Windfort Resort

By Marcus D

Published on Jan 16, 2004


Warning... this story contains depictions of gay sex and could be offensive to some, if this subject offends you, stop reading now. If you are not supposed to read this, don't. Either way, be responsible. Thanks.

The Windfort Resort Chapter 3: Cocktails

Cocktails are the highlight of the day at the resort. It is a social time where everyone gets together to enjoy each other's company. In actuality less than half of the guest drink, so it truly is a time just to be together and learn about each other, discuss events, and grow with people who share a common interest. The lounge itself is located in the main lodge, it was designed to be a very traditional formal lounge with mahogany wood paneling, high back chairs with billiard and pool tables toward the back. The dark mahogany coupled with rich burgundy fabrics adds a comfortable mystique to the room. The bar itself was a modified antique bar purchased in San Francisco. It too was mahogany and brass, with stain glass panels lit from the back to add color and ambiance. At the far end of the bar are French doors that lead onto a terrace overlooking fir trees and the river. The lounge has high vaulted ceilings and is equipped with a high tech ventilation system allowing smokers and non-smokers to tolerate each other without interference.

Brad and I had arrived together, ordering a couple of single malt scotch. Sitting at the bar we discussed some of the winter plans for the resort and some staffing issues that I needed to address. Our vantage point allowed us the opportunity to watch as the guests began arriving. It is always such fun to watch as they enter the lounge. Some mingle in chatting with each other, some stroll in as if a march was being trumpeted from a balcony. But all are happy tonight. Slowly little cliques begin to form and conversational chatter fills the air.

"Looks like we have a good group this week," Brad said. "It appears Margarie and Patty are getting along very well. They met at the pool the other day."

"Which ones are they, I don't think I have met them yet." I looked around for the signs of two lesbians in love. Brad pointed toward two ladies sitting on the edge of a conversation Andrew and Ben were having with their wives. "Well time to get out there and add to the excitement." I said as I got up. But out of the corner of my eye I saw heads turning toward the door. I turned to look and there, again, was Michelangelo's creation standing at the door. John had just arrived bringing Mitch along with him. Staff who are not on duty are encouraged to socialize with the guests at cocktails. This has been a tradition since the resort was very small. One that tonight I was especially excited we practiced.

Brad leaned over and whispered, "I see now what the nattering is all about, he is perfect."

"Nearly perfect my friend, he has two flaws. Foremost he has no idea what he does to people when he walks into a room naked." I said.

"And the second."

"Tan lines my friend, tan lines." I said jokingly. Brad hit my shoulder with the back of his hand. I decided to play this down, as well as not start sporting a stiffy in front of all the guests, so I headed over to introduce myself to the new guests. Margarie and Patty were a delight. They were actually from California and Vermont. That relationship should be an interesting one, I jokingly thought. I made my way over to the bar to get my pipe as Andrew was chomping at the bit for me to try his blend. This was usually a joy, he had excellent taste in tobacco. I was not disappointed either. Brad was more impressed and kept drilling him for more information, but like a well-trained spy, he would not budge. A half-pound arrived in the post a couple of weeks later though. As I puffed on my pipe I looked up again to see those dimpled ass cheeks. I could not help myself and guessed everyone knew I was staring. Just then I noticed Mitch was staring back. My dick twitched as I was caught, but I smiled and entered back into the conversation with a new couple from Florida again. I know he is straight, I kept telling myself. But looking is all right.

Chef Pat did her traditional walk through, spreading evil rumors about how divine dinner was going to be. Dropping hints of what each guest should have based on her knowledge of them. She was quite a piece of magic. I would not trade her for anything, and luckily she would not go. This was her utopia; I just got all the benefit. Tonight she was featuring duck, roasted with her plum and tarragon glaze. I watched her a bit as she did her butterfly dance around the lounge, touching shoulders, hugging, I think she may have been tossing pixie dust too. She came around to the group I was in at the time, we were discussing a nudist resort in Texas, she tossed a bit of dust and smiled her smile.

"Quite a group tonight" she said. We all agreed. "Has anyone had the new Masseur yet?" She ask with a sparkle in her eye aimed at me.

