William Gets It All

By Chaim B.

Published on Mar 25, 2023


William gets it all Part 2

by Chaim (bchaim) bchaim@hotmail.com (M/t, authoritarian, oral, anal)

Amsterdam (the Netherlands), March 2007

The following story is totally fiction! It involves sexually explicit erotic events between a innocent submissive teen and a dominant Man. If you are offended by such material or are too young, live where it is not allowed to read the story, don't read on. It's up to you! In the world of this story, the characters don't always use condoms. Make sure you protect yourself from disease in the real world by always using a condom.

English is not my mother tongue, sorry for any mistakes!

Reactions on this story are very welcome! bchaim@hotmail.com

This work is copyrighted to the author © 2007. Please don't remove my author information or make any changes to this story. You may post this story freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. You are the moral obligation to let me know if my story is published somewhere. Thanks! Chaim.

---------------------------------------- In all chapters:

William, 18, young and learning The Man, 32, dominant, William's teacher

--------------------------------------------- The last lines of William gets it all Part 1 ----------------------------------------------

"Baby, you wanted to wrestle? You will, just do it for me! Try to relax, this was just a slow start. Loosen up, baby. You only feel my fucking finger, that's all now, my Baby. This is nothing, you will beg for much more! This is just a slow start to make you a strong wrestler. A beginning to bring you into your new world."

The man smiled and whispered as he pushed his finger harder inside William's virgin boy hole, "You will soon taking lots bigger than a finger up there!"

William groaned in pain. "Oh fuck, boy that's a very tight virgin hole. I feel it, your back door was closed. I love that and will open it all the way!"

The Man moved his other hand over William's smooth chest, his sweaty forehead, pulling his blond hair back to him, nuzzling his mouth against his ear. "Relax, I will do it anyhow. Just open up, open that tight virgin ass for me. You lost the battle, give it to me. Open up, my little baby. You need this! You stepped into my house and I knew I found myself a little slave-boy."

The Man's tongue licked and sucked his dripping hot face over and over, licking his sweat. The man went inside his open lips, really kissing him hard. William's head spun, he felt great and terrible. No man kissed him like that!

William wanted to learn the basic's of wrestling and ended up here.

----------------------- William gets it all Part 2 -----------------------

William felt little and confused.

"I know what you need!" The Man spit at him. His spit trailed down of the side of William's neck and oozed down the split of his teen chest. It dripped from his face onto his chest, to his nipples. "Baby, believe me, I'm going to show you everything. Your real life, your hopes and dreams. I know about your desires, you are my Baby boy, my little slave boy now."

The Man wiped his fingers over the side of William's neck, down to his smooth chest, smearing his fingers with his slick saliva. William looked in the mirrors in shock. He watched the head of his own teen cock oozed drops of cum. He couldn't control that, fuck this, he showed this Man he was so damn horny. Hell, this was so humiliating! The Man had control over his most secret dreams and desires. He, a strong fucking straight stud was horny as hell being in the power of this Gay Master. William groaned and knew, the burp of his wad of nut-juice was clearly visible for his Master. There was no way to deny it! William groaned and braced himself to get his teen butt open. He opened himself up for The Man. He felt like a little submissive pussy-boy, a little helpless child, the way he never thought he would be again. William looked at the Man and his shock was clearly visible on his handsome teen face.

The Man smiled, "I know who you are. Don't pretend anything, you are just a kid in need. You are just a willing horny teen in need for a real Master. Yes, it will be hard for you, you will fight it. You will wrestle against my Power. You will loose the battle, because you want to be that little boy again, your part is to be little and submissive to me. Enjoy the pain your Master offers you, even beg me for more! You will, I'm sure of that. You don't have to hide your tight little boy pussy anymore, your dripping hard boy cock tells all."

William trembled, the Man's finger moved up and down, poking at his tightly sphincter. William begged, pleaded, "Oh my god, Sir. Please don't do this to me."

The Man's finger pushed at his muscle, pushing it from side to side, exposing his inner rim. The soft, virgin pink flesh was so incredibly sensitive, William cried out, "Please, don't. I will do everything for you, but^Å don't do this to me."

William's knees went weak as the tip of the Man rubbed his smooth slick turned out flesh. William felt so embarrassed and handled! William could help himself, letting out little grunts. The Man moved his head to his mouth and kissed him again, The Man said, "That's right, feel my tongue, let it go, my little slave boy. Let me have it. Accept you're just a little Gay boy. Let me take your little virgin ass. It's mine now! It's my little pussy asshole! You are my boy. I'm taking you over, Baby, taking your virgin pussy for myself. Get it in your brain, it's not yours anymore, cry-baby. You don't have to worry, sweet little thing. Just give it to me! Accept that, just accept my Power over you!"

