Will and Me

By Robert Foust

Published on Nov 4, 2005


Hey guys. Wow, thanks for all the great feed back. Glad I was able to get my shit together so parts five and six weren't "8 months, 9 days, 3 hours, 47 minutes, and 5 seconds" apart. I hope you enjoy this installment. As always, I hope to hear from you- good and bad. Rob.

"Hello, Grant... your door was open. Where are you?" It was Nick and he rounded into my bedroom just in time to see me sucking cum off Will's long, thick fingers.

I looked up, totally mortified to be found in such a compromising position. I jerked up and uttered, "Nick, what the fuck? You can't call before you barge into my house. God Almighty- Fuck...." as Will's cum began to drip down my face.

I knew immediately that my anger was not because Nick had popped-up unexpectedly in my home, but that he had caught me in action with Will. I plowed ahead with my righteous indignation, even as Will's cum grew icy cold on my face and chest. "Get the fuck out," I shrieked.

"Don't you yell at me, you fucking slut- My God, are you just giving it up to him on demand? How utterly pathetic!" Nick's words cut me to the quick. I drew in a sharp breath and cut a glance at Will. And he looked at me with a bemused smile. "What an asshole," I thought, "he's absolutely loving every minute of this shit." And that made me even more irate.

"Get outta my house-now," I yelled at Nick. "Whether I'm 'giving it up on demand' now or not has nothing, n-o-t-h-i-n-g, to do with you..." I felt myself begin to shake as I made this scene. I knew that I was throwing away any chance at a lasting relationship with Nick, but I hurled myself forward with reckless abandon, nonetheless. "All you've ever cared about is getting your dick up my ass- and you've done it, now leave me the fuck alone. Move onto your next piece of ass, you shit."

Will laughed as I spat my baseless insult at Nick, who looked back at me with wounded eyes. Those hurting, wounded lover's eyes- is there anything more crushing, or more maddening?

"Who are you? Have I even known this person yelling at me. Jesus..." Nick was ashen and confused. All of my being wanted to run to him and whisper in his ear, "No, baby, no: it's him- he's done this to me. He always has. He makes me into a different person." But I stood fixed, Will looking on.

Nick turned to go, but then he looked back over me and spoke to Will.

"You must be some fuck. In the span of a few days you've totally changed him. I don't even know him anymore," Nick spoke with a cold rage. "If this is how its gonna be, with him acting like this, then I hope that y'all are happy together in this fucked-up situation."

Will chuckled in response and said, "Oh, I'll keep the little bitch busy with my dick, which means that I'll be happy. If I'm happy, then he's happy." Will paused for a couple of beats, then nonchalantly dropped the bomb, "I guess you just weren't enough of a man to keep his ass and mouth satisfied."

Their one-on-one conversation irked me- uhm, hello: you needn't speak of me as if I'm not in the same room with you... with drying cum on my face and chest... well, I decided, maybe I shouldn't say anything, at least not just now. As I looked up to Nick with these ideal, self-possessed thoughts passing through my mind, I saw the cold rage in his eyes turn into a raging fire. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone as infuriated as Nick looked just then.

Nick looked at me with burning eyes and said, "Come with me, right now. I can't let you stay with this controlling fuck." His tone and demeanor commanded my attention, but, before I could even move a muscle, Will reacted.

Will, still naked and half-hard, got up from the bed, looked Nick dead in the eye, and said, "Who the fuck do you think you are? You think that you're going to come in here and tell my cum bucket to leave with you?" The tension in the room quickly became achingly painful. Will went on, "If you're taking him out of here, you've gotta go through me big man." Will laughed and said out loud, apparently to himself, "This bitch thinks he's gonna big boy me?"

Nick, responding to Will's threat by moving closer and bowing himself up. They moved closed to one anther and, hot damn, those bulls made such a site. Nick standing six three, his muscles visible thorough his tee-shirt and jeans. Will was slightly taller at six five and not as muscled, but equally as thick. It was obvious that a brawl was imminent and all I could think was: These two hot tops are going to battle it out! For little ole me! It's every girl's dream!

