Will and Me

By Robert Foust

Published on Dec 21, 2005


Howdy guys. I can tell y'all that I never thought that I'd be on part 7 of this story. Special thanks goes out to Jake who kept me on track and on target: Thanx Jake! I really enjoy the feedback-- sorry if I'm not always able to reply back. Happy Holidays to you and yours. Rob.

I woke to a loud commotion. "What the fuck...," I said in a daze. I looked up as I got my senses. I could see, in my groggy state, two figures making their way towards the bedroom door.

My roommate, Todd, was hurriedly throwing clothes at his latest conquest. "Get outta here before he totally wakes up- I'll call- I swear." Todd was saying as I looked over towards the dorm room door, which closed before I could look to see who was being pushed out this morning.

"Dude, if you're going to constantly be bringing hoes in here, please keep it quite. Shit, I haven't gotten a full nights sleep in, like, awhile." I hoped my nagging would be some sort of motivation to Todd, though it hadn't worked, yet. I rolled-over, indifferently and said, "I wonder what your girlfriend would think about you bedding all these chicks behind her back?" Even though I was not looking in his direction, I could feel the seething rage coming from his direction.

Todd was my roommate, assigned to me by the powers that be at the University of Tennessee.

Todd was a rich boy from Memphis, which is to say that he was a total asshole. We were from the same state, in actuality we grew up only about 250 miles apart, but the chasm between us might as well have been international. And this is to say nothing about our differing tastes in whom we fucked or got fucked by, as the case may be. Todd was actually from Germantown, which is a rich suburb of Memphis. Now, I was from a fairly wealthy and prosperous family, but Todd treated me as if I was an absolutely clueless kid from the sticks. And this totally incensed me.

The thing that was even more maddening to me, however, was the utter insouciance that Todd showed towards me. Before I left home for college, I had several fantasies about how dorm life would be. Several involved having a damn-hot college frat boy plugging me with his large cock. In reality, things didn't quite work out that way, for me at least. Todd, who actually very quickly became a real frat boy, was not unattractive, in fact he was very Abercrombie- maybe six feet with chiseled features, shaggy brown hair, and killer hazel eyes- but his attitude and the way that he carried himself were utter turn-offs to me. Plus, he was very, very homophobic. I soon figured out that there would be nothing for me in the dorm.

Eventually, Todd and I came to an understanding: I ignored him and he was indifferent towards me. The semester began to pass more quickly as we all settled into our new lives. I felt particularly liberated because I was finally out of Will's all-consuming control, but I also began to get lonely. Much to my surprise I would occasionally get the self-destructive urge to call Will, or, even more frightening, to go back to him.

The one bond that did develop between Todd and I was due to a scheduling quirk. We both had tested out of the introductory western civ history class that every other freshman at UT had to take, and were therefore placed in an upper level history class. And it was a bitch of a class: early British History. As our first semester on campus progressed we spent more and more time studying together, out of total desperation just to keep up with Dr. Pinckney's assigned workload.

On the nights that we studied together, Todd mandated that his quote unquote girlfriend stay in our dorm room. I suppose that he was afraid that I would jump his bones, or lunge at his dick, or whatever. But, the more time that I spent around his long-time (and as I would find out, long-suffering) girlfriend, the more I loved her. And the more that she loved me. Now, come on, this was totally platonic, but we totally connected.

Elena Witterson and I quickly became fast friends, much to Todd's chagrin. Laney, as she was know by all, and I were soon meeting constantly, just to gossip, hang, or go clubbing. It was clear to both of us that we were kindred spirits. I had never laughed as much, or felt so self assured, as when I was around Laney. Soon we were sharing our deepest, darkest secrets. Much to my surprise, I was able, for the first time in my life, to tell someone else what Will had done to me. And how I was, finally, able to break away from him. We swapped every detailed about everything, including our sex lives.

Mine trumped hers, no contest. Laney was clearly stunned by the tale of Will and me. The highlight of her high school experience had been losing her virginity, to Todd, of course, at the prom. I assured her that losing one's virginity at prom was, like, totally played out. Soon, Laney and I were spending more time together than Todd and she were. Also to his chagrin.

