Will and Tyler

By Galacticflute

Published on Mar 4, 2001


The standard warnings apply here. If you are under 18 don't stop here, just go away. If you are offended by stories of gay love between two consenting young men, just go away. If you live in a place that limits your freedom of thought and expression by repressive laws and ordinances, just go away. All that said, feel free to read on. The authors retain all rights to this story.

Authors Note: This is our first story so please be patient with any mistakes we made. Sorry, but there isn't any real sex in this chapter either, but it is coming in Chapter Three of this entirely fictional story. In several place places, real products and people are mentioned in passing. We do not endorse anything or anyone by using those references.

We humbly dedicate Will and Tyler's Odyssey to our friend from the frozen wastes of the Great White North. Derek this is for you man. We love ya.

Mike and Alan 03-04-01

Will and Tyler's Odyssey

Part One: In the Beginning...continued.

It was Ty's soft moaning that awakened me during the night. I knew that moan. It was different than the sound of passion that he vocalized when we made love together. He was in pain again and I could feel the slight trembling in his lower back as his muscles spasmodically contracted into tight knots.

I broke the contact with his body when I moved slightly away from Ty in order to roll him gently onto his chest before I reached for the soothing herb infused massage oil and began to knead the tight places in his back. Ty sighed quietly after a few minutes and I could feel the knots work out of his back next to his spine and relax under my ministrations.

"Thanks Will," he sighed softly.

"Anything for you Babe," I replied as I kissed the back of his neck softly. "Anything at all..."

He was asleep again and for now, I only prayed that he'd rest for the remainder of the night without any repeat of the muscle cramps. I knew how exhausted he was and Ty needed as much really sound sleep as he could get.

We had both endured a long day in our offices preparing mid-term exams and teaching. We both had evening classes today so were only able to get to the Athletic Center for a few laps and exercises before the pool had closed for the night. Next summer we would have the deep lap pool in our backyard covered and heated so we could end our dependence on the university's aquatic facility during the colder months of the year.

Once again, sleep had fled from me as I lay still next to my lover. The internal restlessness that I felt kept my mind buzzing with thoughts about our lives together. I kissed Ty's neck and back again, then carefully eased out of bed and crossed our cozy bedroom like I had a week earlier, turning on the dim lamp at our desk in the den and I reached for the ragged volume of memories in the old blue composition book. I could hear Ty's soft snores behind me in our bedroom as I began to read..

Chapter Two

Mom hadn't come home until almost 4:00 p.m. and was completely exhausted from her day of surgery and patient rounds. I wasn't sure what time she'd left in the morning but I doubt that Mom had gotten more than a couple of hours sleep the night before from the look of the darkened circles under her eyes.

"Mom, you look tired."

"I am Will, I am. I had four surgeries today and one of my patients had a bleed early this morning too so it's been one of those days." Mom kicked off her shoes and flopped down into the recliner by in front of the TV and sighed deeply.

As I looked at her, I noticed that there seemed to be more gray in her hair than I remembered.

"Have you eaten anything Mom?" I asked her softly when I knelt beside her chair. She reached over and ruffled my hair.

"Yes son, Nancy brought me a cup of soup and a bagel between rounds and my third operation around 10." I knew Nancy had been Mom's surgical nurse for many years and she'd be sure that Mom got at least something.

"Look Mom, I just fixed a nice salad and some grilled chicken breasts for an early dinner so you sit right here and I'll fix it all up for you. Do you want a drink too?"

"How about my regular and go easy on the liquor. I'm not on call tonight or tomorrow because Doug was off during the week, but I just want a light one.OK?" Doug Denton was Mom's partner and between them, they did most of the cancer surgery in Fairview's Medical Center. He was a really nice guy and if he wasn't married.well I knew that they were close friends anyway.

I walked over to the bar and poured a small amount of Jim Beam into a large tumbler with some ice and filled it the rest of the way with coke then carried it over to her.

"Ahhh," she sighed. "Just right. Thanks Will."

"Kay, Mom. I'll get your dinner now. Just relax a minute and I'll be right back."

I went into the kitchen and took the two breasts off the grill and poked them with my finger to be sure that they were done.

