Will and Me

By Robert Foust

Published on May 17, 2006


Hey guys. This part of the story actually happens between part 6 and the forthcoming part 8 in the larger story of 'Will and me,' so I really think of this part as 6.5 or as part 6 part II. In the big picture of what I had tell about Will and me, I was not planning on exploring this event in the overall story, but a friend thought it should be fleshed out. That friend actually wrote this part, but he wishes to remain anonymous. I'm very impressed, and turned on, by it and I hope you are, too. I always enjoy y'alls feedback. With all that out of the way, enjoy. Robbie.

From Part 6: The next few hours were a blur of oral, anal, begging, moaning, cumming, and domination of both Nick and I by Will. And his cock. I have never experienced such sex. We all had the fever. Will fucked us both, hard. Some times alternating between us, sometimes focusing the full force of his power on Nick or I. At various points, with Will's approval, Nick and I would move our attention away from Will and to each other. The ultimate climax of our sexcapade began when Nick flipped me on my back, plowed into me, and I was giving the ability to watch Nick's face as Will plowed into his ass. The pleasure/pain mix was intoxicating for us all. Will fucked Nick; Nick fucked me. I came in a jarring orgasm that precipitated Nick's climax. And finally Will came with a guttural howl that sounded as if it was coming from a caveman.

We all collapsed onto my King size and I was promptly in a deep sleep. I woke with a start because of raised voices coming from by bathroom. Oh shit, I thought, they're fighting- again.

I tiptoed over to the door and peaked in. They we at it again, but they were definitely not fighting. Will had Nick's face and body mashed up against the glass shower partition and was fucking the hell out of him. My former boyfriend, a lifelong top, was getting fucked by Will- again! I watched through the cracked door and jacked myself off. Man, I thought, this is going to get, like, really complicated, but my attention was soon totally and utterly focused on the hot fucking going on in my shower. And I came hard, again.

Part 6.5 By Anonymous: Nick woke up with a start, not remembering where he was. Then he saw Grant ^Ö Grant's bed. Grant's place. But something was wrong.

The shower was running. And there was a large place on the right side of the bed, empty. Where he had been.

Then he remembered, and it was like a nightmare. There was Grant, sleeping, cute as ever, his former boyfriend. Former because things had changed.

Nick's stomach hurt. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be real. But his ass was sore enough for it. His ass, which had been fucked, over and over again, by Will, a guy he didn't like, a guy he hated.

But at the memory of getting fucked by Will, Nick's dick bounced up, half-hard. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" Nick said aloud. He was Nick, hot shot lawyer, total top. He'd never been fucked.

Grant mumbled, but didn't wake. Nick was grateful for that. He couldn't face him. Not now.

He had to get out of here. He had to go. He grabbed his shirt and jeans, dressed in a hurry, nearly falling over. He had to get out of here before Will got done with his shower and came back. Because if Will came back...

Nick had his clothes on. He stank like cum and sweat, but he was dressed. Then, he realized he had to piss.

He had to piss. Will was in the bathroom, showering, and Nick had to piss. Bad.

He went to the bathroom door, which was just a crack open. 'Run,' he thought to himself, 'Don't go in there. If you go in there...' But then he began to rationalize.

'I'll just walk in, play it cool,' he lied to himself. 'It was nothing. It was just sex. It was new. I'd never done that. I was curious.'

Nick gathered himself and thought, 'But if I go in there, he'll say something, he'll try to embarrass me, he'll act like an arrogant smug asshole...'

Suddenly, Nick became very angry with himself for acting like such a wimp.

'Why the fuck am I so scared to go in the bathroom and take a damn leak?' Nick grew angrier with his lack of gumption 'Why am I so scared of Will? What is he gonna do to me? Fuck Will.' Nick convinced himself that his very manhood depended on going into that bathroom and pissing- Will be damned.

So, Nick, pull of vim and vigor, grabbed the doorknob, pushed the door open, and went straight for the toilet. Let Will say anything he wanted. He was gonna piss, and he was gonna leave this house. Leave Grant and Will and their totally dysfunctional, unimaginably messed-up relationship in his past.

Nick pulled his dick out, and pissed, and Will didn't say a word. Just kept showering.

Nick could play this game. He wouldn't say anything either. He looked over his shoulder. Will was just calm and cool, soaping up his chest. You couldn't even really see him through the frosted glass. But Will's calm was easy to see. His stance was totally relaxed. He yawned, and farted. Clearly not interested in impressing Nick.

