Windfort Resort

By Marcus D

Published on Feb 17, 2004


Warning... this story contains depictions of gay sex and could be offensive to some, if this subject offends you, stop reading now. If you are not supposed to read this, don't. Either way, be responsible. Thanks, Marcus

Windfort Resort Day Hike Chapter 5

Hiking naturally through nature makes the splendor of beauty more powerful.

The rains always clean the forest and make everything fresh again. New flowers seem to pop up from the ground and the animals scurry about gathering fallen treasures. Once a week I leave the compound and spend the day hiking on my own. It is my day off, and opportunity to scope out areas around the resort. Today I was headed up river into the state forest looking for potential fishing spots for a group who will be arriving in a few weeks. I carried a knapsack with my hiking supplies, my lunch, a towel, and chieftain (if needed) and at the last minute picked up my fly rod and hat before setting off just after sunrise. I had on only my hiking boots as I would be spending a lot of time jumping over rocks on the river bed. I left Brad asleep in my apartment. He was planning his third mutiny attempt this month while I was away.

The Beatle river ran through the state forest originating someplace up in the cascade range. It was a perfect little river, not navigable by boat, it had to be hiked into. There were several areas where it flattened out and created some nice fishing pools. The terrain of the riverbed changed every year after the winter run off. This year was a little different though. The snow pack had been less this year and the river was running lower than normal. My hope today was to scope out a few good pools that had the potential of fish.

I started up the 401 trail which lead away from the river at the resort, but met back up with it right at the edge of the resort. The morning was a little chilly, but still nice. I kept up a good pace until it started to warm up a bit, then slowed down and started enjoying the beauty and fresh air. The recent rain had added to the rain-forest like atmosphere of the trees. The moss and needle covered ground was spongy and moist. Giving off a peat like musky aroma that was familiar on the forest floor. The green sword fern and false lily of the valley covered bare spots filling in a barrage of color formed by the early spring flowers. If you open all of your senses during a hike through the woods, it becomes a very erotic place to be. An owl swooped ahead, undoubtedly headed toward his nest high in one of the old trees after a long night of hunting. I breathed in the moist air and began my day of rejuvenation.

When I came to the river, I got off the trail and started hiking up the riverbed. There were plenty of rocky spaces to walk on as I started checking the terrain. As I moved along I noted a few good pools for the group but nothing outstanding. I needed to get up stream a little more so I decided it best to cut across land as I knew the river made a bend ahead and looped back.

Crossing the river at a shallow spot I headed up across country through a fern meadow in the trees. I was hiking along pretty softly when I happened to notice a couple of deer ahead grazing on tuffs of grass. Luckily I was down wind at the time, so knelt behind some brush and watched them for a while. Their gracefulness was captivating as they ate walking back and forth through the tall moist grass. Two more started approaching the meadow from my left, they were closer to me than the other two. They walked past and headed into the meadow. I watched these four beautiful creatures for about a half an hour then got up and moved off away from the meadow, as not to disturb their breakfast.

I came back to the river and found that this area had changed considerably since I had visited last year. Several nice pools had formed and there were a few good outcropping for the fish to hide. I thought I would cast a while and see what came up. I put down my knapsack and jumped over to a good rock on the side of the riverbed. This was the first time I had fished this year, so it took me a few times to get into the rhythm. I cast for about five minutes before I got a trout to raise. It caught my fly and was mine. It was a handsome fish, a hatchery rainbow I believe. I released her back into the pool and hoped she would stay around for my guests when they arrive.

As I looked up at the sun streaming through the canopy overhead I decided it was time for lunch. After washing up I grabbed my knapsack then hiked over to a sun soaked mossy patch of forest on the edge of the stream. I laid out my towel and sunned myself while enjoying a pine nut and mango salad Pat had prepared. She also added some of her sesame crackers, which she knows I love. I lay there soaking up the rays, letting my lunch settle and listening to the forest, drifting off for an afternoon nap.

I woke on my stomach about an hour later. Good nap I thought as I stretched and notice the sun had left my spot and moved into the river bed. The water was calling my name so I decided to fish a little more before heading back to the compound and a quiet evening in my apartment with a book I was almost finished with. I picked up my rod and moved up stream a bit to a new hole. Finding a nice flat rock I began casting into a hole partially tucked under a low tree. If I were a fish, that is where I would want to be this time of day. It was rather late to be fishing, but part of the joy is just the act of fishing. The art of casting was coming back to me and I was getting into the sounds of the riverbed when I heard voices coming from upstream. I kept casting, as my tempo was matching the various bugs flying about the water when out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of two figures walking along the rocks of the river. Just then a huge trout jumped out of the shadow, taking my fly hard. I set the hook and started playing him.