'Yep these are ready,' I thought as I plated a grilled breast seasoned with "Bam" spice and a large helping of the mixed green salad and cherry tomatoes into a salad bowl then drizzled a light balsamic vinaigrette over the greens. I brought one of the wooden TV trays with me and after opening it up, put the plates before Mom.

"Ohhh Will. Thank you! That's just what I wanted and it so good too," she told me as she munched on some of the crisp greens and a tomato. "Thanks honey."

Just then my cell phone rang and I raced down the hall into my room where I left it.


"Will? This is Tyler. How ya doin' man?" I heard Tyler's voice speak softly into my ear.

"I'm doing good Dude.how about you Ty?"

"Alright I guess. Ahh.Will?" There was a pause and I could hear his soft breathing on the other end that immediately brought the vision of holding Ty close to my body earlier at the pool.

"Yes Ty.I'm still here."

"Do you think.do ya think you can come over this evening and have dinner with me and my Dad?"

I noticed a little tenseness in his voice and I smiled to myself. There was nothing I'd like better than to see Tyler again. All afternoon I hadn't been able to get his cute face and fine body out of my minds-eye and I did tell him I'd come by after I got all my chores done.

"I'd like that Ty. Give me a half-hour OK? Mom just got home and I need to talk with her for a little while," I told him.

"Really! Alright Will! I'll tell Dad to set another plate for you." I could hear the excitement in his voice through the phone and I knew that this was important to him. Something in his voice and the shy way he had asked me over. Yes this was important to Ty.and me too.

"Yep.half an hour Ty. I'll see you then.and Ty? Thanks for inviting me. See ya."

"Kay, see ya soon Will.bye."

I went back out into the living room and knelt down next to Mom by the recliner. She must have been very hungry because she'd already finished the grilled chicken and was pulling bits of crunchy greens out of the salad with her fingers and munching on them piece by piece.

"Mom, can we talk for a minute?"

"Of course Will.what's on your mind?"

"Mom.ah.remember that boy I told you about.his name is Tyler? Well today.."


YES! Will was coming over for dinner! I looked around my room and made sure that all my dirty clothes were picked up and put in my hamper for Della - our housekeeper - to wash on Monday. I made doubly sure that the towel I used to wipe myself clean when I jerked-off was well hidden between my mattress and the headboard of my queen-sized bed.

I had waited all afternoon before I got enough courage to call Will and ask him over. Thoughts of his hard body and the bulge in his shorts when he helped me change this morning had kept running around in my head the whole time. He was so handsome.so strong.so beautiful. I closed my eyes and remembered every detail that I'd been able to memorize from this morning, and of Wednesday when he had stopped those assholes from dumping me on the hallway floor.

But I was scared too. Scared that Will would find out about how I felt. Only my Dad and Todd know that I'm gay; no one else and I couldn't risk Will finding out about me. I needed him as a friend first and foremost. I am so lonely here; the smiles and jokes that I tell are all faked - something I've learned to do to keep others from knowing how miserable I really am. I think that Dad and Todd are the only one's who might see through my line of bullshit. Would Will?

Who'd want a crip as a friend anyway? What could I do with them strapped into my chair? Play basketball? Go to the movies and sit in the back where the theatres consign people in wheelchairs, with no seats nearby so I could sit next to somebody else? Run around and be a normal kid? Never! Those days are gone forever now, but I had a chance for Will to become my friend, if he was for real and not like the others who said I was a friend.but really just felt sorry for me...or worse: used me to make themselves feel good about "helping" the crip in the wheelchair!

I hated that most of all.the phony sympathy, the kind looks, people going out of their way to do things I was fully capable of doing for myself and then congratulating themselves for doing a good deed. There were times I just wanted to explode and scream at them leave me alone! When I did say something, they'd look at me like I was crazy: I must be to refuse their help. Almost always, they'd apologize and suddenly find something else to do, embarrassed by my rejection. Screw 'em!

I could feel the anger building in me again and I didn't want to be in a foul mood when Will arrived, so I began my meditation exercises, compelling myself to be calmer and forcing the anger away until I was as relaxed as I could get. I pictured Will's face and tried to recall the fresh washed scent of his skin and hair in my mind when he held me close this morning. His dark hair, his hazel eyes with little gold flecks in them, the strength in his arms as he pressed me into his chest.

