Windfort Resort

By Marcus D

Published on Jun 23, 2004


Warning... this story contains depictions of gay sex and could be offensive to some, if this subject offends you, stop reading now. If you are not supposed to read this, don't. Either way, be responsible. Thanks, Marcus

The Windfort Resort Chapter 10: Dance like Tomorrow

I got to my office and started to do some work, when I realized I was getting nowhere. I checked with Jean to find out the status of the dance scheduled for tonight, and all seemed to be in order. I returned a few phone calls and was finally about to leave when Brad rapped on my door and walked in.

"Well 'Hi' sleepyhead," a sly smile appeared on his lips. "So, how was he?"

Brad and I had been able to talk about anything, hell we have shared more guys than I have slept with alone. But for some reason this was different. I sat there staring at him as he sat down across from me, leaned forward, and held his chin in his fingers as his elbows rested on the edge of my desk.

"Utopia" I responded. "I think we just about found utopia."

His eyebrows raised and his smile got bigger. "Hum" he said as he sat back, fingertips still under his chin with a thoughtful - playful, look on his face. "So the rumors are true."

"What are you talking about?" I returned a curious stare.

"I heard that last night at dinner you two were, let's see how did she say it... 'lost in a look of blissful prose'."

I felt myself blush a bit, "You should know better than to listen to Pat." I spat back playfully. "She has a way of reading too much into things." I shuffled a few papers on my desk then glanced up at Brad.

Brad's legs were crossed now and he had moved his hands down to the arms of the chair he was sitting in. "Utopia... blissful prose... hum?"

"Oh knock it off" I said, then we both burst out laughing.

"Your really into this guy aren't you?" Brad added, his voice sounding more serious now.

I looked down at my desk, then back up into his eyes. "Yes, I guess I am. But we will see, he lives in Washington. I live here, in a totally different world."

Brad smiled at me, a caring friend's smile, then gently changed the subject back to resort business. It seems there have been some reporters lurking about the main gate, even harassing some of the other guests as they come and go. Nothing major, but they were getting bothersome. We discussed when to call the sheriff in though just in case as it is more resort business than it is of the secret service.

We were discussing a few details about the dance tonight when the phone rang. It happened to be the Sheriff asking how things were going with our guest around. We chatted a bit and I handed the phone to Brad to fill him in. The phone call ended with the sheriff offering to drop for dinner this evening. As Brad hung up the phone his radio squawked and he took off to deal with a minor issue, leaving me alone in my office again.

After about 30 minutes more of messing around I decided I should go for a jog. It was a cool day so my run to Piller Lake may be just right. I told Jean where I was headed and took off toward my apartment to get my boots and jock.

The jog was a good idea. When got up to John's Rise and stopped to breathe in the view and collect my thoughts. I sat there for about 20 minutes before heading back down the trail. I didn't really decide anything. Rather I just cleared and organized myself, something I had not taken time to do in the past week.

Once I got back to the resort I showered and took off to find Joel. On my way across the compound I ran into John who filled me in that one of our masseurs were leaving in a few weeks. He ask if he could see if Christina and Mitch were interested in working this season and then one of them could stay with us. I agreed whole-heartedly but advised him that the decision of which to choose was his responsibility and I would support his decision. He smiled and took off toward the massage hut.

I found Joel on a chase by the pool. He was lounging with an ice tea and a book while soaking up the Oregon sun.

"How is the life of leisure" I ask playfully.

He marked his page in the book and set it aside, smiling as I sat down beside him. "It was just delightfully normal, now it is astoundingly delightful." He leaned forward and kissed me lightly, but fully, our lips lingering together a second afterwards before he whispered "I missed you".

I smiled, a tear almost forming in the corner of my eye as I looked deeply into his. "Do you want to see some of the sights around the resort?" I ask, breaking our silence.

"Sure" he said, pulling himself up. He grabbed his things and we headed up toward his cabin to drop them off. Once inside we were quickly locked in an embrace, our lips became one as we stood there grinding our cocks together. I knew there was only one thing I wanted right now, so I pushed him gently back onto the bed.

"No, hold on, let's wait." Joel said as he rolled off the side of the bed. "I want you to fuck me outside. There has to be someplace we can go around here." A smile curled his lips. I knew just where to take him. He grabbed a towel and some lube we were off.

We took the back paths away from the compound and down the Beatle River. I quickly pulled us off the path into the brushy undergrowth and toward the river at a point I knew we could cross easily. We were able to hop across on several rocks to the other bank. From there I lead him through the dense brush on that side then into the thick forest. We found a deer trail and headed up the other side. At the top of the rise the forest opened up to expose a wonderful fern covered space. The sun was just past midday and reflected beautifully onto the east side of the clearing. I lead Joel toward a sunny spot near a moss-covered log.