William felt so weird, so stupid. Here, at his Master's will, he was exposed and naked in front of another hard male. William only dreamed about sex. Of course he stroked his own teen cock, he was always hot and horny. The Man's voice was a new wind blowing softly through his young mind. He was straight! Straight, he fought for that, building up his body! But William felt different now, he felt himself stretched around the tip over the Man's finger. This was not a bad dream, this was fucking reality! It hurt but also felt so good! Good! Oh, my god, The Man's finger inside his ass felt good! William tried to relax, to give his body to this powerful dominant Man. "Baby, yeah, do it! This is the way to go, you little shit. Now we get into it! You feel it, feel my little finger at your tight virgin pussy. Move that tight ass for me."

The Man moved his finger slowly and whispered, "Baby, you will be my own little asshole very soon. Yeah, my little Baby boy, believe me, I will fill in your needs. Just give in, just accept your faith, being my willing slut boy. Make my finger wet with your spit, give yourself some lube."

William complied with an unknown eagerness, he surprised himself, lapping his tongue around the digit, coating it with his saliva. It hurt at his little teen butt when it entered his tight little boy hole again, "Oh, my god."

Soon the Man was back inside his butt, sliding right up into him, smooth as it could be, riding on the coating of his own spit. The Man's finger past his first ring, went deeper inside the virgin bowels of his tight little ass. William got finger fucked for the first time in his young teen life. The Man said to him, "Now we're moving in the right direction. Yeah, Baby, that's the way. Show me you needed this. Now you're getting on with the program. Now, you're getting some sense in that slowly teen head of yours. You were a stupid piece of shit fighting it, anyhow, fight it and make me happy. I love to train boys like you, to crack them."

The Man's finger pushed harder inside William, working around and sending flashes of pain and strange heavy sensations down the insides of his trembling tights. William wasn't sure how much longer he was going to be able to keep his balance. The Man laughed and ordered, "Suck it, suck my finger with your little tight pussy, slave boy."

William only wanted to obey, as he gave himself over, submitting to his strong Master, The Man. He squeezed his teen ass around the finger inside him, flexing himself against the probing hardness. The man grinned at him in the mirror, "That's what I'm talking about. That's the way, little Baby boy. Just take my finger and dream about something harder and bigger."

The Man pulled his finger out of William's tight slowly relaxing ass as he stepped back from him. William strained to twist his blond head back, anxious that he might have done something wrong. The Man was still grinning at his confused reflection in the mirror, "Move it around, Baby boy. Show your Master you can be his Queen. Show me you are gay, a faggot, a queen."

William's face showed his puzzlement. The Man slapped hard across his firm white ass cheeks. Tears popped into William's eyes, this hurt him so badly. He was no girl, he was a strong straight teen! "Move that cute little ass cheeks, my Baby boy. Give your Master a real good faggot show."

William cried in silence but moved his ass cheeks around, feeling very stupid and humiliated as well, but he was unable to refuse The Man's orders. The Man slapped his now red ass cheeks hard again and William felt the pain on his exposed ass cheeks. He blushed and shook his ass cheeks like a girl. The Man laughed hard and the teen blushed even harder. Tears were running over his handsome face, William couldn't believe he was doing this. He felt broken and terrible. The next order came unexpected, "Now spread those pretty legs for your Master and stick your little boy butt out. I want to see your little pussy."

William spread his legs wide and bent over, as far as the chain at his collar allowed and jutted his ass out. His butt parted this way, showing the Man his little tight ass hole. "Yeah, that's a very nice hole, Baby. Let's decorate it."

The Man stepped closer again and William feared his actions. The Man smeared something cool and slick on William's exposed ass hole. William groaned, as the Man's fingers slid easily into him. He saw some kind of plug in the Man's hand's other hand. It was thick and long with strips of leather hanging from the end. "Okay, it's time for something better, open up, Baby. Get used to hit, this plug will be your friend very soon."

The plug was pushed at his ass hole. William felt his little ass hole opened and he groaned in pain, it felt like his tight ass hole was torn apart, spit open. William's tears run over his red face and he tightened his ass hole in reflex. The Man wrapped one arm around his neck and yanked him back against his strong body. "No way, my boy!"

The Man lifted William's feet from the floor, he pushed the plug up his tight ass in one single move and suddenly released him. William fought the invading plug, the new pain at his back door and his total humiliation. The Man stepped back to watch the blond teen moving back and forth, adjusting to the stuffed fullness of his little ass hole. The Man commented with a wide grin, "Nice, Baby boy, very nice! Next step is to do it without any grease. Your little teen ass is mine and I will use it. Wow, my strong straight teen boy has a plastic cock deep inside his little ass."

The Man reached down and grabbed the strips of leather that hung now between William's legs. He slowly tugged at them so William could feel the pressure of the plug pushing his ass lips out. "Yeah, Baby boy you are really a little Gay boy now. I think I got your attention, haven't I?"