I did calm myself down, but my cock had a mind of its own as usual so by the time my meditation was finished, the seven inches of flesh between my legs was hard and leaking.


"Hey Will! Come on in," Tyler said as soon as his front door swung open. He was smiling so widely I wondered if it hurt. The sparkle in his eyes told me more about how he felt than his smile ever could and that strange warmth began to spread in my chest again as I followed Ty into the house.

It was huge inside! The view from the street belied the actual size of Ty's home and it seemed that the true dimensions were much, much larger than I first thought. The carpeted entryway led to what would be called a "great room" in a mansion, the walls paneled in dark wood with large glazed Spanish tile covering the floor. Enormous black wrought-iron chandeliers hung from thick beams overhead. The soft lighting gave the room a warm and cozy feeling despite being so big. There was an immense fireplace in the center of one wall, with a grouping of couches and overstuffed chairs in a wide semicircle facing the big hearth.

"Damn Ty, I had no idea how big this place is. You sure can't tell from the street."

Ty stopped and smiled at me shyly. "Yea, Dad really likes this type of architecture but it is kinda big for the two of us. But I really like this house. Come on Will, let me show you the kitchen and introduce you to Dad."

I followed Ty deeper into his home through another wide hallway. We passed other rooms that looked like a den or library; a space that was set up as an office of some kind and what was obviously a family room with a huge TV and surround system before we got to the kitchen. Like the rest of the house, it was massive.

What I saw before me was a space that could have provided meals for hundreds with ease. Big stainless steel Vulcan stove and ovens, a matching glass door fronted refrigerator with what could only be a large freezer next to it. The butcher-block island prep area was surrounded by cabinets and drawers too many to count in just a fast glance. I noticed another area that could only be a very big pantry. And the odors in the air: whatever was cooking was making my mouth water.

"Dad? Are you in here?" Ty yelled into the kitchen.

"Right behind you son."

I was startled to hear the deep voice of Tyler's Dad speak behind me and we both turned around quickly. I looked up and saw Ty's Dad for the first time. It was obvious from looking at him where Tyler got his good looks.

"Hi!, I'm Derrick Anderson.Ty's father. You must be Will," he said as he extended his hand to shake mine. I also saw that Ty had inherited his smile from his Dad too.

"Very pleased to meet you sir. I'm Will Johnston," I said to him as we shook hands with a firm yet comfortable grip.

Dinner was a very pleasant affair and Ty's Dad seemed to be a great guy, easy to laugh as the three of us sat in a glass-enclosed area that doubled as a summer porch during the warmer months. We had grilled salmon and steamed asparagus with roasted new potatoes in a butter sauce. There was a loaf of freshly baked bread too. I detected the presence of "Bam" spice on the perfectly done salmon and we had a good laugh when Mr. Anderson told us he'd learned to cook when working his way through Law School in "'Nawlens" and from watching Julia Child's on PBS for years.

During the meal, Ty and I smiled at each other a lot and what nervousness I had before coming over had long since disappeared. I couldn't keep my eyes off Tyler. The overhead mini-spots highlighted his light brown hair so that a couple of times as I looked at him, Ty appeared to have a halo surrounding his head. The effect was stunning.

All through the time we spent at the table, Ty and I would frequently lock eyes and drink in the gaze of the other. I was so sure that he was trying to tell me something with his looks, but I just knew it was most likely having a new friend over for the first time. Neither of us noticed the look that his Dad was directing our way. A couple of times I saw he was watching me closely as we all chatted about University High, the new Pool House and what it was like living in Fairview my whole life.

"What do your parents do Will?" Mr. Anderson asked me during a lull in the conversation.

"My Mom is a doctor at Memorial, sir. She and her partner Dr. Denton are Oncologists and run the Cancer Clinic."

"What does your father do Will?" Ty asked me smiling as he asked. I fixed my gaze on the plate in front of me and answered as I usually do when asked about the man I had long ago forgotten.

"I don't know what he does Ty. Mom divorced him when I was four and she never remarried. I really don't remember him at all now and he's never tried to contact me either." The look on Tyler's face was one of mixed emotion and the sorrow I could see when I lifted my eyes to look at him.

"I'm sorry Will, I didn't know. I didn't mean to cause you any...to hurt..."