Then Will began to soap up his dick. His dick, which even soft, hung low and thick over his huge, heavy nuts. Then he began to soap the balls. Will wasn't trying to be sexy. He was just washing them. He yawned again. "Man," Will said, stretching. "Hell of a night, huh Nick?"

Nick was trembling. He could barely hold his dick straight. Finally, he had to say something. Anything. Laugh it all of, make the nightmare end ^Ö "Yeah."

Will washed soap out of his eyes. "So what's up?"

Nick let out a long, relieved breath. Maybe it wasn't what he thought. Maybe it was just sex ^Ö maybe it was normal, all that had happened last night. He was still Nick, still a top, right?

"I said, What's up?" Will's voice was calm, collected. Nick's wasn't.

"Nothing." Nick was done pissing. But he just stood there, waiting. Waiting for what, not even he really knew.

"Why are you dressed?" Will asked. He opened the glass door, and for the first time they could see each other.

Nick mumbled something inaudible, ending with `gotta go.' Will smiled at him. He was so fucking calm. His blue eyes bore into Nick, and Nick realized he was sweating.

"You gonna stand there holding your dick over the toilet, or are you gonna come in here and join me?"

Nick gave a nervous laugh. "I just said ^Ö I gotta go. I got a lot of work to do."

"It's Saturday."

"Yeah ^Ö but I mean, I have to ^Ö"

"Bullshit. You're shaking."

"I'm not shaking."

"What's the matter? Did I fuck you too hard last night?" Nick fell into stunned silence. "Well, did I?"

Nick finally got the presence of mind to put his dick back in his pants ^Ö but it had gotten suddenly, painfully, hard.

"Oh, so you remember too. It's cool. Just relax, dude." Nick let out a sigh.

"That wasn't really me, last night ^Ö that was ^Ö"

"Sure. Listen, you can't go out without showering."

"It's not a big deal ^Ö"

"Tough guy, there was some rough stuff last night. You need a shower."

Nick was sweating. "I'll wait ^Ö"

"What are you afraid of?"

Nick shot back, "I'm not afraid."

"Sure looks like it." Will opened the shower door wider, and the two men looked at each other directly. His cock was hard, and his massive balls hung low in the hot water.

"Get in."

Nick stripped, hesitantly. Everything in his head was screaming for him to stop, but he didn't. He stepped into the shower with Will, still shaking. Will closed the shower door behind him, and the sound of the door shutting practically made Nick jump. Will put a calming hand on him.

"Relax, tough guy." They stood there, face to face. Will just looked at him, smiling a little. He brushed Nick's wet hair back out of his face.

"Just calm down." Will's dick had gotten hard. It brushed up against Nick's cock, also hard by now, and Nick shivered.

"You're a little wreck this morning, Nick. I can see it's gonna take a while to get you relaxed." He kneaded Nick's shoulder.

It felt good, even though it was hard, a little rough. Fuck, Will was strong. He looked at Nick with those blue, unblinking eyes.

"It's gonna take you a while to get used to things." Will leaned in closer, and closer. They were face to face now. "Yeah, tough guy. It's gonna take you a while to get used to things. But maybe not that long."

Nick was afraid to ask `What things?" but he didn't have time anyway. Will was kissing him. Not too rough, but definitely forceful, and definitely with Will's tongue being the aggressor and Nick's open mouth accepting it. Will broke off the kiss, brushed Nick's face with his.

"See? It's not so bad. Now get on your knees and lick my balls."

Nick gave a confused look, until Will grabbed him by the hair. "Did I say, look around like a dumbass? I think you heard me."

"You have the wrong idea ^Ö"

"My idea," Will said, putting his hand at the entrance of Nick's ass, "is that this belongs to me." He let go of Nick's ass, and put one hand on Nick's shoulder and pushed, but only lightly. And Nick dropped to his knees.

He looked up. Will stood over him, solid, not ripped ^Ö not with the abs Nick had, but handsome as hell, even though he was balding. His chest hair, his solidness, all of it was imposing as hell. His muscles weren't for show. Nick knew that first hand. Will had beaten him last night. The thought still hit him like a ton of brick- 'I've been topped.' It felt like a cold knife into his gut.

And now Will was forcing, but only slightly, Nick on his knees again, but this time, he hadn't had to beat Nick up.

Will smirked at him, the steam from the shower around him making him look like a god. And that dick^Åit was bigger than Nick's, heavier thicker and longer.

Nick felt as if he was in a fog. Only one thought was echoing in his head, 'How'd I get myself into this?'

Will slapped him. "Fuckface, I said lick my balls. Not stare at me like some kind of retard."

