William Moseley

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on Apr 18, 2006



This is a work of fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexualities of the celebrities mentioned in this work.

All scenarios are completely made up for the purposes of the story.



Remember my name's Alex not Luke.



As the limo rounded the corner into Leicester Square, Will could here all the screams and cheering, he took a deep breath, and decided that whatever stuff he had going on his his head he'd put it aside for tonight and just enjoy the moment. Afterall he hadn't seen his co-stars from "The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe" since they'd finisihed filming, and that was a few months ago now.

"Here we are sir" announced the driver.

"Thanks" Will replied a little apprehensive.

He was still not used to having his face on the side of London buses or on advertising posters around the underground yet. He certainly wasn't used to having A driver, or having to stop and talk to people on the red carpet.

"AGHHH!!!!!!!!!!" the crowd went wild as they saw him emerge from the limo.

Taking a deep breath, he turned and smiled a magical smile. he blond hair, now quite long was out at the back, giving him a sexy modern look. He stepped onto the carpet and spotted his co-star from the movie Tilda Swinton aka the white witch. She was talking to a tv crew. William made his way over to her and stood waiting, as he looked up, in the crowd he could see lots of teenage girls, and then he made eye contact with an older lad who must have been about 22/23. The lad simulated a kiss towards william, who smiled and pretended to grab it and then press it against his heart. He then winked at the lad in the crowd, as the reporter from BBC News spoke to him.

Having negotiated the red carpet he stood inside the Odeon cinema foyer with his other co-stars, Anna Popplewell, Georgie Henley and Skandar Keynes. They saw the amazed look on his face.

"What's with the smile mate?" asked Skandar intrigued

"Oh nothing really, i think a member of the crowd was just coming on to me that's all."

"Well all the young girls are here to see you." said Anna.

"It wasn't a girl." replied Will.

"A boy?" asked Georgie.

"Older than a boy, about 23 I would guess."

"You'd recognise him again?" asked Anna.

"Yeah, i would"

"Right then guys, we'll have to get hold of this lad and introduce him to Will" announced Skandar.

"Thanks guys, i know i havcen't seen you all a lot recently, but it's really helped me, knowing that the three of you are with me."

"Mate, we've known each other now for what practically a year? You're just Will to us, whoever you fancy doesn't make the slightest difference. We'll still make fun of your dress sense" teased Anna.

The four friends walked into the auditorium, and settled down to watch the film. Although watching intently, William couldn't get the image of that lads face out of his mind. He smiled to himself and tried to block it out. The film was nearing it's climax and William was anticipating getting a brief glimpse of the actor Noah Huntley who played the grown up Peter in the movie. He felt a slight stirring in his boxers as he remembered what he and Noah had gotten upto when they briefly met during filming.

The screening was now over and the celebs were all mingling in the foyer. As they all said their goodbyes they prepared to make their own ways to the after premiere party at a nearby hotel. Will went to the door and noted his car was waiting at the end of the red carpet, he stepped outside, once again to screams from young girls and their mums alike, he was smiling and looking all around th crowd, desperately hoping to see the face of the guy who blew him a kiss. For a brief moment, he hoped the guy might be able to blow something else. But reaching the door of his car he had conceded that he'd never see that guy again. And then all of a sudden from nowhere.

"WILL! Sign this poster for my sister"

Will turned and noted it was the guy from earlier, he'd be happy to sign the poster for his sister, any excuse for a quick chat to this guy. Will made his way over to the guy, both having a huge smile on his face. The guy leant in close 'Oh god what a sexy smell' thougt Will.

Whispering in will's ear the guy says "I haven't got a sister really, it's for me"

"So what's your name?"

"I'm david"

"Pleased to meet you David, you'll be going to see the movie when its released?"

"Of course"

Will was busy scribbling an autograph all over David's poster. He handed him back the poster and his pen and smild wildly at him. He nodded and turned back to his car.

David was mesmerised by Will, what a great looking guy, and he'd signed an autogrpah for him; many an evening he'd dreamed about sharing a bed with gorgeous star, ever since he saw an article about the forthcoming Narnia film, he'd been smitten with William, what a great name, William Moseley, a proper English name, anyway David turned and headed in the direction of teh tube station. Down on the northbound Platform he sat and waited for the tube, the platform display told him six minutes until the next train. So he sat and eventually looked at the poster and what William had written on it. David's jaw dropped.

"David, hope you enjoy the film when you go to see it, lots of love William Moseley. ps, i'm staying in London for a while, doing interviews and stuff, the studio has rented me this big appartment in Holland Park, meet me by the entrance to Holland Park tube station at 23.30." xxx

At the party William was buzzing, he'd taken the plunge and written that message on David's poster. now he just hoped the guy would turn up.

"You're looking rather pleased with yourself Will." Anna came over to join him.

"Yeah, on the way out of the Odeon, i saw that guy again."

"Oh yeah?" As good as you thought?"

"Even better. i signed an autograph for him, and asked him to meet me later."

"You what?"

"I know it's a stupid thing to do but, i couldn't help it, he's gorgeous Anna."

"Well, just you be careful is all i can say, he could be a crazed axe murderer or something, outto get you for crimes against fashion sense."

"Oh ha ha very funny. Listen i'm going to have to slip away quietly, just tell the others i wasn't feeling too great."

"Go on, call me tomorrow, tell me all about it"

Anna smiled and William slipped out into crisp London air. Sitting on the central line tube Wiliam was nervous, more nervous than he was on the red carpet earlier that evening. The train slid into Holland Park station. William made his way up to ground level, and was a bit disappointed when he couldn't see David waiting for him. Perhaps he didn't want to come, perhaps he'd had a better offer.

"WILL!" he turned to see David walking towards him.

"Sorry i wan't there, it's just i had to know that you'd actualy come yourself. Sorry, i wasn't sure if i believed your message or not"

"That's fine, your here at least."


William could sense the awkwardness that was creeping into the situation. He wasn't really sure what to do.

"The appartment is this way"


Walking along the street, further away from the tube station, David felt a bit braver, he suddenly took hold of Williams hand held it tightly. William smiled to himself, and they walked up some steps to this big house, that had been converted into large two-bed appartments. Once inside the entrance door, William took the lead and planted his gorgeous lips onto David's, they stood in the entrance way for about 10 minutes just locked in this kiss. Wiliam eventually broe the kiss and looked David right in the eye.


***************************** THE END *****************************

Hope you all enjoyed the story, would be good to know if you want me to continue.

Next: Chapter 2

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