"You didn't Bud. Really, you didn't. It's just sometimes I'm not sure exactly what to say where my father is concerned. Mom doesn't talk about him at all either, so it's just been the two of us and I kinda like it like that. It's all I really know anyway, besides when you meet my Mom, you'll see that she's really neat too." I smiled again at Ty, my look trying to reassure him that he hadn't done any harm at all.

"Will, you wanna go see my room?"

We visited a while more with his Dad before Ty and I excused ourselves and we went back through the kitchen carrying our plates to the dishwasher. I followed Ty down another hallway into his room. I was again amazed at the size of the room Ty called his "sanctuary." Only later did I understand just what he really meant by sanctuary.


"This is it Will. My inner sanctum," Ty told me as we crossed the threshold into his room.

"My sanctuary," he whispered barely audible. I wasn't sure that I had actually heard him say the words. It tool several seconds before my brain actually registered that he had said "my sanctuary."

Tyler had a queen-sized sleigh bed up against the far wall between two bay windows filled with flowering plants. He also had a very futuristic looking computer desk in another corner and I noticed that he had both the latest Dell Dimension 8100 PC and an Inspiron 5000e laptop too. Very top end computers. There were impressionist prints by Mary Casset and August Renoir lit by tiny hidden spots in the ceiling. Ty's tastes in art impressed me but it was the set of framed photographs opposite his bed that made me look twice.

Stephen Hawking staring out of the photo with those intense eyes and Casey Martin, the pro-golfer concentrating hard on a long putt. Between them was another photo that took my breath away: Ty, his Dad and a woman who could have only been his Mother. Ty had her eyes and hair color. They were at the beach on a sunny bright day. Hawaii. Diamond Head was in the background. Everyone was smiling. Ty was standing between them with three leis around his neck.

"That was taken two years ago when we went to Hawaii at Christmas Will. It's my favorite photo of the three of us. We had a good time there." I looked at Ty sitting in his wheel chair a few feet behind me.

"That is a very good photograph of you and your parents Ty. I can tell that you are all happy," I spoke to him softly, knowing that for some reason, my seeing that picture of the Andersons together as a family was important to him.

I thought that I could see his eyes watering up a little, but he turned away and wheeled across the deep pile carpet towards his bed. He transferred himself easily onto the mattress and shifted his useless legs up onto the bed before scooting his butt back towards the headboard using his powerful arms for leverage.

I walked over to him and sat on the edge of his bed by his feet.

"I have to get my legs up and flat every few hours Will, otherwise I get a lot of pain if I don't."

"Hey, that's fine Ty, you have a nice bed to stretch on," I smiled at him too.

"I've always wanted a sleigh bed too; they are so neat. I see you are a fan of Dell computers. I have an old Gateway but it works fine for what I use it for. And I've never seen a desk like that before either." I kept chattering away, hoping to relieve the tense mood I'd felt descending on the room after I'd seen the photograph of his family on vacation.

As I talked Ty continued to watch me closely, like he was trying to decide something important. Maybe he was just curious about me, but I had the feeling that whatever he was thinking was serious and significant. His deep blue eyes seemed to be searching my soul once more, but all I felt under his intense gaze was the return of that warm feeling in my chest.


Barney Coleman tossed and turned on the mattress of his shabby looking bed as he tried to get to sleep. It was only 8:00 PM and he had once again been sent to his room after arguing with his father in front of his Dad's new friend.Seth something or the other.

'Bannister, Seth Bannister that's the strange tall man's name.' Barney thought to himself.

He hated the way the man had looked so intensely at him, like he had been undressing him with his glaring eyes. The man had a look of hatred, disgust and.lust in his eyes. He made Barney feel afraid, very afraid, because there was something else about the man that disturbed him greatly: the feeling that death and violence was barely contained in his thin, almost emaciated frame. There was something else familiar about the man, but Barney couldn't think of what it was. His thoughts were clouded by the bad headache he had too, almost blinding pain just behind his eyes.

He was feeling very weak as well. His empty stomach had stopped growling after he'd missed the fourth meal in a row because his father didn't like what he had said yesterday. Barney had mumbled something under his breath about having hotdogs and beans again when he knew his father and Seth had eaten prime cold cuts on fresh rolls with potato salad and coleslaw. They had been drinking Vodka all evening too as they had tonight.

