Will and Me

By Robert Foust

Published on Jun 18, 2006


Howdy guys. Segments of this part were contributed by a friend, who still wishes to remain anonymous. I greatly appreciate his assistance creating the overall arc to this part of the story. I'm thinking that 'Will and me' probably has three more parts after this one. And the time frame is from now til kingdom come, as some might say. As always, I love hearing from all y'all. Please enjoy-- Robbie

I stared at the blinking cursor on my computer monitor, my mind far away, when Laney burst into my office.

"Have you heard that the Givens account was just canceled?" she asked, her usual ball of energy. I blinked at her blankly.

"Sugar, you've been so spaced out lately that I don't even want to know what's going on in your bedroom. But my God, you really need to pull your shit together. I'm not going to keep covering for you. I'm simply not." Laney had been, as I would expect, both unendingly compassionate and horribly judgmental. She is made of that weird combination that Southern women have. That confusing mix of grit and grace that allows them to feel your pain, but expect you to be able to immediately overcome it.

That's also why the southern man is so damn sexy- their women expect them to be that kind of man. And the best of them, the hottest of them, are just that.

It had been four days since my reality had crashed down around me. Will now had both Nick and I under his total command. We'd been through four exhausting days of sex. It was wearing on me. And Nick. Poor, poor Nick. He was on the verge of a breakdown, as he repeatedly presented himself for the humiliation and regret of a (former) top that gets off on sucking and getting fucked by another top. Will, needless to say, was loving it. All.

I was in a weird netherworld. I had been sort of lost in the shuffle as Will and Nick figured out their new relationship. I felt as if they were the two central characters in this drama. And they were the ones sorting everything- including me- out in the resolution of the plot...

"Hello? Anybody home in there?" Laney asked, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Shit, I was totally gone, again, sweetie," I lamely replied to her bewildered look. "All that I am going to tell you is that everything has changed. And I hate it. Hate it. Hate it."

"Ok, baby, but your shit is low grinding. So you either need to take some time off to sort it all out- or suck it up, so to speak, and move the hell on." Laney laughed a little under her breath as she said this, and I knew, just knew, that she had no earthly idea about what I was going through. And she never would. I felt like a door was closing between us.

"In all the years that we've known each other, I've never known you to be like this." Laney was looking directly at me, "I don't like it one bit, either."

Laney was so intense and sincere in her devotion to me that I wanted to weep. And tell her all the ins-and-outs of what was going on, but I just couldn't. I just could not bring myself to tell her what a fucked-up situation I was in. I couldn't.

So, I looked at her and said, "Laney, I'm going to be just fine. We'll grab dinner in a few and I'll tell you everything. It's going to be ok." I lied.

And she didn't buy a damn word of it.

I stared at a blinking cursor and was snapped back to reality by my ringing cell.


"Hey, Bitch, I'm hard. And needin' to bust a nut. Meet me at your house, like, now."

The asshole hung-up before I could even come-up with a lame excuse for staying at work until quitting time. 'I've used all my sick leave and vacation time- there's no way that I can leave work,' ran through my head. Will had come to dominate my every waking minute. And I hated it. And I craved him.

I practically flew from the building, begging all my work off on Laney, who shot daggers at me as I fled from her office.

As I opened the front door to my house, I heard the sounds of sex. And smelled the hot, man-on-man fucking.

I immediately recognized Nick's grunting. 'So he beat me home,' I thought, totally devastated.

This is what my relationship with Nick had become- who could get to Will first. It was heart-breaking. And dick-hardening.

I was greeted by a hot-damn sex scene going down in my bed. Will had Nick's head pushed deep into the mattress as he forced himself into Nick's ass. I leaned against the door frame and watched.

Will was in total FUCK mode. He plowed Nick from behind with focused intensity. Nick's muffled moans hit me in my core. They spoke to me more than his words ever could. His moans yelled -- CRAVE, CRAVE. WANT, NEED, GIVE IT TO ME. WET, WET, CRAVE, FUCK ME. fuck me, FUCK ME. please god, fuck me with your BIG DICK.

Will looked at me. And that was all he had to do. I knew what he wanted.

I moved in to lick his ass as he turned-out my former boy-friend. Will pulled his cock out of Nick's ass with a plop. He shifted and pointed his dick towards me. And I devoured his fat cock. He pushed himself deep into my throat, filling me. Filling me. Filling my throat with his fat cock, deep. And I could taste Nick on him. And I loved it. Will pulled his cock out and lined my lips with his oozing, bell-shaped dickhead. My mouth gaped, waiting- needing to be re-filled.

"So you need some dick luvin'? You want it, YOU WANT IT? show me." Will said as he slapped my checks with his red-hot, spit-and-shit covered cock. As he dick-slapped me. Validation washed over me. I got rockhard.

Will lifted his cock and I lunged for it with my mouth, needing- wanting. Nick and I crashed into each other, both hunting for Will's dick.

I looked up to see Will's self-satisfied face. Both his bottom bitches were horny, craving his cock.

