Will and Richard

By moc.liamtoh@nnam8bor

Published on Nov 18, 1999



My Dad almost had a heart attack several days after my Aunt

Jill died in a freak car accident. Not because of her death, you can be

sure. Aunt Jill was 20 years older than Dad, and they were never that

close. It was when her will was read when the shit hit the fan. I

don't know why Dad thought he would be named her heir. But it

was I, and not him, that got every last penny that she had, and there

were a damn lot of pennies! Aunt Jill had studied engineering at a

time when very few women did, and after working for a while for

another outfit she started her own construction company with two

of her male classmates. She was smart as hell, was chosen president

from the beginning, and the company did very well. She never

married, and devoted all her time to her work. When she reached 62

and decided to sell her shares to the other partners, she got over $4.5

million for them. This she invested in the stock market, and a little

over a year later it was all mine. Oh, the loot was in some

complicated trust so as to avoid taxes as much as possible, but the net

result was that I now had a huge amount of income for the rest of my

life, to spend as I pleased.

I had turned 21 several months before, so Dad couldn't get his

hands on the money, which aggravated him even more. I was just

three months away from college graduation when I got the news, so

I stuck it out and got my degree. But from the instant I had that

diploma in my hand, I decided it was time to enjoy my good fortune.

Mother had died when I was twelve, Dad was my only close relative,

and I didn't get on any better with him than Aunt Jill did. He never

could accept the fact that I since I was in high school I liked to fuck

other boys. If it had not been for Aunt Jill, who always encouraged

me to be myself, and who had let me use a little apartment over her

garage, the large number of college jocks whose cherries I had taken

during my freshman and sophomore year would have lost them in the

much more uncomfortable back seat of my car. (By my junior year

in college I was president of a fraternity where I had as much jock ass

available as I could possibly want, but that is another story which

must wait for another moment.)

So I waved a permanent goodbye to the cold Wisconsin

weather and headed for California. I kept the same stockbrokers in

Madison that Aunt Jill had used, gave instructions that 30% of the

revenue from the stocks would be reinvested, and the other 70% be

deposited in my bank checking account, which still left me with a lot

of ready cash. It was now time for serious fun.

I bought a house, never mind the town, not too far from San

Francisco. It was a grand house (some stocks had to be sold to pay

for it) and the best part was its windowless basement. This I

proceeded to fix at once into the greatest dungeon that could be had.

Even before buying the house I had gone on a wild shopping spree in

San Francisco, and amassed quite a collection of paddles, whips, belts,

gags, chains, restraints, clamps, slings, dildos and plugs of all sizes,

vibrators of every kind, cock rings and ball stretchers, penis cages,

penis pumps, nipple rings with the corresponding needles, electrical

stimulators, enema bags and nozzles, stocks, whipping horses: you

name it, I had it. I had everything. I even bought an electric cattle

prod at a farmer's supply store.

As to the windowless dungeon itself, I had the walls, floor and

ceiling all painted jet black, and I personally supervised the crew that

placed numerous narrow spotlights in the ceiling, all of which could

be individually controlled by a wireless master switchboard. I had

many rings strongly anchored to the ceiling and walls, to which ropes

could be attached, and smaller rings from which whips and other

appropriate implements could be hung and displayed. I paid no

attention to the sarcastic remarks from the remodeling company

crew. For items like dildos and handcuffs and other small trinkets I

purchased a heavy antique wooden dresser with many drawers.

Fortunately there were several drains in the floor, all leading to a big

sump pump. I also placed a very heavy wooden table right in the

middle of the room, again with rings all around, and a removable

panel in the center, about eight inches in diameter, about which more

later. I also made the dungeon perfectly sound proof, for reasons not

hard to imagine. Luckily the previous owners had used the basement

as a family room, and it was already connected to the house's central

air conditioning system.

I was hoping to use the dungeon as soon as possible, but luck

was with me also in this matter. Even before I moved into my new

house I realized I had right at hand the perfect candidate for the

grand inauguration of the dungeon. He was Richard, the only son of

the couple living in the house across the street from mine. He was,

pardon the trite expression, a really gorgeous hunk, and the best part

was that he knew it. I saw him first when the realtor showed me the

house, and I learned from him that Richard had just turned 19, and

was a freshman in some community college nearby. One of the

things that made me buy the house was that whenever I drove along

that street (which I did several times before deciding to buy) he

always seemed to be doing something in front of the house in his

bathing suit, washing the car or mowing the lawn, anything to show

of his beautiful body. His unblemished skin was a radiant golden tan.

