Windfort Resort

By Marcus D

Published on Jan 29, 2004


Warning... this story contains depictions of gay sex and could be offensive to some, if this subject offends you, stop reading now. If you are not supposed to read this, don't. Either way, be responsible. Thanks.

Windfort Resort

Chapter 4: Life Goes On

We woke early the next morning. During the night Brad had taken the comforter off my bed and placed it on us before nuzzling in next to the curve of my body. We showered together complete with a group jerk-off session. Refreshed we kissed good-bye and went about our separate days.

After breakfast I was sitting at my desk thinking of the night before when Brad walked in and sat down. He still had a grin on his face. I looked at him knowing I had a friend for life, no matter what.

I smiled back at him, as I chewed on the tip of my pen. "You look like a cat who just ate a snake." I chuckled.

"I am just rejuvenated." He said with a smile. "I was sitting in my office and realized I was lonely, so came over here." There was a bit of a pause before he continued. "We are a good thing, aren't we?" Brad asked.

"You are my best friend." I said, getting up, and giving him a big long hug. "We have some interesting adventures though?"

"Yes we do, yes we do." He kissed me. "I better get back to work, my boss is a real fucker."

I squeezed his ass. "Ya, but think of the harassment case you have." I laughed as he kissed me again and left my office.

The rest of my morning was filled with paperwork. I finished the quarterly report to the board and was planning for the winter season. After a few phone calls I decided to walk about. After chatting a bit with Jean about the arrivals and departures planned for today I put on my hat and heading out.

My first stop was at the Meditation Hut. This building was designed on ancient Buddhist principles of meditation and enlightenment. Its entrance was tall, reaching to the sky, with windows looking out at tall pines. Off to the left was a small room for removing shoes, hats, etcetera. The door into the building was very simple and always closed. As you entered you came into a small hall, with low ceilings. Ancient proverbs were carved in the wall as you made the short trip to another door. This one opened into the center pavilion. Again, it reached to the sky with skylights allowing for more views of sky and pines. The room had six sides and three doors, these were usually open unless classes were in session. The thick pine timber walls created a quiet atmosphere even if there was a noisy kick boxing class in the great room. The door to the left went to the meditation room. The room itself faced the river and had floor to ceiling windows that could be opened to catch the natural stream noise. In the center of the room was a fireplace made of river rock. It often had a small fire burning adding to the natural noises as the logs crackled and popped. Around the room were meditation pillows and mats laid out on the floor. Incense burned in brass burners hanging from the ceiling. Similar brass oil lights hung from the ceiling creating a dim light for evening mediators. I headed off to the great room on the right. As you enter the first thing you notice are the huge pine beams that support the roof. The room itself is long and narrow with small alcoves on both sides that help in keeping down the echo as well as add space for small group classes. On either side of the door are stairs leading to the deck level. French doors at the top lead to a cedar deck that was built on the top of the main part of the building. This space is usually where Meditation exercises like Tai Chi are held, giving you a feeling of being with the trees. Because of the rain this class was in the center of the great room today. Chin had already begun the class so I stepped into the back of the group and warmed up a few minutes before joining in. Chin always has the most relaxing music to conduct his classes with. There were about six other guests in his group, all at various levels of mastery. Chin smiled at me as he went helped one guest with a move, then joined back into the group as they went through the moves. He scheduled beginning classes, but always started his day with an advanced class for those who want to exercise with the opportunity for pointers from the staff master. We went through the cool down exercise before bowing to the master as the class broke up. I chatted with a nice couple from Portland for a while before thanking Chin and going on about my walk.

My next stop was to check in with Lyle, our Head Housekeeper and Laundry Manager, to discuss the new washers scheduled for replacement this winter. He is a pleasant man who moved here with his wife and three children. They stay to themselves and live in one of our two staff cabins on the north edge of the compound. Marian, his wife, home schools the children and makes the most wonderful whole grain bread. With our discussion short and simple I continued back down to the main lodge. I poked my head into Brad's office, but found it empty. It was about lunchtime so he probably beat me down to the lodge.

The rain was continuing in a drizzle. It was a refreshing day as the wind had gone down allowing the rain just dripped down. I got to the lodge finding everyone else eating. I sat down beside Pat, smiling at Brad, and ordered lunch from a nice waitress. I looked at Pat who smiled and said, "New one. I just hired her last week. Good worker and not half bad to look at either."