"Oh yes!" Said one of the wives. "He is divine, just simply divine. Those fingers just worked all the worries out of me today. I feel light as a feather."

Pat smiled, gave a few dinner recommendations and floated out of the room, back toward her magic kitchen. I snickered to myself and looked over at the god again. This time Brad was in the group chatting with him. It was time to make a play in this game. I excused myself and walked over to where they were by the fireplace mantel.

"Good evening folks, how are we this evening" I started. I know, how droll, but it was better than: 'excuse me I would like to chew on Mitch's ass for a while, anyone object?'

"We all seem to be having a great time here Brian" Brad said, as the group agreed. "But Mitch here was just talking about how he felt being at a nudist resort, continue."

"As I was saying" Mitch started, with this rather uneasy smile on his face. "It really feels quite exposing. Like no one has anything to hide." He stumbled a bit with his words. "No, I mean, everyone is so comfortable and open with their feelings. It is like you can see their souls."

Brad piped in "You will find that most people who choose this lifestyle have a firm sense of who they are and are not afraid to hide it. But just like most minorities in the outside world, we can only exhibit our beliefs in the security of our own homes or places like this. That makes times like this gathering more special and more filled with positive energy. Don't you agree Brian?"

"Yes most of our guests are looking for the chance to live life without the restrictions of society. I believe most all of them feel a bit down when they leave and are constrained by societies beliefs again." I took a long draw on my pipe before I continued. "I am glad you are enjoying the experience though. It adds to enrich your life." Just then the maitre d'hotel came in, tinkled a bell and announced that the dining room service has begun. Some guests started mingling toward the door. "John, Mitch, would you two like to join Brad and I for dinner tonight?"

"I have already eaten" John said. "I have another massage in a few minutes.

Mitch you are off for the evening, you should experience the main dining room your first night here."

"Sure" Mitch said, beaming with a smile. "That would be great."

"Why don't we have another cocktail and wait for the guests to begin" I suggested and walked toward the bar. Conversation was simple, but stayed on the theme of drilling Mitch for more about his life. He was tight though, giving away very little. After a couple of drinks we moved into the dining room for dinner. We continued our drilling, but still got very little out of him. Dinner was nice and comfortable. Right before dessert Mitch excused himself to run off to the restroom, leaving Brad and I to gock at his ass as he walked away.

"Interesting fellow" I started. Smirking a bit as Brad turned back toward the table.

"I wonder if his ass is as tight as his mouth" Brad whispered. "So let's say we go for a dip in the natural pool after dinner?"

"Now that is a plan" Besides after this feast I need some cleansing. "Are we in this one together? It could be a fun cherry to pick."

"I still think his cherry has already been picked, he is just too shy to talk about it yet." Brad said as Mitch entered the dining room again.

"You know I just love this life-style. You don't have to unzip your fly to piss or anything. This is so cool." Announced Mitch, as he sat back down at the table and re-folded the napkin on his lap. Realizing what he said, Mitch blushed a bit then we all laughed. The conversation continued after dessert, mostly spawned by Mitch's continued interest in nudists.

"So do you find it hard giving a massage nude?" I ask with as serious a look as I could muster.

"No, that really was not a problem today. I have given nude massages before and I find my clients prefer my being nude as well. But that is different, it is kind-of expected. The hard part is leaving the massage room and walking outside. Now that is an oddity." He finished up the last bite of his dessert and set his fork aside. "That was delicious. Dinner was awesome. Do we eat this well in the staff dining room?"

"Yes", Brad added. "We actually have the same menu, although many of our staff are vegetarians leaving the duck to us carnivores." He said with a stabbing gaze in my direction.

"I eat plenty of meat, dear sir. I just do not choose mine to be dead." I stabbed back. This was a familiar argument we had, a constant joke between us. "Say, shall we take a dip in the natural pool. "Have you been up there yet Mitch?"

"No, I have stayed mainly around the lodge during my free time today." He said as we got up and gave our compliments to Pat who was doing her table touching.

We came out into the night air, it was still a bit chilly, but the rain had stopped momentarily. We headed up the path past the utility building to grab some towels. I did not want to totally re-live my chilling experience from this afternoon, however I would not mind the ending to be very similar in taste. Mitch was amazed at how beautiful the 'prairie' and woods were. Without thinking he ask how we got them to look so natural. Brian made a statement about just letting them grow on their own, which brought us all to a roaring laugh. I loved to see Mitch laugh, both sets of dimples just firmed up as if his whole body were in joy.

