Will and Me

By Robert Foust

Published on Oct 24, 2005


Sorry for the long lag-time in between posts. Thanks for everyone's feedback, both good and bad. I hope you enjoy this installment.

Will woke me with a rough slap on the noggin. Not a very pleasant way to begin the day, to be sure.

"My dick is hard, man. Gimme some relief," Will rasped into my ear. My morning seemed brighter by the minute. As I moved under the bed sheets, I was greeted with Will's fat cock. And I eagerly engulfed Will's morning wood. I could still taste myself on his cock from the royal fucking that Will had given me just hours ago. And it tasted good. Will, expert cocksman, began a forceful plowing of my mouth and throat. And I came just from his face fucking. His fat cock feed me a very enjoyable breakfast.

All to soon, I was on my way into work, leaving Will snoring loudly in my bed.

Just before lunch, Nick called to tell me that he was back in Nashville, several days earlier than planned. I could tell that he knew something was different about me, just by the sound of his voice. We made plans to meet for an early dinner that evening. And I began to dread seeing him almost immediately.

Laney and I had a very important presentation to give that afternoon, so the day passed quickly with a mix of nervous energy before and the rush of a successful completion after.

Just as I was walking to my car after work, Will called.

"Hey bitch, get you warm mouth back here quick. My ass needs a good lick-down."

"Uhm Will, I can't make it home right now. There are still some loose ends that I have to tie-up here at work. I don't think that I'll be free til pretty late," I lied. And, much to my surprise, he totally bought it.

"Ok, then. I suppose that I should get on to work anyways. But, make sure that your sorry-ass picks me up at eleven tonight," Will ordered, then hung up.

As I walked into the swank restaurant in Green Hills, I immediately saw Nick seated at a table near the rear. He eagerly rose as I approached.

"Man, you look like shit. What the hell's going on with you?" Nick queried. His green eyes made me feel guilty as hell and I knew that I could not conceal Will from him any longer. So I told him the whole, sorted and sad tale. I felt as if I was having an out of body experience as I recounted how Will had dominated me during my high school years, how I had slowly and painfully rehabilitated myself in college, and how Will had suddenly forced himself back into my life.

After I finished, I could not bring myself to look Nick in the eyes, but I felt his hand enclose mine from across the table. And I looked up with tears in my eyes.

"Grant, I just want to know that you are ok. None of the rest of that shit matters to me. That asshole can't control you, unless you let him." Nick's voice was the epitome of compassion and reassurance. But I knew immediately that he had absolutely no idea of what he spoke. And that left me crestfallen.

I looked at Nick with tears running down my face and I emptied my soul to the man I loved. I told him how Will controlled me in high school, and how he controlled me still. Little by little, I began to notice that Nick comprehended more and more of the absolute domination that Will had over me. He began to look more and more unnerved by what he heard me recount.

"So this is what has come over you in the past few weeks. I was beginning to think that you were just pulling away from me. That maybe you weren't that into me anymore," Nick said with such heartfelt emotion that I nearly broke down, again.

"Nick, I really like you; I may even love you. But Will has a certain dominion over me that I can't express, either. I love you, but Will controls me, and I can't control that," I said, immediately realizing that I surely sounded utterly ludicrous.

I felt myself flush, after noticing that the couple at a near-by table was eavesdropping on us. "Shit," I whispered, "those assholes behind you have been listening to our whole conversation." I could barely stand the thought of Nick knowing my deepest, darkest secrets, but having total strangers know was too much. I rushed towards the men's room.

As I splashed water on my face I thought, "Has my life become such a fucking cliché that I'm splashing water on my face in public restrooms?" I smirked at my dripping reflection.

"Glad to know that you can still make yourself smirk in that totally know-it-all, totally cute way," Nick said from behind me. "You don't think that I can possible know what you're going through, but, as usual, you're not giving me enough credit."

I turned around to find Nick much closer than I thought he would be. We were face to face, crotch to crotch. And he leaned into me, kissing me, opened mouthed. The total boldness that Nick displayed with his public display of affection gave me a perverse thrill. I also felt a large bulge growing in his gray slacks.

"Alright, big boy," I said, "lets get the hell outta here."

The stress of pouring my innermost, and most guarded, secrets to Nick left me totally drained. Nick paid the bill and guided me out to my car.

"So are you following me home, or what?" Nick looked at me with such loving compassion that I nearly leaped into his arms.