His shoulders were wide, his waist narrow, his arms and legs thick in

perfect proportion. His pecs and abs were exquisitely chiseled. His

hair was black, and he kept it fairly short. Later on, when I was able

to see him up close, I realized his eyes were a beautiful dark blue. His

torso was perfectly hairless, and he had very little hair in his legs,

though I noticed thick black hair in his armpits. He seemed to be

around 5' 11" tall, and I estimate he must have weighted around 165

lbs. of fat free muscle. And his cock! Oh, his cock! Even when it

was soft inside his swimsuit, I could tell that cock was very

respectably sized. From the moment I saw him, I realized Richard

had to be mine.

From the moment Will moved into our neighborhood, perhaps

even before, he caused quite a commotion. It was not just that he

was only 21 and yet very rich. More than that, around here we were

not used to his flamboyance. Even though this town is close to San

Francisco, it is an old town and fairly conservative, and our

neighborhood even more so. So when Will bought the house, spent

a fortune fixing it up and buying new furniture, and arrived every

morning from San Francisco to supervise the construction and

remodeling crew in a brand new Jaguar sports car, wearing nothing

but shorts, a tank top and work boots, there was bound to be a lot of

talk. What my parents and most of their friends studiously avoided

mentioning was his incredibly hot body. Will must have been just a

little over 6' tall and around 200 lbs. of very hard muscle. He was not

quite as chiseled as I was, but his chest was wider, and his arms a lot

thicker. His eyes were a very light blue, his crew cut hair so blond it

was almost white. He had a very light tan, was obviously not used to

the California weather, and if he stayed too much out in the sun his

skin would turn slightly pink. And he had a basket to envy. All the

girls in the street would joke that now I had competition, and they

would have to look in both directions when they walked along the

sidewalks in front of our houses. I had a competition with Will in

mind too, but not the one the girls were thinking of.

I did not have to look at Will twice to decide that I had to have

his ass, and the sooner the better. He did not look gay, but hell,

neither did a lot of the guys I had already fucked. Out of my senior

class in high school I had fucked almost two thirds of the girls, and,

more important to me, almost half of the guys (I only went for the

studs), including most of the members of the football team. I had

taken quite a number of high school cherries in the process, both

male and female. Once those guys had felt my cock deep in their

throat, or up their ass, they fell in love with it permanently, and

would always continue to come back for more. And even if the girls

were crazy about me, I always found the hot body of a hard young

jock the most desirable of all. A tight jock ass around my prick was

my idea of heaven. I always had more ass available to me than I could

handle, and I can handle a lot! And even though college had only

started a month before, I had already laid two of my classmates, and

they had loved it too. Why shouldn't I fuck Will then? So I decided

not to waste any time, do the friendly thing, walk over to say hello,

and introduce myself. I would play it by ear from there.

I could not believe my luck. The second day I arrived at the

house to supervise the remodeling, and Richard actually comes over

to talk. He was, as usual, only wearing a tight little bathing suit. He

did not even have any shoes on. Up close he was better looking than

I had thought possible. The first time I saw those dark blue eyes I

was sure that he was it. He was quite friendly and talkative too, and

I noticed right away that he was looking me over. Not that I blamed

him, I was quite a hunk myself. And hell, I was looking him over

too, and he didn't seem to mind. So I decided to go for broke, and

asked him if he would like to see what I was doing with my basement.

It was of course not yet ready, but enough stuff had already been put

in that its purpose was unmistakable. I told him to go home and get

some shoes on, since there were a lot of nails and rough pieces of

wood all over. While he was gone I asked the workers to get out of

the basement for the moment, as I did not want anyone else present

when Richard first saw it. He arrived shortly after, wearing sandals.

I had turned off all the lights in the basement, and we walked down

the stairs using only a small flashlight. When we were inside I

suddenly turned all the lights on. Richard gasped loudly. I was very

happy to see he was not shocked. On the contrary, he seemed quite


God almighty, I could not believe what I saw. This was not a

basement, this was a full fledged dungeon Will was building here. It

was quite large. Everything was painted black, and there were rings

anchored all over the walls and ceiling. There was what seemed to be

a huge table in the center, covered with burlap to protect it, and

several crates of different sizes, whose contents I could only guess at.