We arrived at the natural pond to find Margarie and Patty making out in one of the little niches at the far side of the pool. We slipped in on the opposite side and sat so our backs were in their direction. I slipped in first with Brad coming in closely on my left and Mitch slipping in on the right. A chill ran through me when Mitch sat so close that his left hand brushed my thigh as he settled in.

Mitch was the first to speak "Oh, this is heaven." He moaned. I looked over at Brad who smiled his little smirk.

"It is even better when there are a couple of feet of snow on the ground on a crystal clear night. Now that is heaven." I added. Brad had already placed his right hand on my leg and I could tell was making its familiar journey toward my cock. He leaned forward a bit as I tilted my head back and we kissed. Not a deep kiss, but a slight loving kiss. We kissed again, and I settled down a bit in the pool, soaking in the cleansing water. I looked over at Mitch whose neck was submerged in the pool and was looking straight at us. A look of craving was on his face. He smiled and I felt the back of his hand press against my thigh, this time it stayed, gently moving. I leaned forward to meet his lips half way between us. It was a light kiss as first, filled more with curiosity than passion, but it held no hesitation as he leaned forward a bit more adding pressure to our lips. Brad had leaned in too, and had begun nibbling the back of my neck, just below my left ear. Mitch did not break off the kiss, but parted his lips slightly to allow my tong to begin to explore his chasm. Brad had moved his hands up from my dick to my chest and was playing with my pierced nipples. We finally broke off the kiss with several small kisses as Brad came around between us. He floated in front of us, kissing me gently on the lips then thrusting his tong into my mouth, biting slightly on my upper lip as he pulled gently away. He then turned toward Mitch and kissed him slowly, nibbling again on his lower lip. I reached out and caressed Brad's ass, with my right hand finding my way to his cock. I gently stroked them both as Brad continued his lip lock with Mitch. Our ecstasy was not alone in the pool as groans were coming from Patty, now out of sight in the dark on the opposite end of the pool. I moved my hand from Brads cock over to Mitch's, finding that Brad had beat me too it. Mitch gasp as we both began exploring his firm cock and balls.

Though through our ecstasy came voices. The Andersons walked up to the pool just as the three of us slowly separated. "Good Evening" I said loud enough for Margarie and Patty to hear. It worked as we heard a flutter of water from the far end of the pool. "How are you two tonight?" I added, stroking the top of the water in hopes of making ripples enough to hide the three hard cocks that still did not have time to diminish.

"Good night for a dip", Mr. Andersons said, as his wife slipped into the pool. "This pond is just divine."

"I hear it is even better with a foot or two of snow and a crystal clear sky," Mitch piped in. There was a giggle from the far end of the pool. Mitch smiled, his dimples perking up again. Brad and I chuckled as well.

"Appears were not the only ones enjoying the night air," Mr. Anderson added.

"Oh, Margarie and Patty, this is Mr. And Mrs. Anderson. Since we are all pooling together we should be properly introduced. I am not sure if you know Mitch and Brad."

"Hello folks" Mrs. Anderson added.

We chatted for a few more minutes then Margarie and Patty excused themselves heading back toward the compound. That was my desire as well. I looked over at Brad who was beside himself with anticipation. After a few more minutes of chattering Mitch was the first to show the tension.

"Well it was nice to meet you, but I think I have had enough pool time tonight. I think it may be time to turn in. Could someone show me the way back toward my cabin?"

Now that was creative. It also told us that the faster we moved the sooner we could grab that tight ass again. Almost in unison Brad and I agreed that the night was over and we should head back. Our good night wishes were given and we slipped out, grabbed our towels, and began the much too long walk back toward my apartment. After we left the sight of the pool I grabbed Brads ass, who in turn grabbed Mitch's. We pulled together in a kiss that lasted several minutes, all groping asses and rubbing cheeks and lips in a group kiss. I broke us away and headed up the upper path, away from the main compound and straight for my apartment.

