Willing Boy

By John Andrews

Published on Jun 26, 2003


A willing boy's first whipping. Chapter 2 for Gay authoritarian.

I do enjoy feedback from those who enjoy this type of story. Please contact me with comment. The whole essence of this story (a fantasy based on past experiences) is the willingness and enjoyment of the boy. Otherwise I would not consider posting it. John Andrews.

The next day, young Jon could hardly take his eyes off me, and nor could I take mine of him! During swimming in the afternoon he sidled up to me and grinning said, "I bet you can't see any of the marks you made on me now sir?" I had to agree, but it gave me my opening to ask him if in that case he would like to come and see what would happen if I tried a bit harder!

He squatted down beside me to chat for a couple of minutes. Where would we do it he asked, and then, leaning towards me, and with what sort of whip he whispered, and, obviously getting excited at the prospect of coming to my house he stood up and was tenting out his skimpy little thin wet shiny yellow briefs as he stood deliberately in front of me, watching my face as I observed his erection. What a boy, what a find, and he was mine to enjoy!

Jon, I want you to come over to my house after your supper tonight and I will show you my secret cellar dungeon. He grinned at me, and agreed at once. I told him to come around the back so not too many people would see him come to me, and the date was made. What about the other two boys, he asked, and then shyly told me that after all, James had helped him to make the whip and he and James had tried bondage and torture games as well. He also thought that the thirteen year old, Kevin, would enjoy it. Alright Jon, you will be able to bring James and maybe Kevin, if you are ok with me this time, but for your first visit to a proper dungeon you must come alone. Tell the others that you are coming over for extra maths tuition and then are being allowed to sleep over, and anyway, I am sure you have told them a bit of what goes on.. I have fixed this with the matron so we will have all night. I can tell you now boy, that after your session with me in the dungeon, you will be tied spreadeagled and naked all night, and that is quite a turn on, often bringing on sexy dreams as every time you try to move you get restrained by your bonds. Came Jon's favourite saying, Wow sir!

I could actually see the twitch of excitement in those skimpy little briefs as I admired yet again that firm flat smooth brown tummy and his whole, so near naked, tanned silky body. He gave me a final grin, ran from me and dived in to the water. Then a minute later emerged in front of me and looking quickly down at his briefs as he climbed out he gave them a crafty little push to lower the front for maximum effect on any watcher. What a boy!

That evening, after my supper, I watched from a window and saw him coming on his bike, swerving and doing wheelies in the wonderful carefree way of pubescent boys as he came for his night with me. He came around to the back door and I quickly opened it to get him inside. It was still a warm night and he wore only jeans, a white tee shirt and sandals with no socks and carried a small haversack presumably with his pyjamas which I knew he would not need! I guided him in with a hand behind his head and took him through to my inner sanctum where the blinds were drawn and soft lighting already on. I locked the door and sat down on my large settee.

Lets get in the mood before I take you to the dungeon I told him. Take off your shirt and sandals Jon, then stand in front of me with your back to me, and with your hands behind you. He complied immediately, peeling his shirt quickly over his head and kicking off his sandals. I took a length of cord from the back of the settee and telling him to cross his wrists I quickly bound and cinched them as he stood passively. Right I said, how does that feel? He took a few steps from me, his firm smooth tanned body rippling gently as he tested his bonds. Wow sir, I could never get free from that, he said, grinning again.

Right then, now come and stand in front of me, and facing me, I told him as I sat down on the settee. Again, complete obedience. I reached forward for the buckle on his belt and he looked down to watch my hands as I undid it, then slipped the zip down to drop his jeans around his ankles. With absolute delight I found that he had put on the loin cloth that I had first found him in when I caught him at self bondage in the wood. He was clearly erect, the folds of the white cotton hankerchief held rigidly forward with only the thin string holding the home made thin cotton pouch around his waist and then between his legs making him other than totally naked. I reached forward as he stood still before me and putting my hands behind him gently felt his delightful firm naked buttocks, and then, transferring to his front, feeling that hard boyish erection so excited and twitching in the loin cloth. I felt that I had to be careful not to get him to climax before I got him into the dungeon because then the pain would help him hold off until later. So I pulled him towards me to stand between my legs, smoothing down his superb body. It was clear that this willing young boy was enjoying himself as he nestled against me. I could wait no longer, I pushed him gently away and standing up, stripped off my own clothes to stand before him wearing only my favourite thong of thin soft black leather.

I put my hand behind his unruly mop of blond hair, and guided him to the door at one end of the room. Opening it, I already had the lights on, and he could see a flight of stone steps going down into the cellar region. My schoolhouse was old and this was one of my favourite places. Down we went, his small figure, hands bound tightly behind him and naked but for the loin cloth, was just in front of me. I heard his familiar gasp of surprise and excitement. Wow sir, as he took in my prepared dungeon. Whips on the walls, whipping posts, chains hanging from the roof. It was very warm, and the soft lighting was all around the stone walls.

Laying flat on the floor in the centre of the room, lay the cross that was to be the main feature for the boy. It was made of thin stainless steel tubing, highly polished and the top of the upright was connected to an overhead beam by a rope tackle, while the base rested near a socket on the floor. At each end of the cross bar a length of chain was fastened. Jon looked it over and then turned to me. Sir, are you really going to tie me to the cross, he asked. Yes Jon, but only if you really want to go on with this. If you do, go and lie down on your back and spread yourself along the cross. But first let me untie your wrists so that you can lay your arms along the cross bar. Again, excited compliance from the boy as I loosed his wrists and giving him a gentle pat of encouragement on his bare backside pushed him towards the waiting cross. I watched with delight as he lowered himself gently into position to lie flat on his back, his little loin cloth was made even briefer as his tummy became concave, his ribs stood out and his penis was straining to get out from the folds of thin cotton.

