William Moseley

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Apr 26, 2006



This is a work of fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexualities of the celebrities mentioned in this work.

All scenarios are completely made up for the purposes of the story.



Remember my name's Alex not Luke.




With that David spun Will back around and clamped his mouth over the monster. And true enough in seconds Will was experiencing the most powerful orgasm he'd ever felt. He was coating David's throat with amzing amounts of hot teen cum. David was loving the sensation and couldn't wait for Will to suck him off. After a little while the screams of joy had subsided.

"David, that was just... just... truly amazing."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, i've never felt like that before, it was magical"

"You wanna go again?"

"NO, i mean at least not yet, i wanna show you what i know i'm good at."

"And what's that?"

"Good strong fucking!"


David's face erupted with a giant smile. He just couldn't quite believe that he'd just sucked off one of the countries most up and coming young actors; And had his tongue in the lad's hole. His own cock was still rock solid, throbbing, and dripping pre-cum like a tap, but he was now looking forward to the promise of a good strong fucking from this hot young stud. Will was at present towering above David who was on his knees after licking out his hole and drinking his juice. Will looked down at David.


"God-like" David replied, Will blushed at this comment, his cheek turning an even brighter shade of crimson than they already were after the heavy session just past.

David couldn't resist teasing Will, so starting from his feet David licked up the shin of Will's right leg, all the while bothe hands gripping Will's sexy smooth arse cheeks! David continued his tongue assualt by moving up over the knee and around to the inside leg and up to Will's thigh. As he was licking upwards he felt something drip on his face, he wiped it with his hand and licked his finger, 'pre-cum'. David's forehead came into contact with Will's heavy fit-to-burst bollocks. So leaving Will's thigh David licked at the heavy balls once again sending Will into cloud cuckoo land. His hands were back grabbing at the beautiful peachy buns of this hot ass!

"David! please"

"Oh don't you want me to!"

"Oh yeah, but a promise is a promise, lay on your back!"

David obeyed, and layed out flat on his back. Will dropped to his knees and shuffled forward, he leant over David and stuck his tongue down his throat. Will's hands were roaming all across David's hot body, smooth and slightly defined, he had never really had cause to work out, but still he has distinguishable pecs and a gorgeous flat stomach. Will was hardly concerned with that at the moment though. Will broke the kiss and quickly reached across into the pocket of the trousers he had earlier discarded. He produced a condom.

"Safety first"

"Absolutely, I mean, I don't know where you've been!"

"Cheeky bastard. Good job you're hot as fuck, you'd get a slap otherwise."

"Let me put it on you."

Will put the still wrapped condom between his teeth, he leant down and David took it with his teeth. He then ripped it open and discarded the wrapper. David and Will moved their mouths closer together and kissed as David slid the condom over Will's monster meat. This caused a surge of electricity through Will's already super-charged body. David gently lay back down, and Will sat on his chest.

"I thought you could lube up the condom for me"

David leant his head up and took the condom covered cock in his mouth, releasing as much saliva over the shaft as possible. Will was in seventh heaven yet again. Releasing Will's cock David was panting and ready for more.

"Will, i want your ass, let me lick your hole again."

"As seen as you asked so nicely."

Will lifted himself from David's chest and held himself directly above his face. He gently lowered himself down until Will was sat on his face. David's tongue was deep inside Will's hot hole and the two guys were loving it. It was proving almost unbearable for Will and he just had to lift himself from David's face or else he'd have filled the condom there and then.

"Right then, now for what i proromised you."

"Ah, i don't think so!"


"Don't think you get out of it that eaily. I think it's about time you lubed my ass mate, because i aint having that monster in my hole unless it slides in nicely."

"Oh well if you insist."

Will moved back from David, then he positioned himself so his face was right down by David's ass.

"Mm smells so sweet."

"Tastes good too!"

With that Will gingerly moved forward and tentatively licked around David's ass cheeks. He brought his hands up and started playing with the perfect smooth cheeks, and as he gently parted them he saw his prize goal, and it was oh so inviting. He dropped his hands back as he stuck his tongue out and slid it into David's waiting hole. Now David was beside hismelf. Will was getting into such a good rhythm tongue fucking David, that he almost made David cum without any of them touching his cock.

"Right, now it's time for what i'm good at"

"Remind me again"


Will pulled himself up to his knees and positioned the tip of his cock against David's waiting hole. And without any warnig proceeded to slide the entire 9.5inches right in, David thought it would last forever until he felt the tickle of Will's pubes on his ass cheeks.

"OH!!!! GOD!!! FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"You want me to stop?"


"Yes sir"

Will pulled most of his cock out of David's ass and then slammed it right back in and from then on started up a fantastic rhythm, which was at break neck speed, and neither of them expected Will to last long.

"Kiss me"

Will leant over and planted a sensual kiss on David's lips as he kept up the impressive speed. The inevitability of a huge orgasm was fast approaching.

"Come on you bitch FASTER!"

The tone of voice from David turned Will on even more, and he, as if by magic, pulled out all the stops to give David's ass a top speed pounding. And no, he didn't last long.

"OOOH.... YEAH.... FUCK.... FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Will filled the condom with his hot creamy cum. And then almost immediately collapsed onto David.

"That was fantastic, you're right, you are good at fucking"

"I hope to show you on many more occasions."

Will's monster cock was slowly returning to it's normal size, the condom was easily removed and then Will and David were laying side by side on the lounge floor.

"Will can i get serious a minute? I've had a great time with you, and i hope it continues into the morning, and i know we've only just met tonight and everything but i was hoping that we might continue seeing eachother. I know that in the public eye we'd have to keep it under wraps but i'd really to see you still. maybe do things properly like have dinner and other stuff,"

"I'm glad you've said that, because i'd love to continue seeing you. You know my private life is my own business and i choose not to talk about it to anybody really. But if i was asked outright, or if a newspaper saw us at dinner and had a picture i'd admit it. And if my career suffered because of it then so fucking what. There's more to life than that. If i only had you i'd be happy. Working aint the be all and end all. Being together with you i reckon that is.

"Oh, so we're togther then?"


coming soon - William Moseley part 4

As always your thoughts and comments are welcome, it's good to hear from you, even if you just want suggest some hot guys i could write about. (LukeAshton362@aol.com)

Next: Chapter 4

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