Will and Me

By Robert Foust

Published on Feb 14, 2005


My day at work was not going very well. I had already arrived nearly an hour late, fucked up the brand new copy machine, and spilled coffee on my boss after colliding into him rounding a corner. So as I walked into my office and heard my cell ringing, I knew it just had to be bad news.

"Hello, Grant speaking..." I answered timidly.

"What up, bitch? It took me a while to track down your number, but I gotcha now." Will's voice made me weak in the knees. I sat down behind my desk and cradled my head in my free hand.

"Uhm, Will this is really not a good time for me. You'll have to call me back later because..."

"Shut the fuck up and listen." And I did, he went on, assuming my obedience, "Pick me up at the gas station tonight at 9. It is high time that we get back in the swing of things," Will said in a calm, but utterly terrifying voice. I knew that I would pick him up tonight. And he knew that I would, as well.

As he hung up, I heard him chuckling. I felt drained of any resistance to prevent Will from barging back into my life.

I looked-up and stared blankly at my computer for nearly an hour before Laney walked into my office.

"Hey fella, you want to grab lunch," Lane asked.

"Definitely. Please get me the hell out of here," I replied as I grabbed my coat, "I totally need to get my mind off certain persons who shall remain nameless."

Lane looked at me bewilderedly and said, "Honey, you are one crazy queeny." She had not called me that in years. We were still known, with infamy, to a whole generation of undergrads at college as Laney and Queeny. I laughed at the old nickname, as she went on, "I had forgotten what a messed-up trip you are to be around. Let's go. We can talk it out over lunch."

But as we finished lunch, we had yet to broach any of my daemons. So, as I flopped into her swank BMW, I exclaimed, more out of obligation to fill Laney in, than of any real need to bring all of it up, "The dreams have started again. I had one a couple of nights ago, for the first time in years. I haven't had a wink of sleep since."

"Grant, those flashbacks are dangerous. Remember what happened before?" Lane said, worriedly slumping back into her plush seat.

I did not need to be reminded about the last time the dreams, as I called them, or the flashbacks, as everyone else referred to them, seeped up from my subconscious. It ended badly. There was hospitalization and heavy medication.

"Yeah, I vaguely remember, through the fog of any number of psychotropic drugs," I retorted, weakly attempting to inject some humor into our very depressing conversation.

"I just hate that Will is back in my life at this point, when everything else is looking so promising. Nick is so great. He doesn't deserve me bringing all this shit into his life. He shouldn't have to put up with all my baggage."

After it came out, I felt relieved. I looked at Lane and managed to smile at her sweet face. "Don't worry about me too much Laney," I said in a light-hearted tone, "it'll turn those fine lines around your eyes into sure-enough wrinkles. And if I felt like I was the cause of wrinkling-up Lane Gallagher's face, well I just couldn't live with that."

She broke into a broad smile, which buoyed my spirit all the more.

"So you got a hot date with Mr. Stud tonight?" Lane asked.

"Mr. Stud? Lane please forgo the pathetic cock-hyping, leave it to the professionals. And no, Mr. Big Dick is in LA, working-up the next big thing for his record company. Nick will be gone til next Tuesday," I replied with a warm feeling.

"So you want to go out-and-about with me and the girls?" Lane inquired.

I looked blankly out the passenger window as we pulled into our office parking lot. "Uhm, I think that I'll just stay in tonight. You know, do the nails, hot oil treatment for the hair, avocado mask. Same ol' shit." I just could not tell Lane about my real plans for tonight.

The rest afternoon and early evening sped by. Excitement began to grow as my appointed time to meet Will grew nigh. And I hated myself all the more for my sense of anticipation to freely and wantonly submit myself to him, again.

At 8:59, I pulled into the convenience store where Will worked as the swing shift cashier. Will was leaning against the door; he smirked as he saw me pull along side him.

"Good. I was afraid that you'd be late," Will said as he got into my car, "but I knew that you'd show-up." Will let me absorb his comment. He wanted me to know, without a doubt, that he still called all the shots.

"Take me to your place, but first lets us swing by the grocery store. You're going to cook me up some dinner, before I fuck the hell out of your hungry ass." Will looked good, better than I remembered from our encounter earlier in the week. His familiar musky smell began to fill my nose, and brought back a flood of memory as only the olfactory sense can.

"It's been a while since I've hit your ass, so this'll be like our first time, all over again." Will smiled broadly and chuckled as he inserted his thick index finger into my mouth. And I let him. God I hated him, possibly more at this moment than ever before. But I let him.