William groaned and hated him. He was feeling the pain inside his virgin ass, but the most terrible thing were The Man's words. Deep inside he hated and loved the Man. His virgin ass lips were open to the rubber plug. William tried to relax, sweating and afraid. William managed to whisper to his strong hero, "Yes, Sir. Please! Your have my attention now, please stop this, don't hurt me anymore."

William mumbled through his gag, he was still trying to relax his ass to adjust the terrible rubber object. The Man stepped closer to the trembling William, reached behind his blond head and unfastened his gag. The metal ring was pulled out, but the surprised William's mouth still gaped wide. William's jaws were stiff being held open for some time. William's spit drooled from the corners of his still open mouth. He bowed his blond head in fear and shame. He wanted to disappear from this planet. In a flash he thought about his parents, his little brother, the adored his straight sport performance. The Man stood in front of him, snapped his fingers, brought him back to the reality. "Look at my body, pussy boy."

William did and felt a strange feeling in his heart and still dripping cock. He closed his still open mouth, "Who am I, little slave boy?"

"My Master, Sir." William replied, his voice full of an unknown excitement. Deep inside he wanted this. Oh, god, The Man was his Master now. A strange wave of eagerness hit his brain. "Who are you?"

"Your slave, Sir!" He said this words and nobody forced him to do so. This was hell! His Master moved to his body and he wanted to drop to his knees to kiss the Man's naked feet. William shivered, he went too far, after this he couldn't be the old, straight, self secured, William again. His Master nodded slowly and moved to his boy, ran his tongue around the open circle of William's mouth. Pushing closer William's strong huge Master planted his mouth fully over his mouth. Holding him, his hand on the back of his blond head he filled the blond teen's mouth with his demanding tongue. Sucking at his tongue, running it around deep inside William's mouth. Finally, the Man pulled back and William got back his breath. William couldn't believe his lucky feelings. He kissed the Man back!

The chain to his collar was taken off. He was released but William felt dizzy and stumbled forward. Master caught him before he could fall over and lifted him over his shoulder with an ease that made William feel more helpless and little. Despite his strong body he felt again like a little child against the Man's warm skin. "On to the next stage, Baby. We are not finished, this was just a little starter for my little boy."

They returned to the stairs and went up. William hanging upside down over his Master's shoulder. William's attention went to his Master's smoothly jutting mounds of buttocks, flexing with each step. The Man just carried him up, sometimes pulling at the leather strands hanging from William's upturned ass. This way he forced out helpless whimpers of pleasure and pain from the submissive strong teen, who was now like putty in his strong hands. They went up and up, down another hall, into another room and William was thrown onto a bed. The dizzy teen landed on his ass, grunting out in pain. The plug was rammed even deeper inside his tight virgin ass this way. William rolled over, rubbing himself and his swollen cock, against the heavy black covering on the king-size bed. William smelled the rich odor of the black leather. William closed his eyes and focused on his pain, his terrible situation. In silence he cursed himself. Old programs took over, he wanted to be released, this was just a bad dream, he could escape, he was a straight hero, he was afraid, little and submissive. Oh my god.

Slowly William lifted his blond head and looked around. There was only candles, the light was smooth and all the walls of this room were covered with mirrors. He saw himself in every direction, hundreds of times! A naked big muscled teen, bound with his hands behind him, leather ropes hanging from his rubber plug stuffed deeply inside his ass, his Master's pussy ass. A blond teen looking around helpless and docile, with a red face from the tears he spent earlier. Well, no way, not a strong hetero stud, not a handsome soccer teen, just a child in a teen's body. Oh fuck. William shivered at the sight of himself! The Man, his Master looked at him, "Look at me, little slave boy."

William turned to see his Master sitting at the head of the bed, leaning against a mirror, his strong hairy legs spread wide apart as Master stroked his rock hard boner with one hand. Master played with his other hand with his own ass hole. "Look at your Master, little Baby boy. Look at me!"

The Master's fingers worked at his pink hole, spreading and stroking it, while his new slave watched. William's cock was rock hard, he couldn't ignore it, his cock loved it. "What about it, Baby? Entering my house as a straight teen stud, horny, wanting to wrestle with other boys. Now you are my fucking little slave. You are naked and exposed, hungry for my cock and ass. Is that true, slave boy?"


Master laughed, "Your stupid head was maybe full of teen dreams of girls and pussy. Denying all your real desires about strong real man and true Masters. What about it, little slave? Look at me, take your time, I'm the most beautiful thing you ever saw, isn't it, slave boy?"

The question took William's breath away. The truth of the Man words made him a submissive child again, he had the urge to cry again but could stop it, that gave William some relief. He stretched his shoulders but bowed his blond head, strange enough not in shame, but he felt respect, "Yes Master, you are. You are huge and beautiful, Sir. I'm proud you show your naked body to my eyes, Sir."