It was through Laney's friends that I met the man who helped me heal my aching wounds, left gaping by Will. A large group of sorority girls --of course Laney was in a sorority, she was a rich white bitch from Memphis!-- and I met on the Friday before Halloween to club hop. No Halloween party in Knoxville is ever complete without a trip to the Lord Lindsey, which is an old gothic style, Southern Plantation home smack in the middle of downtown. Naturally, the Lord Lindsey is owned by a couple of fabulous old queens who turned it into one hell of a club.

As the girls and I boldly walked into the Lord Lindsey, I held my breath. I'd been out and about on the club scene in Knoxville, and to a kid from a small town, it was very energizing. I was free to be whomever I wanted, and I loved it. Unfortunately, I apparently wanted to be the slut. So, much of my first few months at college were spent bed hopping. Thanks to Laney's calming influence, I had toned down my runaway sluttiness (just a tad). Nonetheless, I was on the hunt for some cock that night.

We made our entrance onto the dance floor and proceeded to take the place over. It was spectacular, a bunch of freshmen turning the floor out. During a breather, Laney came up to me and whispered to me that her spidey sense was telling her that a guy in a skeleton costume was, as she said, "bird-doggin" me. I turned to check, and, damn, if a total hottie in a sad, Wal-mart skeleton costume wasn't totally bird-doggin me.

Mary Beth, one of Laney's 'sisters,' butted in with her thick southern drawl, "Y'all, I think he's on the fucking football team! That's gotta be Derek Daniels. No one else in all of East Tennessee has a body like that" Laney laughed and, again, whisper into my ear, "You know that they call him Big D, don't cha?" And my mouth started to water.

I, like most of the rest of the student body at every SEC school, knew all the particulars about our star student-athletes, most especially those on the football team. Derek was indeed on the UT football team- the senior all conference linebacker, no less- and, man, what a total jock. He was about six two, blond, green eyes, and totally filled out, no doubt due to hours spent in the training room.

I looked at Laney and exclaimed, "What do I do?" I must have looked utterly pathetic because Laney, Mary Beth, and several other 'sisters' burst into a fit of laughter. "You just need to you out there and shake your booty. I think that'll do it," Laney said, still laughing. And so I did, praying to God that Derek would take the bait. I just let the music take me and waited.

One song led into another and I began to think that Laney and her bitches had been putting me on, then I felt someone move behind me. I could tell that whomever it was, he was sizeable. And he was totally grinding into me. I looked over my shoulder and a dude in a skeleton mask was staring back at me.

"Oh, shit," I said under my breath, but I just let go. And let him take the lead. We danced for what seemed like a very long time, when he finally spoke to me through the glow-in-the-dark skeleton mask.

"You're a good dancer," he said in a gruff voice.

"Uhm, thanks?" I replied in a shaky voice. Jesus, I thought, I have no idea what's going on here.

"Hey, let's go to the back bar," he said as he turned and left the dance floor. The back bar was, naturally, in the private area of the Lord Lindsey where all the nasty shit went down- I was excited. We passed the bouncer who shot me a knowing smile. And I became even more excited.

As soon as we made it into the back bar, Derek tore off his cheesy mask, pushed me up against the wall, and shoved his tongue into my mouth. And I relaxed into his embrace. It was so nice- and so foreign- for me to be able to let go in an intimate situation.

"You got a place we can go for some privacy?" Derek asked, breaking our kiss. "Yeah, uh, sure- my dorm room?" I replied. "Dude, there's no way in hell that's going to work," Derek laughed. After I thought it over, I suppose he was right. There is no place on earth where gossip travels faster than in an all boys dorm.

"We'll just have to go back to my place, then" Derek said. His voice was deep and he had a wet-your-pants southern accent. "My roommate's out for the week-end since the team's off for the bye week," Derek said, rather self-consciously. So we were going to have to keep this very hush-hush, I thought, rolling my eyes to myself.

"So, do you need to tell anybody that we're leaving?" Derek asked. God, he's even a gentleman, I thought. "Naw, those bitches'll be just fine," I said. I would help him keep this as downlow as possible.

Derek drove me back to his apartment in South Knoxville. We were both silent. I would guess that neither of us spoke for very different reasons.