I would have to play it very carefully with Will, and make sure that

if we ever used that dungeon I would be the top and he the bottom.

Hell, I had never been bottom in my life, and was not about to be one

now, even for someone as hot as Will. He was very guarded about his

own preferences, hinting a lot but saying very little. It would be

better for both of us if he preferred being bottom, but if not his

preference would count for nothing. I was sure I could manage

everything my way, just as I always had before.

I could tell Richard was impressed. He did not need to ask

what I was doing here, it was so obvious. He did ask what was in the

different crates, but I told him that was a surprise. Actually, they

contained all the toys I had purchased in San Francisco, which had

not been unpacked yet. Richard seemed a little nervous. Perhaps I

had gone too fast. But as we talked, I realized he was very turned on

by the idea of the dungeon, and was hinting, not too subtly, that he

would like to use it as soon as it was ready, with me as the bottom!

This was almost too easy. I realized it would not be at all difficult for

me to have him, and very soon now. Tricking him into being bottom

would be quite easy, I was sure. But that would come later. For the

moment it would be useful to let him think things were going his


I then showed Richard the rest of the house. It was in very

good shape when I bought it, and only the basement had required

taking out everything that was there and starting fresh from the bare

walls. The rest of the house only needed painting, a few minor

repairs, and new furniture and decoration. I had brought with me all

of Aunt Jill's Persian rugs (one of the many luxuries she indulged

herself in, as a reward for all her hard work) and they went very well

with the mostly modern furniture I had chosen. The sound system

was also new, state of the art, and its installation almost complete.

The TV cameras with which I could monitor the dungeon from my

bedroom were being delivered and installed that afternoon, and I had

been promised by the contractor that they would be ready the next

day. Everything would be in order in 72 more hours at most.

The house was absolutely fabulous. It was obvious Will had

huge amounts of money to spend. There were thick Persian rugs

everywhere, more that I could count. Walking oven them in my bare

feet was incredibly sensuous. The new furniture was beautiful, very

modern but comfortable rather than stark. The stereo system was

better than any I had ever seen. There were speakers all over the

house, and you could have different things playing in different

rooms. Everything could be controlled from several panels in

different parts of the house, and there was even a master portable

wireless panel. There was a temperature controlled closet off the

kitchen with space for 800 bottles of wine, and it was almost full.

Will said he had insisted on including the wine in the purchase

contract for the house. A pool was being excavated in the back yard.

The only mystery was where did a 21 year old guy get so much

money. His story about having inherited it all from a maiden aunt

sounded made up. If some of the rumors going around the

neighborhood about the source of his wealth are true, I am going to

have to be very careful. I don't want to bite off more than I can


Richard immediately accepted my offer that we share a bottle

of wine. He was quite impressed with my wine cellar, probably more

because of its size that because of its quality. I opened a bottle of

Chateau Margaux, and he did not seem to recognize the label. But he

clearly enjoyed drinking it. As we were finishing the bottle I asked

him point blank if he would like to try out my dungeon once it was

ready. He responded enthusiastically that as soon as I was tied up he

would really make me have a lot of fun. The poor innocent kid! The

very idea that he could ever be top to me was actually funny, and I

had to control myself not to laugh out right in front of him. I

instead proposed a little game. We would have a contest. Whoever

lost would be enslaved in the dungeon for a whole week. During the

second week the roles would be reversed. After that, we would

decide whether we wanted to continue or not. There were several

additional conditions to my proposal. Whoever was slave would

never be forced to continue as slave against his will, and could ask out

at any time. But I warned Richard that if he asked out while he was

my slave he would be out of my life forever, and would never enter

my house or my dungeon again. I also stipulated that if I asked out

during my turn as slave he would get a $100,000 dollar check from

me, and it would be up to him if he wanted to see me again or not.

He did not think twice before agreeing. He did not yet know, of

course, that the only one that was going to play slave was going to be

him. He would find out soon enough.

The only thing we still had to decide was what the contest

would be. I first proposed a wrestling match, although expecting he

would probably refuse that, since it was obvious that I was bigger and

stronger than him. Richard then suggested we have a chess match

instead. I could not believe my ears. Aunt Jill had always been

fascinated with chess, and had taught me to play since I was a small

kid. I had been chess champion at the university, and had won every

tournament I had ever played in, although poor Richard did not

know any of that. We agreed to play by tournament rules, and

whoever first won three points would be master for the first week.