"So, you are ready to worship me, little slave boy?"

"Yes, Master. I think I'm ready, Sir!" For some moments there was a deep silence, only broken by the soft slapping sound of Master's hand moving slowly on his big hard cock. At the same time William saw Master worked two of his big fingers into his own asshole. The Man was finger fucking himself asking his humble teen slave, "Are you ready to love me all the way, slave boy?"

"Yes, Master. Master, I love you and will do everything you ask." One tear moved his way out and rolled over William's cheek, "I don't know. You are my Master, tell me what to do, Sir. I really don't know."

"Come here Baby and get it, slave boy." William knew what he had and needed to do. He didn't have to be told anymore, his instincts went up. Sliding forward on his smooth belly, right over the black leather cover, he just crawled between his Master's hairy legs. William pushed his blond head down under his Master's balls. Reaching out with his tongue for the exposed pink hole. William went for it! He was shocked by his own performance, this was Gay, dirty and wrong. He first licked around the two fingers stretching The Man's ass open for him. He tucked the tip of his willing tongue inside the wide opening, quickly thrusting deep inside his Master's hole. His Master stroked his blond hair, kissed it, hold his head steady in a gentle way, "Good, slave boy, just do it. Lick my asshole, the time is right."

Master slowly pulled his fingers out, the smooth sphincter closed down about William's tongue. In a flash William thought about his buddies at school. They would condemn him about this, calling him a dirty faggot an ass licker and brown worker. William was broken in, he didn't care anymore, this was all he was now! The Man's little boy. He wanted to please his strong Master, following all his orders. William flexed his tongue, lapping at his Master's most private channel, tasting his Master's brown flavor. A deep rumble of pleasure vibrated through his Master's body and William stretched his tongue out further. William wanted this most intimate and dirty thing. Deep inside he knew this was low and terrible to do. He did it, for him, his Master. He knew and tasted his Master was clean inside, but still, this was so strange, humiliating and good! William's way to say `I'm nothing, Sir, just your slave boy' Soon the ring of the sphincter pushed out against his wet lips. William spread his lips, letting the hairy ring push into his willing mouth, rubbing his teeth against the tender flesh as he licked deeper inside his Master's ass hole. His tongue went inside and outside his Master, giving his Master a real tongue fucking and William felt in a strange way so happy to serve him! William was inside his Master's body now, his Master groaned loud, "Oh god damn, yeah, suck it Baby boy. You are a good little slave boy. Suck my wide asshole, slave boy."

Master's hand came down on the back of William's blond head, holding him tighter against his open ass hole. His ass squirmed on the leather sheet, spreading his legs wide to his worshipping slave boy. Master wrapped his hairy legs around William's teen back, surrounding William with the warm hairiness of his lower body. The sound of William's eager mouth, sucking wetly at his hot ass hole filled the bedroom. William was pushed to the base of his Master's ball sac and he was forced to lick and suck at the hairy skin there. The muscled teen, William wanted this! He took the big balls into his hungry mouth, one at a time. Rolling them around in his hot spit and his Master reached down between his legs. The Man, Master was holding William's mouth wider with one hand. He gave both his loaded balls at once into his gaping open mouth. The Man settled his heavy crotch down the now spit-shining face of his slave boy. Master looked at the mirrors and saw his blond slave teen belly down between his hairy legs giving him pleasure. William's Master grunted, "What a fucking good mouth you have, my little Baby boy. You turn me on, slave boy, you are a young sexy bastard. You don't go home, you little hot asshole. Don't think so, your new life started today. Think of that, little slave boy, being my own submissive little Baby boy."

William just groaned a silent `yes'. He knew his teen cock was rock hard. "Think you are able to get into full-time duty? Your life will be your wet dream. You will be here at night when I get home from my firm. See the picture, you my little slave boy, on your fucking hands and knees, your teen cock hard and dripping against your belly. Your teen cock swinging between your legs because you are eager to see me. The sounds of my stopping bike, the boots up the front steps will make your cock jump up even harder. You are so happy to see me, your Master will be at home. You never have to worry about the itch in your boy hole anymore. Your sometimes empty ass will be full of my cock when I need to shoot my cum. Your hot throat and ass will be there to be filled, believe me, I will be your Master. William, my little slave boy, you will know your Master is on its way to keep you opened up at both ends and filled with what you need. You has to be honest, you are in need to be fucked. After tonight you can't live without your Master's cock, my powerful body anymore. You will beg me to fuck you, to use my extreme dominance on your body and mind. Your worthless submissive attitude will be in your Master's hands. You are in need to serve me, believe me."

William groaned and was ready! He received his next order, dreaming about the slave status. The Man, his Master offered him his Power.

End of the second part

Comments and suggestions are welcome at: bchaim@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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