I snickered. Pat was always as frank as only she could be. My soup arrived and I started eating. The lunch conversation was light, mostly about the weather and some of the events we added to keep the guests entertained indoors. Brad talked about the fishing group that would be coming in a few weeks and suggested I scout out fishing holes when the weather breaks. We finished lunch and I headed out to see how John was doing in the Massage Hut. All right, I just wanted to see Mitch again, but this was a reasonable thing.

John was sitting at a small reception desk looking at the reservations when I entered the hut. I took my hat off and sat down. John looked up and smiled.

"How are we doing today?" I ask. "Are we keeping our new recruits busy?"

"I am impressed with these two." John said. "Nothing but praises from the guests. I wish we could keep them."

"Maybe we should think about it for the summer. Why don't you bring it up to them and see how they feel about the idea." I said thinking of spending a whole summer with Mitch and Brad. "Any chance you have an opening for a massage this afternoon?" John does a great deep Swedish massage.

"I don't, but what about trying out Mitch?" He said making my cock twitch. "You can give me your unbiased opinion." A smirk rose on his lips as he waited for a response. He knew I had to have been taken by the young god.

"I guess I could step down to the task." I smiled.

"He has an opening in an hour, do you want to come back?" John ask.

"Sure", I said, thinking I should have him sent to my apartment. A smile widened on my face as I continued. "I will go for a dip in the pool to relax first. Will be back in an hour."

We chatted a bit about his towel needs before I headed out to the pool. There was only one other person silly enough to swim in the rain, so it was an easy time swimming laps. I finished and dried off with just enough time to get back to the hut. I made it just as a heavy downpour began. As I walked in I found Christina at the desk.

"Hi Brian." She said looking up from the book. "You can go on in. Mitch just stepped out for a second. You can go ahead and get ready, he should be right back."

I went into his room. The room was filled with the smells of incense, candles, and unique massage oil I had never smelled before. I sat down on the massage table in the center of the room listening to his soft music that came from a CD player on a shelf in the corner. It was compilation of soft relaxing songs, not new age or East Indian, but tunes I recognize from the radio. It was relaxing nonetheless. Mitch walked in shutting the door softly behind him. This was his domain and his presence demonstrated that he was in charge now.

"John tells me you like it rough" he said with a snicker. "You like deep Swedish huh?"

"You have some big shoes to fill sir, John is very good." I said, in a tone daring him to do better.

"I will do the best I can to fulfill you" he was being playful now. He patted the table. "Let's get you on your stomach first. I need to loosen you up first."

I lay down and closed my eyes. I knew if I thought about it too much I would cum right here on the bench. Mitch's fingers were warm and strong as he began working the oil into the small of my back and worked his way up. He was good. I started to relax and drift off as he worked each group of muscles. Shoulders, sides, legs, feet... oh how he could give foot. Each quadrant of your foot relates to a part of your body, and he hit them all. He gave each toe a finger job that made each of them want to cum too. I moaned as he switched to the next leg then foot. I was drifting in clouds. He then worked my ass and sides. My cock was hard as a rock, not sexually, erotically. With an easy movement he turned me over on the bed. I don't even remember helping. He worked each of my arms leaving them limp at my sides, moving onto my torso, working my nipples, chest, and stomach. Then down the front side of my leg, giving the feet just a little more attention before moving back up the other leg. Mitch had me move down on the table so my legs hung over the end. He worked my arms a bit more, and then moved up to my head, giving my scalp their finger job. I was a tingling mass. My limbs were dangling from my torso, I felt like I was drifting in air. He then made a swirling movement down my chest finding my abdomen. He seemed to have twenty fingers as he massaged all around my semi-hard cock, moving down and back up my legs, coming back to my pelvis, then back up my torso. Each time he got a little closer to my cock. Then on a movement back up my legs I felt his finger brush my ass hole. A shiver went up my spine. The next time down from my chest he began encircling my balls with a fist, joined by both fists on the return trip up from my legs. Down from my chest he flattened out my cock toward my leg as he moved down. Then rubbed over the top of my cock again on the trip back up to my chest. Each time his palm flatted out my cock, pulling it in the direction he was moving. He then started adding trips up and down my sides. He finally grasp the base of my cock and started massaging the tip with the other hand. His thumbs began working the sides, before both hands moved down my shaft and pulled my balls as he moved down my legs again, up my sides and down my chest to palm my cock flat again. This continued for quite some time. Finally he returned to my head and massaged my ears as I started breathing again. It was so erotic. He ended by hovering his hands over my entire body without touching it. He then kissed my feet, knees, my belly, nipples, my lips and the top of my head. He whispered something and crossed my arms across my chest before leaving the room. I lay there for over ten minutes before slowly getting up. He had placed a glass of water on the table for me, which I drank entirely. As I walked out of the room Mitch was sitting on the chair waiting. He smiled and I returned the smile.