As soon as he opened his door, he slung me against the wall and devoured me with his mouth. He was a very wet kisser, but also very passionate. Passion was something very new to me. And I found that I really liked it.

"You wanna suck my dick, uhm, now?" Derek panted as he withdrew his very long tongue from my mouth. It was a question that utterly confused me. I was accustomed to Will or his friends ordering me to service them. Sucking dick or getting fucked had never been a question, it had always been a command.

I looked into his face with a questioning look. "Yes?" I stammered back in reply. My face flushed in embarrassment. As absurd as it sounds, I had never admitted to myself or anyone else, willingly that is, that I wanted to suck dick. I had either just been forced into the situation by Will or I'd been in a fling with some nameless dude where the less that was said, the better.

Derek had asked me a question that had flummoxed me, but his actions were not those of someone who was questioning. His hands pushed my shoulders down, inevitably down. And I loved it. I looked up at his beautiful face and he looked down at me and said, "You ready to give me some good head? Yeah? You want to suck my dick, don't you? Tell me."

I was still totally flustered by Derek's playfulness. All of the one-night stands I'd had in the previously two months had been furtive, fumbling, and quick. In those situations, I hadn't had to deal with this give-and-take. And to be sure, Will and me had never, ever had anything other than me taking, taking, taking.

So I looked up at him and jumped into the situation, just saying what felt natural and doing what felt right. I said, "Oh, god, do I want to suck your dick. Show it to me, big boy. Show me your fat dick." As I licked the large outline of his cock through his costume.

"Yeah, I knew that you were ripe from the moment that I saw you shaking your ass," Derek rasped as I tongued his cock. He pushed my head back with his large hands, dropped his pants and drawers, and revealed his large package.

Derek was nicely hung. His dick, which was, much to my surprise, uncut, was about eight inches long. And thick. Very thick.

"I want your mouth," Derek said as he guided his very fat cock into my waiting mouth. I used every technique that I'd learned under Will's tutelage. And Derek seemed to be very appreciative.

"God damn, but can't you suck a dick. You want a face fuck? Yeah, suck me. God," he said as I showed him my lack of a gag reflex.

As I came up for air, Derek said, "So, dude, I don't even know your name. Tell me something about yourself. I'm really not some sleazy pick-up guy."

"My name's Grant," I said, wiping my spit and his pre-cum from the corner of my mouth.

"So Grant, how'd somebody you're age learn to suck dick like that?" Derek asked. I looked up into his eyes and he brushed the hair out of my face, tenderly. "Well," I stammered, "that's a very long story."

"You'll have to tell me. Some other time," Derek said as he pulled off his cheap-ass skeleton shirt and revealed a totally cut upper body. I gasped, loudly.

"You like?" Derek asked as he did mock body-builder poses. His bulging muscles were making me hotter than hell, so I thanked him by engulfing his cock.

"Jesus. Take me all." Derek exclaimed as his wide hands enveloped my head, forcing my nose into his pubes. My mouth and throat were full.

And I felt content like I had not in a very long time.

Derek fucked my face hard, several times coming precariously close to shooting his wad. I braced myself by holding onto his powerfully built legs. Eventually he pulled me to my feet and ordered me out of my clothes. I fastidiously obliged.

"You're ok with going to the next level, right?" Derek looked petrified that I would say no. I simply nodded my head in acquiescence, he obviously had no idea that I would comply with any request, demand, or act he asked of me. He picked me up and carried me into his bedroom.

He was so sweet and so gentle as he mounted me. All the while, his dreamy (yes, dreamy) eyes forcing me to open myself to him more, more, more.

"Fuck me, Derek. Fuck," I panted as he filled my ass. He moved down to kiss me and we locked in the most intimate embrace that I had ever know. Then Derek turned me out. He fucked my like a mad man, molding me this way and that to assure his pleasure. He fucked me all night and we came more times than I can remember.

Derek made me feel wanted and safe. And it was totally hot. But there was a small voice that kept asking if it was as hot as it was with Will. "Yes," I told myself, "Yes, it totally was. Yes. Of course it was. Yes. Yes, it was."

Next: Chapter 8

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