And Nick got to it. It was degrading as hell. Nick didn't do this. He didn't kneel and service another guy's nuts like some kind of bottom bitch ^Ö but he couldn't think straight, because Will grabbed his hair and began to direct him.

"Right there. Lap it up right there, underneath, so I can rest my nuts on your pretty face. Good job, tough guy. Just like that." As Nick looked up, he saw the perfect contented look on Will's rugged face. And somehow he felt more at ease, but only a little.

After a few rounds of nut licking, Will looked down and, sounding extremely businesslike, said, "Now, I don't need to tell you that I had an ulterior motive for getting you in the shower with me. It wasn't about you needing a shower. Although you did. You smelled like last night's pussy." Will slapped him again and pulled him by the hair, so that their eyes met. "I guess that's because you were. Weren't you?"

Nick whimpered. "I'll take that as a yes," Will said. "I didn't say to stop licking my balls, bitch." Nick went back to it.

"But look up at me, Nick. We have something very important to talk about." Nick looked up, and kept licking. "Do you know why I wanted you in the shower with me?" Nick shook his head. "Come on, business boy. Use your imagination."

"You want to fuck me."

"Fuck, aren't you eager? And really pretty cocky. It's not even about you." Will pulled his balls away from Nick's mouth, and pointed his cock at him.

"You need some of this?" Nick leaned forward eagerly, but Will restrained him by putting his palm on his forehead.

"Not just yet. Because you didn't give the right answer."

He slapped Nick, hard. Nick grunted in protest. "So why are you in here?" Will asked again.

"You want me to suck you?" Will slapped him again, harder. Nick cried out in anger and pain, "Fuck ^Ö that hurt ^Ö"

"Wrong again, Nick."

Nick, clutching his jaw, glared at Will. For the first time this morning, he looked up with a little bit of defiance. "You want me to fuck you?"

Will smiled. "You still got your sense of humor tough guy. I gotta love that. That's good. I didn't fuck it out of you."

Then he backhanded Nick, hard as hell. Nick fell back on his haunches, against the wall of the shower, cussing. "Fuck you!" Nick said, but still quietly, because in the back of his head, he knew he didn't want to wake Grant. He didn't want to face Grant ^Ö

Will stood over him. The water washed down his body, and ran down the length of his dick, which was softening a little, but still bigger than Nick's when he was fully hard. The water ran off Will's dick like a fountain, landing on Nick.

"Okay tough guy, since Grant was apparently the smart one in your happy little couple, I'm gonna explain it to you. You're a big time company man in the music business, aren't ya Nick?" Will looked at Nick with a new focus in his eyes.

"Let me put this in some business terms you might be able to wrap your little mind around. So you've heard about hostile takeovers, right?" Will waited for Nick to nod his head, then went on, "That's kind of what we're talking about here. See, in a hostile take-over, the more powerful company takes control of the weaker company and all it's assets."

Will knelt down on the shower floor, so that they were eye to eye again. Nick pulled back, nervous. He didn't want to fight Will again. He didn't' want to get hit again, either. His erection had gone down. This wasn't what he wanted.

"I don't get it," Nick said, pulling back, "Hostile take-over?"

"Just think of me as the bigger, badder company," Will went on. "Sort of. Think of last nite as my hostile take-over of your weak ass. So, since I've taken over your ass" Will smiled, proud as hell of himself, "I get everything."

Nick looked up at Will, still befuddled.

Will rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'm talking about Grant, you dumb fuck. Pussyboy, bitch, and anything else you want to call him. Except you don't get to call him that anymore. Those are my names for him. And he belongs to me."

Will looked at Nick with a wide grin. "I wouldn't want Grant to hear me say this, but I actually have a thing for the little guy. I missed him when he was gone. I mean, I've had some good pussy, but Grant is just in a class by himself. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Or you used to."

Will sat down on the shower floor, right next to Nick. Like they were buddies watching TV on the couch. But somehow, it made Nick more nervous than when Will was standing over him.

"The thing is," Will went on, "he got away from me once. Ran off. Back then I was just a young'un. Who gives a fuck, you know what I'm saying? I wasn't crying about it. I figured I'd just get my pussy elsewhere. But I didn't, not like Grant. As messed up as this relationship that we have is, we're connected on a very real level. More connected than I've ever been with anyone. And I'm telling you right now that I'm not letting anyone or anything come between me and my Grant ever again. I'm not I getting too sentimental for you, am I?"

Will stretched an arm out, around Nick. He had long arms. He grasped Nick's face, almost tender. And Nick knew that Will may have been fucked up, but he was also completely honest. Especially now.