"You don't like my food you ungrateful little shit, THEN GO WITHOUT!"

His Dad had punched and kicked him as he ran back into his room. He had heard the two men laughing about how his father had chased him down the hallway, but he never gave them the satisfaction of seeing his tears. No. Those were only released in here. In this room where he still had some modicum of privacy; it was the only place that he allowed himself to shed his tears of frustration and rage, weeping into his pillow.

As his anger and the pain of his hunger receded, he fell into a fitful sleep, the headache a dull throb that never seemed to go away.


I could see the questioning look in Wills face, and in his gorgeous hazel and gold eyes when he stopped talking. I wasn't sure just what to say so I took the safe way out, always the safe way out.

"Want to play a computer game Will? I just got the new version of Links and I haven't tried it yet."

"Sure Ty that would be great. I love that game. I play during the winter when I can't go to the cour..." He stopped suddenly, and looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Sorry Ty, I guess I should think before I stick my foot in it." He had seen the photograph of Casey on the wall and must have realized that I used to play before the accident.

I could only smile at him. I knew from his expression that he hadn't meant anything, after all we were just getting to know each other better and he could not have known how much golf had mattered to me. None of my trophies and awards were in my bedroom. Dad had packed them up before we moved and I didn't want them any longer. It was too vivid a reminder of what had once been my life before I got hurt.

"I that's OK, Will, no offense taken. Come on lets play 'cause I'm gonna kick your butt all over the course."

"Yea right!" The big smile didn't hide the concern in those wonderful eyes of his.

We played for over an hour and a half. Will selected the Pebble Beach scenario and the difficulty lever: the hardest. I let him tee off first and then we moved through the holes very quickly. He really was quite good at the game. On the 18th tee we were tied at -2. He adjusted his swing to account for the strong wind and we started the final play of the game.

I had watched him closely as we had played. His face and body was a picture of concentration and intensity. I loved to watch him too. Each day at school I had watched for him. Will was so at ease with the people around him. Other students and the teachers all seemed to like him, except for that Barney creep and his little band of followers.

The Clowns, that's what Todd had called them. I had seen Barney watching Will a couple of times during the week, but it was so weird. The looks he gave him seemed so full of hate one time and.what looked like admiration, even.love the next. He must be a crazy one for real, at least that's what some of the other kids had said after the confrontation on Wednesday.

"Barney? Watch for him. He holds grudges."

"Those guys? What a bunch of jerks."

"He sucker punched this 7th grader and knocked the kid out."

But I had seen what Will could do too. He is fast and precise, light on his feet like most swimmers. He could take care of himself as long as the whole bunch didn't jump him at one time. I didn't think that Barney would try to hurt me because of what Todd had told him, but Will was another story.

"Kay, your turn Ty," Will's voice brought me back to the game and out of my recollections.

I lined up my shot carefully and waited for the wind gauge to drop then pressed the button on the controller hard. At that instant I felt the searing pain shoot up my back and my hand jerk as the muscles in my back clenched tightly. I felt myself begin to fall forward out of my wheelchair.


"TY! TY! What's wrong?" Will yelled, jumping up and out of the desk chair, grabbing me before I could fall.

"My back. Spasms.muscles knotted.AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!

Will was holding onto me tightly as the pain and spasms raced up and along my spine and the muscles in my legs began to contract too.

"I'll get your Dad Ty," he said as I screamed again.

"NO! Please don't. Help me get onto my bed, Will."

He picked me up in his arms and carried me across my room like I weighed next to nothing, then gently laid me down onto my firm mattress.

"Ty, shouldn't I get your Dad?"

"Please Will, don't call him. He'll make me take a pill and I hate them. The drugs make me feel really bad. But you can help me. Please Will?" I knew that the cramps and spasms would eventually pass, but the narcotics the my doctor had prescribed knocked me out and left me feeling that I had no control of my body. The drugs made my mind numb to everything and I hated that feeling.

"OK Ty, what should I do?"

"In the drawer of the nightstand", I gasped as another wave of pain coursed up and down my spine.

"There is a bottle of massage oil. Can you work it into my.my back Will?"

"Of course I can. Anything I can do to help.anything at all Ty."