"That was..." I started to say

"Not what you expected" he finished.

"No... yes... well not really." I stammered. It is not often I am at a loss for words.

"I would love to be with you and Brad again tonight." He said, kind of asking, but rather begging.

"I think we would like that, but I need a nap right now. How about meeting in the natural pond after dinner?" I said, not clearly thinking yet, but trying.

"I'll be there." He said as he grabbed a towel and headed in to clean his room for the next guest.

I drifted out of the hut and headed to my apartment. I was rejuvenated and drained at the same time. When I got to my apartment I collapsed in a chair, not really sleeping, but dazed out. I finally drifted-off taking a short nap before I met Brad for dinner in the lodge. I had totally missed cocktails, but had a good reason. I just had the best non-sex ever.

Dinner conversation was light. I told Brad to schedule a massage with Mitch for tomorrow and filled him in on our soaking date after dinner. We chatted about various other things before leaving for the pool before dessert was served. We arrived to find only Mitch who was lying on one of the benches under a shelter near the pool. The rain was still coming down fairly steady, but we were all warm with anticipation.

"I have a good idea Brad, let's take Mitch up to the campsite?" I said.

"Fantastic idea," Brad said as he grabbed Mitch's and my dicks using them as a leaches pulling us up the forest path toward the campsite. We stopped every fifty feet or so to kiss, grope, or fondle each other, which kept our cocks at attention. There was little chance of running into anyone this late in the evening so we felt uninhibited.

At one of our stops I pinned Mitch against a tree and had my tong half way down his throat while pinching his tits with both hands. Brad came up behind me and started dry humping my ass cheek. The moisture from the rain gave enough lubrication to add cold and hot sensations. After a few minutes Brad replaced his hard cock with his lips that quickly found there way to rosebud. Ten minutes of sucking and licking had my cock hard as the pine we were leaning against. Confident I was tong lashed enough Brad stood and eased his dick at the entrance to my ass, slipping right into my warm hole, and started fucking. Then Brad grabbed Mitch's ass, sandwiching me between their bodies. He fucked me hard, forcing his way deep as he added to the effect by massaging of Mitch's cheeks. I broke free from Mitch's mouth and let out a load moan of ecstasy. Mitch and Brad locked lips kissing deep each time Brad's cock fucked me.

The sensation of their two bodies pressing against mine, the rain mixing with our sweat, the moist lubricating our movements together while surrounded by the forest undergrowth was sending me over the edge. Just then Brad pulled out and started running up the trail, laughing. Brad's huge dick flopped in the rain as he ran. Mitch and I looked at each other and started running after him. As we did he took off again, heading toward the campsite.

The campsite is a clearing in the forest on the east of the compound about a half-mile. It consisted of a couple of yurt platforms, a tee pee frame, and a rough bark wigwam. We use it for barbeques and special functions. The center of the site is a huge stone fire pit surrounded by logs to sit on. Brad arrived first, leaning against a hemlock to catch his breath. His rain soaked body heaved as he breathed heavily with his hands on his knees. I arrived second body slamming him as we both laughed hysterically. His cock was still hard. As Mitch caught up to us, I was grabbing Brad's cock, pushed him against the tree and pushed my ass onto his pole. The rain on his cock made it feel cold as it penetrated my ass again. I pushed hard against him, feeling his entire length inside me, sliding my ass up and down his cock a few times, before pulling away. I went over to Mitch's cock, grabbing it at the base and turned around poking it at my ass. Mitch made one smooth stroke and was in me. He continued steady strokes, moaning, as his balls slapped my ass. Abruptly he stopped with his balls pressed firmly against my cheeks. Turning around I saw Brad eating him out like a banshee.