"It's better for Grant, too. You get that now, right? You know that he belongs to this." Will grabbed his dick and wiggled the thick piece of meat in the air.

The lukewarm water sprayed down over both of them, and Nick began to feel nauseous again. He didn't understand where this was going. He didn't understand why, even in his confusion, when Will handled his dick, he wanted to suck it again.

Part of him did. The other part wanted to run and leave this fucked up situation and forget about all of it. Go back to being Nick, superstar music guy, total top, alpha dog.

"You know now, Nick. You know that Grant needs the kind of fucking only I can give him. It's not just about me. I'm not a fucking monster. Grant needs it as bad as I do. This," he said, grabbing his dick again.

Will stood up again, so that his dick was aimed right at Nick's eyes. He grabbed his heavy dick, and shook it in Nick's face.

"This gives him more than you ever could. But you might still confuse him, which is what we need to talk about. And straight out."

"You see, tough guy, last night, you tried to take something from me. And I've got to make sure that you never do that again. Right? But this is how it's gonna be." Will's eyes pierced into Nick's depths. Nick felt a cold shiver run down his spine.

Will knew that he'd gotten through, on some level, to Nick, so he went on, "I know Grant well enough to see that he's still in love with you, so I'm not going to stop you from seeing each other. In fact, you and Grant are going get to see each other all the time. That's the beauty of my little plan."

Nick snapped back to reality after Will looked away. Nick only felt on overriding desire- Get Out Now. So, he got up, and grabbed the shower door handle to leave this downward spiral.

"There is no way in the fucking world that you're going to control my life like you control Grant's." Nick hissed through gritted teeth as he moved to leave the shower.

He was stopped dead in his tracks by Will, who grabbed him with surprising speed and shoved him back up against the wall. Nick slipped, falling on his ass.

"Goddamn it, you fucking psycho ^Ö"

"See?" Will said. "There's 'Nick the top.' I knew we'd find him. A little backbone left in you, somewhere. But you're still quiet. And I know why. You think you can steal out of here with your pride intact, what's left of it. But that's not how I'm going to keep Grant. To keep Grant, I think I'm going to have to break you. I'm going to have to school you on why Grant belongs to me. Get up."

Nick rose, unsteadily, afraid of being shoved again, but not wanting to stay either. He stared at the shower door, wondering if he could push past Will. Will just smiled, knowingly.

"You know what's coming. Nick, I'm going to break you. With this," he said, grabbing his dick, yet again. To Nick, it looked menacingly large.

"I'm going to do it for as long as it takes, until you know who's boss. And if you ever try to take Grant from me again, I will whoop your ass so hard that last night will look like puppy play. And I'll fuck you so hard, you won't walk right for weeks." Will just let the threat hang in the humid, steamy air.

"So now that we're clear on that, it's time for you to start getting used to your new life. I'm going to fuck you, Nick. I'm going to break you down, until you're begging for it, and I'm gonna have to do it," Will paused for dramatic effect, "while Grant watches."

Even in the shower, Nick could feel himself break into a sweat. It was now or never.

"Hell no," Nick said. "Fuck you, you asshole!" he shouted, not caring anymore. "I'm not giving it up for some white trash cashier at Quik-E-Mart."

The smile disappeared from Will's face. Nick took his chance - he shoulder checked Will and went for the door. What happened next, Nick couldn't really figure out ^Ö one second, Will looked like he was going down, and the next, Nick was pressed up against the glass, with Will behind him. How the hell could a guy that big be so agile, and so fucking fast?

Before Nick could even get his bearings, he could feel Will's cock, which was hard as stone and hot as lava, pressing up against his asshole.

"Get the fuck off of me!" Nick shrieked.

"That wasn't nice, what you just did, Nick," Will whispered into Nick's ear.

"Honestly, I could've hurt myself if I'd fallen." The Southern charm gave way to cold steel as Will went on.

"Oh if you ever talk to me again like you did just now, Nick, I'll put you in a hospital. You get me?" Will whisper. And then Will rammed his cock in.

Nick screamed. He had been penetrated on several levels, his ass was hurting, but his pride might never recover. His mind raced, 'It's not supposed to be like this. I'm a top. I'm was supposed to be fucking, not get fucked. I'm a top...

Will began to fuck him. Soft at first, and then after three strokes, hard, and slow. With one hand, Will grabbed his hair, and pressed Nick's face and chest up against the shower wall. With the other, Will reached around, and grabbed Nick's dick. And Nick was hard again. What the hell? As if reading his mind, Will chuckled.