Will was going so fast, my head was whirling. We had not

known each other for more than three hours, and already were

talking to each other as if we had been friends forever. We had been

drinking some really nice french wine when he suggested we use the

dungeon together. I loved his being so direct. The idea of having

him tied up there, his body at my total disposal, made me so hot my

cock began to twitch wildly inside my swim suit. I quickly agreed,

making it clear that I would be the master and he the slave. He was

a little coy at first, but then agreed that we would take turns, each

one being master, and then slave, for a whole week, with a contest to

decide who would be master first. I decided I could risk being a slave

to him for a week, and wasn't too worried about who would be

master first. If the price to be paid was to be Will's slave for one

week, I would pay it. Will was so damn hot, it might even be

interesting, as a new (and very short term) experience. I was sure

once he had tried me as a master for a whole week, and had felt my

big cock up his ass and down his throat, he would love it so much

that he would remain my permanent slave after that.

I was somewhat surprised that Will proposed a wrestling match

to settle the issue. I played in my mind with the idea of wrestling

with him, naked and well oiled, the winner to immediately fuck the

looser, but he was bigger than me and would almost certainly win.

Those odds I did not like. I wanted to at least have a chance of being

master first. So I proposed a chess match. I was on the chess club in

high school, in spite of the fact that most of the other members were

real nerds. But I actually had always liked the game, and was pretty

good at it. The best way to improve my play was by practicing, and

the chess club was the best way to do that. I can add that the chess

club improved its reputation tremendously by having me as one of its

stars. So I proposed a match set at three points, under tournament

rules. Will was a little taken aback at my proposal, and I had to

explain to him what tournament rules were. If he did not know even

that, this would be a piece of cake. But he finally agreed, and I was


We now had to find out a way for me to be free for two weeks

in a row. I decided to tell my parents that starting next Saturday I

would be staying with friends at the college dorms for two weeks, so

I could study with them for some big exams that were coming up.

My parents had always given me quite a bit of freedom, and I was

sure they would accept that. I realized that I would have to work

very hard afterwards to catch up after two weeks of being absent

from classes, but it was just the beginning of the semester, and things

would work out. This was a Tuesday, Will and I agreed that we

would have the match the coming Saturday, starting at 9:00 AM, and

the dungeon would be inaugurated as soon as someone had won three

points. My whole body was trembling with excitement as we shook

hands on the deal.

Richard was putty in my hands. He was visibly excited when

we finally agreed on the conditions for our little contest. We shook

hands to seal the agreement. I did not let go of his hand, but held it

firmly in mine. I looked at him deeply, and slowly pulled him closer

to me. He was a little giddy with the wine he had drunk, and put up

no resistance. When he was close I put my other arm behind his

back, and drew him tight to me. The house was cool, and as the

warm skin of our bare chests touched, I could feel his ragged

breathing, and the strong beat of his heart. He tensed somewhat, and

I could touch the hard muscles of his back as I held him there. The

smell of fresh sweat from his armpits was intoxicating. I kissed him,

my tongue opening his mouth roughly, probing deeply. He

responded with his own tongue, making my cock harden at once

inside my shorts. I reached down with my other hand, and reached

for his cock. It was already hard, and I was not disappointed as I felt

its size. He moaned as I fondled his hard cock and squeezed his balls,

his tongue responding enthusiastically deep in my mouth. Even with

the cock inside his swimsuit, my practiced hands could tell it was very

well sized. Richard was a real gem, no doubt about it. This was

going to be one fun week.

It was hard not to go any further. I seriously considered not

waiting, and taking Richard's cherry right then and there. I was sure

I could do it, with his consent or without it. But my dream dungeon

was waiting, and I would have to be patient. So I told Richard it

would be best if we did not see each other until Saturday, so nobody

would suspect anything. He reluctantly agreed, and we parted. He

did not seem to be any less excited than I was. I only wondered how

he was going to cross the street and get to his room with that hard on

showing off clearly inside his tight swimsuit. But that was his

problem, not mine.