Having collected padded cuffs from my collection I went to kneel beside him and without being told he held each arm out in turn to have the cuff buckled tightly onto his wrists with the double thin straps of leather around the well padded cuffs with their soft sheepskin lining. From each cuff was a short thin chain with a clip at the end which, after telling him to stretch out each arm, I then clipped to the chains on the end of each cross beam. He was now immobile, arms spread. Next each ankle cuff, again well padded and finally clipped tightly together. From these I took a small length of chain which I passed under the main upright of the cross so that by pulling it up and hitching it over one of several projecting spurs on the back of the upright I could control the amount of bend in his legs. The only way that the boy could relieve the strain on his arms would be to push hard on his ankle bonds which in turn would give him a lot of pain as the chain behind the upright forced his ankles against the upright of the cross.

We were ready to start but first we had to agree the time that he would hang from the cross, and what penalties if he cried out for mercy and to be taken down! I knew just how much this was going to hurt him so I also knew that I would soon be whipping him for asking to come down!

I knelt beside my boy, now secured to the cross which was ready for hoisting upright for his ordeal. Jon this is going to hurt you I told him. Yes sir, I know came the whispered response. Do you want me to hurt you I asked. Yes please sir, if you want to sir, and if you like doing it then I want you to do it. Alright Jon, this is the game. You will be hoisted upright and I want you to agree on twenty minutes suspended. You may ask to be taken down, but for every minute less than twenty you will then be given two lashes. So if you only manage five minutes you will then be transferred to the twin posts over there, you will be tied spreadeagled, naked, and I will whip you, half on your back and buttocks, half on your chest and tummy.

He gave a little smile, wow sir, he whispered. Do you accept then I asked him. Yes please sir came the answer. You realise that there is to be no way out. No namby pamby safe words. This is for real, man to boy I told him. With that, I stood back and looked down at the bound, near naked, beautiful boy with mounting excitement, then went to the tackle that hoisted the cross and started pulling it up. As it rose more upright the weight came on Jon's arms and his body gradually slumped forward as his legs bent and were pulled tight to the upright. When fully up I guided the base of the cross into the socket and let it fall in. Now the boy's struggles began in earnest. At first he simply writhed and pushed on his legs to try and relieve his arms, then when his legs hurt, his body started twisting and turning as he pulled uselessly at his wrist bonds.

After two minutes he was covered in a sheen of perspiration but what a sight he made. A willing boy accepting the pain of a rope crucifixion. Three minutes went by and he was moaning and started saying he could not bear much more. At four minutes I was admiring his body as he frantically heaved and bucked with sweat running in little rivers down his smooth chest to be absorbed by his thin cotton loin cloth, which was still rigidly held out by his erection. At five minutes he appeared to be getting used to the pain and hung there, sweating but hanging still, except for his tummy which was sucking in and out as he gasped for breath. But as I watched, fascinated by this incredibly erotic sight of the young boy willingly accepting the pain, the pain obviously kicked in again at eight minutes and he started a convulsive writhing, finally crying out that he could not stand it much longer. I watched two minutes of this, and then he gave an anguished cry for release.

I pulled the cross out of its socket and lowered the now sobbing boy to the ground where he squirmed on his back still tied in position. I soon undid the clips on the chains on his cuffs though, and as I helped him to his feet he flung his arms around me, burying his sweating head on my chest and sobbing. But between sobs I could hear him muttering, alright sir, but now I will have to be whipped!

You have had enough now Jon. I am going to tie you down as I promised for the night and will whip you in the morning. You will be able to think about it whenever you wake up which will be fairly often in your spreadeagled position. Come upstairs with me, but first take a shower. Then come to me in the bedroom. No loincloth, you will be naked all night. The sweating boy followed me up stairs and I gave him a towel and directed him into the shower.

Ten minutes later he emerged, naked as I had told him, and as usual fully aroused. I made him lie back on my king size bed where the cords were already in place with the cuffs fastened to the ends to hold him for the night. Willingly he stretched his arms over his head, and I buckled the leather cuffs onto his slim wrists again. Then pulling his legs apart I cuffed each ankle before going to each cord and tightening them back so that he was just firmly held in position. How is that young Jon I asked him. Sir, can I be stretched out tighter please so that I cannot really move much at all. I could hardly believe it. Here was this beautiful young boy enjoying being tortured by me and he would be tightly spreadeagled on my bed all night, but who was I to argue! I pulled each smooth limb hard with the cords and bound them off for the night. Then, stripping off my thong to be naked, like my boy, I lay beside him and watched as he fell asleep.

In the early hours of the morning I awoke and looked at the boy beside me. He stirred in his sleep, pulled at his wrists, grunted gently and I watched as his penis gently rose from soft to hard as he found himself so helplessly tied down. So smooth, so absolutely gorgeous, and in an hour or two I knew I would be whipping him in my dungeon.

The whipping in the dungeon is another chapter which I will write if any feedback comes from this story. John

Next: Chapter 3

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