We fell to the floor of my apartment grabbing the closest dick to us engulfing it with our mouths. I was sucking Brads cock with furry, while mine was being sucked by Mitch who to my delight was obviously well rehearsed in the art of cock sucking. It was only moments before I heard Brad moan and shoot his load into Mitch's mouth. This sent Mitch over the edge with him shooting his hot cum down my throat. Brad engulfed my cock deeper into his throat just as I shot my load. He sucked every drop out of my cock. I started kissing and nibbling on Mitch's thigh as Brad finished draining my cock. Mitch had the most perfect body. His skin was stretched tight over well-toned muscles. Touching every inch of skin with my hands and tong was going to be a life long obsession. Brad had begun his tonguing of Mitch's chest while massaging his stomach. I worked my way down his leg, adding more tong as I lapped at the back of his knees. His body tasted like sweet honey and my exploration was just beginning. I kissed his toes and then worked my way back up the other leg. As I neared his torso I found Brad slurping on Mitch's cock again. With nothing better to do I dove right into the object of my desire. I started licking and chewing on the left side of his ass cheek, picking up his left leg and holding it up as I ventured down under. I slowly tongued my way down to his first butt dimpled. As I chewed on his delicious ass cheek I picked up Mitch's ass, placing a throw pillow under the small of his back, giving me access to heaven. That helped Brad's exploration by sucking and chewing on his balls as Mitch began humping at the air.

There before me laid an ass I had lusted after all day. I dove in, licking my way from his dimple down into the valley of pleasure. I chewed a bit on the ledge of his cheek that lead into his pleasure hole. Mitch was constantly moaning now, rocking his head back and forth as Brad continued to give his dick a tonguing then chewed on his balls for a bit, then back to his dick. I had started lapping at his hole tasting the tartness of firm ass. I licked every centimeter of his hairless valley before I started exploring his hole. As my tong entered his rosebud Mitch let out the loudest moan so far. I let my tong explore the entrance to his hole before I slowly started diving deeper. His rosebud flowered as I started fucking him with my tong. Deeper and deeper my tong dove as Mitch began humping Brad's mouth. I looked up to see a beautiful sixty-nine had been set up as Brad's cock was fucking deep into Mitch's throat. I started adding a finger massage, as the tones of moans increased and soon added a second to his hungry ass hole. Well lubed and ready, I pulled my fingers out of his throbbing hole, spitting into my palm I lubed up my cock. I started massaging his rosebud with the tip of my dick for a bit before pushing in. My cock was welcomed by his hot hole sliding in with one full stroke. I went deep into his perfect ass, hearing another load moan as he hungrily engulfed Brad's cock deeper. I could not hold back, I began long deep strokes into his hard ass. I chewed on his ankles as I fucked his hole. Fucking him deep into I felt my balls slap against his ass cheeks. I could just picture his ass dimples getting a ball beating as I stroked deep again.

His ass was tight and hot against my cock, which felt like it grew another two inches just for this fucking. Brad rolled out of Mitch's mouth and was fisting his cock as Mitch continued his fit of moans and groans. I felt his ass tighten even more as his cock shot cum all over his chest and abdomen. There was steaming white cum everywhere. Mitch twisted on his side engulfing Brad's cock once again and shooting another huge load on his abdomen. Brad rolled over on top of him, taking his cock in his mouth one more time sucking the last drops of cum from his still throbbing dick. I fucked two more strokes before pulling out and shooting my load on Brads face. Brad let go of Mitch's cock and engulfed mine as the last shot of cum came bursting into his warm mouth. He tasted my salty cum mixed with the tang of Mitch's hole that sent him over the edge cuming deep in Mitch's throat. I slid my cock back into Mitch's warm hole and slowly fucked him as he finished Brad's cock. Brad rolled over, crashing his head on the floor letting out a satisfied sigh. I leaned forward with my cock still in Mitch's hole and kissed him. Between us was a lubricating layer of cum adding to the sensation. Brad turned around and joined our kiss. An umbrella of bliss covered us as we stroked and petted each other to sleep entwined in each other right there on the floor.

Thanks for reading, if you have comments, please feel free to send me a note. I really appreciate everyone who has e-mailed comments... I appreciate the support. Marcus

Next: Chapter 4

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