I could hardly wait for Saturday to arrive. I did not get much

studying done for the rest of the week, that was for sure. Whenever

I thought of Will I would get a raging hard on, and had to drop

whatever I was doing and go jerk off at once for relief. I lost all

control over myself for those few days. I couldn't think of anything

but of Will's hot body tied up in his own dungeon, and of the things

I would do to him. Even though I was jerking off at least four or five

times a day, every night I was also having wet dreams. In my dreams

I always came in a raging orgasm just as I was going to fuck Will's

ass. I promised myself that by Sunday at the latest Will would be

begging me to take his cherry. And once he did that, once his ass

opened for me, you can be sure I was not going to come prematurely,

but only after I was buried deep inside him.

So I went about the motions of going to classes and doing

homework, but my heart was not in any of that. I could only think

of what was going to happen come Saturday. Friday night I could

hardly sleep, but was up by 8:00 Saturday morning, had a quick

breakfast, left a note for my parents saying I had left for my college

dormitory, and was at Will's house at 9:00 sharp. I had noticed his

car arriving about ten minutes before that. I was wearing only shorts

(no underwear) when I arrived, and was surprised to find him in

baggy sweat pants and a long sleeved sweat shirt. I noticed the air

conditioning in the house was set quite cold too. I wanted to go back

home for a moment and get something warmer, but Will said he

could lend me a sweat suit just like his. We went over to his

bedroom, which was now furnished with a huge king sized bed. He

opened the walk-in closet and pulled out sweat pants and a sweat

shirt, which he handed to me. Without thinking about it I turned

around as I took off my shorts to put on the sweat pants. It was

probably a good idea anyway. I did not want Will to be frightened by

my 9« inch cock yet. We then went downstairs to the family room,

where the chess set and the tournament clock were ready for us. I

was a little surprised by his having a clock, but Will said he had

purchased it the day before in San Francisco. It surely did not look

new, but I let that pass. And we sat down to play.

I had worked feverishly since Tuesday to have everything ready

by Saturday morning. I even had to pay the contractor extra so that

his crew would work overtime. But by Friday evening everything was

perfect. I spent Friday night in my San Francisco hotel, reading

Baudelaire till 10:00 PM after a light dinner. I had no wine with

dinner, as I wanted my head to be very clear the next day, but could

not resist a snifter of Armagnac with my coffee. By 10:15 PM I was

sound asleep, and awoke fully refreshed by 6:30 Saturday morning.

I arrived at my new home just 10 minutes before the appointed hour.

Richard arrived exactly on time. This time he was only wearing

some very skimpy shorts. If he wanted to dazzle me, he was doing

just that. I couldn't take my eyes off his hot body. He did not seem

to have a full erection, but his cock was making a noticeable bulge

down the leg of his shorts. It was just an inch short of peeking out

from beneath them. But I had expected this. Although I was quite

sure he would be no match for me at chess, I did not want any

distractions. And Richard's naked chest would certainly be very

distracting. So since Friday afternoon I had set the air conditioning

control to a quite cold 62 degrees, and I was wearing a very warm

sweat suit and wool socks. Richard of course would not be able to

resist that temperature wearing nothing but shorts, so I offered to

lend him something warmer. We went up to my bedroom, where I

got another sweat suit for him, and told him to put it on. As he took

of his shorts, he modestly turned around, and I could not see his

cock. But I saw his very cute and very tight bubble ass, and was quite

satisfied with that. I was also happy to notice he was not wearing any

underwear. I did not offer him any socks. It would be better if he

was just a little uncomfortable with the cold. We then went

downstairs to the family room, where the chess set was ready and

waiting for us.

From the start I realized Richard was lost. He might have been

a good player at a normal high school level, but was no match for me.

I played the first game out slowly, letting him think he had a chance,

but after I had figured out his mode of playing, I quickly mated him.

The second game I let him win. The third I won rather quickly, and

by now Richard was starting to get nervous. It was almost noon, so

I suggested a rest for lunch. The pool was not yet ready, and we

could not go for a swim, so we went directly to the kitchen. I had

ordered two dozen fresh oysters, which we accompanied by a half

bottle of Mumm's Cordon Rouge champagne. A full bottle might

have been distracting, but a half bottle with the oysters proved to be

quite as stimulating as I had anticipated. After that we had a big

salad, and a little chocolate mousse for dessert. The chocolate would

provide some endorphins for the first few minutes in the dungeon.

After lunch we went back to the chess table, and this time I showed

Richard who was the better man, mating him in less than half an

hour. Richard was now mine.