At this same time the two men saw me, with one saying "He's fishing naked". The other followed with "He's got one on too", I wondered lately if he was referring to the fish I was playing or the semi-stiff rod I was sporting. Either way, they continued approaching as I stepped off the rock and into the water, playing my fish in closer. By the time they arrived by me I had brought the fish in. I was planning on keeping this one. It was going to go to Brad, he loved trout and this was a bragging fish. The two guys were looking at the trout I had just pulled up out of the water. I turned to look at the two guys, smiling and squinting as the sun was behind them.

"Nice fish" the first one started out. He was the typical blond, blue-eyed, Scandinavian boy you see in magazines. He wore his flannel shirt open to his mid chest with his sleeves rolled up and a traditional fishing vest with Kaki shorts which had an obvious box. His buddy was less attractive but fit with gray eyes, wearing only a fishing vest and cut-off jeans. His saving grace was his long brown hair, that fell below his shoulder blades.

"Thanks, I was beginning to think it was too late in the day to catch anything, but I am glad I tried. I squatted down to pull my catch up out of the water, he was a very good size for a trout in this stream. As I knelt down my ball sack skimmed the top of the water, reminding me that I was naked. The water was nice and refreshing on my dangling testicles. As I stood up the blond guy continued to talk for both of them.

"Hi, my name is James. This is my buddy Pete. This is our first time on this part of the river. Do you mind if I ask if you always fish like this?"

He had moved out of the suns path now and was trying not to look at my growing pole.

Knowing exactly what he meant, I thought I would play with him a bit. "Oh yes, I have been fly fishing since I was a kid. My father taught me. It is the only way to sportingly catch a fish. How about you?"

He was a little taken back and not sure what to say next when Pete said. "Don't you ever get caught?"

I looked over at Pete and continued my sport. "No, It is legal to fly fish in this state, I have a license in my knapsack if you want to see it? By the way, my name is Brian. It is nice to meet you." Holding out my hand to James and then Pete, each of them shaking my hand, trying not to look down, but loosing and coping a look at my rod.

"How is the fishing up stream?" I ask.

"Good, we caught our limit and decided to stroll down this direction and check out the pools this way." James said, still a bit flustered and not sure if he should walk back up stream.

"That is good to hear" I said as stepped toward the bank, bent over and laid my rod down near my knapsack. I continued talking while I got a piece of rope to tie my fish for the hike back to the compound. "That is good to hear. This will be a good season. Are you two up here for the day, or hiking through?"

"We are camped over on Madriff Ridge. We wanted to spend one day fishing." Pete said. They were both becoming more comfortable with my nudity and I was starting to enjoy my conversation with them, while being nude.

I squatted down again letting my tied fish float in a small pool. I washed my hands and returned to facing them, catching James adjust his stiffness through his shorts.

"Do you always fish naked?" Pete finally got up the balls to ask.

"Actually I live most of my life naked. I work at a Nudist resort down stream from here. This is my day off and I needed to get away." Their faces had a look of perplexity that was charming. "How about you? Do you always fish clothed?" I said with a smirk on my face. They both laughed, further breaking their uneasiness. We chatted a bit more about the pools up steam and how their day went. I found out there was a larger pool and small rock waterfall that had formed about a quarter of a mile up stream and we decided to head up and take a look. I grabbed my things and we all headed up stream. Pete lead the way with James following closer to me. We continued to talk about flies and casting, then ventured into the popular question about bug bites then into nudity. James was obviously interested but Pete was more aloof. When we got to the pool I put my trout next to theirs in a side pool and I walked around the pool. It looked nice. It was about eight feet deep in the center with a small pebble beach on one side and large boulders scattered around it. The winter run off had made a nice place with a majority of the pool in sunlight at this time of day. I decided to test my new friends, and started taking my boots off.

"This looks like a perfect place for a dip. The water seems warmer here." I said setting my boots and socks aside and slipping my feet into the water.

I stepped out and sat down on a submerged rock that brought the water up to my chest, then I rolled forward going totally under the water. I made a few strokes over to a bolder and pulled myself up which allowed the lower half of my body to stay in the water.

"How is it? James ask.

"This is great. It is warmer than you think." I said stroking the top of the water and splashing some up on my face and over my head.