"So who wants it? Who gets to suck down my cum?" Will swung his dick from one mouth to the other as he taunted us. We both leaped, trying to get first dibs, but he kept his cock just out of our reach.

Will towered over us, his long, thick frame making him seem all the more powerful as we cowered before him.

"I asked you wants it?"

"It seems to me that somebody'd show some initiative. If you really wanted it." Will's words were commanding, but his tone was light-hearted. And that made me hate him even more.

Nick took advantage of my usual over thinking of the situation and shoved me clean off the bed. After I gathered myself, I glanced up to see Nick deep-throating Will with abandon. Will looked down at me and winked. Winked!

He was a complete and utter asshole.

Will grabbed Nick by the head and started face-fucking, hard. Nick took it for a few strokes, then started to get choked-up. Will withdrew his cock from Nick's mouth. Long spindles of spittle bridged the divide from Nick's mouth to Will's fat cock. His dick looked magnificent. It gleamed with Nick's spit on it. Gleamed.

"Bitch, you want some of this?" Will's voice thundered in my head.

Will almost laughed as he offered me a swing on his cock. Nick tried to protest, but Will simply slapped him away. I knelt in front of Will and wrapped my hand around the ample base of his cock, licking him like a lollipop.

I knew that I'd devote my mouth to Will. Giving him all the pleasure that I could muster. I sucked his dick wildly. I was oblivious to anything other than Will. And his cock.

Nick whimpered, sadly, in protest, and lunged forward at Will's cock. Knocking me, yet again, from worshiping Will's cock.

Will looked down at Nick with a smug, self-satisfied expression. Before Nick could even make his move to engulf Will's engorged cock, Will grabbed him around the jaw, mashed his cheeks and yanked his head upward. Upward towards those piecing blue eyes.

As I watched this ultra-hot scene, I noticed that Nick looked different than I remembered him. Different, yes, somehow different- I couldn't quite figure it out- like a beaten man, perhaps. But, then, he also looked fulfilled. He looked satisfied in a way that was indefinable, even to himself.

Will had been joking when he offered his cock to us both, but now that he'd seen us ready to fight over his big cock, he was dead serious. Will, devious as ever, held his cock just out of Nick's reach.

"You had your turn, bitch. Didn't you?" Will released Nick's face, only to give him a broad-hand smack, lightly enough, but on both cheeks, with total disdain. Nick just took it, mouth gaping.

'So he's totally whipped.' I thought to myself. And I felt sad for him, but I was also totally jealous. He and Nick had something apart from me. And I didn't like that one little bit.

Nick whimpered to himself, unable to look Will in the face. I immediately knew that Will would get off on Nick's emotional pain. He always had.

"Look at me, bitch." And Nick complied with Will, which somehow made me even sadder for Nick.

Nick looked up; Will dick slapped him. Hard, with the kind of heavy smack only Will's cock can make. And incredibly, as he did it, Nick's own hard-on seemed to jerk up another notch. Will's eyebrow raised in amusement. He knew that he had Nick hook-line-and-sinker. The asshole chuckled as he looked at me. 'God I hate him,' I thought to myself, 'Goddamn, but I love him.'

"This was your fucking boyfriend?" Will asked. "Jesus Grant, you must have been hard up to let this pussy fuck you."

Will let the insult hang in the air before adding, "You know that you're a pussy, right?" he asked, turning his overwhelming gaze back to Nick.

"Right? A pussy? A bitch-ass-pussy." He entwined his fingers around the back of Nick's head, mashing Nick's face into his crotch. Nick moaned pathetically, wantonly.

"Remember how you were gonna 'rescue' your boyfriend from me? You remember that, bitch? Seems like a long time ago, doesn't it?" Will asked with a new coldness to his voice.

I had never see this done to someone else. 'So this was how I looked?' I thought to myself. My heart sank. But my dick was rock-hard.

'Goddamn, the human psyche is a fucked-up thing,' I though to myself.

The only thing that I could think was, 'Will is a complete and utter asshole.'

Even the way he said Nick's name, even that was dripping with his self-centeredness, superiority, and contempt, but he had both Nick and I within his control. 'So what's that say about us- about me?' ran through my mind more than once.

I knew that Will was loving every minute of this.

I also knew, as I surveyed the scene, that Nick was burning with humiliated rage. But even through his bright red humiliation, Nick's cock not only stayed hard, but began to drip pre-cum in a flood.

"Some top, huh?" Will said to me, smirking, and he winked again. Will dick slapped Nick's face again, and then put his index finger into Nick's mouth, which Nick sucked on without even being asked. Nick seemed to remember himself. I saw his eyes brighten and he tired to speak, but he was muttering, barely able to talk through the haze of lust and humiliation.

Nick pulled himself away from Will's hand. Will brought his spit covered index finger to his mouth and sucked it, with an added "uhmmmm," for emphasis.

Nick seemed to gather himself as he tired to speak, again, "I don't wanna... I thought we'd... it's just that - "

Will cut him off and interjected, "You gonna get to the point any time soon, faggot?"