Me and my big mouth! I thought I was so smart, suggesting

that we settle who would be master first by a chess competition. But

how could I have guessed that Will would be a much better chess

player than I was? At first he let me think we were more or less

evenly matched, and I actually won one game. But at the end he let

loose with a game so brilliant, I did not realize I was lost until just

three moves before I was mated. At any rate, this was not the end.

If I was to be Will's slave the first week, he would be mine the

second. And I was sure that after that second week, Will would be

so in love with my cock he would worship it forever. So I put on a

brave face, and told Will we could start whenever he wanted.

In spite of the cold, Will told me to undress in front of him.

I could not resist. He sat down in a very comfortable arm chair, and

had me stand in front of him. Actually, I was already quite excited,

wondering what Will would do with me. I grabbed the sweat shirt

and pulled it very slowly up, showing him first my abs, then my pecs.

As it went past my head I threw it to a side. Will just sat there,

apparently emotionless, staring. I could already feel the cold, but

neither of us said anything. I then grabbed both sides of the elastic

waist band of the pants and very slowly peeled them down. The

pants caught on my hard cock, which was pointing straight up and

tight against my belly, the head just touching my belly button. I

could tell Will was enjoying this, so I kept pulling down on each side,

the pants slowly bending the cock down until it pulled free, and

snapped back against my belly. I kept pushing the pants down until

they fell around my ankles, and then kicked them away with my feet.

Will just sat there, and stared at me for quite a while without

blinking. Then he got up and very slowly walked around me several

times, inspecting my body methodically from all angles. I could see

he was staring with particular attention at my cock. I knew that

would be his undoing. No stud who looks at my cock like that can

resist worshiping it afterward. But he never touched me, showing

more self control than I would have if the conditions had been

reversed. After the third time around, he stopped behind me. I tried

to look back, but a very sharp "eyes front" from him made me give

that up.

Aaaaaarghhhhhhhh! Shit fuck! I did not expect Will to slap

my ass like that, so hard and without any warning. Damn it, it hurt.

He must have grabbed some kind of paddle without my noticing, for

it hit me square on both buttocks, making me jump forward, almost

losing my balance. Just one stroke and my ass felt on fire. When I

started to complain Will warned me: another word and I would get

five more of the same. I shut up very quickly after that. Will then

explained that when he asks me to take off my clothes he expects me

to fold them carefully, not just throw them carelessly aside. I did not

need to hear him twice, but quickly went over, picked up the clothes

I had taken off, folded them, and placed them carefully in the chair

where Will had been seating. I then returned to my place, and stood

at attention. He smiled, and turned around, signaling for me to

follow him. I knew the dungeon was waiting for me. I followed,

trembling, hoping I would be able to resist the full week of whatever

Will had planned.

Things were going like clockwork. Richard had reacted well to

having lost at chess, and immediately obeyed when I asked him to

undress. His chest I already knew, it was his cock I was really

anxious to see. But he undressed very slowly, letting me savor the

sights, which I considered a nice touch on his part. After he took of

the sweat shirt he started to slowly peel down his sweat pants, one

hand on either side of the elastic waist band. Almost at once the

band snagged on his already hard cock, which was pointing straight

up. Richard really knew how to put on a nice show. He continued

to pull the pants down, forcing his cock to bend down slowly, until

it came loose and came up again, hitting his belly with an audible

snap. A very nice effect, I thought. He did make one mistake. After

taking off his clothes, he threw them aside, not even looking at where

they fell. This was not acceptable, and a lesson had to be taught. I

would get to it soon enough. In the meantime I got up, and without

a word circled him very slowly three times.

He stood there motionless, perfectly naked. And perfect in

every other way as well. Perfection was the word that kept swirling

in my mind as I looked hungrily at him. His body was dazzling, the

proportions just right, with every muscle standing out in beautiful

detail. There was not a single part of his body that was not absolutely

beautiful. His ripped abs were particularly attractive, and his tight ass

was luscious, but the king muscle was the best of all. I could have

stared at it for hours. It looked slightly smaller than mine, but I

estimated it would measure a very respectable 9 to 9« inches, and

was quite thick even in proportion to that length. It was very pale,

specially in contrast to the golden tan on most of his body, and had

thick blue veins standing out like cords along its whole length.