He set his towel on the log and we were quickly entwined in a powerful embrace. I could feel our cocks growing between us as I pulled at his ass ramming his cock harder into mine. I began kissing his neck, the sweet taste of sweat filled my mouth as the smells of sun soaked skin wafted through my nostrils. I licked and chewed on his pec's as my tongue found it's way toward his nipple. I sucked it into my mouth and made it stand up to be mine. He was breathing heavily as I moved myself down to his man cleavage then licked and chewed my way up to his other nipple, treating it with the same forcefulness as the other.

Joel let out a groan, free from the need to be quiet, he was enjoying the serenity of the forest around us. I moved down over his stomach, still licking and chewing as my hands massaged his ass cheeks, finding their way toward his prize rosebud. As I licked further down, his rock hard cock stabbed me under my chin. Pre-come coated my neck as I pulled back and with one gulp, swallowed him to his ball sacks. Again, an unrestrained moan filled the air. My hands never left his ass, one of my fingers had already worked their way into his hole and was gently massaging his sphincter. Again another moan as he lunged forward, shooting a load he had been holding back all day. I kept sucking, drinking him dry as a second finger found my way into him.

Before he was limp, Joel pulled out and turned himself around. His sculpted ass stood right in my face. I rose up and grabbed the lube but Joel grabbed my hand. "No, just fuck me. I am more than ready." I looked down at my cock head that was more than ready, coated with a generous layer of pre-cum as well. I leaned forward to savor the moment however and dove my tongue into his hole. Another groan filled the forest. I lapped at the tasty ass for a few minutes before positioning my pole and slowly pushing myself into him. It was grand feeling my cock move from feeling the sun on its skin then to being enveloped by his soft hot ass. It didn't take long before we had a rhythm going. Joel bucked back and forth, moaning and awing as I slid in and out of his hole.

I pulled out, letting him feel the emptiness inside, then pushed all the way back in, filling him with me. I did this several times, then started fucking him harder, deeper, and fuller. I could see sweat running down his back as I pulled him toward me, one arm around his waste and the other around his chest as I began filling him with my seed.

We both moaned freely as I continued to slowly pump my cum into him. Joel had began stroking his own cock again as I came, and had finished unloading his second load on the ground before us as my cock slipped out of his ass.

Joel turned around and we kissed again, our sweat and cum coated cocks sliding in the middle of our embrace. We lay down in the sun a while, falling a sleep for a short time before I gently made love to him again. We were a mess when we decided it was time to go. So I lead the way down toward the creek and we swam around in the cold water washing ourselves and horsing around before heading back toward the resort. When we got back we split up to go shower and get ready for dinner and the dance.

I dressed for dinner that night, wearing a black tie and sash. I wanted to look dashing for Joel and also wanted to add a bit of comic class to our festivities. I had grabbed my pipe and was off. Many guests were already in the lounge enjoying their cocktails when I arrived. Mrs. Pratsworth wore a beautiful gold scarf around her neck that trailed almost to the floor behind her. Several of the gentlemen also dawned black bowties as well. Miss. Tetum had a beautiful floral headdress that must have taken her a great part of today to weave together from wildflowers she found in the forest. The lounge was a buzz with festivity. I sat at the bar, smoking my pipe and savoring a glass of scotch as I chatted with several guests. Then Joel walked in, his golden body appeared to glow as he walked across the floor toward me.

Just as the professional politician he is, he joined our conversation without missing a beat. I watched and listened to him as he spun his conversation so well. I watched as the other's watched him, and as he played the scene well. When dinner was announced he worked his way back over to me, and as the guests filed out into the dining room, he kissed me.

"I believe I am falling in love with you Brian" he whispered. I smiled at him and kissed him again.

"I believe you may be right Joel, I am falling for you as well." We kissed a third time and I held his hand as we walked into the dinning room. Bob winked at us as we sat down at the table. I just smiled back.

Dinner went well, I made a toast to thank Bob for his visit and my hopes that he would carry our hospitality back to Washington with him. He gave a little speech and thanked us all for our friendship and the feelings of community he experienced.

After dessert I invited everyone to enjoy the evening of dancing and celebration. I took Joel's hand and we lead the way through the main hallway and into the Great Room that my staff had skillfully turned into a Ballroom for tonight. As soon as we walked in the doors the band began playing and we began a night of dancing. The Windfort staff had truly pulled off another magical experience for our guests. Joel, Bob, and Natalie were true politicians dancing a bit with everyone as the night passed by.

While Joel was off dancing a third time with Mrs. Kimbell I retired to the lounge for a scotch and pipe. As I sat there talking to several guests he walked in. I am certain that I stopped in mid sentence, but I do not remember. The only thing I could focus on was the beauty that just walked in the door. Just then he saw me and smiled, those dimples proudly appearing on his tan face. As he approached I stood up and hugged him. "Welcome back to Windfort Mitch."

Thanks for reading, if you have comments, please feel free to send me a note. This is my tenth chapter and I have been enjoying telling my story a great deal. Your e-mails and comments have been wonderful. Thank you so much!

More adventures will follow...

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