Nick's upper cut to Will's face broke me out of my romanticized fantasy of chivalric suitors vying for the 'damsel in distress.' Will fought back with a left hook to the side of Nick's face. They traded blows back and forth. Bloody noses, cut eye brows, and red whelps appeared on both their faces, all in a blur of fisticuffs.

"Stop. Stop it. Please God, stop fighting," I yelled as I ran headlong into the melee, trying to separate these two bulls. In the ruckus, I felt Nick's hard-on as I tried to grab his waist and I could plainly see that Will was fully hard, as well. Will and Nick, at various points, tossed me out of their way as they continued to pummel each other. I watched in horror as they beat the hell out of one another and it soon dawned on me that this was not about me any longer: they wanted to fight it out, to prove, through battle, who the top was. And I already knew that it wasn't me. So I moved out of the way and let the tops fight.

They moved from a punch-out to a wrestling match and, I must confess that, even though I'm an avowed pacifist, it was totally hot. The testosterone oozed from the room. Nick was in great shape, so I was surprised at how quickly he seemed to be losing his energy, but Will was obviously getting the better of him in this fight. And I knew what was coming and, judging from the worried look on his face, so did Nick. All at once, Nick's body went limp and he gave into Will.

Will leaned down and whispered into Nick's ear. I was too far away to hear exactly what was said, but I got the gist of it from Nick's body language: he had been topped.

Will looked like a stallion in heat, his chest heaving, his face and body red from the fight. And he looked like he wanted to fuck. I watched in a lured stupor as Will ripped Nick's jeans off his ass, posed Nick's ass for optimum entry, and thrust his fat nine inch dick up Nick's gut. Will mounted Nick and fucked him like a champ. Will fucked him hard. Nick's face was hidden from my view and I was glad for that, but Will looked like a god as he pumped his big dick into Nick.

I was rock hard as I watched from across the room. I began to jack off, but Will saw me and ordered me to come to him. And I did. I sat on my haunches next to Will as he fucked. He looked down at me and stuck his thumb into my gaping mouth. "Your mouth is mine. Your ass is mine. His mouth is mine. His ass is mine," Will panted as he continued his power fuck. I tongued his thumb.

"Lick my ass and my balls, while I fuck your boyfriend," Will ordered. As I moved under Will's powerful legs, I could hear Nick's moans. Were they moans of pain? Pleasure? Both? I was beyond caring as I thrust my tongue into Will's ass.

The next few hours were a blur of oral, anal, begging, moaning, cumming, and domination of both Nick and I by Will. And his cock. I have never experienced such sex. We all had the fever. Will fucked us both, hard. Some times alternating between us, sometimes focusing the full force of his power on Nick or I. At various points, with Will's approval, Nick and I would move our attention away from Will and to each other. The ultimate climax of our sexcapade began when Nick flipped me on my back, plowed into me, and I was giving the ability to watch Nick's face as Will plowed into his ass. The pleasure/pain mix was intoxicating for us all. Will fucked Nick; Nick fucked me. I came in a jarring orgasm that precipitated Nick's climax. And finally Will came with a guttural howl that sounded as if it was coming from a caveman.

We all collapsed onto my King size and I was promptly in a deep sleep. I woke with a start because of raised voices coming from by bathroom. Oh shit, I thought, they're fighting- again.

I tiptoed over to the door and peaked in. They we at it again, but they were definitely not fighting. Will had Nick's face and body mashed up against the glass shower partition and was fucking the hell out of him. My former boyfriend, a lifelong top, was getting fucked by Will- again! I watched through the cracked door and jacked myself off. Man, I thought, this is going to get, like, really complicated, but my attention was soon totally and utterly focused on the hot fucking going on in my shower. And I came hard, again.

Next: Chapter 7

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