Though Richard's torso was quite hairless, and his legs had only fairly

light hair, his prick was surrounded by a large, dense bush of jet black

hair, with very sharply defined edges. The crowning glory of that

cock, however, (apart from its size) was its foreskin. It was long, and

covered the head completely, yet it opened up loosely at the tip, so

that if you looked at it from above you could clearly see the dark

pink head inside, including the large piss slit. If I had sat down at my

computer to design Richard, I don't think I could have done any

better than nature had done for him. As I said, this was going to be

a fun week, and even more fun in the many weeks and months to

come no pun intended! I was going to love playing with that

gorgeous body, making it totally mine through pain and through

pleasure, so that from now on and for all time it would live only for

me, responding at once to my every whim.

First of all, Richard had to be taught that slaves must be careful

with their clothes. So I reluctantly stopped my observation for the

moment, walked behind Richard, got the paddle I had hid under one

of the cushions, stood behind and slightly to his left, raised my right

arm, took careful aim, and swung the paddle swift and hard straight

at his ass. My aim was perfect, as was my sense of timing. Richard

clearly had not anticipated his punishment would start so soon, even

before reaching the dungeon. For a split second after the paddle hit

there seemed to be no reaction at all, but then he gasped suddenly

and let out a loud wail which was music to my ears. When I

explained the reason for his punishment, and the need for his keeping

silent, he quickly picked up his clothes and folded them carefully.

Things were going well, he learned fast. I then motioned for Richard

to follow me, and we descended into the dungeon. It was a symbolic

descent into hell, for this week was going to be hell for Richard. But

it would be an instructive hell and an enjoyable hell for him too, I

would make sure of that.

When we got to the dungeon things were a lot better organized

than when I saw it on Tuesday. All the lights were on, and I had a

sense of foreboding as I walked totally naked down the stairs behind

Will, my ass still tingling from the single paddle stroke he had given

me. The table I had seen before was now on full display in the center

of the dungeon, and it was so big, and made of such thick planks, that

it must have weighed a ton. There were rings all around it, and it was

obviously made to tie someone there so tight he could not move at

all. The rest of that large wall was covered with a collection of

torture implements to strike fear into anyone's soul. There were

several dozen whips and belts and paddles of every size and

description, plus a multitude of ropes and chains. Against another

wall there was a huge chest of drawers, heavens knew what was inside

it. Close to that chest there were what seemed to be two whipping

horses. There were also many ropes hanging almost down to the

floor from the rings in the ceiling and all four walls. I was beginning

to worry. Could I trust Will once I was tied up in here? Nobody

knew where I was. What if Will pushed me beyond where I was

willing to go? I started to shiver slightly, and not just because of the


Will motioned for me to stand a couple of feet in front of the

table. With a finger across his lips, he also signaled for me to be

silent. Then he walked over to the chest of drawers, and came back

holding two pairs of heavy leather wrist and ankle cuffs, each with a

small padlock. They also had steel rings to which ropes could be

attached. My trembling was now noticeable, but Will reassured me

with a very sweet smile. I decided to stick to our agreement, and

silently let him put all four cuffs on me, the closing of each padlock

sounding louder in my ears than I could have thought possible. The

wrist cuffs, as I had expected, were then tied to ropes hanging from

the far sides of the ceiling, and the ankle cuffs to ropes coming from

low down on opposing walls. Will then pulled the wrist ropes up as

tight as he could, using some kind of a crank, and then did the same

with the ones on my ankles. As my ankles were spread apart my

body descended a few inches, so that my arms were now stretched

very tightly up and to the sides. My feet barely touched the floor,

and part of my weight was hanging from my wrists. My arms and

legs were spread out in a tight X, and I could not move at all. Despite

Will's reassuring smile, I started to tremble once more.

Richard was now mine, all mine. The long and careful planning

had paid of splendidly. He was now my prisoner, tied up and helpless

in my dungeon. His gorgeous body was there for me to play with,

for me to teach. He would learn that exquisite pain can be the road

to even more exquisite pleasure. He would learn, even more, that he

would enjoy pleasing me more than pleasing himself, that he would

find himself by giving in totally to me. I would be a cruel master, and

he would learn not just to accept my cruelty, but to crave it, to love

it. He would grow into my cruelty, and in the end would get his

greatest pleasure from it. But this would come slowly, and I would

guide him gently, preparing him in advance for every step, so that he

would voluntarily accept each one, and each in turn would be for him

a revelation of even greater bliss to come. It would be a thrilling

adventure. I was hard pressed to guess who would enjoy the whole

thing more, Richard or I.

[To be continued.]

Next: Chapter 2

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