Special Guest

We always love springtime at the resort. The rain begins slacking off and the sunny days become longer. For us it also means times of new friends. Even thought the resort is privately owned, visitors are referred to us by other resorts or through naturist societies. We always love showing off to newcomers our best hospitality.

It was an exceptionally warm Tuesday afternoon when Brad and I arrived back from our camping trip. After showering and putting away our gear we headed down to the lodge for a late lunch, then to check in at the office. After sitting down and ordering our lunch Pat was the first to accost us with the news.

"Have you heard yet, your just not going to believe this!" She blurted out, a kitchen spoon still in hand as she plopped down at the table beside Brad. "Senator Bob Whitman is coming to visit this weekend. Can you believe that? He is coming here with his wife and a few staff to get away. It is all hush, hush, but can you believe that!"

I smiled, thinking how much I loved Pat's enthusiasm. Although I know good and well that she gets the same way over a case of exceptionally good oranges. But that is one of the reasons we love her so much. "So he finally caved in and said yes" I said, sitting back with my cup of coffee in both hands. "This one has been in the works since he came into office."

Brad looked at me like I was up to something, then turned back to his soup, just giving his head a little shake.

"You knew about this" Pat said, her voice still filled with excitement.

"No, he and I have just been e-mailing back and forth about his need to get back to his roots. I guess he finally took me up on the offer." I took a sip of coffee then continued. "Bob and I met at a naturalist retreat I organized while we were in college. He was a Political Science major with a minor in Sociology. We made an agreement that weekend that when he got into office he would not forget his roots. Several years ago I sent him a note about our agreement and he remembered me. We have been corresponding periodically ever since. We haven't seen each other in... oh my, seventeen years. "

Brad stat back and finished chewing a piece of pineapple before smiling. "So that is what you do sitting up there in your office? Just plot the next move to advance your plan of turning the world into nudists?" A smile came across both he and Pat's faces as he finished.

"No, I am just after making the world see itself for what they are... it is just easier if they don't have any clothes on." We all laughed and finished lunch with just small talk. Afterwards Brad and I headed up to the office to get the specifics on the visit.

The faxes were pouring in from the secret service and Bob's office. One agent would arrive four hours before Bob. Brad would take care of that part. Bob, his wife, and four staffers would arrive later with two more security agents. Jean had already started setting up the rooms and housekeeping arrangements. It meant some shuffling as the nice weather was bringing in quite a few guests for the weekend, plus we have the fishing group coming in on Sunday. It was going to work out great though.

As the excitement grew around the arrival of our guests I decided to have a staff meeting to remind everyone how special all our guests were as well as discuss the security aspects of the visit. Brad and I discussed contingency plans in the event of press or onlooker issues as well.

By Friday morning we were ready. Pat had her kitchen stocked, the rooms were dressed with fresh flowers, massage schedules were worked out, and a special reception dance was quickly put together for Saturday night. It was going to be a great weekend for everyone.

Thursday morning the field agent arrived to oversee preparations, much to Brad's disappointment it was a female agent. Agent Brandon was very 'to the book' when she arrived at reception. Dressed in a formal blue suit I could tell she felt out of place already. Jean had already radioed Brad as I came out of my office.

"Good Morning" I said, holding my hand out to shake hers. "Welcome to Windfort, I am Brian the General Manager. We are very anxious for Bob's visit, this is going to be a nice weekend for him I am sure."

"Nice to meet you Brian" she said, shaking my hand and trying to look me in the eye. Her nervousness continued as Jean stood up from behind the desk where she had been calling Brad.

"Agent Brandon, you will be in bungalow 114, right next to the Senator's." Jean said, handing her a key. "Enjoy your stay" she said with a final smile.

"It is alright Agent Brandon" I chimed in. "Everyone is nervous the first time. Just act like we all have on tan jumpsuits if it make you feel better." Just then Brad walked in, his staff were wearing their radio's this weekend which they clipped to a strap that hung from their shoulders. "Perfect timing, Agent Brandon this is my head of security, Brad." They shook hands and Brad offered to show her around. He frowned at me as they walked out the door and out into the compound.

"Not what he was expecting huh" Jean said, not waiting for me to answer before starting back to her paperwork. I squeezed her shoulder and walked back into my office.

I was eating lunch with Pat when Brad and Agent Brandon walked into the dining room. Somehow he had convinced her to join our club. She had dispensed with her wool suit and wore only a radio that Brad had given her so they could all communicate this weekend. She was carrying what looked like a day timer with a notepad on the outside that she would periodically stop and write notes on. When she sat down at the table for lunch, she was perfectly at ease. We chatted about the resort and it's history as we enjoyed lunch.

"So do you feel naked without your gun Agent Brandon?" I ask, as I sat finishing my iced tea.

"Never." She said slyly, then pulled the handle of a gun partially out of her black case. "It is part of my body I guess." She smiled as she pushed it back into the case.

"I want one of those!" Brad blurted out, as he eyed her case closer. "On second thought, I'll just stick to my radio." We all laughed and each of us took off to get ready for Bob's arrival.

Bob and his wife Natalie's arrival was very low key. They pulled up in a plain blue sedan. Accompanying them was the second agent, a stocky older gentleman named Harry, and two aides Joel and Kathryn. Greetings and introductions happened all around as we talked about how much we had changed or not. Brad disappeared with Agent Harry, giving him the tour while Agent Brandon stayed with the Senator.