I heard the catch in his voice that was filled with deep emotion, like he had a hard time saying the words. Was he disgusted with me? Would he run as soon as he could to get away from me...the crip? Maybe it was better if he did. Then I remembered that my tube of K-Y was in that drawer too...and the PICTURES! The ones I'd downloaded from the Internet. Oh GOD! He'd know that I'm gay!

I felt Will gently pull me up into his arms as he slipped my t-shirt off, then after he lay me down again, Will eased me over onto my chest and stomach. Seconds later I could smell the herb infused oil scent the air, just before I heard him rub some of the oil onto his hands to warm it. He straddled my legs, kneeling above me but not resting any of his weight on me at all.

Then, like an electric shock had passed into me, I felt his strong hands begin to rub the knotted muscles in my back and along my spine, pressing the infused oils into my skin, his fingers finding and massaging each muscle and tendon, releasing the tension, relaxing and rendering the source of my agony into stillness and relief.


As I massaged Ty's back, my mind was in an uproar, the thoughts flashing rapidly through my consciousness. The pictures of nude young men in the drawer, the large partially used tube of K-Y, the looks and the shy glances all week long. Ty's erection in the locker room today; my own too. Is he like me?

'Is he gay? Is it possible that Ty is interested in me.?'

I kneaded his back along his spine using my thumbs for pressure and my fingers to find each clenched muscle. I spread more of the massage oil into the palm of my hand and rubbed them together, warming the viscous liquid before applying it to the knots in his back. The scent of the oil spread around us as I continued to kneel above his cheeks, covered by the knee length shorts he wore.

'Is he gay like me? Oh god, if only he is.'

I had told Mom tonight that I thought I was falling in love with him. She looked at me with a kindness in her eyes I hadn't seen in a long time. Understanding? Sympathy?

"Don't get hurt Will," Mom had told me. "You're old enough to make your own choices about who you love, but just remember that love is a two way street. Just be sure my Will. Be sure that he loves you too."

All that and more continued to pass through my thoughts as I massaged Ty's back. His breathing more deep, the short gasps for breath gone as his pain left his tortured body. I felt the tears beginning again in my eyes making the room seem blurry as they had when I carried Tyler to his bed after the attack had caused him to scream loudly in pain.

Is Ty gay? Would he understand how I felt about him, or would he think I was just being a sympathetic jerk who felt sorry for him. 'Oh god.let Ty love me too.'


The pain was gone completely, the muscles relaxed, the feeling of Will's strong hands continued to massage my back deeply, each finger searching out the tenseness in my muscles, probing and teasing each cell into relaxation. Then I felt something different, and in my semi-conscious state, drowsy from the wonderful feelings of relief that Will was providing, it felt like a warm rain on my spine. I could feel Will trembling, his butt resting on the lower part of my legs now. His entire body was shaking. Is he crying?

"Will? Are you alright?


I slowly eased myself onto my side then rolled over onto my back. Will had started to get off the bed, but I grabbed his arm, stopping him. I looked at his eyes. Those hazel and gold orbs were now reddened and tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Will? What's wrong?" I asked my new friend.

Will turned his head away from me as I spoke and looked down at the floor.

"Will, please tell me," I asked as tears flooded my eyes too, knowing that he had seen the pictures in my nightstand drawer. He knew about me now and was angry that I had...deceived him.

The guy that I had thought might have loved me was disgusted. I was a faggot, a queer: someone that deserved to be hated...abandoned...left to rot. I knew that I had lost him. I felt like I was going to throw-up.

He looked back at me, the tears falling from his red eyes even more heavily than before.

"Ty, please don't hate me. I think that I love you."

He jumped up off the edge of my bed and grabbed his jacket from the floor.

"I gotta go now Ty. I'm.sorry.I didn't mean for this to happen.

"WILL! Please WILL! Will, please wait!"

He stopped at the door to my bedroom and turned around to look at me.

I could feel my own tears spilling down my cheeks now, hot and burning my skin as they fell out of my eyes. I was shaking, trembling all over when I suddenly realized just what Will had said to me. I knew that I had to take the chance.