He even tasted good, the asshole. I looked into his vast blue eyes and was instantly hard. The lady in the car next to us gawked confusedly in our direction. And that made me even harder. A little voice in my head said, "You are the biggest freak, ever." But before I got too much of a lecture from my inner analyst, a horn jerked my attention back to the road. The light was green and I forced my attention back onto driving.

As we approached my house, Will began reminiscing about our sorted past. He recounted, with vivid and graphic detail, some of our most memorable encounters. I could tell, by the timbre in his voice, that his casual recollection of my repeated debasements was getting him primed. I glanced at his crotch and was greeted with a large, tenting cock.

I was still hard from Will forcing me to suck his finger, but his dredging of my memory got me all the hotter.

I let Will into my home, struggling with the two sacks of groceries, and he promptly headed to the refrigerator to grab himself a beer. As he settled himself onto my sofa, he said, "Go light your grill and get my steak on quick. I'm absolutely fucking starving."

And I cooked Will's supper. I placed his plate on my kitchen table and I knew what was going to happen next, even before Will opened his mouth.

So I crawled under the table, unzipped his jeans, and brought his unbelievably fat cock out from his boxers.

Before I engulfed his cock, Will began laughing and said, "Dude, I was going to ask if you wanted to eat some of this filet, but whatever. I think we both know that you would rather suck my cock than eat, anyways."

And, of course, he was right. Without further hesitation, I began to take his fat dick into my salivating mouth. As he was sitting in one of my straight-back kitchen chairs, I was not able to take his cock very deep, but I gave him a through blow-job, nevertheless.

"You're such a cock-slut, man. Jesus. I've never had anyone that was totally enthralled to my cock like you. Shit, from the first day you sucked my cock, you've been willing to take a swing on it anywhere, anytime. You remember that time you blew me in the back of the bus when we were on that field trip? I still swear that Mrs. Holt heard you slurping on my cock. Before that I knew that you were a cock-sucking fag, but, after you did that, I knew that you'd do anything I told you to."

Will moaned as I swirled the fat crown of his cock. He loved it; he always had.

"Alright, get your ass into the bedroom. I want some of your pussy, now." Will commanded and, as always, I obeyed.

"I hope that you cleaned yourself out. Get me some lube and grease me up good, you fucking bitch," Will said, trying to sound harsh, but I could tell that he was feeling just like I was: nostalgic.

It was a pleasure to lube Will up. His cock has a weight like I have never encountered before or since. It has a mass to it that only enhances its length and girth. I palmed his fat cock for several minutes before Will grew impatient and ordered, "Bend your ass over."

And I did. He inserted first one finger, then two, and began a long, slow loosening of my ass muscles. I just let myself melt into Will. And he took over.

When Will pushed his cock into my ass, I felt complete in a way that I had not for many years. The pain was a small price to pay. Will was fucking my ass again. And when Will fucks your ass, you know it and remember it. And it was just as I remembered. Rough, hot, incredible pressure, intense pleasure, aching pain, and total disregard.

Will molded me in position after position to increase his pleasure, which only enhanced my own. He reamed me out, stretching me, hurting me, fucking me like a total stud. I was lost in the haze of a brutal fuck from Will. I came several times as he relentlessly power-fucked my ass.

When Will flipped me over onto my stomach, he leaned onto my back and I felt his thick, powerful torso heaving on top of me. He whispered into my ear between panting for gulps of air, "I've got you back now, and this time you ain't getting away from me. Your ass is mine and you know it. To act otherwise is just to pretend and you've know that for a long time, too."

As Will told me what I had long known and long hidden from myself, I came yet again. Hard. Will came too, in blasts that oozed out of my loosened ass.

I hated it, him, but there was no doubting, it was a hot fuck. Will withdrew from my backside and said, "Clean me up." Just as he always had after he fucked me. And I did, reverentially.

My mind was cloudy like it had not been in years. Maybe Will was right. When he fucked me, it sure felt natural.

I felt as if I was running down a descending slope, which eventually plummeted into an endless abyss. My stomach began to churn. I sat on the edge of the bed and began to weep softly. Will, already fast asleep, rolled over, let out a fart, and began snoring loudly.

My inner analyst screamed, "This is not right. This is the way it is supposed to be."

My mind clouded again: but it sure feels right. A wave of exhaustion hit me and I decided to let go again, so I snuggled up to Will, who sleepily draped his hulking arms around me. My body became swaddled by Will's massive frame. As I drifted off to sleep, I only had one thought: It sure feels right.

Next: Chapter 5

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