"Well let's get you all settled in for the weekend then I will show you around." I said, leading the way out the door of reception. My focus had been on Bob since their arrival, but as we walked toward the cottages I caught a look at Joel out of the corner of my eye. He was about my age, perhaps a little older, well built, with wire rim glasses and an extremely stylish haircut. He appeared to blush as we passed a couple of guys on the path.

"This will be yours and Natalie's cabin Bob. Kathryn, yours is right next door. Joel, yours is behind these, let me show you while everyone gets settled. Let's all meet in the Lounge in about an hour and I will show you around before cocktail's." I could tell they were all tired from the trip and needed a bit of down time first, so they all agreed. Joel and I walked down the path and around to the cabin we had set up for him.

"It is one of our smaller cabins, but it has a great view. The secret service wanted you all close together, so you get this one." I stepped past the bed and opened a set of french doors that lead out onto a small deck overlooking the river. "You should be comfortable here" I said smiling back at him as his face dropped.

"This is very nice. Thank you." Joel's voice was already starting to calm as he stepped out onto the deck and breathed in the moist mountain air.

"I'll let you rest a bit. I will see you down at the lodge in an hour." I said, handing him the key.

"Hold on, if you let me wash up a second I will go down with you. I can't wait to see this place." Joel tossed down his small bag on the bed and headed toward the bathroom. I walked out on the deck and took a seat on a chair as I heard the water running. "So how long have you been here?" Joel ask from the bathroom.

I explained a brief history of my time here and a little about how I met Bob. He ask a few questions as he came out of the bathroom and started to undress. Out of the corner of my eye I watched every movement as he removed his shoes and socks, the way he flossed his toes with his socks, then folded them up carefully. My heart beat faster when he unbuckled his slacks, turned, and slipped them down over his bare ass. When he turned the front tail of his shirt hid his prized jewels, but gave me a titillating view of his tan thighs.

I was staring at him by that point and he stared back as he slowed down and unbuttoned the sleeves of his shirt then each button from the top down. Just like a silk shirt should, it slid off his shoulders exposing a well-built man beneath.

Realizing by this point that I had been a little too obvious I started to cover my tracks. "So..." clearing my throat a bit "that feels better now, unencumbered by the shackles of society" I said, a bit of playful joking in my voice.

"You sound like a cult leader" he said joking back as he walked out onto the deck and stretched his arms above his head in an exhibition of his new freedom.

My eyes were caressing his body as it moved and flexed in front of me. A breeze blew his scent past me, a combination of Capital Hill and Old Growth Forest. He was home now. We had hooked another one.

"Your not new to this are you?" I ask as Joel put his hands on the rail before him and looked out over the river.

"No, actually I am a member of a resort in Florida, where I spend most of my vacations and quite a few long weekends. I had always been interested in visiting Windfort, so when I found out the Senator knew you, I pushed for him to take some time off here." Joel turned and smiled then continued. "You probably don't remember, but we met once at a reception in Chicago about seven years ago. Our conversation was brief, but you had such a passion for this place."

"Well, now this is quite an honor." I said as I stood up and stepped toward him. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Joel, are you all settled in?" Bob's head poked around the side of the door as he spoke.

"Yes, we were just enjoying the view." He said, turning toward the river below. Bob was naked and carrying his towel as he walked into the room and looked out over the river.

"Brian, this is an awesome resort you have here. Your descriptions, and the pictures on your website do nothing to describe this place." He squeezed my shoulder and leaned over to get a better view of the river below.

"Thanks Bob, we are proud of her. Shall I show you the lodge and get you two a beverage so you can begin to relax." I started toward the door, needing air and movement.

We walked down toward the lodge, electricity was building between Joel and I, he was a very attractive man, one I would welcome getting to know better.

As we walked I pointed out various sites and places. About half way to the lodge the Tittleman's stopped Bob and introduced themselves, a light conversation about politics and then we were off again.

At the lodge I showed them around, then we settled in the lounge. Agent Brandon had been following us, about ten feet back, since we left Joel's cottage. She kept a constant eye, but seemed to blend in too. We talked for over an hour, catching up on old times and rehashing college stories. Joel sat there listening, chuckling every now and then at the antics we reminisced.

Natalie and Kathryn joined us just before the cocktail hour. As guests arrived Bob and Natalie began milling around, chatting with everyone. Bob truly was a politician through and through. Kathryn sat by the fireplace with a wonderful couple from Nebraska, leaving Joel and I sitting at the bar to watch the group mill about.

"This is my favorite time of the evening" I told Joel, savoring a sip of my scotch. "This is the time of day when the guests are most relaxed and everyone comes together as one group."

"You really have a wonderful job" Joel said as he watched his boss move around the room. "We need to have more receptions in Washington where everyone is nude. It would eliminate so much of the struggle."

"So are you telling me Bob is coming out as a nudist?" I teased him. Before he could answer dinner was announced and the guests started filing out into the dining room.

Bob and his guests sat with me at my table. For dinner Brad and Pat joined us but they were off again before dessert was served. After dinner Bob and Natalie retired to the lounge where a group quickly formed around them. Kathryn took off to the sauna, then to retired early. This left Joel and I alone again.

"How about if we continue the tour of the resort" I suggested as we finished our coffee.

"Sounds great" Joel chimed in. His smile further captivated me. We walked out of the lodge into the night air.

Thanks for reading, if you have comments, please feel free to send me a note. More adventures will follow...

Next: Chapter 9

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