"I love you too Will. With all my heart, I love you,"

His tear filled eyes got bigger than I had ever seen before, as he ran across my bedroom and pulled me up into his arms as he sat next to me on my bed once again. We were both crying heavily now, but I knew that our tears.were tears of joy. Will embraced me and held me tightly into his chest, our heads buried into each other's neck as we sobbed together. Will loves me! WILL LOVES ME!

After a few minutes of holding each other tightly, drenching each other with our tears of newly found love and relief, we pulled apart.

"Kiss me Will.please kiss me right now. I love you Will Johnston.I love you!"

Will did kiss me, softly and tenderly; like a warm sweet breeze in the spring, gently caressing my lips with his. I gently probed with my tongue, until he opened his mouth slightly. Suddenly our tongues were wrestling each other, not for domination, but for the sheer pleasure of tasting each other for the first time.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, caressing each other's backs; our lips seeming to have a direct connection to the flesh between our legs. Will laid me back onto the bed and I felt his body atop mine, his warm and hard body sending thrills through me as our erect cocks pressed into each other too.

"Will...Will, please slow down some. I don't want to cum in my pants!" I chuckled.

"Can you stay over tonight Will? I need to hold you close. I need to feel you beside me, your flesh against my flesh.your cock.against mine. Please stay with me tonight Will?"

"Anything for you Ty.anything at all.now and forever. I love you Tyler Anderson. I Love You!"


The sounds coming from his only child's room brought a smile to Derrick Anderson's face. Tyler's screams of pain had brought him running down the hallway in a near panic, but when he had heard Ty asking Will to help him, Derrick had not entered his son's room, but he hadn't left either. He felt no guilt as he had listened to Ty tell Will what to do to ease the spasms in his back.

'Would Will leave when he saw the pictures in the drawer? Was the boy as attracted to Tyler, as he knew his son was? Is Will the one that Ty could be happy with, somebody to love him as he is, without regard for his handicap or his limitations?' The unanswered questions echoed in his head over and over as he listened at the door to his son's room.

He had seen the looks the two boy's had traded during dinner: neither could take their eyes off the other one throughout the meal. The shy smiles each gave when their eyes locked together briefly. Ty's obvious nervousness; well hidden for sure, but like a flashing strobe light to me.

'Was I that way when I met Eduardo?' He wondered.

'Eduardo, sweet, kind and beautiful Eduardo.'

He remembered his own teenaged lover fondly, but the memories were tempered with the years that had passed by after Eduardo had been killed in Vietnam.

'He had been so proud and handsome in his Army uniform. He had been a good soldier too, like his father and brothers had been before him. But that green uniform he wore so proudly had been his death warrant, the cause of his useless sacrifice.' The memories of the day he had found out his best friend had been killed still brought a tear to his eye.

'If I hadn't met Meghan, well I wouldn't have Tyler today, and I wouldn't be standing outside his door now.' A wave of guilt passed through Derrick's mind as he thought of his late wife, but he smiled anyway. She would have loved Will too.

'And I wouldn't be standing here spying on my son and his friend either.'

He started, suddenly fully alert as he heard the voices through the door.

"Will? What's wrong?" He heard Tyler say.

"Will, please tell me."

"Ty, please don't hate me. I think that I love you." Derreck's eyes opened wide at the sound of Will's admission to Ty.

"I gotta go now Ty. I'm.sorry.I didn't mean for this to happen.

"WILL! Please WILL! Will, please wait!"

"I love you too Will. With all my heart, I love you,"

He could hear both boys crying now, as his own tears, tears of joy streamed down his face.

"Kiss me Will...please kiss me right now. I love you Will Johnston...I love you!"

Derrick imagined the two taking that first tender kiss, as he wiped his eyes and face with his hands.

'I was right about Tyler and Will,' he thought to himself. But the reality of Ty's life full of the lingering and permanent injuries and the pain he knew that his son tried to hide from him daily would be the true test of the boys new found love.

'Is Will strong enough? Is Ty going to let him into that hidden place he has locked his feelings into for so long?'

Derrick heard Ty ask his friend to stay the night and Will's response to his son's question threatened to start his own eyes watering again.

"Anything for you Ty.anything at all.now and forever. I love you Tyler Anderson. I Love You!"

End of Chapter Two...to be continued.

All comments and criticisms will get a response by the author's at: galacticflute@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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