"I dunno, I kinda told Will that I would pick him up at the gas station where he works and, uhm..." I stammered, twisting my foot into the parking lot pavement like a guilty little boy confessing to his father. Even so, it was no small wonder that I had confessed this tid-bit to my lover. I was very self-impressed with all my progress-

"Wait. Are you telling me that this alpha dog works in a fucking gas station! On the fucking night shift?!" Nick responded, dumbfounded. I was totally unprepared for this retort, and it hit my solar plexus like a swift kick. Nick knew that I was a major snob and it struck me that I had not even thought about Will's total lack of career. I mean, shit, he's thirty and working the night shift in a gas station. I looked into Nick's face in utter bewilderment. My mind began to race, and suddenly I had one of those light-bulb moments that Oprah is always yammering about: man, Nick knows how to manipulate my feelings, and my emotional state, nearly as well as Will.

"Look, Nick, I gotta go. I'll call you later in the week, ok?" I croaked out. Even as he protested, I got into my car and speed off, my mind still skipping from one thing to the next: so Nick is a manipulator too-- but maybe he's just looking out for my best interests-- but what the fuck does he know about my best interests-- maybe its just me-- do I just attract domineering and manipulative men-- more likely, I'm attracted to them-- no, this can't all be my fault-- cannot fucking believe that Will's a fucking clerk at a Kwiki Mart-- should have picked the steamed veggies side instead of the sweet potato-- Nick looked totally hot in his gray suit-- but those damn Pic-and-Pay shoes of his are atrocious-- shit it's nearly 10-- LANEY!

I knew that I had to talk all this out with Laney, she was sure to have a silver bullet for all this nonsense. But the bitch would not answer my call. So I just drove around town until nearly eleven. And I picked Will up. And drove him back to my place.

We made idle chit-chat as we drove across town and ever time I looked over at him he made me a little harder. Fuck, he was beautiful in that manly way. He exuded that certain something that made him the alpha of any pack. And he always had. So why the hell was he a fucking clerk at a Kwiki Mart? On the fucking swing shift? My mind was swimming as we walked into my place. Will did not give me much time to contemplate his station in life- he was far to busy dictating my position: on the floor, at his feet, ready to give him a blow-job.

Will whipped his cock out of his pants and held it, threateningly, just out of the range of my mouth and tongue. I looked up pleadingly at Will and lunged at the large mushroom head, which he again moved away from my mouth.

"You know that I set the pace, not the other way around Granty," Will said as he began to rub his cock over my face. I reveled in his abuse of my face with his dick. "It never ceases to amaze that you get off on me dick slapping you," Will said as I looked lustfully up at him. It was like a flashback to the old days. Something in my brain clicked and I was absolutely back into my high school cock-sucker mode: I became a pliable orifice for Will's total sexual enjoyment. And I fucking loved it.

Will feed me his 9 inches of meat slowly, feeling my gullet with his right hand as I took him deeper into my mouth. I had forgotten that Will loved feel my throat as he face fucked me. I knew, therefore, that my mouth was fixing to get worked out.

Will power fucked my face, causing a stream of tears from my watering eyes and a gush of slobber from my aching mouth.

Will withdrew his man-rammer and declared, "I wanna do one of our old, patented positions, so get you're ass into the bedroom and lay flat on your back, head hanging over the side."

As I positioned myself, as directed, I thought bemusedly about how Will had first taught me, my head hanging over his bed, how to take his entire cock, using this same technique.

Will aligned his cock with my gaping mouth and thrust.

He leaned down and put his large hand around my neck to feel his dick stretch my throat. Will's large balls mashed into my eyes. In my anticipation to ready my position, I hadn't taken a very large breath and I was soon feeling the need to get a breath. Will dick was so fat, I couldn't get any air while my throat was impaled with him.

As the need for air quickly became urgent, I swung my hands up onto Will's abdomen and pushed. Will didn't move a muscle, if anything, he shoved his cock into my mouth even farther. Just as I began to get frantic, Will began to remove his cock from my mouth. I heaved in huge gulps of air, as he laughed and laughed.

"Dude, do you think I want to kill you? I can't even image what the coroner would put down as the cause of death 'Choked by big dick'?" This witticism only caused another round of laughter from Will. Still laughing, Will began to long dick my mouth and throat, slowly increasing the speed and intensity of his fucking.

I saw his ball sac tighten and I knew his climax was imminent, so I began to jack myself off. I came quickly, my moans of pleasure muffled by the fat dick down my throat. Too soon, Will orgasmed as well. The first spurt went directly into my throat, but he withdrew in time to pump several volleys onto my chest and face.

As Will cleaned the cum off my face and fed it to me, I realized that someone was coming down the hall.

"Hello, Grant... your door was open. Where are you?" It was Nick and he rounded into my bedroom just in time to see me sucking cum off Will's fingers.

Next: Chapter 6

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