"When did this happen, Nick? You went all soft when I knocked you down. Oh that's right, I remember," Will smiled. "You got hard again when I shoved my cock up your ass. Remember?" And then Will really began to pound him.

"Welcome to your new life, Nick. Now, all we do is wait."

Nick moaned, with pain, with pleasure. His dick was totally hard, he couldn't deny that. He could barely make words. Will said they were waiting. "For what?" Nick moaned, pathetically. He could feel Will's massive balls smacking against him, as Will power fucked him. Hell, the sound was loud enough to hear in the other room.

"You'll see. We've made a lot of noise. Someone should be up soon. But before he comes, I want to make sure we're clear," Will grabbed Nick's hair harder, as once again Will's cock slammed into him, all the way, deeper than Nick knew he could be fucked. "I can hurt you, bitch. And I fucking will if I have to."

Will fucked him quietly for just a few moments. The only sounds were Nick's grunting and Will's steady, strong breathing, and then a few quiet words, perversely, of encouragement. "Good boy. Good boy. You're learning." Will settled into a steady rhythm, a little slower. Waiting for something, saving his strength.

"Ah. Grant. We were just talking about you." Oh, Fuck. No. Nick didn't want Grant to see him like this, not like this. Shame washed over him, hotter than the water from the shower.

"Hey," Grant said, in a quiet voice, in awe. In awe of Will, Nick knew immediately. Nick was silent. He'd never felt so beaten. Last night had been bad enough. But today, Will had settled things, tied up all the loose ends.

And Will knew it. "Come on in, Grant. Nick and I have worked everything out. Haven't we Nick?" Nick couldn't manage more than a moan. His hard dick said it all anyway, smacking against the glass as Will plowed into him from behind.

Will opened the shower door, and Grant slipped in, quiet, with a hard on. Will looked at him, and Grant knew what he wanted.

Nick was crestfallen. How did Will do that? All it took was a look, and Grant knew. As Will and Grant kissed, Will didn't let up the pace one bit on Nick's ass. Nick looked back at them. He saw the look in Grant's eyes ^Ö as Grant melted, looking up at Will.

Will put one long, thick arm around Grant as they kissed ^Ö the other hand still firmly grasping Nick's hair. Out of the corner of his eye Will saw Nick watching them. He tightened his grip on Nick's hair and pushed Nick's face into the glass.

"Do you mind, Nick? Grant would like a little moment with his man."

But Nick had already seen it. The way Grant melted, looking up at Will. And the way Will looked down at Grant, smirking. There was something there. Something fucked up. But something primal.

Nick could hear them making out. Then he heard some light slapping sounds, and he didn't need to wonder who was slapping who. He heard some whispering, from Will's deep voice, and Grant laughed. A private joke. Then Will whispered some more.

Nick grimaced, in pain and humiliation. Will was having a private conversation with Grant, right behind him, while plowing Nick's ass without a drop of mercy.

"Nick was going to leave, Grant, but I've convinced him to stay." Will fucked him harder. Nick's face burned. His stomach hurt. But his dick was achingly, painfully hard.

Will released Nick's hair. "You are going to stay, aren't ya, Nick?" Nick just grunted, feeling like he was going to be sick.

"Watch this, Grant," Will said, and Nick could practically hear Will smirk. Suddenly, something was terribly wrong.

Will had stop fucking him. He kept his dick in Nick's ass, just barely. Nick whimpered, in protest, and without even thinking began to back up, but Will caught him and held him hard.

"What's that?" Will asked as he dramatically cupped a hand to his ear.

"No," Nick whimpered. God, he sounded pathetic.

"No what?"

"Don't stop..."

"Don't stop what?"

"...fucking me."

"Ask me nicely."

"Don't stop fucking me."

Will gave one firm thrust, enough to make Nick moan again. "Say please," Will said.


"Say it all. Say my name."

"Please, Will, don't stop fucking me."

"You got it, Nick. But, you never did answer. You're going to stay, aren't ya?"

Nick wasn't even thinking. He felt himself nodding, and moaning yes. And then he moaned more, "Yes please," which made Will laugh.

Nick realized he was waiting for Will to start fucking him again, that it was the only thing that he cared about right now. But Will just kept his cock there, not pushing it in. Why?

Nick looked back again, to see Will making out with Grant. And like before, Will grabbed Nick's hair and pushed his face the other way. Nick was about to protest, but then Will started his fucking again. Hard. Nick rested against the glass and just took it. He sighed, reached down to his own cock, and began to jack his meat furiously .

This couldn't be happening. He was Nick. He was a top.


Next: Chapter 9

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