Mitch's face displayed his dimples as he was smiled at the treetops moaning like a wolf. Brad stopped and Mitch fucked me a few good strokes as Brad got up and aimed his sword at his ass. He pierced the wolf the first time. A howl of joy rose from his lips as he in turn fucked me deeper. Our arms entwined each other as we stood there in the forest fucking with the rain pouring down around us.

"I'm cuming," Mitch moaned, starting to pull out. I grabbed his ass and pushed him back in, deep as I could as I felt the familiar twitch of cock in my ass. Brad let out a moan, as I am sure he filled Mitch's ass with cum. The whole scene sent me over the edge as I shot cum all over the moist hemlock needles on the forest floor. We fucked until our dicks started getting soft, then we headed for the wigwam to get out of the rain. The three of us collapsed on a large wooden bench, breathless and spent. We sat there gently kissed each other for a good time before Brad broke the silence.

"What about a dip in the old mineral springs?" He suggested.

"I had forgotten about those. Great idea." I got up and started out and up the trail, the others followed close with Brad bringing up the tail of our troupe. I took a slightly overgrown fork in the path and headed up a steep rock path. The original mineral springs were in an outcropping at the top of the path. We had since piped the water directly from the source in the ground to supply the compound, but the original pool remained just as the Indians found it decades ago. I stuck my foot in to make sure it was not too hot, then stepped in. It was more pungent than the water we now mix for our pools at the compound, but warming to our cold bodies.

I tossed some leaves aside and we all sat down as the water enveloped us. I started playing with my two dicks, getting them hard again in no time. Brad and Mitch started kissing. I stood up out of the water and selecting my fist cock, Brads, sitting down on it with little resistance. I moved my ass up and down its length, before abandoning it for a new cock, Mitch's. I bounced back and fourth a few more times before shoving my cock into the center of their kiss. They broke off as Brad swallowed my head, and Mitch licked and kissed the base of my cock, moving to my balls for interest sake.

I shoved my cock deeper into Brad's throat before pulling out and sitting on Mitch's dick again.

"Enough of this" Brad said as he pulled me up and laid me over a boulder at the edge of the pool. The moss growing on the boulder felt good on my stomach as Brad leaned against me and started fucking my ass. Our bodies were steaming from the water, but I was sure it was also the friction.

"My turn" Mitch said as he pushed Brad aside and placed his cock deep in my ass. He fucked me hard. "All lubed up with my cum, hey Brian?" He said as he thrust deeper, slapping his balls against my cheeks. Brad pulled at Mitch and started eating my red ass hole.

"Yes, this is a great cum flavored ass." Brad said as he pulled his tong away and replaced it with his cock. I was lying on my belly flat on the boulder, both my hands grasping its sides. Mitch had to follow, pushing Brad aside one more time and taking a few licks at my ass before placing his hard cock in and giving me a few more strokes. "Let's see how this tastes now," Brad said as his cock went in again. This time he grabbed my chest pulling me up and let out a groan as he filled my ass with his cum too. The pulsing of his cock diminished as he pulled out. Mitch pulled my ass cheeks apart and started eating the cum that was now dripping out of my hole and down the inside of my thigh.

He ate hungrily before shouting, "I can't take this", and quickly shoving his cock into my ass cuming almost immediately. His quivering cock shoot his sweet cum deeper into my ass, mingling it with Brads. He pulled out and fell backwards catching himself on a nearby rock. Brad then leaned in and started eating my ass out again, while he reached between my legs with a cum covered hand and started stroking my cock hard. It was only a matter of seconds before I came, in what seemed like buckets. Brad caught several good spurts of my cum and massaged it into my aching ass hole before licking it out again. Brad loved cum as much as ass. The two together were his delight. Mitch came in for a few good tastes before we all collapsed back into the pool.

The walk back was filled with periods of kissing. At the edge of the compound, Brad fingered my ass hole and licked it clean, smiling. We headed back to my apartment where we fell together on the bed kissing and petting ourselves to sleep.

Mitch left the next day to go back to town. Promises were made of visits, on both sides. Brad and I would miss him, but somehow we knew that the mystique of Windfort would bring him back. We spend the next few days a little more quietly that usual, but the routine would swallow us back up soon enough.

Thanks for reading, if you have comments, please feel free to send me a note. I am curious to hear how you enjoyed the forest fuck fest (fff). More adventures will follow...

Next: Chapter 5

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