Willing to Serve

By Tony Philips

Published on Nov 26, 2013


So, I was left sitting on the floor, pantless, having been brought to extreme arousal by this event, this sex act, this SUBMISSION. I felt lost, trying to get my bearings. He went to the bathroom and I needed to put my shorts back on, only they were nowhere to be found. I heard him call from the other room "you won't need those anymore", and I got kinda scared. What was happening to me?

My sense of arousal was now gone. Instead I felt a deep shame. Here was this stranger in the bathroom who had just violated me (at least, that's how I was feeling now) and he had stolen my clothing, leaving me exposed. I went to get up and when I did he came around the corner. He had a HUGE hardon. I couldn't believe it. In an instant my little cock sprang to attention and I was doing rapid shallow breathing. (I didn't realize I was doing this but could hear, like it was from outside my body, someone was panting in the room.) He walked directly over before I could get up, grabbed me by my hair and shoved me roughly back onto the floor so I was sitting with my heels under my ass. He reached down, grabbed my nuts and said "oh you sweet little cunt, I think I'm gonna make you all wobbly. I'm gonna stuff your bung with this man meat and you'll beg me for more before the night is done. In fact, why don't you beg for it right now?"

I was redfaced, as I'd never been talked to like he was talking to me. I resisted any sense that I enjoyed it. He started beating my face again with his cock and then leaned over and pressed his mouth against mine, roughly, while grabbing both of my nipples and giving a sharp tug and twist. I yelped into his mouth, saying that it hurt. In truth it did, but it also felt like this was what I deserved. I deserved to be dragged around and raped....to be degraded mercilessly. Somehow all of a sudden it came clear that this was what I desired more than anything and he was going to give it to me, and just started whispering "please" repeating it, but it only came out as muffled moan since his tongue was filling me. He opened my mouth wider with his hands and spit into it. I was disgusted.

Suddenly I was aware we weren't alone. There was a woman watching us from in the bedroom. She was tied up, feet and hands, but kneeling on the bed with an excited, flushed look on her face. Her large pale breasts were heaving in the streetlight coming in from the window...she was was clearly aroused watching us and was furiously rubbing her crotch with her bound hands.

He grabbed a handful of hair and dragged me into the bathroom. I was afraid to struggle, so I let him. In the bathroom he grabbed a pair of electric shears, plugged them in and turned them on. The high hum combined with my panicked state made me start to pant in fear and as I rolled back onto the floor he grabbed my hips and flung me across his lap. He proceeded to shave all of my pubic hair off. Then when the front was done he flipped me over spread my cheeks and did his best to take the hair from there as well. He said " I expect you to keep this shaved for me...no questions" I started to sputter that I hadn't agreed to anything when he put a hand across my mouth and got me in a headlock. His headlock was choking the blood to my head off and I quickly felt the flush as he let go. It was the most erotic moment of my life til then. I knew then that he could do what he wanted...even choke me til I was dead I didn't need to agree or not, he was going to have his way, and make this woman watch.

This was getting me so excited, despite the feelings of humiliation. Keeping me in the headlock, he stood up, dragging me off my feet and walked into the bedroom. I was totally exposed to this woman who rubbed her mound in desperation. My little cock, now hairless, dangled uselessly even though I felt on the verge of orgasm. He took me over to a chair opposite the bed. On the wall facing this chair was a big mirror. and he sat me on his lap. I could feel his manhood pressed up into my buttcrack but I was keeping clenched out of fear, even though I wanted him. I was getting this profound sensation of wantonness as he spread my legs, holding me up behind my knees, fully exposing my asshole to the woman. Without even using his hands, his rigid cock found it's way to my puckered hole. He said "Watch. Watch in the mirror. Watch while I take away your manhood. Watch this woman, watch you lose it. I'm going to skewer you, here and now, my little flower.

I couldn't believe it. He was going to fuck me and she was going to watch.

The woman on the bed was now starting say things under her breath, but she was moaning too. I heard "fuck him...stick your log in the little fairy girl...make him beg for your dick".I could feel his wet cock sliding back and forth across my anus and it felt so good...I was starting to pant, too. He said, turn your head. I did and he met my mouth with his and slid his stiffened tongue in and out of my mouth, while slowly pushing his cock into the entrance of my ass. He murmured "LET GO". I did, and his big member slid past my sphincter. Using short punchy strokes he began to fuck me ryhtmically and I was only able to moan some more. He raised me up off his lap, spreading my legs further apart and he said "Watch" again. He rammed the full length of his cock right into me, beuying himself right to the hilt and, as I felt him hit my back wall, I also felt my manhood go with it. The woman was now shouting for him to make me into girl, and she seemed like she was close to coming. He thrusted one more time and whispered into my ear "NOW!" while biting it hard. Immediately I started coming. I wached my flaccid little dick shooting spurts of cum well over two feet and a couple spurts actually hit me in the chin. When I started coming the woman started laughing, though I think she was coming too.

The man pulled quickly out of me and went over to the woman. He pull her face close and made her lick his cock, full of my scent. He stuck it in her mouth a short ways, then started stroking it. In what seemed to be a 20 strokes he fired this high powered jet of cum...4-5-6-7-8-9 jets, spraying all over her face, and she was sobbing hysterically telling him to drown her with his come. Suddenly, like before, he left the room, leaving the woman and I staring at each other. She was smiling.

He came back in with a 2 sets of handcuffs and, grabbing me by the wrist, pulle me over to the bed. He handcuffed my wrists to the bedposts. He then ordered her to rub her ass and pussy over my face. She hobble over on the bed and was saying things to me like, "oh I saw how you loved that mancock in you, and "you're just a little girl boy aren't you? Maybe I'll make you eat some of the warm brwn stuff, wouldn't you like that?"

to be continued

If you enjoyed this please drop a line. Or if you'd like to do more with me via email: 12345go4it@mail.com

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