"I think I am going in too." James said. As he sat down to remove his boots and socks. Pete agreed and peeled off his vest, exposing a well toned chest, and no tan lines. James stood up removing his vest, unbuttoned his shirt, unbuckled his belt and pulled down his shorts exposing plaid boxers. He tossed his shorts over on his boots and pulled off his shirt. Then hooking his thumbs in the waist band pulled down his boxers and tossed them aside. As he stepped forward I got the first look at his gem. He had a thick dick that slapped against his right leg as he slipped into the water. By this time Pete had removed his boots and shorts exposing white briefs that pressed against an obviously semi-stiff cock. Pete stepped toward the water and put his feet in before stepping directly into the deep pool with a splash. By this time James was sitting on his bolder about six feet to my right. His dick, as with mine, had retreated slightly from the effects of the cold water, but still floated in front of him. Pete stayed in the center of the pool stroking the surface a bit kicking his legs back and forth.

"This feels great" James said, splashing Pete with a spray of water with his left hand. "You should try this al'fresco." He joked.

"I am fine" Pete said. "I don't want anything taking a chunk out of my cock!" he said splashing James back and looking at me. "My girlfriend would be pissed if I came back from our trip and could not give her a welcome home fuck."

"You have a point Pete, there are schools of cock eating trout in this part of the river" I joked, looking over at James who was laughing and splashing his friend back. I knew from his comment that he needed to establish himself as not being gay, but felt from his looks that he may be curious. James on the other had was sending signals that were more than curious. "So how about you?" I said to James. "Your girlfriend is not concerned about the condition of your dick?" I ask jokingly.

"No, his girlfriend won't even give him a blow job." Pete blurted out. "Hell, I don't even think she does hand jobs."

James bolted off his rock doing a belly flop landing inches from Pete and covering him with water before pulling him under. I watched as James white ass came out of the water before twisting in attempt to keep Pete from surfacing. Pete came up with a gasp and then under again. James finally sprang up holding a pair of white jockeys high in the air before being pulled under again. His next surfacing brought him springing up, Pete holding on to his waist. James then tossed the shorts and I caught them in my left hand. James swam back over to his rock and shook his hair out before pulling himself back up into the old position. His dick had grown to a semi-stiff stage from the wresting. Pete who had made his way over to the other side of him, pulled himself up and was sporting an almost full erection.

"Well it appears you are sporting more bait there Pete." I said laughing at the spectacle that had just unfolded before me.

"Can I have my shorts now?" Pete said as he wiped the water from his face and tossed his hair behind him.

"What do you think James? They really belong to you." I ask.

"No, lets see how much he really misses them for a while." James said adjusting his position so his dick was not pinched by the rock. "Besides, I don't think Betty does a very good blow jobs either."

"You know guys, blow jobs are a matter of skill and practice. It is not just the giving but the receiving that counts." I said, still playing my new friends.

"Well I think Maggie has a penis phobia and cannot satisfy James." Pete said continuing to torment his friend.

"It doesn't look like your getting your shorts back too quickly if you continue like that." I said to Pete. He pulled himself up out of the pool on the other side. He laid back on the rock putting his hands behind his head. He was feeling more comfortable with his nudity. I on the other hand was getting too charged by all the sexual energy floating around the pool and needed to move things along. I slipped into the water moving in James' direction. He too slipped in and was sitting on a lower submerged rock. As drifted closer to him his eyes displayed the same need my dick was.

"She just doesn't like any penis" he said.

"Sometimes you have to look in other places to satisfy all your needs" I said. What does that mean I thought to myself, knowing full good and well that my dick had now taken over my mind. I felt his hand brush my stomach as I approached closer. The next wave caught my firm dick, which dispite the cold water, was in definite control. I leaned forward and kissed him gently. His hand came up and touched my chest, as if to push me away, but did not. I dove deeper into his mouth as a groan escaped from deep in his body. I had discovered his dragon and was setting it free. I reached around behind him and pulled him off the rock. Our bodies met, his firm cock pressed against my abdomen. He kissed back, deeply. Our tongs were as tangled as fishing line in a tree. I then felt a hand on my ass, we broke our kiss to find Pete. He leaned in and kissed me, then James. His hand moved around from my ass and was now firmly stroking my cock. This boy was a fake. He had done this before, the false front fooled us all. James pulled himself up on a rock, displaying his rock hard cock like a periscope out of the water. I licked my lips and laid in an attack course enveloping it with one quick motion. He gasp again as his cock twitched with excitement. Pete had taken up exploration of my body, kissing my sides and moving to my back. He then slipped up out of the water and started kissing James on the lips. James was beginning to gyrate his hips as my lips moved up and down around his throbbing cock. I could feel his head swelling. James let out a groan as his thick cum shot down my throat. He broke free of his kiss with Peter and let out a load ugh as I continued to milk the cum from his dick.

