William Moseley

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Apr 24, 2006



This is a work of fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexualities of the celebrities mentioned in this work.

All scenarios are completely made up for the purposes of the story.



Remember my name's Alex not Luke.




William could sense the awkwardness that was creeping into the situation. He wasn't really sure what to do.

"The appartment is this way"


Walking along the street, further away from the tube station, David felt a bit braver, he suddenly took hold of Williams hand held it tightly. William smiled to himself, and they walked up some steps to this big house, that had been converted into large two-bed appartments. Once inside the entrance door, William took the lead and planted his gorgeous lips onto David's, they stood in the entrance way for about 10 minutes just locked in this kiss. Wiliam eventually broke the kiss and looked David right in the eye.



They stood in deadly silence just taking each other in. David took the opportunity to admire William. His hair his face and the smouldering look in his eyes.

"I don't believe it" said David softly.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, i just can't quite believe that i'm here in this situation."

"Oh and what situation would that be?"

"In the arms of the most gorgeous guy on the planet"

"Thanks. I'm still finding it hard to get my head round.

"What's that?

"All this celebrity business. Come on you fancy a drink?"


David and Will entered Will's apartment. It was a huge place orignally an old Georgian style house, now four large two-bed apartments. Will made his way straight to the fridge.


"Yeah great, thanks."

David was amazed, he stood in the lounge and tried to comprehend the situation. Stood waiting for young hearthrob William Moseley. David was lost in his thoughts when Will returned from teh kitchen, he just stood for a moment and watched David, it was his chance to take him in properly, he was tall about 6ft Will was guessing. His skin was amazing, beautiful brown eyes, perfect hair. He just seemed perfect. David turned and saw Will.

"Didn't hear you."

"I was just watching you"

"Watching me?"

"You're drink's on the kitchen table."

"Oh right thanks."

David started towards the door to head for the kitchen, as he passed Will, Will grabbed his arm. The looked each other straight in the eyes, and launched at eahcother. like wild things, theire arms were roaming all over eachother's bodies. David dropped his hand to Will's groin and squeezed hard, he felt a monster concealed in it's cage.

"Feels good" David was feeling the need to take control of things. So engaging in a pasionate snog, he proceeded to unbutton Will's shirt and reveal his impressive six-pack, David was amazed, truly stunned. He rushed the shirtt off of Will's shoulders onto the floor. David bent his legs slightly and lowered himself level with Will's pecs. David started licking around the gorgeous round nipples that were erect and excited.

"Oh god David that feels SO good!!"

William was so out of breath under David's ministrations that he could hardly talk. David continued his assault on Will's nipples, gently biting them to increase the excitement another few levels. His hands were roaming the stars sexy smooth back as they started to go ever so slightly lower. Will must have felt this because his breathing was getting so eratic even at this early stage in proceedings.

"Will go careful, i don't want you having a heartattack. Maybe we should rest for a second. have a drink maybe"

"David if you stop now i'll never be able to cope now give it to me. I tell ya what drink this!" Without warning Will dropped his trouser and boxers to reveal an impressive member which must have been atleast 9/10 inches long.

"Well i won't say no."

David dropped to his knees and without thinking swallowed Will's cock whole, his face was buried in his pubes in no time. This impressed Will no end. who as David was sucking placed his hand on the back of david's head and then thrust inside his mouth, David didn't even flinch, This was going to be an evening and a half. Will certainly had rhythm he was sliding his monster cock in and out david's mouth with ease.

"Oh god yes!" Will was in ecstasy.

David wanted to prolang the ecstasy for as long time as possible. He pulled off from the Will's cock, Will be initially disappointed, needn't have been when David gently turned Will around facing the other way. Will assumed he was gonna get fucked, but no he felt a warm tongue licking as his ass cheeks. This was beyond belief. And then the icing on the cake, as he felt David part his ass cheeks, and then, a warm tongue licking at his hole!! Will had never experienced anything quite like it.


With that David spun Will back around and clamped his mouth over the monster. And true enough in seconds Will was experiencing the most powerful orgasm he'd ever felt. He was coating David's throat with amzing amounts of hot teen cum. David was loving the sensation and couldn't wait for Will to suck him off. After a little while the screams of joy had subsided.

"David, that was just... just... truly amazing."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, i've never felt like that before, it was magical"

"You wanna go again?"

"NO, i mean at least not yet, i wanna show you what i know i'm good at."

"And what's that?"

"Good strong fucking!"


Hope you enjoyed it and as always please get in touch with any comments you have about the story. Or if you just wanna chat or rave about the gorgeous William please do. (LukeAshton362@aol.com)


Next: Chapter 3

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