Nick's mouth fell open. And Will plunged his index finger back into the gaping hole. I watched as Nick's mouth closed around Will's large finger. And he sucked it. He actually sucked it.

Will let Nick suck his finger for several seconds, then he took his finger out of Nick's mouth, grabbed Nick by the back of the head, and jerked his face up to meet his gaze.

"What did I tell you? You and I are going to be great friends. You, me, and Grant. All great friends." Will seemed different, somehow colder, when he was talking to Nick.

Nick looked up, obediently silent, ready for whatever Will had next.

"And now he's ready," Will said looking over to me.

"Do you know the difference, Nick, between you and pussyboy over there? Will motioned with his head in my direction. I was still on the edge of the bed, watching.

Nick looked up, passively, and half shook his head, 'No.' Will held his gaze, those blue eyes burning into him, and I watched Nick crumple under Will's presence. Nick tried to look away again, but Will jerked him up by the hair, making Nick yelp.

He just stared at Nick now, while Nick panted like a bitch in heat. 'A bitch in heat, I guess that's all Nick is now,' I thought to myself as I watched Will manhandle Nick.

And me? I was watching my former boyfriend get conquered. Totally conquered.

Will had mastered him as completely as he'd mastered me. I was watching Nick get crushed by Will, and it made my stomach turn. But I loved every second of it.

Will just looked down at him. "I asked you a question, bitch. Do you know the difference, Nick, between you and pussy boy over there?"

Nick answered in a voice that was small, almost timid.

"No." Will smirked at him.

"That's cuz there isn't one. Not anymore. Except that Grant is better at deep throating my dick than you ever thought about being. But maybe that'll change with practice." Will said, as he increased his vice grip on Nick's head.

Nick winced - actually winced - at being told that his deep throating skills weren't as good as mine.

"But that's okay, Nick. I mean, you were a 'top' until a few days ago, right?" Will held his dick with one hand and Nick's head with the other.

Will lifted his heavy balls in front of Nick's face, balls that were much bigger than Nick's, I couldn't help but notice.

Nick, without prompting, lapped at Will's balls like he was starving. Will smiled, and held them just within Nick's tongue's reach, controlling how much access Nick got.

I was shocked: I'd never actually seen anyone act like such a bottom before. A weird deja-vu hit me, again.

Nick was either utterly oblivious to me- or he didn't care that I was watching him.

I couldn't figure which was worse.

Will moved back from Nick's tongue bath, leaving Nick grasping for contact, his mouth hungering for more. More Will.

Will took a minute to size Nick up, this new Nick. He made it obvious, so that Nick would understand his actions.

"Damn, Nick. You must've been some 'top.' All these pretty muscles, and that cock- probably enough of a man for a lot of guys. But now you know, don't you?" Will paused and waited for Nick to look up at him.

"Now you know that you're not half the man that you thought you were. I'll bet that every time Grant got fucked by you, he must have been left wanting more. I'll bet that every time y'all fucked, he was laying there thinking of me. Thinking of them good ol' days, when he was getting fucked by a real man." Will let Nick absorb his comment.

"But, now, here we are, one big, happy family. One real man, and two bottom bitches. Right?" Nick was silent, beyond humiliated.

"I asked you a fucking question. Right?" Nick, defeated, nodded. Will towered over him, smiling. He had another conquest under his belt.

"Glad you're in agreement, Nick." I looked at Will and was in awe of him. He looked hotter now than I'd ever seen him. Ever.

"Look how far you've fallen, Nick. Now your former-boyfriend gets off watching you suck my dick. What do you think he likes best about watching us?"

"How he likes to watch you choke on my big dick." Will lowered his cock. And Nick's mouth worshiped it. Will drew back and dick slapped Nick's cheeks a few times for emphasis. His cock looked huge beating Nick's face. Nick's beet-red, humiliated face.

"How he likes to watch you lick my balls . How you tried to 'rescue' him from me, and then I fucked you silly." Will kept dick slapping Nick. Every so often, Nick would lunge for Will's cock. Will kept it just out of reach.

"It took me, what, all of three minutes to kick your ass and fuck you while he watched?" Nick began to hang his head again, but Will pulled him up again.

"Look at me. See? Now I've got you so well trained, except for looking at me while I talk to you."

"Grant -" the sound of my name coming from Will's booming baritone snapped me out of my trance.

"- you jacking off?"

I looked down. And I was. "I'm uh, uhm, Sorry... I just -"

"Shut up, and get over here." Will ordered me. And I did. I crawled over to him, then looked up, awaiting further instructions.

"So. Nick, Grant here is gonna get to suck down my cum. But because you need me so bad, you're gonna get to lick my balls. Because you do need it, don't you Nick?" Will looked over at Nick. But I didn't. I was focused on the giant dick, glistening before me. My mouth watered. Nick fell away from my consciousness.

I vaguely heard Will again, "Say it."

And I vaguely heard Nick reply, "Yes, I need you." But by that time I was focusing all my self, all my being, on sucking Will's dick.

And nothing else existed.

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