"Let me taste" said Peter as he slipped into the water and kissed me, probing his tong into my mouth. A groan escaped our lips as he sucked hungrily James cum from my mouth. Our bodies pressed against each other, our hips humping together entwining our hot cocks. The cool water created a lubrication that enhanced the sensation of our bodies. I pushed him back and up onto a rock next to James and went down on his cock next. It did not take long, the erotica of the moment had him close to the edge. He made a long moan as he unloaded himself into my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head to steady himself as the second shot of cum was projected into my throat. He pulled me off his pole and seemingly without even taking a breath, jumped into the water and in one swoop, engulfed my cock sucking it deeply down his warm pulsing throat. The change in sensation made me cum almost immediately. I floated to the surface as Peter continued to suck all the cum from my balls before letting go.

I was floating on the water with my arms steadied on a rock. Peters head was between my legs when he looked up at me and smiled. "Now that is how you get a blow job James." He let go, came up to me and kissed me deeply, we exchanged cum now having a mix of all three of our manhood in our mouths.

We broke off the kiss and looked back at James, who was lying spent in the sun on the rocks behind us.

We both smiled and pulled ourselves up out of the water. Peter dove onto James' semi-erect dick, working it to errection without much effort. In the meantime I started licking and nibbling at his smooth nipples and stomach while caressing him with both my hands. With his eyes closed he began groaning again as both Peter and I covered his entire body with our hands or mouths. His nipples perked up under our touch as his cock became rock hard.

We continued our buffet for quite some time as the cool breeze blew down the river across our hot flesh. James' stomach began to tense up as Peter released James' cock from his lips and continued its personal massage until, for a second time, James came shooting cum over his stomach. I was right there on it, licking the still hot jisum off his flat heaving muscles as Peter joined me eating his share as well.

Leaning backwards I was enveloped by the cool water. In a few short strokes I was at the other side of the pool. The warm afternoon breeze blew across my body from upstream as I pulled myself up out of the water. Peter and James looked exhausted as they lay panting where I had left them. Needing a drink though I got up and leapt on several rocks toward the mossy bank tucked under a couple of hemlock trees where I recovered my knapsack. I sat cross legged on the ground as James sauntered up pulling a canteen from his gear as well.

We looked out over the water without saying a word. James made the first move getting up and moving over toward me. He sat down and kissed me, gently. His hands started exploring my chest, working it's way down to my stomach and finally to my hard cock. He started jerking me off slowly, as Peter watched, massaging his cock back to full attention. When James shifted getting on his knees so he could have better access to my whole body, Peter got up and crawled in behind him.

I began to feel a rhythm to James' body as it moved to the prodding of Peter's fingers into his tight little ass. I was lost in his mouth though. Our tongs intwined as his energy tingled through me. Then he moaned, a deep moan that broke us apart. Opening my eyes I see Peter has found his tight hole and was beginning to fuck it, slow and steady.

I leaned back watching the scene unfold before me. James started moaning and begging "deeper, deeper, oh god this is good, deeper" as Peter rocked his body back and forth with each stroke. It wasn't long before Peter tensed up and let out a long groan as he shoved his cock deep into James ass, filling it with his warm cum. Peter pulled out and fell over on the moist mossy ground gasping for breath. With an look of lust, James looked over at me. Without a word I was quick to follow moving in behind James as Peters cum ran out of his ass. In one lustful movement my cock was engulfed by his warm moist hole. James moaned again, getting more vocal as I started slowly pumping, feeling the Peters cum lubricate my cock, as I explored James' tight ass hole. Grabbing his hips and started fucking him faster and deeper encouraged by James' continued moans. Suddenly James leaned back as I continued to fuck him harder. Grabbing his firm chest I saw James shoot cum four feet in front of him with his cock jerking wildly, without any assistance at all. His spasms sent me over the edge as his ass twitched, milking my cock for all it was worth. Holding back as long as I could I finally joined him shooting deep into his ass. I felt the two loads of cum ooze out of his ass and run down my balls as we held each other. Exhausted we collapsed back onto the forest floor with my dick still firmly in his ass. Peter joined us and lay behind me putting his arm over us both.

Totally drained, we all drifted into a nap.

We were asleep for only about twenty minutes, but the bliss we felt when we woke was awesome. "Now this is the type of fishing I like" I joked in a horse voice. Peter laughed. James rolled over, my now limp dick pulling out of his ass "Ya, oh god was that the best". Peter laughed again, got up and jumped into the pool. James and I joined him. We splashed around for a few minutes then got out to dry in the sun. I was the first to say my good byes as I gathered my things and started out down stream toward home. I gave the guys in my number and invited them to visit me at the resort sometime.

The walk back was blissful. The energy we shared coupled with the energy of the forest energized me all the way back to my apartment. I collapsed on my bed and slept until the next morning. Blissful...

Thanks for reading, if you have comments, please feel free to send me a note. More adventures will follow...

Next: Chapter 6

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